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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8798291 No.8798291 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/?

Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.


IPS/BPS Patcher:















Want something here? Post it for the next thread.


>> No.8798428

>NTSC cover style
>use NTSC naming game

>> No.8799021

Hey all, guy from the last thread here, I'm about halfway done with what I'm doing in regards to the pdretrogames private group, There has been a hell of a lot more than I expected and as such it's taking me longer than anticipated, hopefully I'll be done before this thread ends as well

>> No.8799031

Thanks again

>> No.8800105

Welp, only a little over half to go, which is a rather massive amount of stuff, it's damn near 8GB of content so far

>> No.8800147
File: 1.58 MB, 465x592, speencast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got good Dreamcast dev sources? all i know so far is DreamSDK:

>> No.8800760 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.65 MB, 240x160, 1649692467861.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torpedo nipples summon on a GBA.

With sound: https://files.catbox.moe/c1e2ow.mp4

>> No.8801537

where the fuck do you find wii wads today or where can i learn how to inject them myself? i saw translated N64 titles and haven't found any wii wads for them anywhere.

>> No.8801638

injecting custom N64 roms for Wii is not worth it, virtually none of them work fine. As for the original Wii WADs there's plenty of places to find them

>> No.8801704

This exists for a reason

>> No.8802850

Why haven't you started a disassembly of your favorite game, anon?

>> No.8802863

What game is this?

>> No.8802971


>> No.8803008
File: 21 KB, 128x128, 762358e0-0b32-4c9b-8cc9-98dbdf151d1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren

>> No.8805216

I wonder if this will be useful for any Mario 64 source ports

>> No.8805229

Vimm's Lair added them all to their vault a little while back

>> No.8805236

>game i like has no translation hack, but there is an existing english script
>"I'll just do it myself, it can't be that hard, i know some assembly and c"
>it actually is that hard and i cant find a single piece of dialogue or even the player name

>> No.8805657

at this point this guy is more knowledgeable of SM64's source code than the devs who made it at the time

>> No.8806406

gotta get in that step thru debugger dude and watch it when the text is loading and displaying. what system?

>> No.8807475

psx, i found the buffer where the save file gets copied to, so i figured I'd find the player name in there and then find functions that reference that to then find a function that does dialogue to then find the dialogue, but doing a relational search in that chunk of memory doesn't find my name and it's definitely not in ascii or shift jis so it's probably compressed or something
i also found where party stats are in memory, and functions to get and set them, but i couldn't seem to find the name nearby, and the hud text is an entirely separate system from the dialogue
I've put it aside for a while but i have a 3 day weekend so I'll probably get back to it

>> No.8807774

It's possible the whole save is compressed, but unlikely the character name is. What I'd do if I were you is savestate, name the player "AAAA*", save, reload state and name the player "BBBB*", save and diff the two. Might be enough to get you started.

>> No.8808776

>Flips needs 5 times the sum of source/target files, so your 900MB files (assuming source is 900MB too) would need nine gigabytes of RAM.
what the frack

>> No.8808906

hey that did it, thanks for the idea
it wasn't compressed and is a pretty normal looking 2 byte character encoding, with 01 00 being あ, 02 00 is い and so forth, so idk why my search tool couldn't find it
i guess next I'll just trace reads to that address and see if i can find a dialogue printing function
hopefully i luck out and all the dialogue is uncompressed and in that same encoding

>> No.8808993

found the dialogue by manually figuring out the numbers from a string of kana, i suppose next up is trying to figure out where the pointer table is/ how the game is addressing the strings and try to get everything set up in Atlas
didn't really think I'd get this far, i imagine it'll get harder from here though

>> No.8809856


>> No.8811231

That's funny I just got the ColecoVision/ADAM programming book the same night multiple ColecoVision related threads pop up

>> No.8811728

NP. Hope you'll keep us updated on your progress.

>> No.8811731

looking great, anon

>> No.8812158
File: 10 KB, 240x160, english_subway_entrance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks :)

I've been working on boring things like optimizing the 3D engine, reducing ROM size and looting pics for the first porn scene, so I have nothing to show.


>> No.8812918
File: 148 KB, 512x478, 1632169357692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noob here, been tinkering already with a hex editor on BoF4 but i can't locate the abilities, even gave myself a ring that decreases the cost of magic so i can compare savestates but no luck.

Been trying for hours, Any ideas,tips? thanks.

>> No.8814086

So are the RPG Maker sprites placeholders or just the style you're going for

>> No.8814529

i hope you're documenting this

>> No.8814547

i want the same Nintendo autist crack he's smoking

>> No.8815136

They are final.
In fact they require extra work because they usually use ~30 colors, so I have to use 8BPP sprites with a shared color palette for all sprites in the same map.
It's one of the things that the GBA does better than the SNES (it doesn't have 8BPP sprites).
With the git log and the pics and vids I'm showing I hope to do that some day.

>> No.8815167

Neat, I always liked the 2k/2k3 style.

>> No.8816193

Good news, my archival is complete, I will be repacking everything due to just how large it is (12.9GB in total), after that I'll find some place to put it up long term

>> No.8816241

Oh wow...
Personally I don't think I'll download the entire package, but thanks again

>> No.8816376

Cool, thx

>> No.8817601

>decide to google again something I asked here a while ago, to no avail
>turns out someone else asked the same a week ago in the romhacking forums
>some based dude actually figured out how to do it for him, and me both
Huh, what do you know. I think what I'm getting at here is ___________bump

>> No.8818226
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the GBA compatible with GBC code?
I had this retarded idea of converting pokemon crystal into a native GBA game using the disassembly.
It'll probably never happen but humor me, what would I have to do to make it work?

>> No.8818372

>overcome one difficulty
>immediately encounter greater difficulties
i am beginning to think i am not smart enough for this and should just keep pet rocks as a hobby instead

>> No.8818693

>Is the GBA compatible with GBC code?
Not in GBA mode.

>> No.8819014

I plan to have it split up by console

>> No.8819027

We should set up a club.

>> No.8819039

Once everything is packed to either 7z or rar (depending on what results in smaller files) I'll toss it up on an anonymous file host that doesn't suck ass for someone else to put up elsewhere permanently

>> No.8819135

but why

>> No.8819238

a pet rock club? that would be pretty cool

>> No.8819497

Not in the slightest. GB/GBC is Z80. GBA is ARM.

>> No.8819753

You would have to rewrite the entire game in a different language. You might be able to automate it but you will also have to rewrite all code that interfaces with the gbc hardware to work with the gba.

>> No.8820029
File: 502 KB, 600x750, fd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a complete Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire or Emerald demake for GBC?

Without any cringy fanfic-tier writing or self insert OC characters by the faggy devs.

I just want a chill vanilla demake to play on my EZ Flash Jr.

>> No.8820227

There's only ancient ruby and it's not finished

>> No.8820292

Damn, thanks anon.

It's insane to me that nobody in 20 years has made a complete Gen3 demake. I remember playing shit like Pokemon Naranja/orange back in the day.

>> No.8820339

It's not that surprising. It takes a lot of work to make a complete game and gbc pokemon hacking has never been as popular as gba hacking.

>> No.8820537
File: 28 KB, 240x160, 1170screenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting into the Kururin games
>Unfinished English hack for the sequel, Kururun Paradise exists
>Causes the game to run like shit
First time I've ever seen a translation cause such a slowdown. What's the deal? Is it made to work for just older emulators?

>> No.8821175

Probably. The GBA has a very screwy memory achitechure. Executing from ROM is insanely slow, so most games copy the game code to RAM. If this patch wasn't aware of that shit, then it'd jump to somewhere in ROM and execute just fine in emulators that don't emulate different memory timings.


>> No.8821483
File: 1.28 MB, 853x480, SMB3_cartMemBlocks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're growing =)
programming does not come naturally to anyone.

>> No.8821546

growing a migraine yeah
i probably should've tried to dump a nes game script before doing the same on a psx game

>> No.8821932

That /v/ thread was insanely retarded and hostile.

>> No.8821951

The team who did Racing Lagoon are dropping a English patch for Harmful Park next week.
So it was a thread on /v/ then.

>> No.8822210

>GB/GBC is Z80. GBA is ARM.
Fuck I completely blanked on that. Since the GBA is backwards compatible I thought it was built off of the GBC like how the DS more or less expanded on the GBA.

>> No.8822689

You don't know what the fuck are you talking about.
Please shut up.

>> No.8822879

Not him but posts like yours are infinitely worse than what he said, wrong or not.

>> No.8822962

Sorry, but when you read so so wrong things expressed as facts (without any hint of doubt) and nobody disagrees, we end spreading lies like the GBA is a portable SNES or worse.

With a GBA, executing code from ROM is very fast. In fact, ROM is usually faster than external RAM for sequential accesses, and it also provides ROM prefetch (but not RAM prefetch).
Using LUTs to speed up code is a very good idea, since GBA ROMs provide lots of space for them and reading them is very fast.

The only case in which executing code from RAM is faster is with ARM instructions (not Thumb) placed in internal RAM, not external.
But you only have 32KB that must be shared with the stack and with data that you want to be read fast too, so there's not much space left for code.

What most GBA games usually do is to place time critical routines in internal RAM as ARM intructions and executing the 99.9% of rest of the code from ROM as Thumb instructions, since they are slower but take less space.

Some timings about the avaiable memory regions (Address Bus Width and CPU Read/Write Access Widths section): http://problemkaputt.de/gbatek.htm#gbamemorymap

>> No.8823632

Is there SNES homebrew W.I.P of Bloodlines, Hard Corp, Metal Gear 2, Monster World IV and Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors?

>> No.8823641

Any PC-FX and Wondersawn development kit?

>> No.8823947

Got none but there here deal.


>> No.8823973

Does the WonderWitch, and the homebrew made with it, work on any current emu?

>> No.8825134

anybody have any experience reverse engineering overlays on the psx? would it be as simple as cutting the relevant functions out of a ram dump and importing them to ghidra at the appropriate address?

>> No.8825865


>> No.8825912

nevermind, doing exactly that is working
it feels like I'm going down an endless rabbit hole of function calls to find a pointer table though

>> No.8826070

>at this point this guy is more knowledgeable of SM64's source code than the devs who made it at the time
Such is the case with so many abandoned outdated games. It seems like in the near future there'll be a catalog of games continuing off where the original devs stopped.

>> No.8826830

Alisha’s Adventures


>> No.8827241

Hell it's the case of modern games in active development. The people making games aren't likely to be the best. Sometimes someone else will look at it and say "why didn't you use a btree?" to which the guy who just made the entire streaming asset system will ask "what's a btree?".
This is why open source gaming should have been a great thing. Games refined forever by precisely the right autist who knows exactly what design pattern suits this particular game and is willing to retool the system to implement it.

>> No.8829081

> open source gaming
> tuuuuuuuux racer

>> No.8829150

is there a program to automatically hack and translate any rom? not ocr but a real rom hack
it can't be that hard. just make it.

>> No.8829153

You're joking, right?

>> No.8829161

google chrome can do it for websites which are much more new and technology advanced than a 8 bit nintendo

>> No.8829174

Oh my god, you're not joking.
Bless your innocent, ignorant soul, Anon.

>> No.8829983

On a scale of 1 to extremely, just how technologically inept are you?, You do realize that there's a lot more to be done with translating a game, right?, not just the translation itself but also modifying the game to actually support the new half-width characters, making a whole to graphics set just for those characters, and a whole lot more, don't speak on things you clearly have no actual clue about

>> No.8830143

I mean... it'll take some extra steps, but I guess you can copy and paste a text to Google Translate, and copy/paste it back, if it's using our alphabet. Have fun with that I guess.

>> No.8830184


>> No.8830194

You have forgot to link to a copetti.org article.

>> No.8830573

Don’t know

>> No.8830860

>Anyone got good Dreamcast dev sources? all i know so far is DreamSDK:

I sometimes wonder if anyone ever got WindowsCE to work? I would imagine tat WindowsCE would be a really good development environment for DC homebrew?

>> No.8830889

There is one on NES made by that Chinese company


>> No.8831851

Thanks anon, that looks really cool actually.

Hopefully I can find and english patch and figure out how to get the game working, I'm getting a load of glitchy mess when I try to run the .nes file with Mesen.

>> No.8831924

basado tech demo

>> No.8832076

Won’t happen