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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8827927 No.8827927 [Reply] [Original]

What's a must-have hidden gem for this thing?

>> No.8827932

everything i wanna say isn't a hidden gem

there's probably some crackheaded movie kids game that actually has good gameplay called like

i dunno

mr poppers puppy town

>> No.8827937

Well then give me some of your recommendations, just don't say

>> No.8827949

i dunno about hidden gems
my recs are:

soul calibur 2
star wars rouge
tales of symphonia
any of the resident evil titles (they remade older ones)
the street fighter EO game

also worth mentioning are the only blacksheep of the pokemon franchise if you're into that, the games actually pretend to be somewhat hard

>> No.8827959

Mario, Zelda, the list goes on...

>> No.8827960

Monster house is kinda neat

>> No.8827962

The list goes on

>> No.8827967

>telling me what the fuck to do

fuck you kid lmao

>> No.8827971
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Maybe not as hidden anymore cuz of zoomtubers but this is actually a fun jrpg if you like deck building

>> No.8827979

Lmfao. Ed edd and eddy is the game you're thinking of

>> No.8827982

hidden gem huh?
Checkout this little game called Resident Evil 4
it is some kind of third person action shooter. it's ok

>> No.8827984

has Geist gotten the eceleb treatment? if not then that

>> No.8827989

This and lost kingdoms are pretty good too.

>> No.8827993

Kururin and Driller

>> No.8827997

Thirteen such a hidden gem...
Wow they even remade that obscure little nugget !

>> No.8828010

Yeah, well...fucking melee was mentioned so when in rome.

>> No.8828040

gc has one of the most scrutinized libraries, the good stuff is already well known and expensive, but maybe something like battalion wars or kururin could count

>> No.8828059

Mr. Popper's Puppy Town was the greatest hidden gem on the Gamecube. Superb gameplay, graphics ahead of its time and fantastic soundtrack. Too bad only three copies were manufactured and sold.

>> No.8828437
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is it actually good?
i just checked my GC collection -
i guess i picked up a copy locally and forgot i did two/three years ago

before i figured out about swiss i was rebuying shit like a tard

i have:
mario sunshine
pokemon xd
pokemon colo
smash melee
finding nemo (its fun)
namco museum

>> No.8828440


im so autistic i forgot to type the name of the game i was talking about fuck

>> No.8828456

I don't know about hidden gem but I don't see Cel Damage get enough love here. It's a fun twisted metal clone with attractive cel shading, fun to play alone vs bots, and the levels are really creative and fun, as are the weapons.

>> No.8828529

Spikers Beach Volley

>> No.8828903

A game that was kinda big at the time but no one talks about now is Hulk Ultimate Destruction. Not sure if it's "aged well" since open world games have been beaten into the ground, but god I loved it at the time.

>> No.8828917

there aren't any more hidden gems left for this thing
every stone has been turned and every youtuber has helped to inflate it's worth
hidden gems used to mean a good game no one knew about so it was still cheap
it just doesn't exist anymore
thanks obama

>> No.8828921

It's actually odama

>> No.8828994

>hidden gems
>20 year old system

>> No.8829007

Zoom Zoom

>> No.8829026

The Naruto games are good for mindless fun
It would've been nice if Gamecube got Budokai 3 or some of the Tenkaichi games.

>> No.8829034

I own more GameCubes and GameCube games than you do, dumpass.

>> No.8829062

top kek 10/10

>> No.8829065
File: 116 KB, 384x566, slps02111newshots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS1 is 28 and i'm still finding out about some neat looking games i've never heard of. When your library's big enough, there's going to be hidden gems no matter the console's age. GC and N64s libraries are too small

>> No.8829075

Prototype is just hulk ultimate destruction 2.
To the point I picked up my buddies copy of prototype and was able to just jump into it balls deep.

>> No.8829087
File: 185 KB, 256x366, Gotcha_Force_Coverart[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will always recommend Gotcha Force

>> No.8829107

Yeah, exactly

>> No.8829128

I'm not sure what qualifies as "hidden" these days, but the games I've liked the most are Phantasy Star Online, Timesplitters 2, Skies of Arcadia, and Tales of Symphonia. None of these are exclusives, of course.

>> No.8829132

Ohh, I forgot about that one. It is good. It has aged well (I played it for the first time about a year ago).

>> No.8829136


>> No.8829143

So how many GCs and shit do y'all own, homie?

>> No.8829159

There are too few games for any of them to be hidden.

>> No.8829215

FIFA 2002

also 007 agent under fire

>> No.8829545

Megaman Network Transmission was fucking great. Captured the brutality of classic Megaman, added RPG elements that I liked.

>> No.8829551

I wouldn't say it's hidden, because nothing can be hidden on a mainstream closed platform with 653 titles, but Ribbit King is fun and cute and the zoomers I fuck love it

>> No.8829567

I grew up with a cube and all the 6th gen consoles
There are exactly five games worth playing on this entire shitty thing:
Rogue Squadron 2 (and 3)
Eternal Darkness
Super Smash Bros Melee
Super Monkey Ball
The Twin Snakes
Wind Waker was gay
Metroid Prime was meh
Mario Sunshine has always always always sucked

>> No.8829583

Odama feels like it should have been on the PS2. Mix of microphone gimmick and pinball with armies and stuff. It's not great but the closest thing to anything interesting on an otherwise boring platform

>> No.8829720

>Forced memes is funny jajajaja

>> No.8829747

nobody posted that Billy Thatcher egg game?

>> No.8829776


>> No.8829792

There weren't any. Style over substance trash that was the end of good gaming as we knew it along with everything else in the early 2000s.

>> No.8829946

Closest thing I can think of for a hidden gem is Megaman Network Transmission.
There's also the Naruto Clash of Ninja games which are the best fighting games Naruto has had.

>> No.8830060

Have you taken your meds yet?

>> No.8830525

Yes the original XIII is a masterpiece. The remake is a joke. You should absolutely play it if you don't mind the meme "cell shading" animation. I certainly don't.

>> No.8831203
File: 29 KB, 265x376, F079D920-98CA-4776-90B2-92F2062C4159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rogue Squadron 2 is the best flight sim game ever made, and one of the best Star Wars games ever. The graphics are even better than whats on Xbox & PS2. But it was never re-released and there are so many Star Wars games that it tends to get lost in the shuffle, especially given that it’s a Gamecube exclusive.

But that’s the game you’re looking for, Rogue Squadron 2. The best hidden gem on this bad boy

>> No.8831206

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
King Arthur

>> No.8831213

I'm lucky enough to have a copy, but the emulation on it really isn't bad

>> No.8831862

Futa Fighters

>> No.8833728

Bro I fucking love that game

>> No.8833757

yes, a major and top selling launch title, a sequel to a beloved game, that got stellar reviews, and was a technical marvel based on STAR WARS is a hidden gem.
this is the main game they used to show off the gamecube in department stores. i remember because playing this at walmart made me NEED a gamecube.

>> No.8833860

Glover Steamgog

>> No.8833880

Piglet's Gauntlet of Death

Detective Pikachu: Red Light District

Mario's Poetry Slam Deluxe

>> No.8833896 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 301x299, 1996 on PS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manatee Insanitee, sure it's a port of the 1996 original, which debuted just a month and a half before RE1 (and was just as quickly forgotten) but it has added voice acting and full 3D character and ship models. It helped pioneer the trend of survival horror games during the 5th gen, although the underwater setting never seemed to catch on as a trend.

>> No.8833903

Mario sunburnt mod if you're emulating it

>> No.8834172


>> No.8834909
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>> No.8834948

Does Viewtiful Joe or Custom Robo count as "hidden gems"? I feel like anything that isn't sunshine/melee/wind waker counts

>> No.8834979

game name?

>> No.8835003

I'd say they count. I was going to mention Custom Robo if no one else did.

>> No.8835017

i snagged it for cheap &
only had vaguely remembered reading a magazine review

thnx anon

>> No.8835089
File: 15 KB, 276x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how much of a hidden gem it is but i never see anyone else talking about it. It's a hell of a fun game and he multiplayer is fucking awesome.

>> No.8835262

Honestly on a place like /vr/ nothing is really a hidden gem, so just bring up whatever game's you like.

>> No.8835308

kururin squash
donkey konga 3
naruto gekitou ninja taisen 4
mr. driller drill land

>> No.8836130

there's probably a JRPG on there that not a lot of people know about that's probably good. i dunno