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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8835531 No.8835531 [Reply] [Original]

What if Sonic Xtreme was released? What if the N64DD was released on time for a 1996 release date? What if Super Mario Bros never released? What if the Virtual Boy was a financial success? What if the PS1 was a flop? What if Star Fox for SNES got a GBA port back in the early-2000s? What if the game crash of 1983 never happened?

>> No.8835807

>What if Sonic Xtreme was released?
It would have sucked.

What if the N64DD was released on time for a 1996 release date?
It would have been on par with the Sega CD in terms of attach rate to the base console.

What if Super Mario Bros never released?
Western gaming would have been revived by the Commodore 64 instead of the NES.

What if the Virtual Boy was a financial success?
Literally impossible in its current state.

What if the PS1 was a flop?
Nintendo would have a monopoly on console gaming.

What if Star Fox for SNES got a GBA port back in the early-2000s?
It would have been inferior to the SNES version.

What if the game crash of 1983 never happened?
The Nintendo Famicom™ would have been released in the west that same year.

>> No.8835829

What if 2D was the focus for one more generation before everyone jumped to 3D

>> No.8835909

If so, we would be able to see more 2D platformerss with smoother animations, like Super Tempo.

>> No.8835957

would it really? I think there would be a second video game crash

>> No.8837034

>What if Sonic Xtreme was released?
Probably wouldn't have made much of a difference. If it was a huge success then Sega might have been tempted to keep the Saturn going for a bit longer without switching wholesale to the Dreamcast, and maybe not burned their 3rd parties in doing so. But most likely no long-term effect beyond being just one more bad 3D Sonic game that people remember now.
>What if the N64DD was released on time for a 1996 release date?
A lot more would have had to come together for it to matter. But it might have ushered in the start of online gaming a bit earlier, and may have further offset the GameCube.
>What if Super Mario Bros never released?
That's really hard to guess, I feel like something else in a similar vein - probably also Nintendo - would have filled the void.
>What if the Virtual Boy was a financial success?
This probably wouldn't have had such a big impact, Nintendo would have lost less money and more games would have been released for it, but the tech was a dead end so the GBA would probably have still taken the form that it did anyway.
>What if the PS1 was a flop?
This is super interesting to consider. It was already a last-ditch effort by Sony, they originally planned to can it when they lost the Nintendo partnership. Everyone from NEC to Panasonic had already tried to go directly up against Nintendo and it was always a disaster. Most curiously, if Nintendo stayed the course, with or without Sega being around, Microsoft would have had no reason to create a console, which was a direct retaliation against the PlayStation specifically. Microsoft would probably be like Valve now in the PC space, having stewarded PC gaming since the late 90s.
>What if Star Fox for SNES got a GBA port back in the early-2000s?
This would not have likely had significant consequences. Starfox was always niche.
>What if the game crash of 1983 never happened?
You may well have had a strong east-west split in gaming surviving until modern times.

>> No.8837050

>What if Sonic Xtreme was released?
Gets a lot of 6s from the gaming press, considered a weird black sheep after Adventure comes out and is forgotten for years, around 2013 Game Grumps plays it and from then on we get daily /vr/ threads about how actually it was more soulful than Adventure and le hidden gem of the Sonic series
>What if the N64DD was released on time for a 1996 release date?
The American market would have been a bit confused by it but it would have been a net positive for the N64 in the long run
>What if Super Mario Bros never released?
I don't know what this means because it would have been released, unless you went back and made Miyamoto uninterested in iterating upon side scrolling platformer design or had them make something completely different from Donkey Kong and go down that path instead
>What if the Virtual Boy was a financial success?
It isn't possible for this to happen
>What if the PS1 was a flop?
Basically, 'what if Sony didn't dump tons of cash into it', another thing that wouldn't have happened. Either the PS1 exists and was a success or never came out
>What if Star Fox for SNES got a GBA port back in the early-2000s?
I probably wouldn't have bought it and it would have run like shit
>What if the game crash of 1983 never happened?
How could it have not happened?

>> No.8837067

What if all the games who got fucked by being rushed to deadline were actually able to be finished? Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, Sonic Adventure 1, etc.

>> No.8837101

>What if the Virtual Boy was a financial success?
Optometry become a more lucrative profession because of all the eye bleeding cases. Nausea pills and treatments experience a golden age. Car crashes increase due to bloodshot eyes and headaches. Nintendo decides to make all future consoles red hellscapes. Sega competes with a blue and black model and an epic console war begins. Sega finally loses after several warlike battles between fans. The devoted fanboys love it. They start painting everything red and black in the real world because “I like the eye strain” and “It’s not that bad, I bet you’ve never even played it in real life”. Nintendo become a corporate world superpower, all other colors are outlawed. People dye their skin and hair red and black. The entire world looks like a Vitual Boy game. A religion based on Wario emerges, with people sacrificing their eyes to the greedy god. Humans die out from a combination of dysentary, constant puking and sight loss.

>> No.8837171

Fans would simply be more obnoxious about telling everyone how good the games are.
Anyone who didn't like what they got, still wouldn't have liked mostly the same but more of it.
None of these examples - whether they're good games or bad games - would be any better, just longer.
No doubt there are games out there that could in fact have been better, but these listed games would not have been improved, only refined.

>> No.8837183

>What if Sonic Xtreme was released?
Initially it'd sell well because of the Sonic name but then people would realize it's westo shiat.
>What if the N64DD was released on time for a 1996 release date?
Zelda 64 DD. Probably the same game but with loading times? idk
>What if Super Mario Bros never released?
platformers would be different
>What if the Virtual Boy was a financial success?
Virtual Boy Wario Land 2
>What if the PS1 was a flop?
Sega-Nintendo would still be kings
>What if Star Fox for SNES got a GBA port back in the early-2000s?
It would have sold well
>What if the game crash of 1983 never happened?
Coleco Vision would have lasted more

>> No.8837187

>What if Star Fox for SNES got a GBA port back in the early-2000s?
This has to be a proposition to come out with the most ridiculous consequence of the obviously insignificant event.

>> No.8837998
File: 14 KB, 317x310, Sakura-chan thought on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if beefy Wii use HD DVD media
>What if GameCube have full size DVD playback with extra RAM and online features
>What if N64 used latest FM synthesis available or wavetable synthesis chip, Zip based-cartridges and have built in CPS-III board yet kept low cost?
>What if early GBA model also have FM synthesis soundchip, backlight, third c button?
>What if SNES was based off X68000 computer?

>> No.8838028
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>What if the Virtual Boy was a financial success?
needs video output and link cable support
but realistically the 3D is too straining
even the hardcore audience cant play
not for more than 20-30 minutes
its like leaving a long 3D movie and going out into the mid-day sun

>> No.8838043

Conslized exist

>> No.8838056

they didn't at launch
also i would argue nuking the depth ruins the fun for most titles

i would have added blue and made it R/B like actual 3D glasses, av-port output and link cable for tennis out of the box
also add snes ports instead of the new controller

a lot of other shit went wrong though
unfamiliar controller (good but cannot use blind at first)
expensive af
objectively wrong pack-in title (should have included nothing instead)
and the absolute dumbest marketing the world has ever seen

>> No.8838061

I've tried Virtual boy and while it's MUCH better IRL than you would think, it's just bitch to play, having to sit perfectly still strains your back and neck way more than the eyes.
You can not lean back, you can not lean forward and we've tried gluing straps to it from the Vive and even then it's just a fucking loaded truck resting on your face, no matter the adjustments.
It's not that bad on the eyes, at least not as bad as people make it out to be, but it's exactly easy either.
Sprites look nice tho.

>> No.8838152

they should have marketed it as a toy
or neat novelty gadget like the game and watch

the library is surprisinly good considering the shelf-life

>> No.8838192

>What if the Virtual Boy was a financial success?
Gunpei Yokoi would still be with us today.

>> No.8838205

why the fuck would they ever mark "the first vr thing" as a toy, besides, what fool would buy a fucking "toy" for this much money?
they've already marketed it as portable handheld for no fucking reason

>> No.8838217

>i would have added blue and made it R/B like actual 3D glasses
Literally impossible. The reason it's red is because it uses tiny LEDs, and believe it or not, red, green, and blue LEDs varied wildly in cost at the time. Red was the cheapest and blue was the most expensive, in fact too expensive to put into any mass-produced item.

>> No.8838228

maybe white with a blue lens
anything to get more than one color

it makes shit like vertical force impossible at the later stages

>> No.8838230

no words more true ever spoken


>> No.8838274

I rented a VirtualBoy along with Wario, Mario Clash, and Mario Tennis. I liked it a lot, I didn't have a problem with the red-on-black. It's too bad that Nintendo almost immediately dropped the VB, because if some deeper games had been made for it, I would have probably gotten one in 1996.

>> No.8838276

>>What if beefy Wii use HD DVD media
not retro, but probably wouldn't have mattered that much since dual-layer DVDs were a thing and most games didn't use it. unless you were also thinking of beefing up all the specs and make it closer to the PS360, then the console would have been more expensive and probably wouldn't have sold that much.
>What if GameCube have full size DVD playback with extra RAM and online features
would have been a decent console but still destroyed by the PS2 which was released at least one year earlier, also had the DVD playback thing and could play PS1 games. they would have wasted money.
>What if N64 used latest FM synthesis available or wavetable synthesis chip, Zip based-cartridges and have built in CPS-III board yet kept low cost?
would have been slightly less shit, but again, PS1 would have destroyed it anyway. they would have wasted money.
>What if early GBA model also have FM synthesis soundchip, backlight, third c button?
ideally it should also have a fourth face button to completely match the SNES controller and make it the ultimate SNES port machine. honestly would have been a great handheld, as this would fix the shit color palette so many GBA games have (as they were compensating for the lack of backlight and made everything fucking bright), and we would finally have good sound. don't think sales would have changed that much since they sold a lot of GBAs anyway. also, backlight was a good argument to buy a SP if you already had an early GBA, so that one may have flopped.
>What if SNES was based off X68000 computer?
finally some good music on that console and no slowdown when more than 3 moving sprites on screen. however it would have costed a fucking fortune. if they could have magically kept the price low (impossible) then it would have destroyed the megadrive, but otherwise it would be a niche thing like the neo geo aes and they wouldn't have wanted to go that path.

>> No.8838303

i had one as a kid and loved it
should have came with an ac adapter and ditched the batteries idea though - in the 90s 6AA was ridiculous

i was bummed at the early cancellation

>> No.8838404

Channel F and other unknown console kicked Atari’s ass

>> No.8838582

What if Sega had accepted the 64-bit processor from Silicon Graphics before they offered it to Nintendo ?

>> No.8838632
File: 212 KB, 1200x860, Steve Irwin pinball flyer side view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Steve Irwin never died, this pinball machine would never have been cancelled, which means maybe the people who made it would have made another one.

>> No.8838652

What if SuperGrafx as USA official base in 89, while TG-16 get Australia/Latino-Brazil/Euro retailers.

>> No.8838663

>your gay take
What if Nintendo had accepted Hudson Soft’s new rom card medium technology or NEC had accepted Sony partnership on 1992.

>> No.8838703
File: 1.07 MB, 1784x1160, Star Wars Episode 1 pinball flyer both pages jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Williams made a better game than this one then they might have continued to make pinball.
Either a different designer of a different theme. Hopefully both I guess. Wizard Blocks had interesting stuff in front of the hologram. Revenge from Mars had the jump ramp, at least. Maybe any Pinball 2000 game made by JPOP would have been bad.

>> No.8838803

Sega knew Silicon Graphics not ready for hardware. So they never interested.

>> No.8838839

>Sonic XTreme
With NiGHTS engine or without? With, it would have been thought of as a black sheep on par with Sonic CD for 10 years, without, it would have justt been awful.
This is actually interesting considering some Western developers used 64DDs as part of their development kits. Likely would have had an FDS situation here - games would have been brought out for about a year before memory prices went down.
>Super Mario Bros
Maybe we would have seen a platformer based on Donkey Kong instead of Jumpman.
>Virtual Boy
Wasn't going to be a financial success. All that should have gone into making an earlier next-gen Game Boy.
Another Nintendo/SEGA war. Developers would have preferred SEGA due to the Big N being a big dick.
>Star Fox
I would have rather have seen a portable version of Star Fox 64 or Assault. I don't think it would have looked that good on the GBA anyway. Probably would have sold as much as you'd expect a 1st party Nintendo game to sell.
>game crash
This depends on a lot of different factors, most notably Warner Bros not going full retard with Atari, Jack Tramiel not giving deep discounts on the C64 with tradeins of any console, and Coleco not shitting out the Adam. Western developers were shifting over to computers anyway during this period. I personally would have liked to see a more successful Atari 7800.

One must wonder if the 5200 had been successful if Warner had listened to their engineers and made a better controller.

Here's some what-ifs
>what if Coleco had partnered with Microsoft to bring out the MSX in the West
>what if the Timex Sinclair had been successful, would we get OI ME TIMEX threads on alt-/vr/
>what if the Nintendo Disk System had been introduced in the West
>what if the 5200 had had a better controller, would it have been successful?
>what if Atari had brought out the Famicom in 83
>what if the Nintendo PlayStation had been a thing

>> No.8839314

This right here?

>> No.8839449

>What if Sonic Xtreme was released?

It would had helped the Saturn but only in the short term and get poor reviews due to not being like Mario 64.

>What if the N64DD was released on time for a 1996 release date?

Consumers and devs would be pissed about needing an add-on leading more people to Sony.

>> No.8839640

That would have been cool or just made the cd the standard console. It would have got sales soley for being a cd console since they could claim it is technically the best. But its a bit hard to sell bonk 3 vs earthworm jim.

I would have certainly got the DD64 if it came with a game and wasn't too expensive. It could have been a zelda exclusive. Many were still on the n64 hype train in early 97. It could have prevented a lot of people moving to ps1. I think Nintendo would not release the 4mb ram expansion as 2 expansions to a console is just too much to explain to the public.

I think a big one is what if Sonic 1 was not made, this would have probably changed the Saturn and 32x. The ps1 might not have even been released and Saturn may have been release much later.

N64 underperforming made Nintendo get their ass into gear to have the GCN be a great system.

Sonic was a bit old hat until adventure revived the series so I don't see it pushing a huge number of sales. Even crash was seen as a bit of a silly novelty that just happened to be fun.

People wanted nex GEN FX 3D Xtreme, not sonic.

>> No.8839649

>What if Sonic Xtreme was released?
It would be viewed as a revolution in 3D platforming, but consensus would shift into it being a hard-to-control mess soon after.

>What if the N64DD was released on time for a 1996 release date?
Limited success. The US 64DD would get a few titles released, but they would be hard to find. Late in the system's life, Nintendo would bundle the 64 and 64DD together in a "64+DD" package, though.

>What if Super Mario Bros never released?
The Legend of Zelda would probably have been their frontrunner title, and nowhere near as successful.

>What if the Virtual Boy was a financial success?
If it were a success, there probably would be a recall and a design successor made in short order to address the swath of headaches. A long term decision would probably be removing the VR element and designing the 'Super Game Boy', different from the SNES' own in that it would be a Virtual Boy without the headset component and a simplified control scheme.

>What if the PS1 was a flop?
The PS1's breakout success was what made so many abandon the Saturn, so the Saturn would probably gain momentum back after a rocky start. Sega would also probably wait to release the Dreamcast, and a game called 'Shenmue' would release on the Saturn towards the end of it's life and be a hell of a bang for the system to go out on.

>What if Star Fox for SNES got a GBA port back in the early-2000s?
It probably would've been largely glossed over, much like how the LTTP GBA port was. Could see a link cable co-op mode with unique missions being introduced, though.
Probably eReader functionality, too, for introducing some exclusive missions and Star Fox 64 stuff.

>What if the game crash of 1983 never happened?
Atari completes it's deal with Nintendo, publishing the Atari Family System. It is physically identical to the Famicom, albeit with a visual repainting to make it resemble the conventional Atari game consoles. No Nintendo Seal of Quality, though.

>> No.8840071

What if text-based games like Dwarf Fortress had become mainstream instead of graphics-based games?

>> No.8840073

>what if the m2 was released
>what if the 7800 was released when they originally meant to
>what if the virtual boy was called 3D boy instead

>> No.8840160

Why would that ever happen?

>> No.8840162

Because games are more than just pictures.

>> No.8840172

No shit, I'm asking what would be the reason for that.

>> No.8840608

Than M2 would be the first retailer PowerPC system. Easy way port Konami arcade.

>> No.8840648

> still destroyed by the PS2 which was released at least one year earlier, also had the DVD playback thing
Many people are drones into DVD player but will likely support Nintendo side.

>> No.8840797

>The Legend of Zelda would probably have been their frontrunner title, and nowhere near as successful.
Where Popeye? If that doesn’t work. Metroid, Fire Emblem and original gaming IP.

>> No.8840883


>> No.8840913
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>What if N64 used latest FM synthesis available or wavetable synthesis chip, Zip based-cartridges and have built in CPS-III board yet kept low cost?
>What if early GBA model also have FM synthesis soundchip, backlight, third c button?
>What if SNES was based off X68000 computer?

>> No.8841205

Than Fighting Force 2, Zelda 2, Superman 64, DMC2, and DC3 have best of the year.

>> No.8841214
File: 33 KB, 639x479, segavr-639x479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if the sega vr was a success

>> No.8841570

Master System 3D glasses headset.

>> No.8841578

What if Hudson never died?

>> No.8841974


Alternate Timeline: SNK vs. DC

-Dude, Ryuji Yamazaki could totally take Batman.
-Marco Rossi is top tier because AHMG (Air Heavy Machine Gun) combos into itself
-The Flash’s mobility makes him a huge threat
-Athena Asamiya gets an 8-way air dash
-Green Lantern is very versatile but has a tough time against Krauser
-"I’m telling you, Raging Storm DHC into Aquaman’s shark volley super does so much damage, it’s totally worth dropping Blue Beetle for. Keep your third character though, Shingo Kick is just such a good assist."

>> No.8842045

Thought when SNK made a official Teen Titans fighting game. Konami can do the other DC superhero beat ‘em up or Castlevania-style Wonder Woman action adventure title

>> No.8842453

>depth ruins the fun for most
Oh man...

>> No.8842774

This poster has autism.

>> No.8843958

>bit hard to sell bonk 3 vs earthworm jim
Sell both doubled package.

>> No.8844041

Frost Jack was good.

>> No.8844353

Holy snap! Awesome crossover we should have gonna.
> if they could have magically kept the price low (every thing possible) then it would have destroyed the megadrive, but otherwise it would be a niche thing like the neo geo aes and they wouldn't have wanted to go that path.
Thinking about it. No CD rom planning involvement which mean no Sony not joining the console market early, maybes PS3 like system for NEC.

>> No.8844647

What if C64 or Amiga a flop?

>> No.8844927

This…for real.

>> No.8845274


>> No.8845597

What if Wario World had a New Play Control! edition for Wii?

>> No.8845625
File: 100 KB, 910x1024, 1618609685429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Sinclair-Microsoft corporation announces the ZXbox spec 8
>Head Over Heels XIV expected to be the exclusive killer app
>Includes a brand new Operating System
>"It's actually called GNU/Linux" says CEO Richard Stallman

>> No.8845801

Enhances port development by treasure.

>> No.8846079

N64 and GBA definitely needed a dedicated fm synthesizer...damn.

>> No.8847130

Maybe audiences finally developed some taste.

>> No.8847443

Suddenly succeeded in realities: 0

>> No.8847601
File: 70 KB, 768x432, rb-768x432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if the Virtual Boy had been conceived as a 2D handheld successor to the Game Boy from the start, instead of a headset. Either in color or monochrome.

>> No.8847795

What if Kirby Tilt n Tumble was released in Europe and Australia, and not just Japan and North America?

>> No.8847840
File: 43 KB, 850x995, anaglyph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have just overlapped a red and blue LCD and used cheap/lightweight anaglyph glasses. A switch on the side could just disable one of the displays to play games regularly. No idea if this would work, I'm just talking out my ass. But wearing a whole console was always a stupid as fuck idea.

>> No.8848254
File: 58 KB, 800x600, Map32_commander_keen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Nintendo gave ID software the license to make a PC port of Super Mario Bros. 3?

>> No.8848570

Which Doom never exist? They will develop Metroid 64 or entire original IP.

>> No.8848642
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>What if GoldenEye content was more acknowledged up to the point where somehow he made it into the roster at least once.

>> No.8848718

Well far unlikely, Perfect Dark batter war

>> No.8848721

Doom first come out on SNES 1992 instead originally 1993?

>> No.8849602

>PS1 was a flop
You wish

>> No.8850106

>hey, wanna play fortnite?
>sure, let me just boot up my 3DO M7

>> No.8850117
File: 2.27 MB, 498x328, 88BA877E-BE6E-4602-9CD3-439310980C08.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Philips CD-i was an international success, leading to a strong relationship with Nintendo and the release of Super Mario’s Wacky Worlds to critical acclaim. The N64 onward was never created.

>> No.8850826

What madness is this?!
Panasonic add more crossover content from Smash Bros

>> No.8850863

Also what if N64 use better texture decoder and fast VRAM?

>> No.8851172

read the fucking title, sperg

>> No.8852368

See what some?

>> No.8852456

I wish N64 success.

>> No.8852510


>> No.8852732

>will buy in heart beat

>> No.8852976
File: 751 KB, 771x648, F230C975-0FBF-4FF6-B82D-DC4C871723F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shantae 64 and TG-16

(pic unrelated)

>> No.8853041

What if the 3rd game in the Zelda oracle series was released? Has this been brought up?

>> No.8853819

Yeah, and? A lot of people here have autism. I wasn't exactly trying to hide it.

>> No.8853896

What if Miyamoto went through with his offer to co-develop Plok, abandoning the Super Donkey prototype and starting a business relationship with Software Creations/Zed Two instead of Rare?

>> No.8854091

Rare won’t get buy and still working closely with Nintendo.

However, Acquisition of WayForward Technologies in 2000 seem better option

>> No.8854151

Star X for GBA

>> No.8854898

Modded do help.

>> No.8855225

Specially CPU cache memory

>> No.8855526
File: 27 KB, 512x448, 8055115C-1B22-4E02-B679-BC6D0ADEF286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This series get N64, Saturn, GameCube, and Xbox release under studios who respect source material and lore.

>> No.8855563


>> No.8856126

The Wario’s Cousin!

>> No.8856502
File: 63 KB, 1136x852, 3F8A6147-0E45-4E57-A685-231D04717E7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The deal went through smoothly

>> No.8857438
File: 335 KB, 821x553, Sharp corporations dev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Nintendo using low cost X68k without PC part
or this

>> No.8857863


>> No.8857876

If Pokemon never existed I probably would've been an obsessive comic book nerd growing up.

>> No.8857886

Imagine the glorious utopia we could have, if not for that video game...

>> No.8857924

I wish someone would make a clone of the Nintendo Playstation that runs the same BIOS and everything and has slots for both SNES games and SuperDisc homebrew just like the real prototype.

>> No.8857964

>Pierce's Final Smash is just spawning an ungodly amount of food items at female characters

>> No.8858136

Cringe worthy take

>> No.8858248

I always wanted to know how the Play Station would have turned out if it where still tied to Nintendo. I wonder if it wouldn't have been as dope due to tendos preference for more family friendly games at the time.

>> No.8860230

i remember one of these alternate timeline things going into chris-chan going on a killing spree in his school while the actual columbine was just a single murder or two

>> No.8860275

well, the nintendo version was not far off a mere storage enhancement to the SNES. When Sony were forced to turn it into a standalone console that's when they designed and developed the chipset that helped it lead the generation. Given that, I can't see how the Nintendo Play Station would ever have had a wipeout, tekken, ridge racer, etc.

>> No.8860283

The PS1 to N64 ports would have been easier but they would still be PS1 to N64 and not Nintendomination.

>> No.8860353

>What if the PS1 was a flop?
3DO might've been in the game long enough for the M2 to release as a response to the N64. Saturn either takes the lead or is a close second to the N64, which means less immediate pressure to develop a successor, leading to there being no Dreamcast as we would know it. Metal Gear Solid, D2, and sequels to Gex and Legacy of Kain appear as M2 titles (assuming 3DO got their shit together and ever managed to release it on time).

>> No.8860374
File: 292 KB, 1242x528, 579AC9E2-CDB0-479E-943C-1E00EBE54D53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Buyout Worked

>> No.8860503

>knew this 2002 article and 2017 video

>> No.8860515

>if the system successfully
Panasonic would love acquisition 3DO

>> No.8861115


>> No.8862632

Are you sure about that?

>> No.8864324

What if video games had been invented and popularized in India?

>> No.8864381

In my alternate timeline, I assume that the initial 1988 deal had more favorable terms for Nintendo with at least some control over the Super Disc format, music software, and movie software.

In this case, the add-on ends up in a similar place as the Sega CD where it ends up doing moderately well in sales but not a must have for the SNES. Depending on how things go, Sony could still end up doing their own standalone console in the future. As for Nintendo, a SNES CD that actually went through would've significantly increased the chances their fifth gen console would've used CDs or some disc-based format.

>> No.8864584

Don’t know man, poor encounters with lot manger, economy and pirate.
Resident Evil 2 was one good example.

>> No.8865335

>What if the N64DD was released on time for a 1996 release date?

Then we would've had Mother 3 for the N64.

>> No.8867039

Sunsoft made more successful SNES and N64 original IP.

>> No.8868319

Kino timeline thread

>> No.8868609


>> No.8868636

Sonic xtreme would have damaged Sega more if it actually came out. What a fucking mess

>> No.8869935

Retrospect day.

>> No.8869983

>What if the PS1 was a flop?
>Nintendo would have a monopoly on console gaming.
It would have saved Sega.

>> No.8870290

Oh snap. Less know console get a spotlight.

>> No.8871575

NEC and Sharp finally release their 16 bit computer.

>> No.8872761
File: 110 KB, 600x312, 063EEC69-5743-4501-A995-19646A4AC68D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PC-FX would probably develop useful by Sony made 3D card.

>> No.8873717

My my

>> No.8873935

>Daikatana turned out be one of the greatest games of all time in 1997
>FFX was never released
>Gamecube kicked Sony and Microsoft's ass

>> No.8873953

Tonari no Princess Rolfee

>> No.8874206

The only best princesses.

>> No.8874480

what is with zoomers and sonic xtreme

i just dont get it

no one gave a shit about this game 25 years ago

>> No.8875606

I wonder what Treasure plan a TG-16 and SNES standalone title?

>> No.8875750
File: 66 KB, 510x587, 1485304387516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Microsoft had purchased Sega for the development of the Xbox as they had originally planned?

>> No.8875774

Never go well, look at plan purposes acquisition of Nintendo.

>> No.8877176


>> No.8879102

What if Super Battletoads Arcade wasn't a flop, and the Battletoads Fighter didn't become killer instinct? What if Battletoads was then successful enough to make it to the 3rd dimension, in Battletoads 64?

>> No.8879294

Can see Osman, Kof96/97/99, AvP, Darkstalkers 2, Phantasy 64, Corpse Party 64 etc. having a thing.

>> No.8879365
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A lot of people wish the Saturn had a proper mainline Sonic title and other Genesis-era SEGA titles, and that you could use the cartridge slot in the back for actual Genesis games. The good news that console actually already exists in the form of the CDX, most people just don't know about it

This pretty much satisfied my wishes for a "better" Saturn console. Yeah, it couldn't really do 3D outside of scaling effects, but the Saturn wasn't really much better at it. X-Treme honestly doesn't look very good to me and it's kind of silly to think about when the Adventure games also already exist

>> No.8879397

>proper mainline blue furfags title
Just released Sakura War and Groove Fight already.

>> No.8879427
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Why Sakura Wars? Virtua Fighter 2 was more popular in Japan, Madden in the west.

The best thing they had on it was probably NiGHTS anyway

>> No.8880881

or Alex Kidd, Phantasy Star and proto-Jet Set etc.

>> No.8880887

Bro....life ain’t fair.

>> No.8880904

You probably play SMT series or Robo like RPG

I just read manga or little bit board/card games.