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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 47 KB, 1000x485, pngfind.com-pc-logo-png-1595361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8821560 No.8821560 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite PC Engine games that you've recently discovered or have always been your favorite to play? PC Engine CD and SuperGrafx welcome, but please specify what the game is on.

I think it's a cliche at this point, but Bomberman '94 and Soldier Blade are my favorite to default to depending on my mood. I somehow have not gone through the single player of BM'94, but that's because the multiplayer is really feature rich on it's own. Soldier Blade is probably the only SHMUP I can get pretty far in without getting a game over.

>> No.8821571


>> No.8821584
File: 1.88 MB, 1125x1505, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use the catalog you wanker

any of the soldier games
liquid kids
rainbow island
adventure island (its good, like the nes game but better)

the cd addon:
lords of thunder

>> No.8821619
File: 802 KB, 640x654, mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably not giving this game a fair chance, but can't seem to get into it with the same enthusiasm that Mark does.

>use the catalog you wanker
That other thread is specifically for CD.
>adventure island
This is one of the games that make me wish there were more NES remakes of on PC Engine. The game feels much better to play in this version. There are a few NES games ported to PCE though but don't retain their entire sound library with the exception of Rockman CD which uses arranged music I think.

>lords of thunder
I've seen this shopped around before and it looks like a horizontal SHMUP. What would you say are it's defining features that make it popular?

>> No.8821628

the ridiculous music (sounds like dio or yngwie)
the tony hawk ad campaign

>> No.8821631
File: 176 KB, 1461x925, Screenshot 2022-03-09 070013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have the complete retail library if you fags want it
i checked the wiki for usa and japan releases
i autistically organized everything for the turbo everdrive

i can upload it somewhere if you guys want it

>> No.8821702

I loved Somer Assault as a kid. Also, Final Lap Twin and Shockman.

>> No.8821913
File: 365 KB, 1407x1416, Final-Zone-II-Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The opening song is so bad it's good. Not the greatest shooter but the cutscenes and dialog are classic. https://youtu.be/PXiTdcUsc5g

>> No.8821917

What is a good price for either of the Core Grafx console?

>> No.8821968

I bought my white PCE on ebay for $90 with a controller, power supply and RF cable. This was like 3 or 4 years ago though.

>> No.8821981

This seems to be the average price for these and A/V model. I wouldn't mind getting one with just RF since they are cheap enough and easily complimented by a flash cart.

>> No.8822026

I'm shit at shmups and can't get past the first level but it is really quite fun and silly. The Genesis version is actually better imho, but I think both versions have their fans.

>> No.8822629

I usually see units that come with av cable and psu go for $110.

>> No.8822712

Link to it.

>> No.8822925

>take away all the shmups
>5 games left
terrible console

>> No.8822942

marchen maze
strip fighter

>> No.8822946

You can get a simple adapter to get better video out however your missing half of the library if you don't get a CD drive
you're better off emulating if you don't want to spend much money

>> No.8822948

>Never mention the RPGs and AVGs

>> No.8822956
File: 24 KB, 280x243, 00010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This console is awesome. Best 4th gen IMO. What was done with the CD-ROM accessory of this console was completely unrivaled at the time.

Just look around to see what games you might like: https://refuge.tokyo/pcengine/pcengine.html

>> No.8823026

What emulator do you use? I downloaded Ootake yesterday but it got like 5 positives on virustotal.

>> No.8823056
File: 64 KB, 381x384, 162000326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for me, it's SLG

>> No.8823081

Rondo of Blood. Apart from that I'm not sure if a person not interested in shmups and fightings can find anything else worth playing on this platform. I would like to be proven wrong, though.

>> No.8823086

Bizhawk, check Emuwiki for the latest version

>> No.8823095

Mednafen. Used to use Bizhawk but it’s TG emulation wasnt the best

>> No.8823107

Never seen that website before, thanks for pointing people to it!

>> No.8823175

Oh really? Will give mednafen a try later

>> No.8824715
File: 65 KB, 1046x876, huehuehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stand by anonkun

>> No.8824729
File: 841 KB, 768x768, 777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is literally every game released for tg-16 and pc engine

you guys will have to find your own cds for the addon though the files are too big to hoard them all until i find another m2 drive for cheap

>> No.8824732

to clarify
this shit is drag and derp if you have a turbo everdrive - just make sure you have the os and shiet from krikkz as well

>> No.8825429

Thanks anon. I have a pretty large amount of curated games on the Everdrive already but this is going on my hard drive for sure

>> No.8826178
File: 146 KB, 540x743, EsTrjMGUUAMQS1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have a higher resolution pic of the 好みのあの娘に、duoなら出会える poster? Or at least high enough for the text to be readable. It was peak NEC marketing.

>> No.8826194

this one's somewhat better >>8805816

>> No.8826248

no worries bb

ill post the n64 one as well soon
I got a hard van from eBay for selling preloaded everdrives and SD kek

>> No.8826317

Big fan of the console. Wish it got more 3rd party support and the hucards had a lack of storage, but it’s still an awesome system

Some of my favorites, including “hidden gems”

>super dodgeball
>liquid kids
>parasol stars
>bonk 2
>fatal fury special
>ys 4
>dragon trap
>new adventure island
>sonson 2
>samurai ghost
>mr heli
>air zonk
>soldier blade

Strider and shinobi are both butchered but still fun

>> No.8826854

if you cant read japanese then 95% of those RPGs are unplayable.