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File: 47 KB, 640x468, n64_earthworm_jim_3d_p_rao9q2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8835318 No.8835318 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a franchise which had a rougher transition to 3D?

>> No.8835326

Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic Team is still trying to figure it out to this day.

>> No.8835327
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Sensible Soccer
From top of the game on Amiga to the blandest 3D football imaginable

>> No.8835337

Bomberman, Megaman, Captain Tsubasa

>> No.8835340
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Absolutely Worms

>> No.8835352

I'll take bold attempts at innovation of Worms 3D, Forts and Mayhem over the blandness of two dozens of indistinguishable Worms Armageddon clones.

>> No.8835386

Haha! So true!

>> No.8835426

Most 2D games did not ever get a good 3D game.

>> No.8835430

They got it right the first time (Sonic Jam) and the second (Sonic Adventure 1).

>> No.8835432

>and the second (Sonic Adventure 1)
Too bad they didn't make a full game out of it

>> No.8835434

Fuck off. MML1 & 2 were awesome. Both N64 bombermans were fun and the multiplayer ruled. No one gives a fuck about that last one.

>> No.8835442

Bubsy 3D did absolutely destroy the Bubsy franchise (for what that was worth).

>> No.8835450

>be game industry
>copy super mario bros for 11+ years
>mario changes
>oh shit oh shit oh fuck
>dozens of series collapse

>> No.8835453

Too bad you can't say the same for MMX7.

>> No.8835504 [DELETED] 

>two dozens of indistinguishable Worms Armageddon clones.
Worms world party and worms released, what else?

>> No.8835508

>two dozens of indistinguishable Worms Armageddon clones.
Worms world party and worms reloaded, what else?

>> No.8835524

Jazz Jackrabbit
So rough it never came out

>> No.8835556
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There was gonna be a 3D remake of Zool, but it was so bad Zoo Digital shitcanned it. Data Design Interactive's infamous copy-and-paste platformers (Ninjabread Man, Anubis II, Trixie in Toyland and Rock n Roll Adventures) are all basically the remnants of it, since they're all set in places that were level themes in Zool.

>> No.8835578

>Data Design Interactive
Their fate saddens me a lot. One of their earliest games was Lego Rock Raiders.

>> No.8835582

Were these all the same game, as in same exact levels, or is each one at least set up as a "unique" experience? I kinda wanna punish myself and try em all some day.

>> No.8835587

Both Final Fantasy and the Tales of series had a great transition, then got really fucking gay

>> No.8835660

All four of them use the exact same tutorial, but the regular levels are different

>> No.8835781

Kirby. Doesn't matter if we're talking 64 or the new one. Air ride was nice but doesn't count.

>> No.8835818

It's because Jazz Jackrabbit 2 sold like shit that no publisher wanted to fund the rest of development. The base for a great game was there, but it needed more content and polish.

>> No.8835843

I guess Kirby had a pretty "rough" transition into 3D in as much as it took them about twenty years longer than everyone else to actually get a full 3D game out. Worth the wait though.

>> No.8836576

Hogs of War got it right first time, and then never ever got a sequel.

>> No.8836592

That Rock Raiders game was way better than it needed to be.

>> No.8836756
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>> No.8837150

>From top of the game on Amiga
that's like graduating with honors from special ed class

>> No.8837203
File: 30 KB, 382x260, 1999 DK64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donkey Kong Country

>> No.8837213

It's true I heard that on youtube

>> No.8837247
File: 85 KB, 800x802, 58484-sensible-world-of-soccer-96-97-dos-media.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, computers for less British people were supported too

>> No.8837249

>and the second (Sonic Adventure 1)
Lol no

>> No.8837250

This. I'm surprised Sonic is still managing to tread water even today with all his 3D games being as poor as they are.

>> No.8837257

Free pager?!

>> No.8837268
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Rockstar Games was doing some promotion in America

>> No.8837271

That game gave me stockholm syndrome at the end. It was just such a fucking disaster that it turned interesting. What's coming next? How am I supposed to master this shit?
Had fun in the end somehow

>> No.8837290

It's incredible how this game manages to be painful to look at, listen to, and play at the same time

>> No.8837351

I don’t like any of the Earthworm Jim games

>> No.8837382

They did fine for the time with adventure 1 (in sonic's campaign), but they should've moved closer to the classic exploration/rolling momentum ideal as time went on. They could've found their footing and had the tech to do it right by the time 06 came out.

>> No.8837440

You have no soul

>> No.8837478

I like Bubsy 2 so maybe

>> No.8837597
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>> No.8837628

3D Metroid sucks and I won't hear a word of it

>> No.8837640

Bubsy was never good to begin with.

>> No.8837662
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>> No.8838398
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Thanks to remember me that EWJ 4 will never be released.

>> No.8838694

Deathsmiles and Samurai Aces, you can't clearly see shit in a genre where visibility is critical

>> No.8840645

It was not that bad

>> No.8840770
File: 15 KB, 355x355, bomberbigman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself!

>> No.8840969

dont fix what aint broke faggot.

>> No.8841031


Yes, I played Metroid Prime 1 and 2 on my GameCube, back when they were released. I did not enjoy them.

At the time, I was playing shitloads of Quake DM, HLDM, and TFC. I fully understand that Metroid Prime is a different type of game, it's exploration-based, and all that. It does not change the fact that it felt slow and plodding, had tons of backtracking, playing an FPS on 640x480 was rough, the framerate was lower than I was used to in such games, the weapons were boring, the enemies were boring, etc.

>> No.8841075

I like prime but metroid should've been a 3rd person shooter. Unfortunately Other M has ruined the image so they'll probably never try again.

>> No.8841189

Other M was good

>> No.8841259

I always thought it looked neat but the "games media" convinced me it was bad. Was I duped?

>> No.8841609

It honestly would have been better if they had stuck with Donkey, Diddy, and Dixie and dispersed the other three Kongs' abilities among them

>> No.8841787

The medias view was skewed by Samus's portrayal of her as weak. The game itself is pretty good save for the gimmicky control choices, no analog movement and first person missile controls that locks you in place.

>> No.8841790

nah he's baiting
even besides the storyshit the gameplay is awful, combat is braindead and there's one time where you gotta pixelhunt for green blood on green grass

>> No.8841895
File: 79 KB, 800x558, nbajam99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NBA Jam 99
>Vectorman PS2
>Toe Jam and Earl 3
>Street Fighter EX
>Mortal Kombat 4
>Golden Axe Beast Rider
>C: The Contra Adventure
>Prince of Persia 3D
>Tecmo Bowl Kickoff
>Tecmo NBA Unrivaled
>Fade To Black (Flashback sequel)
>Mega Race

>> No.8842307


Sonic did get get 3D right until after Sonic Heroes

>> No.8842334


Donkey Kong gaining Chunky Kong's power punch and giant ability fits, but which kong get's Lanky's inflation ability?

>> No.8842345

The fan base are autistic retards that buy anything sonic related .

>> No.8842605

Keep the game as is (maybe replace tiny & chunky with dixie & kiddie), but put kong specific barrels where they're needed in levels instead of backtracking to the tag barrel so much.
Still doesn't make it as good as DK country but would fix its problems as a Banjo clone.

>> No.8843275

Sonic's move into 3d didn't kill the series for decades

>> No.8843972

Street Fighter EX is great and not a real 3D game. The graphics may be 3D, but it still plays like a 2D fighting game.

>> No.8843995
File: 156 KB, 228x437, CCC577FD-CDCB-44E4-B661-45B1223E8901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gex. Earthworm Jim was never that good of a game to begin with, it’s just goofy and aesthetically pleasing. The original gex, on the other hand was a pretty solid platformer. Both of them were made worse by 3d, but gex fell further than earthworm jim did

>> No.8844032

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are both good games that are fun and a bunch of fucking e-celebs have completely poisoned the general consensus on those games

>> No.8844558

>Is there a franchise which had a rougher transition to 3D?
>doesn't specify gameplay
Street Fighter EX's 3D models and backgrounds pale in comparison to the 2D art and sprite work.

>> No.8844890

How? Gex got a 3rd game in 3d, plus handheld 2d adaptions. He did better then most.

>> No.8845674

fpbp, sad that so many posters kept their Dreamcast sunk cost emotions long enough to reply angrily to this. 3D Sonic was never good, not the first time nor the last.

>> No.8845680

That wasn't even a Country game, they just made Banjo 2 with DK characters

>> No.8845681

Megaman X series with X7

>> No.8845689

yeah it's the ecelebs that added shitty padding levels, not sega

>> No.8845879

It will always be weird to me how Metroid had a bigger impact on the Metroidvania genre than Castlevania and yet they quickly gave up on it for 3D shooting
Like you create a genre and then just walk out

>> No.8846772

All decent games. They aren't amazing by any means, but you're a disingenuous faggot or a e-celeb wanking zoomer if you think these games are on the same level as something like Gex 3, Bubsy 3D or Earthworm Jim 64.

>> No.8846779


The massive amount of backtracking absolutely ruins this game. Even as a small child I thought the game was tedious to the point where it got on my nerves.
They should have just segmented each section of the level off as a Kong exclusive area instead of running around the same giant areas 5 times.

>> No.8846786

>but put kong specific barrels where they're needed in levels instead of backtracking to the tag barrel so much.
Not quite what you're looking for, but this makes the game a lot better. Fixes the backtracking completely.

>> No.8846790

But Riders......

>> No.8847721


This gave me flashbacks to putting the Dreamcast disc into the computer to access the wallpapers

>> No.8847806
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Metal Slug 3D

>> No.8847836

The market grew to accommodate more casual players and Sega has always been more for true gamers. It's hard for them to compete with call of dooty and mobile gachashit because they just don't have that same appeal. Sony and M$ had different kinds of games.

>> No.8847862

We have reached peak contrarian

>> No.8847927
File: 22 KB, 320x240, bubsy3d-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not actually Bubsy 3D. That's the Arcane Kids 'fangame'.

THIS is Bubsy 3D.
The same devs went from this to Syphon Filter.

>> No.8848030

>they aren't amazing by any means
The first two are

>> No.8848043

Other M is fucking atrocious and even worse than its reputation.

>> No.8848125

The character was annoying but the actual gameplay and level design was fun if you aren't a gen z shitter that needs everything to be handholdy and homogenized
>nngguuaaahhh buh duh contwols dey bad
Not everything needs to play the same you mongrels

>> No.8848140
File: 23 KB, 256x177, Castlevania_(Nintendo_64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this game

>> No.8848149

Never played it but from what I've seen they didn't put enough emphasis on platforming and level design

>> No.8848219

i like this game

>> No.8848309

>Free pager?!

So you could page Rockstar directly, to tell them how mediocre the game was.

>> No.8848381


>> No.8848387

it's actually good. People say it's bad as a meme, most people never actually played it.

>> No.8849540

OK they didn't playtest the last half of the first game but Jesus, the second was ugly as shit, all because "Crash is freedee we need freedee too"
They even put the scrapped 2d version in rayman 2 as an Easter egg

>> No.8849605
File: 2.84 MB, 964x720, Ultima IX Combat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if this counts, but whatever.

>> No.8849803
File: 28 KB, 474x296, swiv 3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SWIV 3D was a thing, never played it.