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File: 17 KB, 256x224, TinyTina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8820412 No.8820412 [Reply] [Original]

Simply the most ambitious but at the same time faithful FFVI mod.

So, have you finished? Do you want to do 100%? Tell your experience.

>> No.8820678

What's a good place to quick farm XP in WOR?

>> No.8820707

The Floating Continent isn't too bad, at least up to level 50 or so.

>> No.8820764

These fake espers are really mean haha

>> No.8820774

Seraph is easily the worst. The rest aren't that tough, though Ifrit sometimes hits hard.

>> No.8821032

I like Divergent Paths. How does this one compare?

>> No.8821457

More extra stuff, but lack new characters

>> No.8821937

So I've noticed Shadow's Throw got nerfed. The guide says it still ignored defense, but I don't see him doing anywhere near as much damage as in the original. Was the 2x multiplier removed?

>> No.8822565

Holy shit, I had the hardest time with Fiend, and not because he was actually hard, but because the fucker refused to use Force Field no matter how much I waited for him to use it so Strago could learn it, and I ended up having to restart several times before I decided to delve into the monster script files.

Turns out he will ONLY use it if you cast Magic on him in his second phase, but he gains Reflect status during this phase, so it doesn't count if you cast a spell and it bounces off of his Reflect. So yeah, you have to cast Dispel on him, and THEN he'll counter with Force Field whenever you cast Magic at him.

>> No.8822613

It factors strength too, right? Some stat also goes into the calculation.

>> No.8822617 [DELETED] 

well i would but i stopped somewhere in the apocalypse, think it was after finding terra, so maybe in a year idk but i wanna beat it regularly first and probably try out some other finfans

>> No.8822680

Well, I got cocky after defeating Fiend, and figured Goddess wouldn't be too bad either.

Holy shit, was I wrong. That fight is FUCKED. Granted, the team I brought to fight her is probably the worst possible one I could've brought (all but one are at a level which is a multiple of 4, so she's spamming Lv. 4 Hold like you wouldn't believe, and I didn't bring Locke or Gogo, so I had Shadow try to fill in as a Thief with the Thief Knife to steal that Save the Queen, which is severely handicapping him), but she goes absolutely nuts in her second phase. I believe sometimes she attacks FOUR times in a row. First I've seen a boss do that.

I think I'm gonna have to remake my teams, and traverse the damn tower again, because I am not making good headway with this one...

>> No.8822691

Also, the number of things you have to protect against is INSANE. She casts Holy and Thunder-elemental magic, uses Stop on characters if their level is a multiple of 4, inflicts Sleep, Blind and later on Zombie status... so you have to equip shit that protects against Holy, Thunder, Blind, Sleep and Zombie, AND make sure your characters' levels aren't a multiple of four. That probably requires at least three or four separate equips per person to protect against all that. Jesus Christ.

>> No.8822785

Lord almighty, I finally did it, but it was a hell of a ride.

First, I exited the tower and remade my teams. Since I needed only team members whose levels were not divisible by four, I went with a team of Celes, Shadow, Sabin and Gogo to go fight her (they all fulfilled this condition, and Gogo can steal), and fitted them all with Safety Bits/Memento Rings, Ribbons, and equips that nullified or resisted Holy and Thunder. After all the Esper buffs, almost nothing she did in her first phase could hurt me, so I took my time to steal the Save the Queen, then started to whittle her down (her Evasion is crazy high, so Tiger Rush missed more often than not, and so I went with Phantom Rush instead).

Come her second phase, she got more annoying, and this is where I realized I actually forgot to put a Ribbon on Gogo, so he was getting hit by ailments left and right. Still, all was well, until... she cast Silent Prayer, and summoned FUCKING CRUSADER HOLY SHIT


Thankfully, I had ReRaise cast on everyone from multiple Asura summons, so I survived that, but she quickly killed off Shadow and Sabin, and one Quasar later, Gogo fell asleep, the fucker. I noticed, however, her Regen was regaining very little health, which indicated she was low on health, so I did a Hail Mary and cast Meteor with Celes, and that finished her off.

I fucking love this game, but goddamn.

>> No.8822907

The warring triad ain't no joke.

>> No.8822917

And how! Demon is now kicking my ass something fierce. He uses both Fire and Wind-elemental attacks, and while I have plenty of Fire-proof equips, I have a grand total of three equips that absorb or nullify Wind, and one of them is exclusive to Mog, who is not on the team fighting him, so Merton is a big problem. Also, I once again run into the issue of him casting a level-specific spell, namely Lv. 3 Flare, which is deadly for two of my characters. And if I thought Goddess attacked too many times per turn in her second phase... Demon is even crazier still. At least he doesn't inflict any status ailments, so that's good, but even so I don't know if my current team can take him.

>> No.8823571

Demon was the hardest Triad for me. Easiest was Goddess.

>> No.8824138

Where do I find pupu magicite? In the auction?

>> No.8824140


>> No.8824141

Where do you find that room? It looks different in normal t-edition

>> No.8824194

It's an old version of the achievement room.

>> No.8824203

thanks. that makes sense

>> No.8825071
File: 168 KB, 900x1177, 66233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my game bugged? I'm on WOR and every time I enter the auction only that lunar curtain appears, it doesn't matter if I take it or don't, has this happened to you guys?

>> No.8825253

I don't think I saw this mentioned in the bug reports, but apparently the Edgar discount at Figaro and South Figaro doesn't apply if he's wearing a costume, or at least not with the Dragoon one. Once I switched back to regular, the discount applied. Just thought I'd bring it up in case someone else runs into it.

>> No.8825258

The RNG fucked me a couple times where it would be stuck on lunar curtains. I would go get in a random encounter and that usually triggered something else. I am pretty sure that the odds of getting a lunar curtain are very very common though so it takes forever

>> No.8825269

What else is there worth getting there, though? After I got the key items and trophy things, all they would auction off are Lunar Curtains and Feather Boots.

>> No.8825276

just trophy things and espers if you didn't get them in the wob. I don't think I ever used lunar curtains or feather boots even against adamantoise

>> No.8825290

I used Lunar Curtains on my mages for a good while since they give very good Magic and Magic Defense boosts, but they started annoying the shit out of me once the game got harder and my characters got hit by attacks that put them in low health, which triggers the Auto-Reflect and makes it harder to heal them, so I started using Ribbons instead.

>> No.8826293


>> No.8826330

Auction House RNG is sometimes too stubborn to just give the rarer/worthwhile items.
Vanilla rng trick also doesn't work.

>> No.8826710

What's the best way to play FFVI for the first time? I've heard that the SNES version has better music and visuals but the GBA version has a better translation and is uncensored. I've seen something called TWUE that says it combines the best of all versions and fixes some bugs without changing the game. Is that the one to play?

>> No.8826848

You already asked this last thread.

>> No.8826864

This bug is probably triggered by the costumes themselves and will occur every time any other costume is put on Edgar.
AFAIK the costumes are their own separate sprites and not a literal costume put on top of the original Edgar.
So the author probably forgot to put the same discount flag on Edgar's other costumes.

>> No.8826868

So I'd say it's more of an oversight rather than a bug unless it only occurs while the Dragoon costume is on.

>> No.8826870

That is the only time I've ever posted that.

>> No.8827554

How do I unlock Terra's costumes?

>> No.8827579

Gotta unlock the Esper Realm, which means you gotta traverse Kefka's Tower and defeat the Warring Triad.

Yeah, it's annoying how much more work it takes to unlock her costumes compared to everyone else.

>> No.8827584
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This triggers my autism

>> No.8828109

Another thing I noticed: the HTML guide says Phantom Rush was changed into a physical attack, but Gogo does more damage with it than Sabin does, which only makes sense if it's a magical attack given that Gogo has a much bigger Magic stat.

>> No.8828162

Does anyone have an pic with all the custom sprites for the characters, of this hack? I would really like to see all the costumes for Celes, Terra, Relm, etc.

>> No.8828812

Source of this image?

>> No.8829427

I last played it (before this mod, of course) with the TWUE mod, and it was alright. No real big glaring flaws with it that I could see. It gets hated on a lot lately because the guy behind it is a bit of an insecure douche, and he doesn't know a lick of moon so he didn't actually translate shit, but the mod itself seemed fine. Just the QoL changes and uncensorship alone were nice, everything else was icing. So for a first-time playthrough, you could definitely do worse.

>> No.8829701

Fuck's sake, I finally beat Demon. Took a ton of restarts, a shitton of luck and several Megalixirs, but I ended up resorting to a strategy of doing everything humanly possible to keep Strago alive and fighting and just bruteforcing his ass with Grand Delta. He almost cucked me out of a win by summoning Siren which, even though I was protected against Wind, muted Strago right when he was one Grand Delta away from victory but close to dying, but I was somehow able to remove that and was lucky enough not to die in the process.

Alrighty then, off to the Sealed Cave...

>> No.8829791

What are the HP and level for both Sabin and Gogo? Both of those also affect Phantom Rush' damage.

>> No.8829849

dissidia nt

>> No.8829913

They're about the same level, and Sabin has much more HP. So yeah, seems like it is definitely basing itself off of the Magic stat.

>> No.8829919
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>mfw Shinryu
Back to grinding, I guess.

>> No.8829945

i havent played it yet but its on my list, after im done with tactics ogre hacks

>> No.8829970
File: 528 KB, 593x476, FF 6 IRL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's harder, T-Edition or Brave new world?

>> No.8830051

I can't speak for BNW, but this one is definitely hard. Not so much that you require endless grinding, however, so long as you have the right equipment on hand and know how to kit out your team to take on bosses. I managed to clear much of the WoR in the low 40's, until I hit a roadblock that forced me to get closer to 50, and only now, with the very toughest bosses left, am I considering leveling up further.

>> No.8830778

He's a bitch.

>> No.8830923

What's a good build for locke? For now I'm using the offering + thief combo, I'm still looking for the ideal weapon, atma is good but it gets too weak with little HP.

>> No.8830932

His sealed weapon scales off of successful steals and gets max attack.

>> No.8830952

And how do I get it?

>> No.8830981

The four crystals quest in the ancient castle. You need to look at the weapons then go back and talk to bannon then go fight a fiend from ff1

>> No.8831040
File: 96 KB, 491x1000, 0473599057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, thanks.

>> No.8831796

Alright, is the Dinosaur Forest my best bet for leveling? The Brachiosaurus seems like a pain to fight over and over, but idk. Is there a better, less annoying place?

>> No.8831873

Dino Forest is the best. Just save after every fight or use smoke bombs against brachiosaurs.
The plot of land to the right of the dino forest where you can run up and down is good too but significantly lower in exp.
Just vanish hourself and spam magic/anything that doesnt remove vanish.
The silver lining is that despite the lower exp they occasionally drop crystal mails which sell for lot of gil per pop.

>> No.8831882

Huh that's weird.

>> No.8831945

i want to make her smile

>> No.8832682


>> No.8832884

Ugh, been abusing the shit out of Molulu's Charm from the moment I got it because I didn't want to level much and wanted to take on bosses through strategy rather than brute force (plus let's face it, random battles are always annoying), but it's caught up to me in that Gau's Rage list is missing a ton of entries. Now I gotta do some Veldt grinding to get him up to speed.

>> No.8832965

good luck and remember that a lot of the new difficult enemies are not rages so if you get frustrated that a rage isn't showing up it probably doesn't exist. Let me know if you are looking for a specific empty slot

>> No.8833456

lookin' fab

>> No.8833571

How many are you missing? Soul Shrine significantly fills Gau's Rage List
His special/personal scene, same in vanilla, now makes it so that you have the option to unlock all formations in the Veldt.

>> No.8834216


>> No.8834718

Missing around 90 or so. Are there any really good ones that do more than just cast Magic spells for free?

>> No.8834843

Oh that's a lot.
Yes. There are the "useless" ones, normal ones, good ones, really good ones, and fucking gamebreaking ones.
Gau is a favorite amongst most T-Edition players I've seen because of the sheer utility of his rages.

>> No.8834886

What're some really good and broken ones? And how do I obtain them?

>> No.8834963

By gamebreaking, you mean along the lines of Wind God Gau?

By the way, kinda shitty that the Tempest was taken out. It was a badass weapon.

>> No.8834982

Good ones that I remember are those that have Mog's animals as their special, one of them puts Reraise on the entire party. Mog's animals are imbalanced on their own and Gau gives you access to them with lesser rng than using Animal Arts. I forgot the names of the specific Rages but Rage screen shows the special so it'd be easy to look for them:
Racoon (Heal and status ailments are healed) Tapir (Reraise), Meerkat (basically a Mighty Guard), and Snow Panther(Blink + Heal) are the good ones.
I used Gau as a supportive member so that's what I got. Imo Tapir is imbalanced along with Raccoon.

>> No.8834992

Good shit. Thanks anon, will be on the lookout for these.

>> No.8834998

Yeah. Some Rages deal insane amounts of damage namely two late game ones: Thor and NightHawk

>> No.8835009

In the early game Gau also still has Stray Cat despite being nerfed, and I think an early rage has White Wind or Curaga, Gau actually scales so well in the hack

>> No.8835014
File: 608 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220406-154025_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the rages that can be used for support

>> No.8835626

One thing about the Veldt now that is annoying me is that you now fight enemies that Gau can't even Rage, so many of the encounters there are wastes of time, not to mention it also makes it harder to find Rages you don't already have.

>> No.8836403

Bump with X Magic

>> No.8836414

Rage indeed is still a chore to complete but it's worth it, small price to pay for the enjoyment of using Gau

>> No.8836558
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>> No.8836568


>> No.8836643

luckily you can cast float before the battle. his earthquake is nonelemental but you can still avoid it

>> No.8837230

Nice shader

>> No.8838201

Bump with offering relic

>> No.8838298

Nevermind me, just posting the version made here
>https://mega (dot) nz/folder/l1wh2AjB#a7o9Bd2GJPlpSO9e5MeCMg

>> No.8838805
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What level do I gotta be to beat these fuckers?

>> No.8838841

What is the difference?

>> No.8838957

I took the chests in the Narshe and South Figaro caves my first time through. Did they have anything useful? In vanilla they didn't have anything that important, but I know FF6T changes item placements around.

>> No.8838972

Nothing great that is game changing. The south figaro cave will have a thunder rod. I think potions turn to high potions
The mato translation has a few text bugs, especially in ex mode that are fixed here. Also the ng plus html files use a different translation than mato so this file has most of the html sync with mato
50-60 if you can find a way to exploit them, 60-75 to brute force your way

>> No.8838990

I'ma shoot for level 55, then, and see how I fare then. Shinryu pushed my shit in something fierce.

>> No.8839091

>The south figaro cave will have a thunder rod. I think potions turn to high potions
I think thats when you get them in Locke's scenario. Apparently you get a hero ring and guard bracelet if you pick them up in WOR. I'm curious if thats been changed because they moved the ribbon from a hidden chest to the imperial banquet.

>> No.8839131

IIRC you do get the Hero Ring there in the WoR, but curiously enough ONLY through a pub quest, which appears to use a different map despite it looking the same. In the regular cave, you get some other thing.

>> No.8839487

>through a pub quest, which appears to use a different map despite it looking the same. In the regular cave, you get some other thing.
This is correct, all pub quests that use the same layout as another map is different and the chests are entirely separate from the "original" map like South Figaro Cave and its different versions depending on the South Figaro Pub Quest that you take.

>> No.8839592

Yeah tital wave hurts but then he still casts shit like meteo

>> No.8839623

I mean, you can at least equip Water-absorbing shit to negate Tidal Wave, but all his other shit is absolutely bananas.

>> No.8840040

Okay, so... Strago + Gem Box + Ultima = bretty gud. Made short work of both Omega and Shinryu with that. Omega did cast Ultima himself before dying, but thankfully Morphed Terra tanked it like a champ.

Now, this Omega Weapon thing... godDAMN does it have insane stats. Does it also ignore defense like the Ultima Weapon does? The HTML guide doesn't say so, just like it doesn't mention it for the Ultima Weapon itself despite the fact that it does.

>> No.8840175

I forgot if it indeed does but it's basically a "fuck you" weapon, it gives everything.

>> No.8840207

Ok, I tested it, and it doesn't, so the Ultima Weapon still has its niche.

Speaking of Ultima... seems I'll have to grind yet a bit more. Level 55 was enough for Omega and Shinryu, but Ultima is definitely on another league.

>> No.8840267

Yeah, she's arguably the hardest boss outside Kefka. Goodluck

>> No.8840435
File: 79 KB, 596x470, please visit the Beginner's School, talk to all the scholars, then tell the counter that you're already an expert, then talk to them again.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8840926

Terra's cute

>> No.8841946
File: 199 KB, 1710x966, 747593774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ideal Remake?

>> No.8841970


>> No.8841998

I love that Deep Purple music

>> No.8842347

>Locke is more of a pincushion than ever
Is there anything actually worth stealing? Finishing up the WoB, and the Tiger Mask is non-existent, and the Gaia Gear is heavily nerfed.

>> No.8842470

Come WoR, you'll wish to have him back ASAP. Lots of bosses have good shit to steal, and if you want more of the items that increase total HP and MP, many are available through stealing.

>> No.8842585

The only way to get a good amount of golden apples is to fight in the arena with soma drops, the only way to get a good amount of soma drops is to ragnarok muudsluud in kefka's tower. If you steal the maximum amount of each you will only end up with about 15 or so

>> No.8842591

How do I get som elixirs and X-potions?

>> No.8842805

Ok, but do I need to actually minmax with HP items? Because I'll drop this shit right now.

>> No.8842869

I didn't use any golden apples or soma drops and beat the game just fine. The end game super equipment gives you boosts to hp and mp so everyone had 6-8k hp for me. I think both gau and umaro max out their hp very early as well. Maybe sabin does too but I didn't use him

>> No.8842893

Only Strago kinda struggles with HP, and that's mitigated by giving him your best defensive equipment.

>> No.8843039


I don't fucking know how I did it, but I decided to say "nah, fuck grinding" and tried to take her on again at level 55, and I succeeded by the VERY FUCKING SKIN of my teeth. It literally ended with Terra and Celes zombified, Strago dead, and Sabin in critical health. Decided to do a Fuck It Hail Mary Tiger Rush, MISSED THE FUCKING BLITZ INPUTS FFFFFFFFF and he miraculously blocked Wave Cannon after. Finally got the inputs right the second time, with him at like 600 health, and that actually finished her off.

I figured her worst damage attack outside of Ultima and Perfect Ultima was Wave Cannon, which she casts very frequently in the third phase, so I decided to get everyone's Magic Evasion as high as possible since it's blockable, and it actually paid the fuck off. I still can't believe it. I actually jumped off my couch and yelled at the TV kek

>> No.8843604

Damn, is the Soul Shrine long. I presume it's worth it, though.

>> No.8844014
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>> No.8844046

I finally beat Kefka. Thanks to everyone who gave me advice in the last thread. I still never found the "Yellow Globe", for the Figaro pub quest, though, anyone know what I'm supposed to do there? It's the "Drink" quest.

I haven't played any of the EX bosses yet, I'm thinking maybe I should hit the soul shrine for some better equips first.

Also, I realized they removed "Wind God Gau"'s weapon from the game. Are there any other good uses for the Merit Award?

>> No.8844070

Terra Statue is gonne be released.

>> No.8844072

>I still never found the "Yellow Globe", for the Figaro pub quest
Cid's island. Fish.

>> No.8844115

I went to pick up some fish. I went back to the pub, he says there's a man on the east side of town who wants a "Yellow Globe". I have talked to all the NPC's and I can't find anyone that gives me any dialogue. The only person I think fits the description is the man who you give wine to in the early part of the game, but he doesn't say anything unique, just says he gave up alcohol. So I don't know what to do...

I think you're mixing it up with a different quest in a different town.

>> No.8844182
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>> No.8844796

You have to be very ready for EX. Good luck.

>> No.8845307
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>> No.8845343

When I was a kid, I thought Final Form Kefka looked like Mr. Burns.

>> No.8845429

It is damn worth it.

>> No.8845436

Good one. Now you're ready for EX

>> No.8845513
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>barely survive fucking Gilgamesh
>Omega is next
Shinryu and Ultima are after that, aren't they?

>> No.8845568
File: 1.99 MB, 395x313, 1650599661025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaaaand I forgot beating Omega leads into him casting Ultima, which if it doesn't annihilate the whole party leaves at least one or two in critical condition... only to segue right into Shinryu casting Tidal Wave right from the get-go.

Guess I'll have to do this whole bit with water-absorbing equipment on to even have a chance. I do have three Imp Tokens, so maybe that's the ticket?

>> No.8846301


>> No.8846304

>ESL morons still shilling tranny edition
>still cant get anyone to actually talk about it
>still have to same fag the thread hundreds of times to keep it up
how pathetic

>> No.8846659

Yep. You gotta gear up properly for Soul Shrine's latter fights

>> No.8846689

I think I just went with hero shield on terra and force shield on strago. One absorbs all elements and one dodges almost every magic attack. Easy to revive the other two characters after tidal wave

>> No.8846998

One thing I'm regretting now is not stocking up on Ethers, Elixirs and shit. I'm up to the Eight Dragons now and I'm running out.
Yeah, I managed to get past him in the end. Just had to get a bit lucky. Sure is a good thing these guys don't have THAT much HP.

>> No.8847057

t edition or brave new world?

>> No.8847487

apples and oranges.

>> No.8847549

ff6t.net is down, is it ok to ask for the patches here?

>> No.8847778

brave new world has no sexy skins, so i dont like it as much


>> No.8847851

i just found out that it's replaced with a katyusha.

As for the narshe mine chests; I have no clue. I tried watching some playthroughs but it seems everyone always picks up those chests in WOB. The mog charm got replaced with an elixir, I'm not sure if the rune sword is still replaced with a ribbon.

>> No.8847865

>Keeps the original game mostly intact, if a few changes here and there
>Adds a ton of optional content and new areas based on stuff cut from the game or dropped in the planning stages
>Adds in costumes that change character stats, allowing for a wide range of play styles with the same four characters
>NG+ allows you to collect multiples of the unique super-powered equipment
>Status effects are more useful offensively, and more important to protect against
>When ready, you can transfer your save to the "2nd disc" for the EX mode boss rush against insanely powerful enemies
Brave New World
>Esper's limited to specific characters
>Rage's dropped to 64
>Only humanoid enemies can be stolen from
>Several save points have been added to key areas, some save points are now also "full recovery" points
>Tents and sleeping bags have been removed from the game
>Death in battle now kicks you back to the menu screen instead of to your last save
>MLP references shoved into the game for no real reason
Take your pick.

>> No.8848119

wow brave new world sounds shit, idk why people always compare them. t edition sounds way better
this especially god black mage celes makes me nut i wish she had fanart

>> No.8848157

>130+ posts
>22 posters
That do be the case indeed.

>> No.8848416

There are four ribbons per ng cycle. One is from the banquet in the wob, one is from a zozo pub quest in wor, one is from a south figaro pub quest in wor (that has nothing to do with the caves), and the last one is in a treasure chest found in eureka

>> No.8848486

Best believe I never take them off now. Damn near everything in the late WoR tries to inflict some or even multiple status ailments.

By the way, what's your take on evasion and magic evasion maxing in this version? Multiple characters can achieve the former (most notably Locke and Shadow, and several others can as well with Merit Awards), but it seems 128 Magic Evasion is impossible (Celes gets the closest at 124 or thereabouts IIRC). Still, is it worth murdering your defenses for the other stat to achieve?

>> No.8848535

mega (dot) nz/folder/l1wh2AjB#a7o9Bd2GJPlpSO9e5MeCMg

>> No.8848542

It's usually not worth it to sacrifice defense for stat maxing.

>> No.8848662

Well, when you think about it, there's several ways to make up for lack of defense or evasion, such as summoning Golem and casting Blink. You don't have those with magic.

>> No.8849428


>> No.8849441
File: 662 KB, 3820x1968, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when op posts a screenshot for bacteria on an image board

Fuck you for making me strain meine augen

>> No.8849601

>complaining about native resolution screenshots of retro games
Either get used to 640x480 and smaller, or go back to /v/.

>> No.8849894

Yeah but in the hard fights I wouldn't recommend it. You'd be having a headache over it rather than a smooth sailing.

>> No.8849936
File: 324 KB, 335x506, 60c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got to the last group in the Soul Shrine, and... I can't, bros. Shit's too much. Any of these fools save maybe the last one I could take out by themselves with the necessary pre-battle preparations, but here I have to make-do with the same setup for every fight, only being able to switch out my weapons and shields mid-fight. Even being higher-leveled than when I first fought them, I get destroyed eventually.

Going out of the shrine resets my progress, right? I really hate to have to do this, but I don't see much of a choice. My current levels just aren't cutting it.

>> No.8849992

>Going out of the shrine resets my progress, right? I really hate to have to do this, but I don't see much of a choice. My current levels just aren't cutting it.
Yes. Keep trying, you'll eventually do it. Mix and match strategies and tactics.

>> No.8850656

you're quite literally using it wrong

>> No.8850759

Did you zoom out for like 100%

>> No.8851003
File: 3.30 MB, 2880x2160, Final Fantasy VI T-Edition (T-Eng)-220426-110707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tranny bitch is too strong. Maybe I should come back later since just one of her attacks can kill most of my party.

>> No.8851045

Try bringing fewer party members and don't forget to talk to that old man nearby for more hints.

>> No.8851089

>bringing a full team to that fight
If you can't use the hints given, you won't survive the WoR. Pay attention and stop mashing the A button.

>> No.8851101

That's the first fight in the game that drives home what you're up against in this mod. Like the other anons said, use the hints given, or if you absolutely wanna brute force your way through like I did, cast Libra and take note of what it says, and use the info accordingly. But really, just take the hints.

>> No.8851328
File: 3.06 MB, 2880x2160, Final Fantasy VI T-Edition (T-Eng)-220426-125857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice.
Pretty fun fight, if I'm honest.

>> No.8851574

Nice. Are you playing on an emulator?

>> No.8851672

made the mistake of rushing to get this magicite after getting the airship and not saving

Had to do the Maduin cutscene again

>> No.8851679

kek I went to Narshe first to do that story event, and that's where I first found out you had to fight some espers before obtaining their magicite. That clued me in, and I figured it might also be the case at Tzen.

>> No.8851683
File: 3.81 MB, 2880x2160, Final Fantasy VI T-Edition (T-Eng)-220426-145447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8851727

Which one?

>> No.8851731

Snes9x through Retroarch

>> No.8851768

It works? No sound issues?

>> No.8851884
File: 2.89 MB, 2880x2160, Final Fantasy VI T-Edition (T-Eng)-220426-160312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I tried everything in the music player and they all sound fine to me.

>> No.8851948

Unrelated, but is there any hack of this dimension and polish for Chrono Trigger?

>> No.8851950

Ok. Nice.

>> No.8851991

No, the only other SNES JRPG that has something like this would be FF4 with FF4 Ultima edition, but it's not even half this expansive.

>> No.8852007

The previous post is extremely biased
Brave New World has a patch to remove the shitty fan script
also the endgame of T-Edition is the same as the original and gogo got nerfed for no fucking reason at all

>> No.8852092

>The previous post is extremely biased
Everything I posted was fact, prove me wrong.
>Brave New World has a patch to remove the shitty fan script
Neat, but all the other crap is still there.
>also the endgame of T-Edition is the same as the original
I don't recall claiming T-Edition had a different endgame, but good strawman. I did say it had a "2nd disc" to play with after you were done.
>gogo got nerfed for no fucking reason at all
Unlike BNW which nerfed Gau, Terra, Celes, Locke, and made Setzer's slots retardedly OP? That might be a decent complaint if you were examining T-Edition in a vacuum, but when compared to BNW, T-Edition still comes out the winner.

>> No.8852117

so u need a patch to remove content from a hack lol that does sound shit

>> No.8852131

Am I missing something? The only notable Gogo nerf I can determine is his lack of MP. I guess he also does lose the Wind God setup (which was taken out from the GBA version onwards) and his 126 MBlock setup (again, lost from the GBA version onwards, and isn't a unique nerf to Gogo anyway). Otherwise, his stats are much better, particularly with costumes, and he has a much wider selection of equipment.

>> No.8852331
File: 204 KB, 653x514, 1627537496353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't argue with the retard. He'll start slobbering and shitting on himself while he yells. What a fucking disgusting freak of nature.

>> No.8853003
File: 13 KB, 480x416, 169-185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8853115

>I nimufu nuthin!

>> No.8853176


Farming XP is stupid. There's no need to do it.

>> No.8853216

I went through most of the WoR skipping random encounters, and I hit a wall at Bahamut, so I ended up leveling to 48 or so. After that, I hit a wall at the Fiends in the Crystal Tower, so I leveled to 55 and beat everything including Ultima through smart team setups and sheer fucking luck.

I'm not sure, but I'm guessing not skipping any encounters at all might've gotten me there in the end anyway.

>> No.8853287

What you need here is to have a spread of relics and characters that make sense. What I did was have Terra with Maduin's horn (X-magic), the Hero Shield and Economizer, T. Rouge, Dragoon Edgar with Gungir (Multi-Jump), Gauntlet and Hyper, Setzer with Fixed Dice, Genji Shield, Barrier and Offering, and Locke with Orihalcum, Genji Shield, a Ribbon and Barrier, and everyone in the back row.

Edgar and Locke both have very high speed, so they can forgo Haste, and Edgar can jump to avoid most things and he delivers huge damage and is required for Babaraccia. Locke can use items, steal and cast Hastega or Araise. You need Locke to deal with a lot of status problems or if your party gets Disaster'd or zombified, he'll the the only one who can unfuck everything.

Terra has 1 MP dualcasts so she can cast Curaga, Araise, Esuna and Ultima. Setzer will occasionaly hit for huge amounts of damage, and can otherwise be a backup cast of Curaga or Araise as he has a lot of health and usually survives since we gave him Barrier.

The four characters work together and can deal with any bullshit that the Soul Shrine throws at it, it has good DPS and is resilient enough to bullshit statuses without having to over-commit to nerfing characters by giving them all status equipment. Instead it just buffs Locke's def and speed and relies on him to fix things up when things go awry. A few times when the party has wiped and only Edgar survived, and I've been able to just use Jump over and over and that's been enough to win.

>> No.8853407

>Dragoon Edgar with Gungir (Multi-Jump), Gauntlet and Hyper
Wouldn't Brave Ring work better than Hyper Wrist? From what I know of the algorithms, 125% physical damage > 50% Strength.

>> No.8853464

My Edgar is consistently hitting like 15-17k every jump. But does the Brave Ring stack with Gauntlet's damage improvement in this version? I just figured I should try to improve the damage in two different ways, but I never bothered to test it.

>> No.8853476

I'm assuming for the most part the algorithms work like vanilla. There, as far as physical damage boosts went, Gauntlet > Hero Ring > Hyper Wrist. And the way the algorithms worked, the Hero Ring boost would apply after the Gauntlet boost if you were to use both together.

>> No.8853526
File: 6 KB, 789x107, stacking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't stack.

>> No.8853548

I thought that this was probably the case. Thank you for clarifying, anon.

>> No.8853550
File: 132 KB, 757x647, stacking advanced.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. It's also mentioned in the Beginner's School

>> No.8853551

I take that to refer to the Relics that act as straightforward damage multipliers. In vanilla, two Earrings or one Earring plus one Hero Ring would stack and net you 150% Magic damage (this did not apply to physicals, so two Atlas Armlets or one AA plus a Hero Ring didn't stack). This indeed was taken away in T-Edition. The Gauntlet, however, is different in that it doubles weapon attack power (in vanilla, it didn't even do this much IIRC), so it is fundamentally a different physical power-up than Brave Ring.

I'll do some tests later to clear this up one and for all.

>> No.8853574

This is unrelated, but I achieved an interesting situation with Shadow using the Gauntlet. Because his dual-wielding is innate in this version, equipping the Gauntlet grants the damage boost while still allowing him to dual-wield. It ups his power substantially without limiting him. I usually build Shadow as an evasion tank (like in the Odin fight to survive Zantetsuken) but you can get some pretty decent DPS out of him if you do this, especially in the earlier game.

>> No.8853593

Never thought to try this. I'll check it out.

Anyway, I just tested it, and indeed Gauntlet and Brave Ring Stack. I fought against some randoms near the Dinosaur Forest, and without any relics using the Gungnir Spear's multi-jump, I was doing around 5000 damage per jump. Adding the Gauntlet, that went up to around a bit more than 8000 damage. Adding the Hyper Wrist, it resulted in about 9000 damage, but replacing it with the Brave Ring brought Edgar up to the 10000 damage mark. So altogether, Gauntlet + Brave Ring about doubled the damage against these enemies in particular, all else being equal. And just as I suspected, Brave Ring does indeed do more work than Hyper Wrist, along with bestowing slightly better stat boosts in general.

>> No.8853682


>> No.8853751

That's really cool anon, looks like we both turned out to be wrong! I'll try it myself, thanks for checking it out.

>> No.8854414

Yeah, I would only maybe consider Hyper Wrist for physical specials such as Bushido, particularly for the four-hit techs, as their attack power is actually pretty low, so Hyper Wrist's +50% Strength boost is actually decent in proportion. For anything else, though? The damage boost is modest at best, so there's usually something more worthwhile to use.

>> No.8854660

Get soul eater
The rage makes him immune to all statuses elements and his special attack does beyond 10k damage , use offering or genji and he could deal 36k almost every time

>> No.8854673

Shut the fuck up
The same type of shit is in t-edition tenfold

>> No.8854686
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>> No.8854694
File: 3 KB, 125x113, 1587175324194s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least that game is somewhat balanced , t-edition is the opposite
This game gave enemies extremely bullshit abilities like that move that gets casted on your entire team and ignores death and fucking zombie immunity , and don't get me started on turn 1 coeurl blasters that can pretty much wipe all your progress at the flick of a wrist , I can go on
Japanese and bullshit goes hand in hand

>> No.8854708

mp is everything in this game , physical attacks are complete trash in this hack , everything counter attacks when you physically hit them
that's why brain blast is so dangerous
it effectively leaves your characters completely helpless especially your mages , since the retard that made this effectively nerfed every mage's hp in this game

>> No.8855483
File: 79 KB, 1000x910, 1587175324194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving thumbnails
>posting thumbnails

>> No.8855658

Should I apply the music fix patch or just play with the echo buffer emulation hack?

>> No.8856203

Both are fine.

>> No.8856402

Echo Buffer Hack has no instances of the music being buggy while music fix has a single instance of it. You probably won't notice it though.

>> No.8857506

You know, the character I'm struggling to find a clear use case for is Celes. Even in Vanilla she was considered Terra-lite since they were basically identical in every way except for their specials, and it's obvious whose was better. The one thing she had going for her was being the easiest character to achieve 128 MBlock with, and even then Terra was right behind and could have the exact same setups and only miss the perfect MBlock stat by a single point, which is practically the same. And she doesn't even have that here. So why would I ever use her over Terra?

>> No.8857813

She's good because she's Terra of the second team

>> No.8857825

Not quite, now that Terra exclusively has Maduin's Horn, giving her X-Magic without the Gem Box and thus freeing a Relic slot.

>> No.8857902

>You know, the character I'm struggling to find a clear use case for is Celes
She's my MVP in many many cases especially late game, I'm a diehard, forever Terrafag but I had to concede that Celes is MVP material in T-Edition alongside Gogo.

>> No.8858483

Hmm, come to think of it, you could have her Runic shit non-stop while other characters hammer away with non-Runicable attacks and spells. Dunno if that would stop everything a boss may throw your way, though.

>> No.8859190

What's your top 5 hardest bosses from t-edition?

>> No.8859331

I've yet to face Kefka, but so far for me it's been Ultima, Bahamut, Rubicante, Leviathan and Cagnazzo, in order of how much trouble they gave me and how razor thin my victory was against them. Honorable mention to Seraph just because she was the first boss that really whooped my ass something fierce and made me buckle down and take this shit seriously.

>> No.8859771

Base game? Or EX?

>> No.8859886
File: 12 KB, 385x415, 1321983514812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Forsaken
Holy fucking SHIT, what a broken spell. Not even mad, though. It's about time Kefka made me legitimately fear him.

>> No.8859994

Are you trying to beat Kefka before moving on to EX Mode?

>> No.8860763

Base game

>> No.8861859


>> No.8862262
File: 230 KB, 735x1024, 7724378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for an FFIV hack that improves the translation and returns the challenge of the japanese version (or even more), some extras quest would be good too.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.8862480
File: 15 KB, 256x224, Final Fantasy IV - Ultima Gilgamesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8862907

Thanks, gonna try it now

>> No.8862965

Not in order: Bahamut, Rubicante, Ultima, Valigarmanda, Kefka

>> No.8864072


>> No.8864730

Throw's status effect is so value.

>> No.8865234
File: 175 KB, 683x1024, 61066597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some questions:

1- I remember there were 2 espers i couldn't beat in wob, will i get another chance in wor or is it gone?

2- What is the esper that teaches curaga and how do i get it?

3- What is a good strategy to beat the holy dragon?

>> No.8865260

>1- I remember there were 2 espers i couldn't beat in wob, will i get another chance in wor or is it gone?
Are you referring to Carbuncle and Catoblepas? If so, I think you're SOL. It's not THE biggest deal in the world, mind you, but if it bothers you, perhaps starting a New Game+ at the earliest possible opportunity (I think you can do it as soon as you get the Falcon) may not be a bad idea.
>2- What is the esper that teaches curaga and how do i get it?
You get it from Asura, who you can only fight after beating Leviathan. However, you can also get it likely earlier from a certain equipment.
>3- What is a good strategy to beat the holy dragon?
Take someone strong in physicals and Berzerk them. That's what I did.

>> No.8865373

Thanks for the quick response, now I'm too far to go back haha...
I'm going without these 2 anyway.

>> No.8865906

nta but that's unlucky

>> No.8866376


>> No.8866887

Is the anon who's about to do EX gone?

>> No.8866919

I'm here m8. Been busy with other things. I'm probably going to grind a bit so I can beat Kefka and the Soul Shrine before attempting EX.

>> No.8866934

Oh ok. Good luck.

>> No.8866965

I'm trying to get to the crystal tower but I'm stuck at matoya's cave. Apparently there should be an enemy called Astos but all I get is a broom that says Matoya is not there. I already did all the prior events for the ultima quest.

Is it a bug? I did the odin and bahamut quest beforehand.

>> No.8866967

Start the Goddess Bell pub quest in albrook.

>> No.8866968

Oh wait I think I'm wrong. Talk to Arvis/Banon unlocks that I think.

>> No.8866971

>Talk to Arvis/Banon unlocks that I think.
I already talked to them, there's no new dialogue.

>> No.8866985

This is what the guide says:

>Speak with Arvis (ジュン) in Narshe during the World of Ruin and ask "About ????" (????について).
>Obtain "Ancient Documents" from the scholar in Albrook wandering near the Inn.
>Showing Arvis the "Ancient Documents" will allow you to learn about the Sylph. (Talk to him twice possibly, especially if it seems like the quest didn't update -Kain.)
>Head to the Moogle's Cave in the Narshe Mines and speak to the Sylph there.
>Speak to Arvis again and learn about the witch who lives in the Phantom Forest.

>> No.8867010

>Talk to him twice possibly, especially if it seems like the quest didn't update

I think this did the trick; I got a new event. Thanks.

>> No.8867184

good luck.

>> No.8867313

I had this same problem and I needed to retalk to a moogle then talk to arvis or bannon again, then it let me progress

>> No.8867691

I want to get started playing this. What do?

>> No.8867751

1. Grab the patch here >>8848535
2. Use Snes9x and enable the Echo Buffer hack so music sounds right
3. Prepare your anus.

>> No.8867754

Thank you anon my anus will be ready

>> No.8868495


>> No.8868729

good luckk

>> No.8868751

RIP thread

>> No.8868808

cya in the next

>> No.8869074
