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File: 21 KB, 250x171, Secret_of_Mana_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
878731 No.878731[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When can I do something other than visit the water palace and gaia's navel?

Because goddamn.

Also, Secret of Mana general.

>> No.879173

Did you go inside the cave at gaia's navel? Also, that feeling when you realized what Gaia's Navel actually means (Bellybutton of the earth, referring to the cave).

Obviously this is your first time playing the game? Try to limit your magic use after the third element because the game becomes broken if you keep spamming it at bosses. Keep it as an ace up your sleeve for when you get your shit wrecked but otherwise just use weapons and buffs, oh and instead of leveling each weapon with each character(which everybody does for some reason) just use 2 weapons per character so you always have them close to the max level available to do more damage.

>> No.879218


The water palace is the end of the game.

>> No.879234

I understand your frustration, OP.

Furthest I've ever gotten was the forest that's around the same part of the game as the Water Palace and Gaia's Navel.

I'm convinced that that's all there is to the game.

>> No.879236


The game gets massively easy after the Spiky Tiger, OP. Keep at it.

>> No.879461

>Spiky Tiger

I still have PTSD from that boss. Jesus Christ.

>> No.879480

I played through the game 3 player with my D&D group a while back and we slaughtered Spiky without much trouble, somehow. I was expecting to get our asses kicked.

>> No.879506

I've been trying to actually beat it for the first time myself lately, I never realised how damn linear the game becomes after the beginning.

>> No.879692

And by linear you mean you can completely go anywhere in the entire world you want and do things on your own volition.

>> No.880185

I loved the first part of the game because you were exploring around in the forest and the caves at the navel. I always loved it right up to Spring Beak and then it didn't seem as interesting to me but I still loved the rest of the game. It's definately one of my favorite games if not just for the music and the graphics.

OP how are you making out so far? Oh, and get ready to get your ass handed to you by the fox brothers, they keep kicking you when you're down so make sure you save. And if after that you can make it through the Spikey Tiger battle you will be able to beat the game with some ease.

>> No.880208

There are some very light spoilers in this post, so please skip it if you haven't played the game and don't want to get spoiled.

SoM veteran here.
The reason why people have trouble with him is because they tend to run past the monsters instead of killing them. The tiger can get really tough if you're underleveled.
People also get scared as fuck and are afraid of attacking.
The secret to killing him is to buy 4 bonbons, 4 chocolates and just attack him and heal characters. Let the sprite die, you just need the girl and the boy. He also might cast spell after spell, so you need to use the bow to shoot him when he's on the pillars.

Shit nigger, I hate this argument. Almost ALL games were linear as fuck. Chrono Trigger? Pretty damn linear before you get the time machine. FF IV to VI? Pretty fucking linear.

SoM is actually kind of non-linear for games at the time. You have lots of options in the beginning regarding the girl, you can either get her to stay with you or you can get her to abandon you, forcing you to go to the dwarf town by yourself and rescuing her later on. What ends up happening depends on how you treat her and how serious you take her.
Then you need to do a bunch of tasks after you get the "airship" and you can do them in whichever order you want.

Non-linearity wasn't a big issue back then. Nobody said "Eh, the game is too linear for my taste." The whole linearity thing started after FF X was released and people felt it was too on-rails and after open-world RPGs like Morrowind and Gothic became popular.

>> No.880390

This reminded me, every time I played the game (probably 10 playthroughs) I always got the girl and never saw the Goblin cinematic. I didn't even know there was the alternate path until I bought the game with the guide a few years ago and it said to walk a certain path and then you see the cinematic happen and it blew my mind.

>> No.880434

That's funny, I always get the goblin cinematic.

It's especially funny because I play the german version and a perma-stoner used to do the translations. The goblins say "Come on, everyone, the Lindenstraße (a german sitcom) is about to begin." Really made me laugh as a child, I thought it was hilarious.

>> No.881329

On a side note, I downloaded it from the Apple store and one of the changes they made is the Fox Brothers don't kick you when you're down making it less infuriating to fight them lol. It's a great update to the game except I don't like how reflective the water is.

>> No.882146

Yeah, the foxes are always tough to fight, especially in this small arena. Good thing you can avoid the fight.

I didn't even know there's an iOS remake. Sounds interesting, but I unfortunately don't own any apple products.

>> No.882257
File: 205 KB, 400x300, snes30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the hell out of this game as a kid. I remember playing two-player with a dude who grew up next door one summer and had a great time.

Also: mind if I bring Secret of Evermore into this thread? Because god, what a fantastically weird game. Much better than I think it gets credit for, though. The whole alchemy-based spell system was clever, too.

>> No.882303

Yeah, SoE is phantastic. It's a real shame it doesn't have a 2P mode.
I don't think I ever finished it, though. I faintly remember that it got rather boring towards the end, at least that's how I felt. The game's beginning is the best part, especially the boss you posted. He caused me quite some grief as a kid and the whole area was very eerie.

>> No.882360


yes i fucking mind that game is terrible.

>> No.884723

>this rom hack of Seiken Densetsu 2 is why we never got a localized SD3

>> No.884729


this is bait and someone will respond anyway

>> No.884778

It's a good think you took care of the responding by yourself.

>> No.885823

I could never get into it for some reason.

>> No.886738

OP here

Made it to the Upperland area

I fucking pray this has a ton of areas to explore and that I don't have to go back and forth a ton.

>> No.888298

A habit of always talking to everyone in RPGs during the first playthrough resulted in me not understanding why I DIDN'T get the cinematic during the second playthrough. not realising it was the talking to the soldiers part that got it.

Btw, going through the caves without the girl sucks. One wrong balloon spell and a nearby goblin and you're done for.

>> No.888312

In Gothica, the dog labyrinth, the preceding underground labyrinth, and the forest maze are terrible and can ruin the game for the player despite the previous two acts being nothing short of awesome, yeah.

The quests for the missing rocket parts after you're done with gothica are pretty great, though. Short, but fun.

The sad part is that without its silly mazes (Nothing against mazes as such, but the dog labyrinth in particular was a terrible idea), Gothica would be awesome. Brilliant atmosphere.

>> No.888320

After the starting area, there's very little back and forth. A tiny bit between the desert and christmas island - but it's so little, it barely counts -, and you've to repeatedly visit a sage in the mountains, but that's it. By and large, you'll be exploring something new every time.

And you'll enjoy the game's ending - a fair bit away - a great deal. Once shit really gets going, immersion is great.

>> No.888343

>the forest maze
It's not a maze. The game shows you the fastest way through it.

>> No.889130

Avoid the fight? What?!?! how?

>> No.889138

I had that same habit

The game is so cool how you can get the girl before the cave and when you go there she says she won't go in the cave with you.

And when you fight the Fox Brothers if you talk to her during the fight she says something like "What are you doing, help me" and if you have a dead sprite or boy she says something but i can't remember, I think she gives you an item to bring them back to life. I love all those little tid bits

>> No.890354

Talk to the soldiers - all of them, until they leave - in front of the water temple.

This will result in goblins capturing you on the way to Pandoria. The girl will save you, and then vanish again.

When you're in Pandoria and enter the palace, the girl, rather than telling you to get out of the way and vanishing, will recognise you and join your party.

Then, when you arrive at Gaia's navel and try to enter the cave, she'll complain that you need to go to the witch first. If you refuse to honour her request, she'll leave you again. You'll have the fox fight as normal later on.

If you do honour her request, you'll be stopped by two statues in the enchanted forest (No fox fight before them), and the girl will then agree to go to the dwarves with you.

When you've the sprite and return to the enchanted forest with all three characters, again, no fox fight.

>> No.890464
File: 143 KB, 320x280, Hard SoM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't sure whether I should make a new thread for this or not, but I don't want to flood this board with another Square RPG thread, so I'll just post it here:

Have you guys heard of Hard Secret of Mana? It's a fan patch that makes the game hard, and I mean really fucking hard. Enemies deal more and take less damage, you get less gold for enemies, items are ridiculously expensive and there are some more interesting changes.

When I first tried it two years ago I got killed three times by the first couple of Rabides in the game. The goblins in Gaia's Navel were an absolute nightmare, they could kill you in two hits. I made it to the tiger (don't know what he's called in english), but you have to grind a couple of levels in order to beat him and I didn't really feel like doing that.

Here's a trailer in case you're curious, skip to 1:20 to experience extreme second-hand anal anguish:

I've lately been meaning to give it another shot. Anyone else interested?

>> No.890469

I'm an idiot and forgot the link to the website:

>> No.890561

Sounds like it's just something that forces you to grind more.

>> No.890570

lolawful, the only fix SoM needs is one that restores the battle system to something close to the first game. Actually, that's what ALL Mana games need.

>> No.890572

sounds stupid... why are all the hacks focusing on making things a stupidly hard mess these days? I remember when fix hacks focused more on making games actually play better, this new trend with BALLS TO THE WALL HARD SO HARDCORE!!!! everything is really wearing thin to me...

>> No.890574

It has some nifty other things , like changing lvl 1 lance to have a morphing debuff and making buffs much more effective/scaling massively down offensive magic.
But essentially it still keeps the basics of an RPG that if you grind long enough it will get easier.

On another note, I should go back to the SDC sometimes.

>> No.890592

>Actually, that's what ALL Mana games need.

Yeah...no. Seiken Densetsu 3 is fine as is.

>> No.890623

>Actually, that's what ALL Mana games need.
no, Legend of Mana needs to be replaced with a different game... or not exist at all...

>> No.890625

this SD3 is perfect, I'm not sure why they didn't carry on in this direction.

>> No.890683

That's a really bad opinion and I don't respect it.

>> No.891187

Grinding of Mana?


What it needed were - arguably. They were easy as fuck, but I'm not exactly of dungeon crawling, anyway, much prefer character interaction and overworld exploration - more complex dungeons, and reworking the magic system so it's not an instant win/ reworking some bosses so you don't HAVE to use magic to get an instant win. Both of which were, incidentally, accomplished by Secret of Evermore.

Random difficulty isn't fun. It's not even CHALLENGING. It's just boring and annoying.

>> No.891196

That... I can agree with, actually. Seiken Densetsu has plenty of weaknesses - primitive controls even by gameboy standards, the utterly grimdark story that has none of the humour of later games -, but the combat system as such is brilliant. Magic is useful but not overpowered, there's multiple effective ways to take down bosses, the bloody attack percentage deal of the later games doesn't exist...

Yeah, I'd be on board for that.

>> No.892483

holy shit thats crazy, i went inside the cave without the girl and had to find her later. Thanks

>> No.893029
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> grimdark
> none of the humour of later games

>> No.893064

I played the game with two friends a couple years back.
Around half an hour into a NG we fought a tiger, is that what you're referring to? Because it took like 3 tries, but we killed it.

I stopped playing shortly after because I had no fucking idea what was going on, and the gameplay wasn't enjoyable.

>> No.893081

It's pretty fucking vague in what you have to do in the beginning.

>> No.895060

Really? Maybe you just gotta love the combat style but even when I knew what I was doing I would just grind on enemies leveling up each character with each weapon and have a blast doing those different charged attacks.