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8815340 No.8815340 [Reply] [Original]

the only ff game where -youre- the one destroying the crystals instead of protecting them. amazingly deep story for a gba game. I just wish the cpu opponents werent so damn easy to beat. Whats /vr/ think of this game?

>> No.8815346

blue mage/assassin jobs in this game were OP asf. but afterall bnearly half of the jobs were able to be OP asf if you played your cards right.

>> No.8815610

Marche was right

>> No.8815616

Hes my inspiration

>> No.8815693

Ffta 2 is leagues better with a less unlikable protag and less stupid jugdge rules. Now that is unappreciated

>> No.8815720
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>> No.8815729

>amazingly deep story
This game had an extremely lame story even by FF standards. One of the “big twists” is that a character has white hair instead of natural pink hair.
Fun mechanics though, thankfully it’s a solid strategy game so it doesn’t matter that the story and characters are laughable.

>> No.8815743

luso wasnt really any better/worse than marche, montblanc>cid in every way and ezel>adele

the laws kinda sucked but still added an extra twist, also w law cards you could easily reverse any laws you cant deal with
theyre kids, they have kid problems. True, ritz was a terrible character all around but i dont see the other big problem with any of the rest of the characters.

>> No.8815754

and the symbolism was out of the world. mewt randells personal body guard is llednar twem (his name backwards) but llednar is also the evil side of marche. theres trippy symbolism all over the place in that game.

also, its easilly debatable that mewt mightve created ivalice altogether, and all things that happen in ivalice in other games are just figments of his subconscious imagination

>> No.8815758

the only thing ffta a2 has on them imo is better game mechanics, smarter ai, less laws, and the auctions

also mewt is the librarian in ffta a2 when luso finds the book

>> No.8815781

I don't like how long the enemy takes to move. Have the same problem with The Knight of Lodis (which probably used the same engine).
It's only a few seconds longer compared to the non-GBA tactics games but it really adds up and gets on my nerves.

>> No.8815786

I can't believe someone looked at this shitty job system and told to themselves "I want that in my game"

>> No.8815942

Only losers don't like Marche

>> No.8815954
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>> No.8815956

FFTA 1 & 2 are fun games.

FFTA2 is mechanically much better, but Luso is not better than Marche. The main storh of FFTA2 is bland as fuck, the real meat is in the multi-part sidemissions.

I remember really enjoying that movie until that part. What a fucking waste.

>> No.8815958

>I remember really enjoying that movie until that part. What a fucking waste.
It MAKES the movie.
The movie is a boring speedrun before that.

>> No.8815961

Tons of people were suffering due to Mewts powertrip. Like the bullies, who got turned into lowlevel zombies.
If you think "bullies deserve that", you are as weak as Mewt. Marche is right.

>> No.8815963

Yeah, it makes the movie into dumb isekai shit.

>> No.8815975

No it doesn't.

>> No.8815983

Cool that you liked it.
I hated it.

>> No.8816014

>the only ff game where -youre- the one destroying the crystals instead of protecting them
Someone didn't get the true ending in Bravely Default.

>> No.8816015

Judge system ruins it

>> No.8816057

didnt ever play bravely default been meaning to try it out tho
def had to restart the game lots of times bc i forgot one of the laws and someone ended up in jail before i started checking everytime. but without the laws and judges you wouldntve ever had any reason to meet ezel, who's the og "better call saul" but 50X better. i wasnt a huge fan of the law system but it added something interesting to the game.
>The main storh of FFTA2 is bland as fuck
the side plots are the only redeeming parts story-wise

>> No.8816064

>Dude it's OK for me to completely transform a town against their will and rob them of their lives. I wanna cast Firaga!
Marche was right

>> No.8816071

ik some bullies that do deserve that desu, that i myself and people i know were nothing but nice to for years, and they just never let up and only became more evil. perfect energy vampires by definition and it was fitting asf for them to take the shape of zombies and vampires
but yeah, most everyone else from the real world it was kinda like.. mewt what the fuck??
but his life was such shit in the real world you had to somewhat get his pov. Think about it, you wake up prince of your own fantasy world, and the real life you had was pure garbage. Would you want to go back to it?

>> No.8816076

I totally get Mewts POV, especially since he is just a child.
But on 4chan we have grown ass men unironically saying Marche is in the wrong.

>> No.8816079

You're meant to empathize with Mewt but the fact that he turns a blind eye to all the suffering he's causing and further retreats into his "Mother" is the unhealthy escapism Marche is talking about

>> No.8816081

yeah unironically ive used queen remedi as a metaphor a couple times when i had friends who fell for succubuses and i witnessed them try to steal their souls

>> No.8816086

also queen remedi was somewhat unironically a perfect metaphor for heroin if youve ever seen anyone end up in that place

>> No.8816104

ritz also ended up being more shallow than either of them too in the end. she knew exactly what was going on, and she had a life to go back to in the real world, but her main reason for wanting to stay in ivalice was just bc she has fucking white hair. while marches brother is handicapped and even he started to get the picture once hed talked to marche about it.

>> No.8816113

I think having Doned got to Ivalice is why a lot of people find it harder to side with Marche even though he is right. Honestly I think it would have been better if Marche wanted to get back to his brother only for it to be revealed Doned had been transformed into Montblanc

>> No.8816115

I loved this game in mid 2000s, I made everythig except 2 last optional missions, were really hard.

>> No.8816138

>Honestly I think it would have been better if Marche wanted to get back to his brother only for it to be revealed Doned had been transformed into Montblanc
that wouldve been pretty cool
one funny way to look at montblanc though is that he just saw this guy babbling about this crazy stuff, he accidentally calls a bangaa a lizard (basically like calling a black guy a nigger), helps that guy fight the bangaa off, then recruits him into his violent gang and indirectly helps him destroy the world

all because he liked marche bc his story about being from another world was "the most kupo story hed ever heard!" lololol
Who can blame him? sometimes i hear such a kupo story that im perfectly willing to overlook that im helping a stranger literally destroy the world i live in too

>> No.8816150

im replaying it rn just bc i never got everything to 100% completion to the point where the judgemaster joins your party, but ive always wanted to. always ende up discarding an important item or something bc i was outa inventory space.
this time only things im discarding are the adamant ore, silvril, chocodo eggs, and choco hides til judgemaster cid joins the party.

>> No.8816158

with doned though, yeah it really did make marche look kinda like an asshole that he'd be the one telling everyone to wake up, when they have much bigger reasons not to want to go back than he does.

>> No.8816486

>nooooooooooo you can't simply let bullies suffer for your own enjoyment

sent from my sweatshop iFone wearing my feminist t-shirt made in indonesia by starving children

>> No.8816504

Never really bothered because it's such a fucking tone nerf from FFT. It had to have been a deliberate mockery.
>hey remember the political intrigue and gravitas and dramatic music and bleak aesthetic?
>let's make it complete kiddo no-backlight-compensating pastelshit and start it off with a snowball fight
There's a place for it, but an FFT sequel? Nah. It doesn't fly.

>> No.8816783

>forgotten by the masses
is that why every year we get a petition for it to be remastered AGAIN on fucking switch?

>> No.8817296

fft story was cool but not any better or worse. completely different tones, sure, but thats not a bad thing

>> No.8817334

>one funny way to look at montblanc though is that he just saw this guy babbling about this crazy stuff, he accidentally calls a bangaa a lizard (basically like calling a black guy a nigger), helps that guy fight the bangaa off, then recruits him into his violent gang and indirectly helps him destroy the world

>all because he liked marche bc his story about being from another world was "the most kupo story hed ever heard!" lololol
>Who can blame him? sometimes i hear such a kupo story that im perfectly willing to overlook that im helping a stranger literally destroy the world i live in too

interesting and accurate pov honestly

>> No.8818497

Is Canon that they played ff12

>> No.8818506


>> No.8818507

T: Tranny

>> No.8818720

yea i had an emulator that doubled the speed
pizzaboy on android is free works great and can double the speed of any gba game

>> No.8818724

oh dang i didnt know it was ff12. makes sense they ended up in the same world too then

>> No.8818729
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The fantasy ends the second you meet someone outside your dumbass echo chamber.
Bad example, and a bad comeback.
Either end your life or stop making everything trannies, I can only handle so much boredom in my life you fuck.

>> No.8818739

I'm here to tell you about a piece of SOVL I encountered.
During a fight with some Vampires my Beastmaster got Zombified and remembering Dark attacks do heal them I tried using my assassin to do Last Breath on my BM and yeah fuck yeah it killed him and then resurrected him with full HP.
Still got to try if Evil Gaze heals a zombo unit since I need the Clan Hounds to respawn again.

>> No.8818773

>During a fight with some Vampires my Beastmaster got Zombified and remembering Dark attacks do heal them I tried using my assassin to do Last Breath on my BM and yeah fuck yeah it killed him and then resurrected him with full HP.
thats clutch asf

>> No.8818784

You fuckers are thinking too hard, it's just a childish message to stop playing so much videogames and do your homework.

>> No.8818812

You tell me, it was a spur of the moment idea, seeing how Level S-Flare kept healing them. Managed to get my BM to 100% health and walk enough to rez my Blue Mage who finished them off.

>> No.8818858 [DELETED] 

but how did you end up having trouble winning the fight anyways? the enemys will literally ignore all their strongest attacks to just use "fight" or useless shit like dispel/poison/etc 80% of the time. I have to use teams of 3 or 4 during fights just to feel like its -slightly- a challenge.

>> No.8818863
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>> No.8818873

its all perceptual and the fact you got that out of it just shows how simpleminded YOU are (e_e)

>> No.8818903

the copycat law is by far easily the most infuriating law there is

>> No.8818961

It shouldn't of kept the FFT name, the tone shift, pallet differences, cast focus etc really pisses in the face of people that wanted something more in the Ivalice of FFT. Why they never made a prequel that explored the war as Balbanes is beyond me.

>> No.8818965

>If you think "bullies deserve that"
They do. Fuck em.

>> No.8818976

a good kids’ story can have a basic message like that and still have depth to its philosophy

>> No.8818980

Never played FFTA2, is it worth? I liked the GBA one though I never actually finished it.

>> No.8818981

Like everything with Tactics in the title after FFT, this game was a step down in every category. I wanted FFT2, not Fisher Price's My First Isometric RPG.

>> No.8818982

And now you get nothing!

>> No.8819086

Stop spamming attack then faggot

>> No.8819119

slow as shit judge system only good on paper, SRW games on GBA were better in every way

>> No.8819284

Enemy combatants never, ever, EVER get red carded.

>> No.8819389

but they do try to hit you with arrow 5 turns in a row while youve got the ability block arrows or return fire
esp with easy battles its hard not to when theres no point at all going any further

>> No.8819393

i dont get how someone could possibly think thats the message
its like saying the main lesson to take from lion, witch, and the wardrobe is not to play hide and seek too often. makes no real sense.

>> No.8819418

Look. If the law system pretends to affect both sides, and there's absolutely no way to use it in your favor. It's a stupid goddamn system.
Later on you gain the ability to ENACT laws.
But: WHY
Why every do that if you know that enemies can only receive yellow cards? To later pay a fee they will never actually have to pay, because they're quantum vapor.
The game is preying upon your time and effort, with a lie.

>> No.8819605

>less tactical than angry birds

what did japanese devs mean by this brainlet of a game?

>> No.8819679

You should try to lighten up, holding grudges like that are not good for you.
The bullies are not the only ones who suffered.

Definately, it was fun.

>> No.8820150

Been over a decade since I last played it but I don't remember being particularly impressed with it. Maybe I'll give it another go soon.