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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 933 KB, 2098x1538, n64_turok_dinosaur_hunter_p_v0x57h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8822751 No.8822751 [Reply] [Original]

Your Metroid 64, sir.

>> No.8822773

Why does the cover of Turok 1 have Joshua Fireseed on the cover if you play as Tal'set in-game? Joshua Fireseed isn't even in Turok 1 IIRC.

>> No.8822789

Beats me. Joshua looks awesome though, maybe that's why.

>> No.8822987
File: 80 KB, 714x540, turok fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see 5 feet in front of me

>> No.8823004

It's called atmosphere, fucking pleb.

>> No.8823005
File: 909 KB, 900x772, TurokCoverComparison.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cus the current comics at the time had Joshua and they wanted people recognize the character on the box art.

>> No.8823865

turok was fuckin weird man.
it's a really badass comic and a really good couple of video games, but the universe is crackheaded as hell
dinosaurs, aliens, sci-fi, time travel, native american mysticism, tribalism, pornography

>> No.8823879

You try working with 4mb of ram nigga

>> No.8823990

Hmm sure. Yeah ok.
Felt great beating that without gittin kilt.

>> No.8824001

>linear sequence of linear segments
>only moderate interconnectivity between two levels, and in the middle of the game
>zero abilities to affect progression besides 1-2 uses of explosions
Exhumed/Powerslave EX is a better “””metroidvania””” and it’s still mostly linear levels with no interconnectivity, but at least gives you new tools and moves to navigate them, and it too is easy Nightdive shilling

>> No.8824049
File: 2.30 MB, 1548x1286, turok_remastered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nothing like Metroid at all.

It's mostly linear. Huge maps, but still linear. Also it's actually good....

>> No.8824058

call me a faggot, but I kinda wish for modern open world Turok
maybe similar to Farcry Primal, with taming animals (aka dinosaurs and such)
sounds awesome

get the remaster

>> No.8824061

there is a hub-area where you can select your levels
and the game encourages you to find some special pieces

>Also it's actually good....
and I thought I have shit-taste for wishing an open-world Turok

>> No.8824080

I don't remember this fog being as bad in PS1 games.
A lot of those games had pre-rendered graphics

>> No.8824092

This. The developers worked the limitations to their favor in this case. There's a real sense that there is actual fog in the game, not Superman 64 nonsense that didn't even try.

>> No.8824109

cause the N64-system was "different" when it comes to it's hardware
and afaik, PS1 games also had fog

>> No.8824110

It's just how Turoks engine works. The maps are fucking gigantic dude. The areas are massive with tons of meshes and fully 3D environments. The maps are about 10x the size of a normal quake map. I think the devs wanted the draw distance to be further back but couldn't get it fully optomised at the time of release

>> No.8824129

I love turok (only played remaster though) but i dont think it's quite "Metroid 64". I think even Hexen is closer to it

>> No.8824372
File: 2.60 MB, 853x480, 1649438644711.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two levels in this game that are not a straight line, The Ruins and The Catacombs, both amazing levels, I wish the whole game was like that.

>> No.8824383 [DELETED] 

it's called soul, you doublenigger.

>> No.8824435 [DELETED] 

>get the remaster

>> No.8824530

Nightdive refuses to call this game "Dinosaur Hunter" like OP did, so, rather doubtful it's them shilling.

>> No.8824738
File: 1.63 MB, 1440x810, YOU CALL THAT A KNIFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8826047

Is there any sort of achievement for beating this game knife only? I can do it on the first level at least…

>> No.8827616

I never played any Turok game so I ask this in complete sincerity: how was it a Metroid stand-in? I know it couldn't be that it was made /instead of/ a Metroid game since Turok is not, AFAIK, a Nintendo property.

>> No.8827646

Same people that made Turok went on to form Retro Studios, makers on Metriod Prime. It also is a FPS with some non-linear levels that require exploration to find some pieces for the Chronoscepter. Turok 2 is even more non-linear and you even find some abilities that allow you to reach earlier parts of the game you couldn't before.

>> No.8828087

I miss when we could have Turok threads without the remaster kids showing up.

>> No.8828491

I played both Turok 1 and 2 when they came out but the remastered versions are better, that's a fact.

>> No.8828657

I remember playing the first level of Turok over and over and over, but I never got far. I probably sucked at games as a kid, but was there a way to save progress in this game without the controller pak? Did it have a password system? Anyway I remember I had a lot of trouble getting past the 3rd or 4th level and I always remember starting from the 1st one.

>> No.8829070

oh great old one, tell me what are the unforgivable sins the remasters made?

>> No.8829170

It made the game bearable

>> No.8829692

18+ website, drag kid.

>> No.8830029

You could save at little save points. I think it saved to the cart but I'm not sure.

It's possible you got stuck by missing keys. You need to pick up keys to unlock the next levels. It's possible to beat a level without picking up all the keys. In which case you need to replay the level again.

>> No.8830031

Anyone interested in making some maps? I've been fucking around with the level editor. It's very slow and tedious to use though.

You basically drag and drop all the textures and snap them together. Every "texture" is a pre-made 3D mesh. You just insert it and place it. Then you make the sectors that you're character is able to walk on ontop of the floor textures.

>> No.8830345

You could make an N64 mod.
Turok: Rage Wars and Turok 3 are played for their multiplayer. Moving stuff around could be cool.

>> No.8830853

>no metaturok

>> No.8830873

I don't, all you had was complaining
>muh fog
>muh platforming
>muh frame rate
>occasionally someone mentioned how cool the cerebral bore was
Now it seems like people actually enjoy it
I also played the originals back on the n64 when they first came out, and the remasters.

>> No.8831254

I'm surprised how good these games are after so long. That is some catchy music too.

>> No.8831751

Was it Doom 64 or Hex 64?

>> No.8831859

Was I the only one who really liked 3?

>> No.8832121

I see... yeah that was a problem I usually had in FPSs, the damn keys.
Still, I remember loving playing that first level a lot. I really need to replay Turok someday and finally beat it.

>> No.8832141

>I think it saved to the cart but I'm not sure.
Turok requires the controller pak to save. No cart saving.

>> No.8832148

Damn, then that was the real problem for me, I didn't have one back then.

>> No.8832278

Extreme Nintendo cope.

>> No.8832975

interesting I always thought they had only changed the face but they changed the body as well and the raptor a bit too

>> No.8833090

Extreme Dunning-Kruger post.

>> No.8833118


>> No.8833886

I get it now... the guy who produced this game went on to fund Retro Studios, right?
Honestly I want to play Turok now, last time I did was probably in the 90s.

>> No.8833928

>I get it now... the guy who produced this game went on to fund Retro Studios, right?
True, but that doesn’t mean the game has “Metroid-like” elements to its gameplay or level design. In fact, with how much it emphasizes platforming through linear jungle-themed stages, collecting yellow things to get bonus lives, it has far more in common with Donkey Kong Country.

>> No.8833937

The og turok and xo manowar books are great, wish acclaim hadnt bought valiant and gave the books a bad reputation.

>> No.8833974

To be fair, Turok was one of the few to try something different with FPSes and keys by taking some cues from Mario 64. You’d play through levels to find keys to open other levels, similar to how you’d find stars throughout M64 stages to unlock more levels.
Unfortunately, only about a quarter of Turok has any sort of open or sandboxy level design elements so this becomes more of a detriment.

>> No.8833978

Seething snoy

>> No.8834031

Can someone give me a qrd on Turok 1+2, I''m a cheap fuck and I wanna know if they are actually decent before I buy them. I like Metroid Prime and Echoes quite a bit, are they proto versions of that kinda thing? I played Turok when I was a kid but I was too stupid to understand it, I just used cheats to unlock the cruel weaponry to kill raptors with because I hated dinosaurs after being scared by Jurassic Park.

>> No.8834063

What kind of elements from Prime and Echoes are you expecting? Both Turoks are primarily linear shooters with varying degrees of platforming elements.

>> No.8834089

In my vague recollection Turok 2 seems kinda similar to Metroid Prime, although I didn't play it all that much. Also

>primarily linear shooters with varying degrees of platforming elements

The Prime trilogy is like this as well, it's good at presenting the illusion of a free-flowing environment but it is very linear, except for the key hunt at the end of Prime (which is the worst part of the game imo).

>> No.8834104

>In my vague recollection Turok 2 seems kinda similar to Metroid Prime, although I didn't play it all that much.
You get feathers that can unlock additional abilities, but they’re only useable at “tiles” in certain points of the levels. If it’s for PC you can grab them from gog-games, see if you like then, then support devs with payment.

>> No.8834274

As someone who has played and enjoyed both games I can tell you they're fun shooters with cool weapons but the level design is kinda lame.

>> No.8834280

Turok isn't based on gaining skills or items to open up new pathways. It is a FPS with some key scavenging to open up other worlds to progress through the games. There is shooting and platforming, but the game can be a bitch if you forget a key and you have enemies respawn while your ammo situation never recovers. Up to you if you think it's worth getting or not.

>> No.8834293

But it’s a FPS…

>> No.8835292

I wish I had the drive to make Turok maps. I was fantasizing the other day about making a jungle level with an ancient temple that turns out to be a high-tech base. Never seen that one before, you can rip off my idea if you want.

>> No.8837163

An FPS with somewhat nonlinear progression. Same as Prime.

>> No.8837178

There were several "Metroid 64" without being Metroid. Mega Man 64 or Jet Force Gemini come to mind.

>> No.8838587


>> No.8838760

I love the overdone grit and excessive shinyness that N64 promo models had.

>> No.8838773

Game looks worse than Saturn shovelware.

>> No.8838954

Time to go to bed, snoy friend.

>> No.8838968

As someone who played the games on release on original hardware, the remasters completely btfo the originals in every way.
Only underage fags who weren't even born when they came out complain about them.

>> No.8839008

Why is it Nintendo fans go on the attack whenever you bring up obvious facts about their foggy, clunky titles?

>> No.8839086

not a nintendo fanboy, it's just obvious you're a snoy because
1. seething about nintendo
2. seething about sega
3. seething about anything not sony

>> No.8840398
File: 397 KB, 1200x1662, blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you act like this

>> No.8841280

Having recently replayed Shadowman that one definitely fits the bill.

>> No.8841414

Shadowman is literally Metroid. The overworld is even a series of tunnels, like an ant farm.

>> No.8842685

I've owned every Nintendo console up to gamecube. Bought snes and 64 on release. Why is it when I praise good Nintendo consoles like Gameboy and Nes no one bats an eye but the moment I mention n64 in a negative light I have janny and /v/ drones coming after me?

>> No.8842704

I can't remember the last time you could speak ill of a nintendo console without people coming out of the woodwork to go apeshit one whoever dunnit.

Used to be, nobody ever spoke ill of FF7, Deus Ex was a masterpiece, and devil may cry wasn't gaaaaaaaay.

>> No.8842927

Think about it from the point of view of someone who isn't a jaded little bitch. Many people grew up with Nintendo or Playstation or Sega and have nothing but fond memories, they don't see the need to criticise early consoles or games because for all their perceived flaws, they were awesome and as a child they were irrefutably fun. Contrast people's fun memories with your retarded contrarian opinions and the fact that you are a disgusting, talentless tranny faggot who has accomplished nothing in life, yet you have the audacity to shitpost on this board and smear developers when by your own admission, you are in the minority because your opinions, much like your pitiful existence, are utterly worthless.

>> No.8843101

Mega drive was able to make better ports of arcade classics. Bringing up a consoles limitations is a massive cope. Saturn Daytona is a shit game, Saturn Sega Rally is not. Get a clue zoom boy.

>> No.8843103

dangerously based

>> No.8843430

Yes, and it's absolutely perfect.
Congratulations, you now have to experience tension in a genre you long since became proficient and lazy at.

>> No.8843432

>I like Game X, anyone else like Game X?
I don't think you fully understand just why, or how much, I utterly despise trash like you.

>> No.8843716

So you freely admit the only thing holding N64 together is nostalgia?

>> No.8843748

Yep, right down to using powers togive you access to new areas and the like. Fantastic game that stands up better than I thought it would these days.

>> No.8843761

That wasn't what that anon was saying at all. The remasters of the Turok games aren't entirely new games. They've got everything that made the originals great, detract nothing and have some enhancements. What anon said is more akin to suggesting the best way to play a game.
It wasn't a "why play shenmue when you can just play yakuza!" moment of idiocy.

>> No.8843776

Also critically acclaimed games and cult classics that are still played today. Same as PS1, rent-free fanboy.

>> No.8843783

But... there is no Game Y. It's just a port of Game X.

>> No.8844419

>I mention n64 in a negative light I have janny and /v/ drones coming after me
Not my problem. You get what your fooking deserve!!

>> No.8844468
File: 38 KB, 760x380, 531C43A0-3283-4066-90A7-8CCE0FBFAB41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too like to play on the surface of Venus.

>> No.8844627

I have an idea of having a high tech base tower that's been destroyed and collapsed over in the middle of the more lava wastelands from Turok. So you'll climb up a mountain into the destroyed tower and into the tech base rooms will be full of overgrowth, rooms will be flooded, maybe a central energy core leaking molten liquid. Rooms tilted on their side you have to climb up rubble to get through as you can no longer pass through them normally cus the buildings collapsed.

The problem is the level editor is very very slow to use.

>> No.8844696

fucks who weren't around back then or who can't appreciate older consoles should stick to /v/

>> No.8845414
File: 687 KB, 1920x1080, venusrok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8845419

Conker is literally the only game worth playing on the N64.

>> No.8845675
File: 108 KB, 800x919, 111255-turok-playstation-3-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finger on monkeys paw curls

>> No.8846518

The robot fucking melted or something after taking these pictures. Venus is some scary shit.