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File: 17 KB, 512x480, SMBTitle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8838150 No.8838150 [Reply] [Original]

Do you say Super Mario Brothers or Super Mario Broze or Super Mario Bross?

>> No.8838167

I say sonic

>> No.8838171
File: 445 KB, 916x848, gi1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Merry-o Bros

>> No.8838181

When I'm talking casually amongst my friends I like to say
>SUPER MARIO BROS copyright nineteen eighty five Nintendo

>> No.8838183

NES Mario

>> No.8838195
File: 54 KB, 422x352, what the actual fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why isnt it Super Mario Brot?
shortening Brothers to Bros doesnt even make sense

>> No.8838210

I just call it mario
nes mario
snes mario
ps1 mario
genesis mario

>> No.8838214

I call it SMAB, saves time.

>> No.8838218

Because 'brother' get shortened to 'bro'. Then 's' is added to the end to signify a plurality.

>> No.8838656


>> No.8838661

el mario uno de family

>> No.8838709

Mario 1, because Mario Bros doesn't exist

>> No.8838829 [DELETED] 

Super Mario. Most people into retro games will probably figure out which game you're referring to. Except that one time someone assumed old/retro meant Smash. Probably an outlier because a few years later he also thought (the 10 year old) "PS3 has better graphics than PC because the TV is huge".

>> No.8838873

I say your a faggot

>> No.8838876

mario bros.

>> No.8839956

Mario for regular Nintendo

>> No.8839959

Mario 1
Regular Mario
the only acceptable names

>> No.8839963


>> No.8839968

ess em bee

>> No.8839986

Mario won

>> No.8839990

Soopa Mare yo

>> No.8840349

Like every fucking other person does. Some people say "Mario Brothers" or "Mario Broze" but almost no one adds "super" to the beginning except for the announcer in advertisements for tangentially related products such as "Kraft SMB mac and cheese" or "SMB; in theatres now!"

>> No.8840441

In Dutch we say Bross

>> No.8840452


>> No.8840454
File: 34 KB, 412x325, avin-a-gigle-m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior Martyo Bröts

>> No.8840459


Super Gayrio Bruhs

>> No.8840591

I say SMB, and when people say "what?" I roll my eyes and chuckle, and say "uh,,, Super MARIO Bros? Gosh, don't you know anything?"

>> No.8840674

No one cares what the Dutch do.

>> No.8840857

We always said Super Mario Brethren.

>> No.8840885

Why sky is violet?

>> No.8840890

I'm a dad now so I say it this way.
When I was a kid I said "Mario" or "Mario 3" like a normal human.

>> No.8841973
File: 15 KB, 320x240, brose.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8842074


>> No.8842335

I call it doki doki panic 1 just to piss people off

>> No.8843657
File: 113 KB, 600x587, BROSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call it Bros, just like the greatest band ever.

>> No.8843658

It is called Mario Twins.

>> No.8843721

I say "Plumber Chums"

>> No.8843749

my mother made me say brothers as a kid so i say bros out of spite

>> No.8843751

i say "play some mario" and i could be referring to almost any mario game.

>> No.8843962


>> No.8843970
File: 79 KB, 319x480, Josip_Broz_Tito_uniform_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always say super mario broz.

>> No.8843983

Marry oh wun

>> No.8844008

Always said Super Mario Brozz. Mario, not Mahrio.

>> No.8844103

shut the fuck up mutt

>> No.8844149


>> No.8844165

So the Wayans Bros' surname is Wayans. And the Wachowski brothers' (now "sisters") surname is Wachowski. And the Winklevoss twins' surname is Winklevoss. So the Mario Bros' surname is Mario? Mario Mario and Luigi Mario?

>> No.8844456

Bross, right from the start.

>> No.8844470

Mario 1 or just Mario.

>> No.8844486
File: 42 KB, 620x431, bros1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario Bros (pronounced Bross) with Matt and Luke Goss (who funnily enough followed up their music career by starring in a few films including some videogame films)

>> No.8844490

Oh, I was beat to it

>> No.8844492

That's what the film said, and it's canon so you're actually correct.

>> No.8844514

The spectacular Mario siblings

>> No.8844590

The italian brothers

>> No.8844607

Its short for Super Mario Br OS, or Brazilian Operating System for short. Obviously

>> No.8844628

Supah Mario Bruhs

>> No.8844645

Super Mario brehs

>> No.8845743

Miyamoto adopted it for laughs so yeah it's canon now


>> No.8846009

Ahia, I hate everything. Especially the Dutch.

>> No.8846159

I'm a macaco and everyone pronounces it like that here

>> No.8846239

Bros is such an uncommon abbreviation of "brothers" even in the 80s, anytime someone says "bros" you can be assured they did it intentionally and want it said that way, not in full.

>> No.8846378

Super Muz Bruz

>> No.8846425

Mama Mia Men

>> No.8846767

Brothers. I have a basic understanding of the English language. If you say 'Bros.' as anything but Brothers then I want you to know that you are something less than human.