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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8794527 No.8794527[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>old installment from popular series
>"omg it's insanely hard / grindy, only playable with rewind / difficulty patch"
>play it
>actually just standard difficulty for its era and actually more fun to play than newer games, unless you're a zoomer who gets angry when faced with a slightest bit of challenge and can't beat a game without constant handholding and 2 hour long tutorials
many such cases (see: Mother 1)

>> No.8794538


>> No.8794539

Nowadays, people don't play games to overcome the challenge. They play games just to be able to say they played through the story. But when they get told they could've just watched a longplay on YouTube instead, they say the interactivity still matters. But how does it matter if you want to remove the difficulty altogether? I don't get it.

>> No.8794540
File: 9 KB, 254x198, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... ok?
Let me ask you those tough question, now: Why do you care? And why should I care too?

>> No.8794630

Not him but culture has huge ramifications.

The next generation of old game appreciators. The way that modern game developers act when they want to make a retro game. The type of discussions you have online. What you say talked about when you search to find literally anything on old games. The current community.

This is just common sense.

>> No.8794718

You may have fooled these tender zoomers, but I know how full of shit you are. Games that are difficult take a lot of time and repetition, but only fags would say that it isn’t playable. Difficulty patches usually add MORE difficulty not take it away.

>> No.8794739

these kind of posts are just like youtube comments in old songs full of kids saying ''i'm 19 but i love 80s music''

>> No.8794740

all it was missing was "as a zoomer,"

>> No.8794759
File: 470 KB, 1280x960, ss_760167d4ac7f0f1b3872a8ab5eb6ed699633ae13.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of games that are more like clones of their 8 and 16 counter parts, difficulty and all. You're being melodramatic. Tastes change over time, and there are plenty of older games you probably haven't played.

>> No.8794794

>Suck dick at Sonic 3
>Beat Mania on first try
Is there such thing as over-polished? I feel like modern games spend too much time on playtesting and don't have random bullshit (soul) anymore

>> No.8794887

I see people unironically praise shit like that Square is planning to have a storymode difficulty for FF15 and the likes
Retards be like "Wow nice, I don't have time to play these long ass JRPGs anymore" then play anything else you fucking retard

>> No.8795262
File: 293 KB, 399x451, Enough with the shitposts!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8795338

It's a case of people who haven't played the games take the word of people who only played these games as a kid. Therefor everyone believes these games are impossibly hard, and are too scared to try it themselves. These people could easily beat Contra 1 without the Konami code but they give up before they even try.

>> No.8795346

>devs add a completely optional difficulty because some people asked for it
>all you have to do to avoid it is literally not selecting it
>person on the internet thinks it somehow irreparably ruins the game
Many such cases

>> No.8795358

It's dev time that could've went anywhere else, no matter how small it may possibly be
It's appealing the the most common retarded denominator in an era where games are already easy as shit and are balanced via the easy as shit normal mode instead of the other way around, so hard modes often ends up a complete mess, or the mode that's actually hard actually depends on how much you know the game already

>> No.8795362

>It's appealing the the
Shhhut the fuck up.

>> No.8795385

>feature is so easy to implement it can literally be enabled with a cheat code
>makes the game appealing to a whole other demographic, meaning more profits to keep the devs afloat
>person on the internet thinks it somehow irreparably ruins the game
This is outside of the scope of this board, but if you need any evidence of how nonsense your claim is, all you need to do is look at how popular games like Dark Souls of Cuphead have become, when their selling point is precisely their difficulty.
And just so you don't think I'm ignoring your point, higher difficulties 20 years ago where just as unbalanced as they are now, and for any counterevidence you might have I can name 10 games where that holds true.

>> No.8795431

Dude who cares about gamer "culture". They're video games, who cares. Touch grass or something, idk

>> No.8795491

Modern games are trash thanks to sub humans like you

>> No.8795507
File: 104 KB, 950x450, 1615264453892 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8795517

>oldies music station in the 90s played 60s music
>30 year difference
>oldies station in the 2020s still only plays 60s music, not 80s or 90s music

Why is this? Shouldn't they keep a consistent 30 year buffer?

>> No.8795530

>The way that modern game developers act when they want to make a retro game.
I didn't buy any of that faux-retro indie pixel shit that's been made over the past 15 years or so. And they finally stopped making it. Low res pixel art is now only considered acceptable when it looks like a real retro game from that era. Otherwise the game has normal 2D art or 3D graphics.
I did my part for the community, you're welcome.

>> No.8795539

Literally what the everloving fuck are you talking about. Nobody is taking away harder difficulties, and as I mentioned above difficult games are as popular as they have ever been.
Your comic is also shit and evidences how your point is not much better. If you think that mass produced tacos have ever been anything but shit you have no taste, and if you claim that actual Mexican people are changing their recipe to appeal to Americans (as opposed to trendy American imitations springing up) then you are so retarded you are beyond helping. And by the way, you can make your own tacos.

>> No.8795553

>Touch grass

The Twitch/Twitter audience has reached /vr/

>> No.8795559

>all you need to do is look at how popular games like Dark Souls of Cuphead have become, when their selling point is precisely their difficulty.

But that actually proves the point of >>8795507
Those examples you mentioned aren't actually difficult, they're made for people who are bad at video games to make them feel like they're good at video games.

>> No.8795560

>...and that is a good thing: the postening

>> No.8795567
File: 455 KB, 667x670, 1625768495994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do though?
Nirvana and Pearl Jam are regulars on my local classic rock stations

>> No.8795615

>Not him but culture has huge ramifications.
You pretentious motherfucker lmao. Read this aloud, remember that you are talking about electronic toys, then die in a puddle your shame.

>> No.8795625

Classic rock isn't really oldies though. It's a different breed.

>> No.8795636

Mother 1 isn't fun you contrarian retard, how is spamming the A button every 10 seconds because the random encounter rate is so fucking high "fun". I know you're just going to call me a zoomer, but how is that actually enjoyable for you

>> No.8795637
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Not a franchise per se, but people keep saying the last mission of this made them cheat.

I decided to reinstall it after years, and the only reason I didn't beat it on my first try is because of the physics fucking up from what I suppose is a high frame rate.

>> No.8795639

It's about the game being a test of endurance and the satisfaction of finally passing it.

>> No.8795646

I would say arcades had a culture or game tournaments have their own culture
>it is our duty as Gamers to protect and gate-keep the online culture of our le hobby, our people, our way of life
Oh fuck off

>> No.8795649

Who are you quoting

>> No.8795657
File: 1.94 MB, 900x1153, 1429723840502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is our duty as Gamers to protect and gate-keep
It is though. Look at how many series were ruined because they got flooded with casuals who destroyed what the game was all about.

>> No.8795661

Your image macro is so stupid and not accurate in any part of the universe LMAO

>> No.8795672

Not an argument. You lost. Embrace your defeat with dignity and grace.

>> No.8795698

The pool industry sucks! Do you:
>swim in your own clean pool that was built before 2007
>start your own pool company
>scrub filthy public pools for free and tell the trannies they're not allowed to swim in them, even though I have no authority over the pool. If I set an example and enough people follow it, magic gatekeeping of the culture happens and the pool industry will get their shit together
>I pay to swim in disgusting public pools because I NEED to swim in new pools

>> No.8795706
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x955, Death of a Hobby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8795710

The only takeaway from this is that since what it describes isn't happening with pools, then it isn't happening with games either.

>> No.8795719 [DELETED] 

>see casual buying a game
>slap the game out of his hand and tell him he's not allowed to have it
>tell him he's not welcome in the gamer community
It's that simple. Get out there and defend your hobby, gamers.

>> No.8795753

Culture is by definition shared values and history. If you don't care about game culture you by definition don't care about values or history. I can't image what type of sewage of a mind would not only do that but think it should be norm.

>> No.8795770

Gatekeeping doesn't mean that you cherry picking retard.

It means segregation. The casuals have their own threads, websites, and forums. Both sides benefit from segregation because neither side wants to be around the other. It's when you end segregation that people become hostile because they are forced to constantly interact with people that do not share their culture.

>> No.8795804 [DELETED] 

>females join
>hobby is mostly unrecoverable at this point

Funny how that always works out, not just with games. Voting was the same way.

>> No.8795810

People romhacking games is not the norm. That's still a pretty niche internet thing.

Listen to yourself lmao

>> No.8795817

Why do incels always show up here

>> No.8795820

I'm just commenting on the already posted graphic. I don't make the rules.

>> No.8795832

Romhacking has it's own culture.
Arcade gamers have their own culture.
Each genre, generation, and console had it's own culture.
Children playing fortnite have their own culture.
Reddit has a culture.
4chan has a culture.
/vr/ has a culture
/v/ has a culture.

Culture is shared values and history. All your posts are communicating is you don't know what the word means even after you are given the definition and have conniption whenever the word is used in a way you don't like.

>> No.8795838 [DELETED] 

>reddit word
Sir, I am officially gatekeeping you from this anonymous forum. It's a matter of protecting our tribe's distinct culture.

>> No.8795897

Birdwatching is the same way now. People used to have to actually learn how to ID the birds themselves, what they sounded like, etc. by studying guidebooks for hours. Now it's encouraged to download an "app" that will just instantly tell you what the bird is. It's absolutely destroying the spirit of what birdwatching stood for.

>> No.8795928
File: 53 KB, 512x512, images - 2022-04-10T080315.422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine caring about a video games story.

>> No.8796235

shit bait. If you water down the medium to accommodate normalfags, you'll ruin everything for people who are passionate about games.

>> No.8796392

>They play games just to be able to say they played through the story.
Who do they say this to? Nobody cares they "experienced" Chrono Trigger's story. All they care about now is Elden Ring or whatever new hotness is on the current gen consoles.

>> No.8796402

I think these people play just whatever the herd is playing. They haven't developed real taste.

>> No.8796406

Females don't play games at a high level. Show me any rts, fighter or anything that has a high skill cap with any biological females. You can't. And if you're talking about single player story games then I'm sorry but you should stick to /v/.

>> No.8796413

It doesn't have to be at a high level. Just get enough together bitching about something on Twitter and it was scare the devs into modifying the game, usually in the form of censorship.

>> No.8796494

Honestly the only case I can personally think of of women playing something at a high level are women that are into Touhou and shmups. Though that is different from fighters. Honestly with those genres any woman that's a fan is probably just going to play it at her own pace

>> No.8796684

>gamer plays game built on a different set of norms and assumptions from the ones gamer grew up with
>gamer demands the game be changed so that he isn’t inconvenienced
many such cases

>> No.8796987

Why would women like Touhou? It's only popular because of the cute girls.

>> No.8797019

If you're talking world class VS games no women in that category are virtually nonexistent.

If you're talking just being good there are women for every genre and category of game. There just aren't as many as men. I don't remember the website but there was some old site by a check that reviewed a ton of the NES library and she could play them all at a decent level.

Stop going on Twitter.

>> No.8797108

women like cute gorls too

>> No.8797123

>Stop going on Twitter.
Of course *I* that place like the hellscape it is, but the game devs don't. Or rather in this day and age they can't avoid it since indies especially need to use every avenue available to them to promote their games.

>> No.8797127

wtf how did I forget to type "avoid", that was the most important part of the message. Yes I avoid Twitter, obviously.

>> No.8797542

People that play games that aren't shilled by youtubers or are flavor of the month are a part of a niche. Now the people who do that, but for older games are a niche of a niche. So most people just take the standard argument they hear and adopt it as their own while pretending to be a knowledgeable gamer. Couple that with the fact that so many gamers despise any form of challenge or inconvenience, the few that actually have played these older titles usually have shit opinions on them.

>> No.8798001


>> No.8798056

mother 1 isnt hard but the encounter rate is legitimately obnoxious and adds nothing to the game

>> No.8798063

everything in a video game should be oriented around enhancing its narrative, otherwise it is nothing but the entertainment equivalent of potato chips. i'm sure this is an unpopular opinion on the boomer game board of the gamergater website, but it's true

>> No.8798906

Yes they do. Look at the souls series and Elden Ring's success. It just happens far less because of games idiot proving themselves to an insulting degree.

>> No.8798908

Dont be pretentious. Theres tons of great stories on modern gaming. They might be buried beneath shitty mechanics but you cant argue that games like Red Dead 2 for example dont have amazingly written and compelling stories

>> No.8799012

Holy shit taste. I won't say games can't have enjoyable stories like the other guy, but swinging to the other extreme is just as wrong.