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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 281 KB, 579x655, contratitle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8807549 No.8807549 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many idiots keep regurgitating that the NES version was better?

>> No.8807551

You just started this this to troll le epic boomers with your shader, didn't you?

>> No.8807556

It is. Same with Super C.

>> No.8807562

contra doesn’t work in tate
arcade contra feels weird in the same way Haunted Castle does

>> No.8807567

Super C on NES is definitely better than Arcade (and way better than Contra NES as well), because Super Contra Arcade is honestly not that great. Contra NES is way weaker than the Arcade version though.

There wasn't actually a good title screen on google images that wasn't completely warped and fucked.

>> No.8808092

it only works well on the waterfall level

>> No.8808123

People have been chest-beating about NES contra games for so long you would look down right stupid if you admitted you were just playing a shitty port.

I don't care that there is an extra stage where you must shoot walls with tons of hp or wait for lasers to have the right sequence. I'd rather play a fast paced, great graphics game with roaring guitars for a soundtrack then a bleep-bloop pixel man game about slow bullets.

I used to praise NES contra games but after playing the arcade game the NES ones become totally unplayable in a single day.

>> No.8808126

Super C on NES is legitimately great though and a better game than the Arcade version. Seriously Contra vs. Super C feels like a generation apart.

>> No.8808148

The arcade Contra games have the worst aiming controls though. Who the hell thought that putting pseudo-analog aiming with an 8-way joystick was a good idea? Makes me wonder if Konami originally developed the game with a rotary joystick in mind like they did with Jackal. On top of that, the only useful power-up in both games is the enhanced machine gun, which is pretty difficult to get and keep.

>> No.8808156

NES Super C is a huge step up from NES Contra. Its weapons are better balanced, the overhead parts are better then the corridor parts, and its paced better.

It's actually less janky then the arcade version and the extra content they added is actually good. But it's still less intense feeling due to the inferior speed, graphics, and sound then the arcade version.

>> No.8808171 [DELETED] 

If I had to rate them all it would be NES Super Contra > Arcade Contra > Arcade Super Contra > NES Contra

Going for no-miss on all four currently

>> No.8808195 [DELETED] 

If I had to rate them all it would be NES Super Contra > Arcade Contra > Arcade Super Contra > NES Contra

Going for no-miss on all four currently

My issue with Arcade Super Contra is the aiming feels wonky (Contra has the same pseudo-analog aiming but it feels way worse in Super). And there are a few sections that just feel really overwhelming with the amount of enemies it spams at you, especially the purple alien level and the jungle level (which has foreground elements that completely obscure your view). You pretty much have to have the super machine gun for the entire game which makes dying even just once pretty brutal. And then stuff like the boss on level 2 doesn't even work right (his lasers literally don't even damage you). The whole game just feels a bit half-assed but is still fun.

>> No.8808208

If I had to rate them all it would be NES Super Contra > Arcade Contra > Arcade Super Contra > NES Contra

Going for no-miss on all four currently

My issue with Arcade Super Contra is the aiming feels wonky (Contra has the same pseudo-analog aiming but it feels way worse in Super). And there are a few sections that just feel really overwhelming with the amount of enemies it spams at you, especially the gray alien level and the jungle level (which has foreground elements that completely obscure your view). You pretty much have to have the super machine gun for the entire game which makes dying even just once pretty brutal. And then stuff like the boss on level 2 doesn't even work right (his lasers literally don't even damage you). The whole game just feels a bit half-assed but is still fun.

>> No.8808674

Because it was. Have sex.

>> No.8808818

>the NES version was better
Why do we care what retarded 10-year-old you thought in the 80s? The NES version's better right now
>ugly Napoleon-dynamite-esque arcade game has great graphics
Bad taste
>then a bleep-bloop
And low IQ. The NES game looks better, plays better, and sounds better

>> No.8808887

No miss on a Contra game is a one sitting affair.

>> No.8808892 [DELETED] 

If you have experience sure.

>> No.8808897

If you have experience sure. You should show yourself no-missing all four in one sitting back-to-back if it's so easy though.

>> No.8808907

I've done the first 2 and SS (which people who have never heard of Cave call hard). I wouldn't torture myself by going back to the series, though, especially for the few hours it would take to get back into rhythm. They weren't even worth keeping my notes for after I did it.

>> No.8808912
File: 13 KB, 650x650, ba9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis nigga really took notes for a 10 minute game


>> No.8808913

Probotector > Gryzor > Contra

>> No.8808915

Most shmups are about 10-15 minutes for a loop. Good ones can fill a three ring binder, though.

>> No.8809742

>(which people who have never heard of Cave call hard)
I wish I'd never heard of Cave

>> No.8809749

How is Contra even remotely related to a CAVE shmup.. what is this fucking logic? Why not compare it to no-miss Metal Slug 3 or 6, or even Contra 3, Alien Wars, or HCU? All of which are orders of magnitude harder to no-miss

>> No.8809758

>fill a three ring binder
Just imagine this faggot playing a game with his trusty 3-ring diary and hormone therapy pills beside him. That's embarrassing

>> No.8809915

No need for pills. I just tuck between my obscenely hairy legs.

>> No.8809946

post pics

>> No.8810872
File: 65 KB, 640x638, 21130_front_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all contras are good and enjoyable

>> No.8810892
File: 302 KB, 798x1138, contra_force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8810973
File: 403 KB, 1244x807, arc_hound_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

konami just changed the title at last minute before canceling it in japan and bringing it to the west.
it wasn't that bad, i liked it but the slow gameplay makes me place it under the other two from the same system

>> No.8810986 [DELETED] 

Is Contra named after the Iran–Contra affair ?

>> No.8811620

The NES version was better

>> No.8812039
File: 1.78 MB, 1737x1305, Rev-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the Famicom and NES version more because the movement felt smoother. I still liked the arcade when I played it, but it does feel a bit slower and the jump more awkward. I'm glad a lot more of the series followed the feel of the Famicom/NES version.

>> No.8812127 [DELETED] 

Redditra sucks distended donkey balls, real alphas play Midnight Resistance instead

>> No.8812174
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trying too hard.

>> No.8812187 [DELETED] 

ok fuck Contreddit then, it’s an overrated piece of diarrhea doo doo whichever way you spell it. Midnight Resistance farts, sharts, pisses, poops and cooms all over it from a great height. And fuck Koreddit while we’re at it as well.

>> No.8812505

what magazine is this from?

the area in the screenshot on the bottom left doesn't ring a bell.

Anyway it's still a Contra game, and
>it wasn't that bad
Yes, yes it was. Even with overclocking to get rid of lag it's an unfinished mess with questionnable design decisions. Only the couple of top down levels are decent.

>> No.8812545
File: 136 KB, 453x246, 11523215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what magazine is this from?
pic related, according from this website

>> No.8812559
File: 310 KB, 728x997, dasf98h42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Super Commando, not Super Contra.

How many Mario Madness and Sega Systems are there out there?!

>> No.8812583

Check the proto dumps.
Tell us your findings.

>> No.8812683

What proto dumps? Apparently the guy who owned it never dumped it and died.

>> No.8812692

The other proto dumps.
From the guy who dumped it and never died...

>> No.8812935

>bridge explosion can damage you
NES better

>> No.8812939

"everything I dont like is reddit, zoomers, or trannies"

>> No.8813095

Where? Are we talking about the same game?

>> No.8813565

Why do so many fan*

>> No.8813568

Well known fact.

>> No.8813631


Use your brain to record notes, silly.

>> No.8813716

That flows better and it sounds like cunt reddit. I like it. That aside, I have to play Midnight Resistance. I heard of it, but never gave it a chance. Guess I'll be doing that this weekend.

>> No.8813910

Please don't encourage him.

>> No.8813918

i have a small notebook I keep on my side table that I use for passwords and take notes to help me solve puzzles for games like resident evil or draw maps for games like zelda or metroid.

>> No.8813936
File: 11 KB, 320x224, f82klc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitter nintendrones that don't want to admit that all the good Contra games were not on their shoddy hardwares.

>> No.8813979
File: 11 KB, 256x224, 4775795_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bobots > gay soldiers

>> No.8813981
File: 795 KB, 1920x1080, ss_add23d42e3ed124f284ffd1ec893b338ebc6f942.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not exactly /vr/ i'm bringing, but Hard Corps have somewhat recent clone.

>> No.8813987
File: 19 KB, 480x360, speccy rambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posh pooftahs playing Probotector on their Dendies. Rambo: First Hero part II for the Speccy was better.

>> No.8814038

Same Aussiefag

>> No.8814246


>> No.8814251

>Why do so many idiots keep regurgitating that the NES version was better?
Because the NES version is better. It's so much better even idiots understand it was better. Are you stupider than an idiot, OP?

>> No.8814259
File: 187 KB, 800x600, 1645415589363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8814375

Japanese version has more story and cutscenes. MSX has additional levels.