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8821054 No.8821054 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished playing Grandia 3 and I kinda want to rant about it for a bit, so bear with me. Brace yourself if you've ever planned to play this game, because I'm probably gonna be shit-talking everything about it, so there's likely gonna be some spoilers. If you're on the fence about playing it, I gotta say - I wouldn't recommend it but the choice is obviously yours.

Now, I've played Grandia 1 & 2 and they were fucking great. Grandia 1 introduced their really cool battle system and had a fun, likable characters with cute girls like Feena and that villainous trio of military girls.

Grandia 2 was also pretty great - the english dub wasn't bad and had cool special moves ("HERE GOES! FLYING... TEN-SEI-KEN!"). Characters were really likable in this one too, from cute babes like Millenia and Tio, to utterly based bros like Mareg.

So imagine my surprise to discover that there IS indeed a Grandia 3 - I set that shit up to download asap, slapped it into an emulator and prepared myself for a fuckin journey. On bootup, I was greeted with a 3D-animated cutscene compilation of some guy flying a plane around in the sky and a blond villain laughing his ass off repeatedly, accompanied by this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXgi0plwiWM

Not bad, the music has a nice kick to it around 40 seconds to it - gets ya pumped for some old fashioned JRPG adventurin'. But it sets the tone for a critical detail that the game absolutely REFUSES to let you forget: this game is about a PILOT.

>> No.8821064
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Your name is Yuki, and you're a PILOT. Did you hear that clearly? You're a PILOT and you LOVE to FLY. If you didn't catch that, no worries - Yuki will be CONSTANTLY reminding you that he is a PILOT throughout the game and that he has to spread his WINGS and FLY.

Seriously, I don't know if flying planes was the "cool" thing back then, but Yuki has almost no personality except for the fact that he absolutely, 100%, above all else, MUST fly all the time because his soul burns with the fiery passion of a PILOT. The game starts with a cutscene of Yuki watching a movie about Schmidt - an old hero pilot who does dope shit and rescues hot bitches. Then, the game begins with Yuki and his friend Rotts building an airplane - they call it #19 because Yuki has crashed literally EVERY plane they've built. But it's ok, he's a PILOT so he's NEVER gonna give up on flying.

But anyway, one of the first characters you see is the woman in this pic, Miranda. Despite how young she looks, she's your MOM and Yuki apparently gives no shits about her, because he decides he's gonna fly #19 tonight and leave the village without even CONSIDERING saying goodbye to his mom. That ends up not mattering thought, because when Yuki attempts to fly #19 out of the village at night, she sneaks into the backseat which throws the plane out of balance during it's flight, and the plane begins to drop and crash. On the way down, you see the obligatory holy elf priestess character being chased by evil bad boogeymen and a bulky blonde dude. The plane hits the ground and Yuki decides to go look for the elf chick, so it's time for "JRPG Questin' with Mom". Miranda hits fast and hard, so she actually rocks, but every time she does her special attack, she says "STINGS... DOESN'T IT?", which something said by MULTIPLE characters throughout the game when using their special moves.

>> No.8821082 [DELETED] 

I’m still surprised every time I’m reminded that there was a 3

>> No.8821089
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Eventually, you find the elf in the woods along with this sci-fi assassin guy (???) who can warp around at the speed of light for some unexplained reason. He makes no sense in this fantasy setting, but don't worry – nothing about his abilities ever gets explained. Anyway, the elf introduces herself as Alphina, which is fucking hilarious because the elf priestess girl in Grandia 1 is named Feena. Anyway, you bring her back to your hometown, but OOPSY DOOPSY, the bulky badguy leader comes to your town too because he wants that elf pussy. In what is perhaps the most anti-climactic fight in the game, fighting this bulky leader guy is actually the TUTORIAL FOR CANCELING ATTACKS. You just cancel his attacks over and over, launching him into the sky like a ragdoll repeatedly, until he runs out of health and flees the battle. It's absolutely absurd, but I guess it sets the tone that he's not really a competent fellow.

Alphina says she needs to get back to a temple across the sea at the end of the mainland because she's a “Communicator” - which means she can speak to these sacred beasts called Guardians. The words of Guardians just sound like animal noises to anyone who isn't a Communicator, so Alphina is the only one who can speak to them and she needs to perform some kind of ceremony at the temple and ask them a question about her MYSTERIOUS BROTHER. But where did she come from? Why was she in the forest on a different continent than the temple she originally came from? Don't worry, NONE of these questions will be answered, so let's move on. Yuki, Miranda and Alphina leave town towards a southern harbor hoping to find a ship.

>> No.8821104

This makes me want to get into grandia. Thanks anon!

>> No.8821124
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Eventually you come across a barrel floating by the docks and crack it open to find a guy with horns named Alonso. Why does he have horns when nobody else in the game does? Who knows - because the game sure won't tell you! Thankfully, he owns a boat so the party tags along with him until they reach a casino by the docks, where he promptly snatches Alphinas Communicator Brooch and fuckin gambles it away to try and WIN BACK his boat that he actually lost earlier. He loses of course, but as the usual trope goes, the casino was cheating and you reveal the truth winning back your shit. However, Miranda is worried that Yuki is gonna want to travel with Alphina, leaving his poor mum behind.

You travel on the ocean for awhile and run into a guy flying a literal dragon named Ulf, who Yuki immediately bonds with because "YOU FLY JUST LIKE ME, HYUCK HYUCK I'M A PILOT DUDE". It comes off as really forced, but I'm beyond judging character motivations at this point. Anyway, you eventually reach the mainland where Alphina needs to go, but Miranda doesn't seem too happy.

Grandia 1 and 2 are fantastic games, I'd highly recommend them.

>> No.8821148
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She confides in Alonso that she's worried about letting go of Yuki, but Alonso tells her that Yuki "needs to spread his wings" because he's a PILOT - in case you've forgotten in the last 5 minutes. I'd also like to mention that it's extremely likely Alonso has been banging your mom this entire time - no joke, they drink together late at night, bond over idle chat, and at one point you find them in a flower shop where he buys her flowers for her hair that she wears while giggling like a schoolgirl. I have no doubts that man has decimated your mom because he was literally horn-y the day you encountered him.

Anyway, Ulf tells you that THE legendary pilot captain Schmidt ALSO lives on the mainland and that Schmidt will build an airplane for you if you bring him a specific fruit (???). Since Yuki needs a plane to reach the place where Alphina wants to go, the party takes a detour to this deserted island, gets one of those fruits, and then takes it to Schmidt on the mainland. Schmidt takes ONE bite, carves the fruit into a plane hood ornament (???????) and then builds Yuki a fucking airplane.

>> No.8821162
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Yuki gets his plane and he leaves with Alphina towards the temple, so she can ask the Sacred Beast about her MYSTERIOUS BROTHER. Miranda decides to stay behind and sail the world with Alonso (AKA get fucked on a boat for the rest of her life). Yuki and Alphina take off towards the temple, SURPRISE, Alphina sees her MYSTERIOUS BROTHER riding on top of a GIANT FLYING SNAKE towards the temple. This giant flying snake is NEVER EVER explained throughout the game. It just exists and you have to deal with it. Yuki flies too close to the snake like a retard and breaks the wing of his plane, crashing it into the ground. His BRAND NEW PLANE that the legendary Schmidt built for him - crashed and busted in less than an hour. What a fucking PILOT.

Yuki and Alphina leg it to the temple on foot and Alphina is finally able to perform the ceremony. She summons the guardian bird Gryph, who tells her that LOVE defeats all evil and she must LOVE her brother because LOVING LOVE is the LOVE of LOVE. However, the cliche JRPG plot device is cut short as Alphinas MYSTERIOUS BROTHER appears out of nowhere and fucking murders Gryph. He starts laughing maniacally and we learn his name is Emelious (because Alphina won't stop screaming it) and dark roots start shooting out of the sky and demolish the temple.

The party flees back to Yukis crashed plane and proceeds to SOMEHOW FLY HIS BUSTED-ASS PLANE all the way back to town. How the FUCK does he manage to get his crashed plane back in the air? No idea, it never gets explained. However, the plane is pretty banged up so Yuki crashes it AGAIN on Schmidts runway - he'll sure be happy to see that scrap of smoking garbage in his backyard. Yuki meets Ulf in town again and they go get ANOTHER FUCKING FRUIT from that island, bring it to Schmidt, who makes him ANOTHER FUCKING PLANE. I can't even fathom how this one old man can build entire planes in a day for some shitty kid in exchange for a fruit that he doesn't even eat, but whatever.

>> No.8821173

I wish more games had your hot mom as a party member

>> No.8821182
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Ulf SUDDENLY remembers that there's a bigass dragon in his home village that's also a Sacred Guardian, so the party takes their NEW new plane and heads out. They get there and are turned away at the gate because Ulfs people never actually leave Dragon Valley, which makes Ulf a traitor. But just then, a booming voice at the edge of the village tells them to let the party in. It's the Sacred Guardian, Drak, and he wants you to meet him so he can grant you all the power to stop Emelious from resurrecting the EVIL Guardian, Zorn.

"But wait a second...", you might be thinking. "I thought only Communicators can understand Guardians! How did the villagers hear Drak telling them to let us in?" Good question! Moving on, Drak gives the party a magic macguffin that empowers them before we leave for the desert to look for more Guardians. The party reaches a small oasis village in the desert, Baccula. It's here that we encounter the ABSOLUTE WORST town music I have EVER heard in my existence. I had to ACTUALLY mute my computer while walking around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krbTjVulToI

However, there's a diamond in the rough; it's here that we meet the busty village chief Dahna and her equally-busty sister Ruilia. Dahna doesn't believe in LOVE because her husband left her, but sci-fi man shows up later and turns out he was her husband, but had to leave to stop Emelious. Dahna joins the party to go meet with the desert Guardian Yoat, and the game is now forever changed because Dahnas massive honkers take center-stage in nearly every cutscene she appears in. No matter how tense the cutscene is, Dahnas humongous titties stand out like a sore thumb in every scene she enters and they get bigger the more detailed her 3D model is.

>> No.8821205

>But where did she come from? Why was she in the forest on a different continent than the temple she originally came from? Don't worry, NONE of these questions will be answered
OP either has the memory of a Goldfish or can't pick up on subtle nuances.
Also these complaints about "DUDE WHY DOES THIS GUY HAVE HORNS/WHY DOES THIS SNAKE EXIST" sounds like autism.

>> No.8821213
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More Dahna because booba. Anyway, the party goes to meet Yoat, who is actually a giant goat. Yes, he's Yoat the Goat, who gives us another macguffin after we defeat Blonde Badguy and his NEW companion, Sexy Scythewoman, who both escape after getting spanked. The party then goes to a sacred part of the desert with a portal to the "Verse Realm", which is a land of fairies who are all turning into glass. We meet a pink fairy girl named Hect with a really bad english voice actor, who laments that their entire world is turning to glass because of the influence of Zorn - the EVIL guardian that Emelious is trying to resurrect and that all the Guardians are being killed by him, so there's only ONE left. This means that after we visited Drak and Yoat, Emelious waltzed up and killed them too. Great.

She DOESN'T join the party (thank god), so we fly off to the jungle to meet with the last guardian, this time it's a unicorn guardian Seiba. We get macguffin #3, but run into Emelious on the way out. Seiba intervenes and literally gets beheaded by Emelious. Oh well. But it turns out, there's ACKTUYYALLY one MORE guardian, so this time, we fly off to a floating temple in the sky and after an unreasonably hard battle with a crystal golem, we reach the last one, the dolphin guardian Unama and obtain macguffin #4. The party decides its time to go fuck up Emelious, so they load up into the plane and fly high up towards the floating sky-cocoon of Zorn. We battle Sexy Scythewoman again, who runs off defeated...

...and it was at this point that I realized I hadn't seen Blonde Badguy in AGES. He NEVER shows up again for the rest of the game. The writers literally forgot about him, because after the fight at Yoat, he is never seen or mentioned again.

>> No.8821220

anon, I have nothing to add to your synopsis, just wanted to post some soothing music to ease your pain


>> No.8821231
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>It's here that we encounter the ABSOLUTE WORST town music I have EVER heard in my existence. I had to ACTUALLY mute my computer while walking around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krbTjVulToI

>> No.8821234
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Sexy Scythewoman runs off to Emelious and tells him he needs the power of LOVE to summon Zorn, so she rips off her top and starts bouncing on him like a pogostick. Not really - she actually gets impaled by Zorns tentacles (not in a sexy way) and then shatters after turning into glass. Weak. We run into sci-fi man fighting Emelious, but he gets stabbed and dies. Dahna runs over to him, colossal breasts swinging from side to side, and says her goodbyes. Proceeding through the area, we eventually fight Emelious but he kidnaps Alphina and flies off on his GIANT FLYING SNAKE, but suddenly the sky all over the world gets covered in Zorn tentacles and Yukis plane loses the ability to fly, so he crashes for the 20th time.

The party lands in a snowy village somehow FULL of PILOTS who are all sad because their plane batteries cannot charge due to Zorns tentacles blotting out the sun. But whats this? ROTTS is here, so he and Yuki build a glider to ride the wind so Yuki can reach the sky cocoon again. Except he doesn't - in one of the goofiest fucking scenes in the game, Yuki literally CRASHES the glider shortly after takeoff. However, whos THIS now? It's SCHMIDT for whatever fucking reason - he's here in THIS town now and after Yuki accidentally finds a pearl necklace that belonged to Schmidts dead wife, Schimdt remembers the POWER OF LOVE and builds Yuki a THIRD fucking airplane and drags it into the sky using his own plane, which is powered by gasoline instead of sun batteries. Hect was also in town for no actual reason, but joins the party in place of Alphina.

>> No.8821252

could be worse

>> No.8821259
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Schmidt drags Yukis new plane high into the sky until it can ride the winds to reach the sky cocoon, however Schmidts plane catches fire and he falls to his death. Yuki tearfully steers his gliding plane up to the sky cocoon, which is apparently up at the edge of the planets atmosphere. After running around on the surface for a bit, he finds a pillar the size of a basketball hoop and smashes it, which SOMEHOW was the source of the roots covering the sky all over the ENTIRE PLANET, causing them to crumble away. Remaining on the cocoon, the party climbs to the fortress atop and confronts Emelious, who suddenly realizes that he LOVES his sister Alphina and doesn't want to summon Zorn anymore. Too bad, because Zorn doesn't give a shit and hatches from the cocoon anyway. Emelious hops on his GIANT FLYING SNAKE and soars off to fight Zorn. There's a save point, so we know this is the final battle. Hect leaves the party to create a bridge of light leading straight to Zorn, but it's mainly just so Alphina can rejoin the party, and then the final boss fight begins.

I want to stress that his is a long fight and for the ENTIRE fight, this boss won't shut up about love. Every attack is "ALL LOVE MUST BE DESTROYED", "LOVE IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL", "LOVE IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END", "ALL LOVE MUST PERISH", etc. It's the most ball-shriveling cliche ever and he's got like a million health, so you're gonna be slapping away at this guy for awhile, but eventually he dies and there's no second form or any shit like that. He crumbles away, Emelious' ghost says goodbye to Alphina, who cries for the 100th time and the credits roll. You then see a scene of adult Yuki and adult Alphina with their kid running around (because of COURSE Yuki wanted that elf pussy), and the kid says he wants to be a pilot too. THE END.

All in all, I can't honestly say it was worth it. For the sake of completing all three games, I'm glad it's done but it's just nowhere near the first two games.

>> No.8821280

fuck, now I want to play grandia 2 again

>> No.8821326
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Whoops - forgot to post this Dahna gif, so there ya have it.

>> No.8821386
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>her equally-busty sister Ruilia
Best character that never joins the party

>> No.8821436

Anon you have to play Xtreme before you can claim you've finished the series.

>> No.8821438
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Do NOT tell me there's another Grandia game, anon

>> No.8821440

I'm a pretty big fan of the first game. Sad to image Grandia 3 is so bad, I mean look at that absolutely soulful beautiful art on the cover

>> No.8821446
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Sorry, here's the american boxart

>> No.8821464
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There's Parallel Trippers too. It has an English patch.

>> No.8821482

Grandia 3 would at least be worth playing if you could skip the cutscenes, Easily the peak of Grandia combat

>> No.8821498

Digital museum is also its own game.

>> No.8821514
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>Downloaded undub iso
>Forgot that the game has no subtitle

>> No.8821526

Is this the Year of the Spoony I've heard so much about?

>> No.8821542


>> No.8821983

I did this as well. Pretty unfortunate, because the english audio blows.

>> No.8822012

>Autistically love Grandia 2
>See Grandia 3 is coming out because import site advertised it
>Get Grandia 3 next day shipping from Japan
>One of the first people in teh US to see Grandia 3
>Every character is annoying
>Battle system for some reason seems slower
>Dumb enemies
>Dumb areas
>Elena and her brother are beyond stupid
>Beat it
>Never go back
GameArts has been dead since 1999

>> No.8822091
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>"But wait a second...", you might be thinking. "I thought only Communicators can understand Guardians! How did the villagers hear Drak telling them to let us in?" Good question! Moving on...

>> No.8822418

>very implied that Alonso and Miranda had a wild night meanwhile they were traveling in the ship.

Weird that no one mentions that

>> No.8822503

The Japanese voice over is actually legendary among Japanese fans for how shit it is too, there is honestly no winning.
The combat is really good though, and is the only entry in the series that actually has some modicum of challenge to make use of the series' battle system's quirks.

>> No.8822523

this was one of the few games i returned the day i opened it. felt bad for my dad but i wasn't going to own it.

>> No.8822543

I clearly remember that when this game was released in Japan it was instantly categorized as a kusoge and one of the worst games of that year.

If you're into moonrunes there's a recap why it sucks here


I honestly don't know if the US version was better, I haven't played it

>> No.8822720

>jRPG has a stupid as shit story

OP your remarks are 100% valid but you are a nigger nonetheless, your complaint applies to every game in the genre. Actually good things about the game:

>top tier combat system
>music (notwithstanding the intro song and that one town theme)
>no random encounters
>exploration unlike the corridor that was G2
>skippable animations (unlike G2)

>> No.8822724

>Even Japs have bad dubs
Color me surprised. What were they saying about it?

>> No.8822757

Damn, this is sad. I loved the 2 or 3 hours I played of the first Grandia and I wanted to play the other games.

>> No.8822819

You deserve it for EVER pretending reading animation/video/games is worth it. Fucking cringe cucks thinking subs are better are ruining things by getting others to NOT use superior dubs.

>> No.8822823

Most JP og audio are pretty bad in most media. Miyazaki even points this out that they sound entirely fake and exaggerated in a bad way.

>> No.8823361

anon, the entire game was literally just a map of corridors. There was no exploration whatsoever.

>> No.8823415

>had cool special moves ("HERE GOES! FLYING... TEN-SEI-KEN!").
2 had such satisfying sounds like when you cancel an enemy attack

>> No.8823525

>exploration unlike the corridor that was G2
wow the linear corridors are rounded now, what an evolution in gameplay

>> No.8823642
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Quick shout out to OP for the first high effort topic in awhile. Thanks for the laughs.

>> No.8823661
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I look forward to your next thread anon

>> No.8824036

>Miyazaki even points this out that they sound entirely fake and exaggerated in a bad way.
I wish I could tell the difference because Jap acting to my ears sounds that way by default. Grandia 2's dub sounds on par with how exaggerated and over the top the Jap acting is.

Though with Jap FFX you can sometimes hear the real stress behind a character more-so than in Eng. Lulu and Wakka lamenting about Seymour's marriage proposal came off more stressful and based on all the shit they've been through up 'til that point, it's accurately and excellently directed.

You only get that level of dedication for directing/acting in AAA games.

>> No.8824397

meh. maybe you're just too accustomed to not asking questions about the world around you.
>people just need to turn their brains off and consume product. laugh. and pay for more product. no questions just consuuuume

>> No.8825723

>grandia I & II

two of my favorite games

>xtreme and III

cases are propping up my coffee table

>> No.8825758

>Getting filtered by Xtreme

>> No.8825768

I played Xtreme for the first time like 5 years ago I loved it. Only grandia game I played.

>> No.8825776

reminder that Mark Hamill was in the dub for Xtreme

>> No.8825846

You played the best one Anon so it's all downhill if you decide to pick up any of the others.
1 and 2 are good if you like story-heavy JRPGs at least.
Mark Hamill is one of the only things the game is generally remembered for.

>> No.8825864

Most of it was warranted and called out the poor writing, but those few instances I listed are almost "Everything Wrong With" level trite.

>> No.8826197

holy shit it's like a japanese version of OP's massive rant against the game, and includes many of the same complaints including the awful voice acting and the lack of subtitles. They call the story random radio noise.

Apparently the japanese fans were even more furious by how the developers were shilling for this game in particular. They said it's normal to be overly positive when promoting their game but in this case they were utterly disconnected from reality and full of shit.
> By the way, the director of "I" said, "My personal score for the story is 0, sorry, Mr. Takahashi."

Also, "overseas fans don't hate Grandia III as much because they have lower standards for storytelling" lmao

>Haruka Kinami, who played the voice of the radio heroine Alfina in 2018, announced her marriage to Hiroshi Tamaki, who played the voice of Jester, the main character of another kusoge " Rogue Galaxy " released in the same year.

>> No.8826215

I remember when Game Informer's Andrew Reiner called II's story "nauseating" and III's story " a page turner" lmfao.

>> No.8826590

Do you have a link to that? Google isn't giving me anything.

>> No.8826652

The reviews were from two different issues a few years apart, though to be fair he reviewed the infamous PS2 version of Grandia II which was riddled with slow down and visual and audio bugs that make the remaster look immaculate by comparison. I don't know if he ever reviewed the original Dreamcast version.

>> No.8826738

worst i encountered in the ps2 version was the warp knife and boots would occasionally turn the character pure white after the warp which fixed itself after the battle. some of the textures looked off, like more diffuse or less soft than on the dreamcast. overall it wasnt bad if that was the only version you could play.

>> No.8827190

Felt like a bait and switch honestly, the first two were about adventure, so taking off as a pilot into a new world just screams adventure only for it to crash hard and it just become a typical save princess jrpg so disappointed I was expecting something in similar light to skies of arcadia

>> No.8827575
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OP here, those details REALLY stand out as unusual though. For example, the Giant Flying Snake that Emelious rides isn't just a large mount, it's fucking COLOSSAL. Emelious' entire body is barely the size of it's eyeball. I thought maybe it was one of the Sacred Guardians, but when Emelious reveals his mission is to kill all of the guardian beasts, that theory flew out the window. It's just a gigantic flying snake that he rides around and nobody ever mentions it through the entire game.

Skip to 1:39:00 for a cutscene where they show the snake for the first time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4f236oBO-w

>> No.8828975

I never noticed it when playing as a kid (probably just from not knowing better) but when I booted the PS2 version a few years ago, I noticed there was significant slowdown in some cutscenes that got kind of grating after a while. I think the worst offender was one of the scenes with Selene in Mirumu's town hall, the slowdown was really noticeable on her sprite specifically.
It's still perfectly playable, mind you, unlike the hideous OG PC port.

>> No.8829165
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Damn, cutscenes look outstanding, shame the story is such dogshit. I really have to wonder just what went wrong.

>> No.8829556
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>> No.8830117

Is this any good?

>> No.8830556

>The song wasn't even original for the game
>The artist just rehashed one of her existing songs with new lyrics
I don't even hate the song but it's proof in and of itself of how rushed the game was.

>> No.8831013
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Holy fuck, they literally just changed some of the lines from another song into generic anime stuff. Just incredible.

>> No.8831016

>because they have lower standards for storytelling
It says "because they don't care as much about story in games," it says nothing about standards. It also praises the voice acting in the English version so they clearly have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.8831893

try others anon, 2 is great.

>> No.8833495
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Especially the main character's snarky remarks.

>> No.8833683

based Ryuudo.
Shame Grandia II is too fucking easy (ok, except for the 'secret' labyrinth)

>> No.8833714

when you go back to raul hills? that place become really easy once you start getting drops like the jet black cape which makes you basically invincible. the anniversary edition added a hard mode too

>> No.8833745

it's impressive how they managed to translate the battle system to this format while still making it good
also OP never even mentioned the combat of grandia 3, just the shitty story

>> No.8833804

only played a few mins of it so far but i patched the rom if anyone wants it

>> No.8834237
File: 64 KB, 527x563, 2w_hyousi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iwadare is easily on the same tier as Uematsu, why the fuck isn't he hired to work on more games?

>> No.8834275

I had a fever while reading this thread, which made it a real experience.

>> No.8834416

Exposure matters more than you'd think anon. There are plenty of extremely talented composers who are relatively unknown simply because they haven't been involved in a huge project.