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8791569 No.8791569 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best JRPG for a person who avoided them most of his life? I've watched a few clips and a lot of JRPGs have an atmosphere and world building that I think I'd like but the grinding aspect doesn't seem appealing. I'm not totally oppose to grinding but don't want it to be a pain either.

>> No.8791581

I'd say to start with the classic SNES ones like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, EarthBound, etc. as those were most people's first JRPGs. I don't remember grinding being a big part of them either, but you do have to grind at the start of EarthBound so keep that in mind.

>> No.8791597

chrono trigger or superstar saga, if you want one with more typical battles, probably one of the snes finfans or dragon quests

>> No.8791604

I used to hate rpgs but I've been getting into them slowly, starting with Earthbound cuz I played Yume Nikki and Omori and was hungry for more, loving it so far. Give it a shot, it has a great mechanic where if you severely outlevel an enemy the encounter is skipped and you still get xp and its item drop.

>> No.8791624

Unironically Mystic Quest.

>> No.8791637
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>the grinding aspect doesn't seem appealing
Because it's not. Chrono Trigger doesn't it need, nor Grandia II.
I believe the remasters of the old Final Fantasy have some "cheat" to avoid grinding too.

>> No.8791675

Chrono Trigger
sadly it's also the peak of the genre so the rest will be stale compared to it

>> No.8791714

Lol OP dont bother. JRPGs are a trog pastime. Dont feel peer pressure into liking or trying them. There is nothing wrong with being patrician.

>> No.8791740

Never tried them, but I heard the Saga games punish grinding.

>> No.8791746
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While Chrono Trigger is good, many games from the genre have plenty of differing ways that battle mechanics, character customization, and growth is handled. While I enjoy Chrono Trigger and think it's a good first timer JRPG, I'd rank other games well above it.

>> No.8791754

Unlimited Saga and Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song can potentially does so. Unlimited Saga your character growth doesn't depend on grinding on monsters. While battling in every dungeon is good to get a HP boost at the end of the dungeon, you can only get so much out of it. Otherwise it's all about panel placement to increase your stats and have more effective skills and possibly finding/forging decent equipment. Killing certain mobs can strengthen other mobs and they might outstrip your characters abilities.

In Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song if you hang out in areas with low enemy rank you can yield very few stat ups, acquire almost no skills, and gain almost no money and then find other monster groups ranked up and start one shotting characters to even two shotting your party. If you focus more on questing then the difficulty will be a lot more even rather than mindless grinding. The only grinding that helps is against strong enemies that you can defeat to have the highest chance to learn new skills and gain the most stat boosts.

>> No.8791763

Chrono Trigger
Paper Mario
Pokemon (Gen 2 or 3)

>> No.8791794

pokemon crystal

>> No.8791801

final fantasy tactics
tales of destiny 2 (make grinding and battles fun?)

>> No.8791910

SaGa Frontier

>> No.8791928

Chrono Trigger
Paper Mario
Final Fantasy X

>> No.8791973

you have to start with the first jrpg (ff7) and work backwards

>> No.8792008

Golden Sun

>> No.8792986

whenever you so people crying about muh grinding its 95% of the time because they are retards lobotomized by Final Fantasy movie games and think they should auto win just for mashing normal attack and occasionally healing.

>> No.8794067

Why would you need to heal if you had good characters?

>> No.8794078

Phantasy Star IV or Chrono Trigger. or an ARPG like Terranigma.

>> No.8794105

Grinding was mostly phased out by the late Super Famicom era. There were still a few grind-heavy RPGs after that, but they were few and far between.

>> No.8794351

>no breath of fire 3

>> No.8794371
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>Only one person said Mystic Quest
Seconding it. It is literally made to be babby's first JRPG. And it's actually quite fun.

>> No.8795363

Nobody has mentioned Dragon Quest IV so far. The episodic nature of the first half is made in such a way that it gradually introduces new mechanics with each chapter, you'd need brain damage not to have the whole genre figured out by the time you start the second half.

As a disclaimer, the jrpg I actually enjoy can be counted on the fingers of one hand, namely:
Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest V
Chrono Trigger
Pokémon (whichever, they're all the same)
... so my opinion might not be worth as much if you want into the genre.

>> No.8795374

What other ones have you tried?

>> No.8795402

Off the top of my head, a few Final Fantasy, one of the newer Dragon Quest, Earthbound/Mother 2, Secret of Mana, and probably a few more I'm forgetting.
There are also several others I've looked into, but didn't feel like they'd interest me much.
The problem I have with the genre in general is that the plot usually feels like that of an overly pretentious (if using this adjective doesn't qualify me as such), generic shounen. The ones I mentioned I enjoyed because they have a very simple plot, but still entertaining enough.
If you have any recommendations though feel free to make suggestions. I'm in need of practicing my Japanese, so having more material to do so is always welcome.

>> No.8795439
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Phantasy Star IV or Shining Force 1. No grinding, good world-building, not too hard, and not too long.

>> No.8795449

JRPGs are the pleb version of CRPGs are the pleb version of Tabletop RPGs
And when it comes to taking inspiration from tabletop games it's mostly Dungeons & Dragons which is a pleb tier game itself
All that means is the RPG genre of vidya has a lot of boring shit game design. It's actually rare for RPGs to not be boring as fuck, and that applies equally to JRPGs and CRPGs.

>> No.8795461

what do you want out of one? that matters a lot for making a good rec

>> No.8795503

Chrono Trigger. I actually had fun with it the whole way through, which almost never happens when I try JRPGs. The old Final Fantasy games (I have no experience with the newer ones) feel like you're grinding even when you're not. If you like the quirky humor in it, some people like Earthbound or its (stand-alone) sequel Mother 3. I have friends that liked Golden Sun, but it drove me nuts and I dropped it.
Otherwise, if you somehow haven't played them, play a Pokemon game, probably one of Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.

>> No.8795725


>> No.8795729

Start with Grandia II
Then be forever disappointed as no other JRPG you play will ever be quite as good

>> No.8795831

Any Final Fantasy game, very, very few JRPGs need grinding and the ones that do are because they are so lacking in everything else that grinding is the only thing that gates your progression. Dragon Quest is an example.

Also this, it's ridiculously easy and has great music. If you like it, Wild Arms is also good and utilizes field items far more.