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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8805574 No.8805574 [Reply] [Original]

30 years ago today. Where does it rank among the greats?

>> No.8805579

I thought this game fell flat once you turn into a bunny. Never bothered to play it again.

>> No.8805585

Reminds me of the “waited for my uncle and he never came back” meme

>> No.8805586

it's pretty solid
dungeons are nice
wish the weapons were more useful like later 2d zeldas but that's later i suppose
weak bait

>> No.8805587

Pretty low honestly.

>> No.8805596


Not bait. Rom's been sitting there for a year now untouched.

>> No.8805605

>been sitting there for a year now untouched.
Like you..haha

>> No.8805627

The last mainline Zelda that didn’t have gay as hell handholding. It has some amazing atmosphere and interactive storytelling that Nintendo did better than any other dev in 4th gen. The dungeons feel really unique because they’re kind of a halfway point between Zelda 1&2’s more action-oriented style and later games’ puzzle focus. It also has the best overworld of any Zelda; the setting feels organic while also requiring you to solve puzzles to traverse it. Later games didn’t see fit to hide major items in the overworld, but I like the idea of a Zelda where the overworld is more than just an ornate hub for dungeons. The devs of the “sequel” seemed to understand this, too.

>> No.8805636

>It also has the best overworld of any Zelda

OoT was so empty compared to ALTTP

>> No.8805637

Tiny map. LoZ was much larger.

>> No.8805645

Minish Cap, Link Between Worlds and Link's Awakening are all better than this game. Which is to say, still pretty good

>> No.8805654

Makes no sense. You could probably twist an argument for the first half of the game but LTTP also has the dark world.

>> No.8805656

All the N64 sequels were empty, blocky 3D playgrounds compared to SNES titles that felt like full games.

>> No.8805658

*except for Star Fox 64

>> No.8805663
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Someone call a doctor and fireman, cuz' that was a SICK BURN.

>> No.8805696

1. MM
2. OOT
3. LA

>> No.8805715

It sucks. Secret of mana is better.

>> No.8805721


30 years? It holds up great, could easily pass as a game made today (in old school style of course).

>> No.8805724

>just spam magic to win

Combat in Secret of Mana sucked dick and the ending was completely rushed

>> No.8805763

that's a completely different genre

>> No.8805793
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I live secret of mana but i wouldn’t call them comparable
High. It really kicked off the Zelda series and is still the most memorable for me

>> No.8805898


>> No.8805949

Yes, it's still better than alttp.
It's sort of similar. Anyway if you don't think it's miles ahead of alttp you most likely own a switch.

>> No.8805981

Really wanted this game as a kid but never had a SNES at home. Tried to pick it up a few times as adult but just get bored really fast. The pacing sucks. Link's Awakening is just a better game all around.

>> No.8806009
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It's one of the greatest SNES games that's for sure. It's not in my top 5 Zelda games but then again everyone has different favorites when it comes to this series. I love it. Amazing atmosphere achieved by stellar visual and sound designs. Fun combat with interesting bosses and perhaps the best dungeons in 2D Zelda

>> No.8806017

Altered Beast has better combat. Stating alttp as one of the best snes games really shows how weak its library is. I'd rather play Maximum Carnage, Metroid, Punch Out, Mario Kart or even All Stars.

>> No.8806026
File: 716 KB, 3176x2375, Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Das_Eismeer_-_Hamburger_Kunsthalle_-_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first time in Hyrule. This is where Zelda started for me. God I miss Nintendo Power.

It's for 10-year olds, and it' s absolute topnotch vidya for 10-year olds. It did everything right in that regard. It was never meant for adolescents/anybody above 20.

This. Listen to the man. It absolutely rules in atmosphere. Finding the Master Sword was incredible. Good devs know that sometimes the best music is no music at all. The manual with it's yummy illustrations alone felt like a magical artifact.

>Link's Awakening
If you grew up with these games first-hand and not on an emulator, then the sheer fact that you got a nice big image on a TV screen made a real difference to the GameBoy. LA IS a worthy successor, it's more weird and melancholic. It was inspired by Twin Peaks of all things. But sitting in front of what was a huge screen was a whole other level. This difference is non-existent with an emulator. You could sit together in front a TV with your mates but you couldn't do that with a GameBoy.

SoM is an RPG with multi-player. It makes no sense comparing it to a straight-up single-player action-adventure.

I've never been to /vr/ before. I am an oldfag. This board is heart-breaking. It hurts. I can feel the Nostalgia spreading inside my body like an injection of black ink. I should never have come here. Fuck the 21st Century.
BoomerLich out.

>> No.8806045

it's ok, 6 or 7/10 but a bit bland like most zelda games. everything feels a bit average, from the music to the visuals (ugly spritework), dungeons aren't particularly interesting but I guess it's better than most games, combat is ok by SNES action games standards but it's not saying much, the lore and world is gay like all zeldas. you have a decent variety of items but they're rarely useful and aren't very fun to use.
I guess some boss fights were pretty fun.

>> No.8806048

>SoM is an rpg
Do you consider Zelda 2 an rpg as well?

>> No.8806051

And who the fuck played SoM multiplayer? It's like calling Sonic 2 a multiplayer game.

>> No.8806052

I haven't played many Zelda games but I found this one really tedious and struggled to force myself through it.

>> No.8806085


>> No.8806207

You Brits never fail to make me laugh

>> No.8806331

I think the NES Zelda has a better overworld. The ALTTP overworld is too small for the gameplay scale and partitioned into big chunks that you only visit once or twice.

The dungeons and combat are top-notch though. I have a few other nitpicks but nothing major.

>> No.8806341

Dark World makes the game have arguably a little bit more area but overall there's just much less sense of space even with the Dark World. It's a SNES game it should have a much bigger world than the original. But it's disappointingly cramped.

>> No.8806371

LoZ was as big as an ocean but shallow as a puddle.

LTTP was smaller but objectively had more going on in each section.

>> No.8806378
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You are letting the best in life pass you by if you haven't bro-op SoM

>> No.8806430

I guess this being after my time is why, I played Links Awakening and Link to the Past in more or less the same context, on my PC. Generally I just had a way more enjoyable experience with the former, and found Koholint a more interesting map than Hyrule and with more memorable characters personally. I'd say Links Awakening is the first time Zelda got characters I'd call memorable

>> No.8806440

>The devs of the “sequel” seemed to understand this, too
You mean Minish or the 3DS one?

>> No.8806472

Link Between Worlds

>> No.8806487

I can see what you're saying. It's kind of a moot debate for me because I would always rather have more density of content. LoZ might take more time to traverse from end to end, but nearly every screen has nothing to do but fight.

Not to bash LoZ, it's still a great game. I just wouldn't even think to make this comparison if you didn't bring it up.

>> No.8806490

I'm glad I got to do a lot of co-op gaming before I grew up and lost all my friends (I won't do this with my kids because I don't want them to end up with my sad gaming addiction).

>> No.8806501

I still don't understand why they made Link's hair pink.

>> No.8806513

I thought it was a game for girls because the main character had pink hair

>> No.8806552
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>> No.8806576

Awfully wrong

>> No.8806578

kek of the wild

>> No.8806592

they are ranked in terms of most Zelda zeldas, birds of a feather flock together
if your favorite falls away from S and A tiers then you're not the most into Zelda games that you tell yourself you are, go on and tell me where you gauge yourself, which is your favorite entry?

>> No.8806594
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the game needed remade in the breath of the wild engine, it deserved it

>> No.8806626

I may just be a stupid zoom zoom, but why is Zelda 2 better than BOTW in your opinion? What was so horrendous about the game needed to be put in D tier?

>> No.8806701

>It's for 10-year olds, and it' s absolute topnotch vidya for 10-year olds.
I had both these games + the Super Game Boy when I was in my 10's & teens in the 90's & early 00's. LA was better then, and it's still better now.

>> No.8806782

botw isn't bad, the point of the chart is to track zeldaness, and that game has a wide appeal to even those who dislike the niche experience of the franchise
botw is a wide appeal, spirit tracks is a narrow appeal, toward the middle there's games that are the average, and toward the top you get the peak experiences that still lean into series staples

>> No.8806790

Pathetic bait.

>> No.8806802

unbelievable amounts of SOVL

>> No.8806804

These charts are weird & never complete. Needs Link's Crossbow Training & the Satellaview games.
Also saw one of these touting "nearly all the fighting games!" & didn't even have Joy Mech Fight for NES.

>> No.8806825

>November 21, 1991
>30 years today
no one cares about the american release

>> No.8806826

More overrated than Ocarina of Time

>> No.8806830

>Needs Link's Crossbow Training
learn to read, there's no way that even gets a spot on my chart

>> No.8806834

>having a big screen is such a big difference! the gameboy can’t compare!
the feeling of having a world in your pocket far outweighs your retarded big screen obsession

>> No.8806863

Oooh, you're a spicy lil' Chartizard.

>> No.8806872

>botw isn't bad, the point of the chart is to track zeldaness,
But, if BotW decides to change the Zelda formula, doesn't that change "zeldaness" itself? Your reasoning doesn't make much sense.

>> No.8806984


Best Zelda game

>> No.8807010

>Completely overlooking the CDI games

>> No.8807025

>the Satellaview games
Has anyone played these? I’m somewhat interested in them but never picked them up

>> No.8807027

i group the zelda games together, they are akin to one another
if botw changes then it is a deviation from the majority, it's not rocket science, it's liking a fucking series the way it is for the most part

>> No.8807041

zelda 2 is really good desu
dont believe the bad press
it was pretty well-received in its time, and its certainly a much better action game than rambo and other similar titles from that era

imo its the only time the swordplay in a zelda game was anything other than mindless
you really need to learn how to fight enemies, and the subtle wind-up/delay gives it a "weight" that just mashing A, or Z-targeting and mashing A could never have

>> No.8807059
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The greatest.

>> No.8807101
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In its day, I thought the movement was slow and not as good as the original game. I didn't realize the "cool transparent green light rays" in preview screenshots were light reflections from trade show photos, instead of nice transparency effects to create a god rays effect which would have made the game look better. It is still a nice game which I played through a few times, and I am still glad I got it.

>> No.8807112

>haha! I put BoTW in D!!! Real 4channel opinion right here! true gaming elite!

>> No.8807113

Sort of. ALTTP has an obviously huge advantage in terms of mechanical sophistication, meaning there are a lot more unique things to find (more items, upgrades, enemy types, NPCs with actual dialog, and so on). But the scale is smaller and the map is far less open. Instead of having a large grid of many interconnected locations with open-ended travel through them, you have a few big zones connected by restrictive paths and lots of progression gates. Many areas you only visit once and never have a good reason to visit again.

I love ALTTP I think it's a great game but I can't help but be disappointed by the overworld. I even noticed this, at least a bit, when I played the game as a kid at release. (Of course I was wowed by the graphics and gameplay, it was my favorite game at the time, but even then the world felt a bit small).

>> No.8807202
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>no one cares about the american release

>> No.8807216

if that is your favorite game then you are far removed from what makes Zelda a great franchise, deal with it

>> No.8807229
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>> No.8807250
File: 22 KB, 540x540, F977D9E6-9C41-4675-8A70-27A6ECBE0595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret of Mana was trash.

Good music and art direction. Everything else is trash.

>front loads difficulty early game, then becomes trivially easy (even bossfights) when you get magic
>also, you’re never in danger of running out of magic to spam because lol there’s a spell that gives you more mana
>except for the last boss because the game doesn’t explain the mechanics for attacking it clearly
>oh yeah, also if you didn’t grind the most useless school of magic previously good luck, because you’re fucked lol
>unintuitive item management and equipment system
>the guy who Jen or whatever was chasing all game? Has two sentences of exposition when you catch him and then tells her to just get with the MC
>the main character… DUDE MY MOM’S A TREE LMAO
>four lazy fetch quests in a row from the “sage”
>obvious cut content and barebones dialog

FUCK Secret of Mana, it was not a good game at all.

>> No.8808593
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best combat in the series. it feels satisfying to kill shit. no need for Z targeting or any of that garbage.
this thread reminds me i need to finish up parallel worlds

>> No.8808626

Good but really overrated

>> No.8808668

I dropped the game soon after entering dark world too, not sure why.

>> No.8808825
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>> No.8808879

>from what makes Zelda a great franchise
If you are one of those people who think that Zelda is all about roadblocks and solving puzzles then you are simply wrong

>> No.8809115

We played Micro Machines, Rock n Roll racing, sf2, Mario Kart not fucking SoM for our multiplayer fix.

>> No.8809123

>it was not a good game at all
Still better than alttp.

>> No.8809173

Which greats are we talking about? This game sucks next to what came before, and what came after built upon everything that was wrong with it, getting worse with each new iteration.

>> No.8809210

not even a top-5 zelda game

>> No.8809729

What a shitty list.

>> No.8809746

Perfect list

>> No.8809892

if you think that Zelda is about roaming all over a map anywhere at any time you are also wrong

>> No.8809894

honestly not bad, but poor SS got the short end of the stick even compared to chugga chugga chugga

>> No.8809895

When did it become cool to shit on this game?

>> No.8810285

>retro feel
>0 results
This board truly became nothing but zoomer /v/ newfags once PS2 was allowed