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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8815397 No.8815397 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any hugely shilled and marketed everywhere by the gaming media game that sold millions and was like the big GOTY of the century for a couple years that now has been totally memory holed?

>> No.8815407

Disruptor PSX. Critically acclaimed projected led by the creator of Hatched and Clank.
>I never fucking heard of it

>> No.8815421

Advent Rising. That shit made it to movie theaters.

>> No.8815439


>> No.8815658

The early Medal of Honor games. They definitely weren't bad, were given a high budget, Hollywood treatment (hell, Spielberg was credited as one of their creative consultants for a short while), and had a fairly extensive advertising campaign. The series has been mostly overshadowed by the Call of Duty and Battlefield games, and I doubt many remember that VR MoH that came out two years ago.

>> No.8815660

ocarina of time

>> No.8815672
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>Spielberg was credited as one of their creative consultants for a short while
Spielberg literally created the series to dump his ideas that didn't make it into Saving Private Ryan. He interviewed actual soldiers and partisans when directing the game.
Looking back to it, MoH 1 + Underground are probably the only WWII shooters worth playing. Far more unique than anything that came after.

>> No.8815673

Black and White

>> No.8816226
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>> No.8816278

unfortunately people still remember this snoozefest

>> No.8816447

>Looking back to it, MoH 1 + Underground are probably the only WWII shooters worth playing. Far more unique than anything that came after.
Oh no, Wolfenstein 3D and Return To Castle Wolfenstein are great ones, and then there's Day Of Defeat

>> No.8816717

Star Wars: Dark Forces.

It was a best-seller on both PC and Mac, praised by critics, but also innovative and influencial as it shaped the genre especially Build engine games.

Nowadays it's just "that one obscure FPS in between Doom and Duke" if it's even mentionned at all.

>> No.8816724

>Looking back to it, MoH 1 + Underground are probably the only WWII shooters worth playing.
>Oh no, Wolfenstein 3D and Return To Castle Wolfenstein are great ones, and then there's Day Of Defeat
These and original CoD too, with health

>> No.8816726

I see it mentioned more than MoH. It's also on every "must play 90's PC" list.

>> No.8816731

Excuse me but what the FUCK happened to your syntax?

>> No.8817372

Command & Conquer

>> No.8817390

There was a particular window of time where BloodRayne was a marketable name. I think it even got a movie.

>> No.8817406 [DELETED] 


>> No.8817415
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>> No.8817426
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>> No.8817445

this was a really good example

>> No.8817485
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Eternal Champions
Primal Rage

Both really big deals in their day and considered potential SF and MK killers but now both completely irrelevant and don't have any significant retro communities around them.

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee got a lot of magazine covers and hypes but never became a major franchise. Not really memory holed since there are many sequels.

Soul Reaver similar case.

>> No.8817490

OP asked for games that were forgotten

OP asked for games that were acclaimed

>> No.8817494

I loved this game. I was groomed by a guy on there and one time he threatened he'd hack me, take my fedora from that pimp easter egg, and find my house if I stopped being his friend.

>> No.8817497

I find it ironic that this game spawned an entire SERIES and literally every single game in said series is still popular, recognisable and what not, while Dark Forces is like asking people for some obscure shit. But just mention Kyle and you get instant reaction. I guess that would be the reason, too - the series kept changing names and in really weird way, so it's easy to lose track they are even connected if you only ever heard the title.

Like all Uwe Boll projects, it got turned into a movie because it WASN'T big on the market anymore, but hold a name teens easily recognised

>> No.8817508

That was because the developer gave in-depth interviews to every no-name game publication they could. Every magazine had the "scoop" on this game no one really gave a shit about.

>> No.8817517 [DELETED] 

and (you) should kill himself

>> No.8817520
File: 67 KB, 992x768, Fear-Effect-2-Retro-Helix-PAL-PSX-FRONT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear Effect 1 and 2.

>> No.8817627

>and I doubt many remember that VR MoH that came out two years ago.
I was actually considering picking that up until I found out that it was nearly 200 gigabytes

>> No.8817645

They literately spent so much on marketing and other shit like a tie-in comic that they had virtually no money left to finish the game so it was shipped in a barely functioning crash heavy state

>> No.8817658 [DELETED] 

Was being hyped during the ps2 era so it counts as /vr/.

>> No.8817671

/vr/ - Just /v/, but with an R

>> No.8817681

I mostly remember the second game for the lesbian fetishism ads.

>> No.8817690

ah yes one of those "list off popular games I personally don't like" threads

>> No.8817701

It's a shitty resident evil with kinda fun combat.
Of course sex appeal is the only memorable thing about it, they made a new SJW game called Fear Effect Sedna that gets rid of all sexyness and guess what, nobody played it, no one gave a shit.

>> No.8817706

Spore isn't /vr/ even by the new definition, faggots.
And it crashed hard on release, because it turned out to be bunch of empty promises, killing all it's hype within literal days.

>> No.8817710

More like "games zoomers barely heard about, so they think they are forgotten", but it's still shit thread nontheless

>> No.8819461

>>and was like the big GOTY of the century for a couple years
>Eternal Champions
>Primal Rage
things that never happened

>> No.8819526

The series was definitely very influential though

>> No.8819549
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>> No.8819564

And (You) should learn English.

>> No.8819602

Yeah, I assumed Bloodrayne was actually good because it was so well-known back then, but played it recently and its just total jank. Not horrible though.

>> No.8819606 [DELETED] 

>PS2 era
Reminder you must be 18 to use this site at all and at the very least 30 to "get" /vr/

>> No.8819612

This guy gets it

>> No.8819628


>> No.8819645
File: 2.17 MB, 1280x2120, prince-of-persia-the-sands-of-time-remake-2021-ym-1280x2120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prince of Persia - Sands of Time was hot shit for a few years, but then a run of crappy sequels made it sort of fade out of consciousness nowadays.

Anyone remember the movie?

>> No.8820060

Primal Rage was huge and everywhere. It displaced all the SF2 and MK cabinets in cinemas and department store arcades.
Eternal Champions got massive hype and coverage in magazines.

>> No.8820103

not quite fitting the definition, but almost every MMORPG. when their life cycle ends, they get memory holed hard. Everquest, City of Heroes, Planetside, etc.

>> No.8820108

This has literally never happened ever. Not when companies can sell you poorly emulated nostalgia roms

>> No.8820146

If you had asked something like:
'Were there any extremely popular games that were heavily marketed and have now been largely forgotten?'
I might have answered you. But you type like a weird Reddit kid and I'm not going to tell you.

>> No.8820157

Mascot platformers

>> No.8820191
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How could I not?

>> No.8820280

How did that end

>> No.8820421
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Comix Zone

>> No.8820428

Wing Commander as far as current day popularity goes.

The 3do system in its entirety qualifies in some ways.

>> No.8821532

I was white cold anxious about it and didn't play multiplayer again. Been groomed like 4 times, if I have a kid I'm locking down the computers and phones, they're everywhere.

>> No.8821572

Happens all the time. All the time. I remember reading a post from the PS2 days about how Rogue Galaxy was the JRPG everyone was talking about. Now it's a 'hidden gem'.

>> No.8821575

Ultima used to be the first thing you would mention if you wanted to give an example of an RPG. It had over a dozen well received games and know most people don't even know it exists.

>> No.8821582

Pretty much any PC exclusive game that isn't made by Valve or Blizzard. It's due to people that grew up only with consoles.

I legit think that if every game had a PC growing up Final Fantasy would be an extremely obscure series that probably would have died decades ago.

>> No.8821595

EA drove it into the ground pretty hard.

>> No.8821608

We also had the reverse. Games that were not taken seriously back then gaining a religion.

No one fucking took Earthbond as more then game that was kind of weird but overall mediocre. Now hipsters won't shut up about it.

>> No.8821646

Fans are obnoxious more breaking news at 11

>> No.8822151
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I've been on the hunt for the Primal Rage tie in novel they brought out as a replacement for the sequel, it goes for hundreds on ebay, and I can't find a PDF or anything