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File: 172 KB, 256x360, Shin_Megami_Tensei_Nocturne_NA_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8786172 No.8786172 [Reply] [Original]

I'm playing SMT: Nocturne for PS2 and I'm lost.
I just beat Thor and it's strange how the story is. Basically, the world just ended and everyone is fine with it. Is this a problem with the translation or what? I expected more sober and dark dialogues in the game.

>> No.8786176 [DELETED] 

DAE Hardest game of all tiem?

>> No.8786275

There's only a handful of humans left.

>> No.8786276

The dungeon design in Nocturne is the worst in the series, SMT really suffered in the transition to 3D.

>> No.8786301

Why did you expect that? This is years after the fall, of course people arent going to be ultra dramatic about it.

>> No.8786305

Is this before the peephole? Lucifer explains everything to you. To sum it up with the least amount of spoilers, all of this was willed to happen be a certain someone, he who shall not be named.

>> No.8786306

Agree 100%

>> No.8786314

>worst in the series
No. ...if, MT1 has worse dungeons

>> No.8786320

I dont believe either of you have actually played SMT1 to completion if you think this is true lmao.

>> No.8786335

Pay no mind. Just a contrarian samefag that spouts the same line in every nocturne thread. Nocturne is middle of the road, it's not even outright bad like Ronde. Dude probably got filtered by Matador

>> No.8786351
File: 49 KB, 640x433, End Screen iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MT1 isn't an SMT game, it's just the original "MT" game, they're not really in the same league. The "shin" prefix was added as a clean break.
I have actually.

>> No.8786361

I missed your mention of if... but yes those dungeons are awful, I agree there. Also not technically a mainline SMT game.

>> No.8786427

If with everyone you mean the monsters, they are always around everytime Kagutsuchi ends a world, so they really don't care.

>> No.8786587

...if has great dungeons (except the waiting one)

>> No.8786756

SMT1 is fine.

If has the most dogshit dungeon in the history of the series though.

>> No.8786761

2 has much worse dungeons and way more backtracking and also the dungeons all look samey in 2

>> No.8786771

this game might be cool if it wasn't so edgy and cringeworthy.

>> No.8786776

Literally every megaten game. Why are you even playing them if that is the deal breaker for you?

>> No.8786968

What? No it's hours after the end of the world. Nocturne rakes place over a couple of days at best.

>> No.8787000

The world did not end. Only Tokyo was sucked up by kagatsuchi

>> No.8787053
File: 19 KB, 512x480, Beetlejuice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows the deal. I jammed right through I and then got super sick of II around the pillars or something? I just couldn't bring myself to backtrack for items for 15 hours. Beetleboy is my boy, however.

>> No.8787259

Shin Megami Tensei III/Nocturne is undoubtedly one of the better games in the series. PS2 was Shin Megami Tensei at its peak.

>> No.8787308
File: 120 KB, 793x593, 1504132126615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8787317

The story is way in the background. The grind, le mature adult pokemon, and the strategy involved in the press turn system are the real draws of the series.

>> No.8787326

SMT games have always been weird as fuck instead of these uber dark edgelord stories. I mean, don’t get me wrong, they’re still pretty edgy but the games tend to thrive more off being really fucking weird and everyone acting like total maniacs instead of a super serious super dark story that never lets up on how grim it is.

>> No.8787329

High Tier: DDS1, SMT1/2, MT2, Strange Journey, Last Bible Special, Last Bible

Mid Tier: Nocturne, DDS2, Raidou 1/2, Persona 1, SMT4/A

Low Mid: Persona 2 duology, Soul Hackers, DeSu 1/2

Low tier - everything else

>> No.8787332

What didn't you like about Soul Hackers?

>> No.8787338

SMT IV is unironically my favorite out of 3, 4, 5 and SJ. Never played any of the rest.

>> No.8787340

It’s more understandable because it’s a SNES game. They could get away with designing cryptic mindfuck mazes because that’s how it was back then. I have approximately zero desire to ever play If again because of its dungeon design. 1 was fucking annoying with some of the dungeons, mainly because they were often just these gargantuan sprawling labyrinths where everything looks the same. 2 suffers from the fact you have to backtrack constantly, and then the game absolutely shits itself when you need to open the portal to the Underworld by backtracking through every dungeon. They’ve always had shitty design

>> No.8787345

IV at least has firearms and armor which Nocturne does not

>> No.8787353

I did not like the aesthetics. Was Kaneko designer for it? Seemed way off. Also did not care for the story, could not get into it

>> No.8787390

Not that poster but Soul Hackers and Strange Journey were high tier to me. But even though you could not get into the storyline did you not like the world? I mean it's basically Japanese Cyberpunk at it's peak. Then again you also did not put IV in the list for a reason so that might explain a lot.

>> No.8787397

Apocalypse is solid if you consider it an expansion of IV and not a full fledged title. Soul Hackers is good you should give it a try.

>> No.8787403

I put 4/Apocalypse in mids. Cyberpunk is not as enthralling for me, but I get that it is intriguing for a lot of people. I am more into Post-Apocalyptic

>> No.8787404

Is the Devil Summoner translation still happening? Desperate to play that and hopefully Ronde someday

>> No.8787417

I see I was thinking you were of that mindset it makes total sense. I am glad you do not put IV in the high tier and say it is the greatest SMT game ever. Too many people rank that game higher than mid when the main issue is it can be a tiny bit generic in the sense you know which path the Chaos and Law alignments will be and the end game is a bit harder than most.

>> No.8787458

I think the dude on smtg got stuck on negotiations. I think the project started like 10 years ago, just learn jap at this point

>> No.8787470
File: 256 KB, 500x699, 1461020622723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely weird but I can dig it

>> No.8788379

The demons love their new world because....its their own fucking world, and they are al excited about the creation of a new world.

Why would demons be sad about the human world going to shit? only the handful of human characters care, this makes sense.

>> No.8788384

Diet Building

>> No.8788392

Almost everyone is dead, what do you expect demons to think about it?

>> No.8788637

This. Sloth world is absolute garbage but the rest are prime dungeon crawling material.

>> No.8788819

I will admit it's been years since I played, so my story details are all out of wack.

>> No.8788865

That atrocious one in Shinji’s route where you have to go through awful teleporter mazes several times and are required to have certain fusions just to carry an item fucking sucks balls

>> No.8789791
File: 524 KB, 508x529, 1603824094461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're iq is over 105, and you've spent anytime learning on /pol/, then you might notice this game hints at some huge overall topics.
I first played this game because of 4chan recommendations. And I see why.
If you're playing this just for gameplay, it is still very good, but some of the critiques above are appropriate.