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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8785708 No.8785708 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, do you like shmups? why/why not?

>> No.8785717

i like shmups but touhou coomers make it really hard for me to want to talk about them anywhere.

>> No.8785718

Sure, why not?

>> No.8785723

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8785728


>> No.8785732

Yeah, I like em a lot. I especially like the one you posted. Super Fantasy Zone on the Genesis is my favorite of those games.

I like them because I find them easy to get into. The controls are simple and the gameplay is about as straightforward as it gets. They're just really interesting looking and sounding games that I find fun. They usually have great soundtracks and sound design.
Konami's horizontal shooters are probably my favorites overall, but I like practically everything in the genre that I've tried from Irem, Toaplan, Compile, Taito, Namco, Raizing, Cave and of course ZUN.
They put me off of the genre and Touhou in particular for years, but I think they're genuinely pretty good games and I enjoy the setting and characters. Just ignore /jp/ like I do.

>> No.8785792

I don't like them because I think the gameplay just isn't engaging.
Holding down the shoot button while dodging thousands of tiny bullets may be fun for some people, but I just have different tastes. I don't appreciate the annoying, stupid approach to difficulty either.
The simple base allows for much flexibility when designing SHMUPs, but I would rather play something with a bit more meat, like Contra or Metal Slug

>> No.8785803
File: 380 KB, 1131x952, 1637013893102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. I like flying around and shooting things.

>> No.8785817

I like them a lot, but I don't play them all that seriously.

>> No.8785834
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, PanCot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Cute em Ups.

>> No.8786683

I love this little fella

>> No.8786714

Imagine being this much of a pussy that homosexuals with anime avatars scare you to tears

>> No.8786904

>you die in 1 hit and lose all your powerups, go to hell and stop playing our game
if a shmup isn't like this i can get behind it, otherwise a single hit may as well be the game hitting the reset button if you die in a specific area

>> No.8787105

I have a love/hate relationship with them. I actually play a few of them but I never really put "the time" in to really master one. Hell I've maybe beaten Fhantasy Zone 2 once. I really respect them though, a true arcade carry over that is still novel to play that doesn't feel all that archaic.

>> No.8787194

I want to, but I don't.
I just suck at them and I don't like to brute force my way with continues — it doesn't feel right.
And don't think I haven't played them and I'm complaining because of that, because shmups were all I played besides FPS and platformers when I was younger and didn't care about dying; I went through many from the SNES/SFC library (emulating, but no savestates), despite not finishing any of them but Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie on Normal with Max Jenius.

>> No.8787215

I like shmups but generally don't like shmup fans. I can't stand bullet hell shmups.

>> No.8787226

I just don't get it to be honest
I get what makes a good and bad fps
I kinda get what makes a good and bad platformer, but games like DKC 2 i don't understand why its highly praised
Shmups I don't get, how is one better than the other outside of gimmick mechanics, not using that disparagingly but how is Ikaruga worse/better than Touhou's Impershible night. What makes good and bad ones, what are actual differences? The gameplay seems too simple for this

>> No.8787994

I don't really like them because they mostly require twitch reflexes and good eyesight to track what's coming at you, both of which I'm fairly deficient in. I especially don't like ones with a focus on scoring systems because every time I miss any detail, I just wind up restarting and never really enjoy myself (IE, when I get anything less than a perfect chain for an entire stage on Ikaruga--I've only cleared stage 1 and 2 at all, but I have a perfect score on stage 1 and a near-perfect score on stage 2.).

I would probably like a shmup that had a stronger focus on strategy, ship design, and completion of objectives over scoring, but at that point whatever came out probably wouldn't qualify as a shmup anymore.

>> No.8788005

I did. No longer due to the fanbase on this board.

>> No.8788442

I used to be a hardcore shmup fan with lots of Cave/Razing 1CCs, but nowadays I put all my energy into learning japanese for the sake of playing JRPGs.

>> No.8788451

Mega based.

>> No.8788460

What are some fun shmups on NES/Famicom that aren't going to filter me?

I beat Crisis Force, Dragon Spirit. I tried a lot of other ones like 1942, 1943, B-Wings, Fuzzical Fighter, Gradius II, Legendary Wings, Twin Cobra, etc but didn't beat a single of them. Gradius II was hell.

also Cosmic Epsilon filtered me but I reached the end game in Tetrastar The Fighter

>> No.8788478

There's shmups that aren't bullet hell.

>> No.8788501

the good ending

>> No.8788502

Fantasy Zone isn't a shmup. You shoot em' left and right, not up.

>> No.8788508

I'm not opposed to them but I've never played one past Space Invaders (does that even count?)
Someone recommend a good fun beginner shmup (5th gen and lower if console) and I'll play it with my arcade stick this weekend.

>> No.8788509

I love the title screen and first stage of Last Resort.
That's pretty much it though. I'm just not really into one hit death games.

>> No.8788515
File: 20 KB, 384x256, R-Type_S6_screen1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't like dodging millions of bullets flooding the screen at once? We have games for that.

>> No.8788521

I like a couple. Like I'll always have a soft spot for G-Darius, and there is that one that lets you make your own bosses (Warning Forever), but most of them do nothing for me.
Do rail shooters like Starfox count as shmups? They're kind of similar just in a different direction - if so then I like those. But yeah most do nothing.

>> No.8788526
File: 181 KB, 667x960, 257184-gun-nac-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gun*Nac and Zanac are great.

>> No.8788549
File: 2.77 MB, 512x480, Crisis Force stage 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crisis Force. Tons of fun, technically great and beginner friendly.

>> No.8788558

This looks fun to play for a beginner. Maybe the genre lost relevance because it got too hard in an attempt to one up the competition?

>> No.8788601

Shmups with checkpoints filter me so hard :(

>> No.8788619

This reminds me a lot of Dragon Spirit. That game was mentioned already but man do I love it.

For an easier shootie game, maybe try HyperZone - SNES. The music alone is worth it.

>> No.8788864

Yes. It's the best pick up and play genre out there for me. If you want to 1CC a game, you have to put in a lot of time and effort, but you could also just dip in and still have fun. I generally like the graphics, OST's and aesthetics as well.

Stop coming here. This is a pathetic reason to drop something if true. Don't let lowest common demoninator cunts spoil something for you. They're just a bunch of shit-talking anons, why would you let that spoil your enjoyment of something?

>> No.8789098

>don't like talking to annoying people

i just don't like talking to people i think are annoying. like you

>> No.8789103

Because it's a boring stale as fuck genre that is 90% the same exact same every time but it's fanbase for some stupid reason pretends otherwise and likes to shit on other genres to prop up their own.

>> No.8789105

>but games like DKC 2 i don't understand why its highly praised
You might be kind of stupid desu

>> No.8789196

I love shmups. They truly helped me overcome some of my attention deficit hurdles

>> No.8789369

I like them but I'm not dedicated enough to grinding countless hours for score in the well designed ones (tate) or killing hours memorizing the shitty ones (hori). The early games were pretty much designed to suck up quarters to see the ending/1cc and the latter ones to suck up quarters for autism. My favorite is definite Famtasy Zone 2 on the ps2/3ds especially the endless mode. Radiant Silvergun is cool too but I consider it kind of a chore to play. It's long for a shmup and generally strict in how it wants you yo play, for scoring and just to reach the end.

>> No.8789697

Yes, the PS1 era in particular.
Einhander was first one I ever played and it was impressive.
And the soundtracks. I've found some good music from playing shmups.
Yeah and Darius Gaiden
>rail shooters like Starfox count as shmups?
Yes, like Omega Boost or Internal Section (tube shooter)

I've played tons of shmups yet never got into the cave bullet hells. Those don't look fun to play for beginners but fun to watch.

>> No.8789707

Can you elaborate? That's an interesting answer.

>> No.8789813

literally me. I have some cave bullet hell 1ccs but I don't really like them.
and the community fucking sucks. not just shmupg. all of it.

>> No.8789852

The trick is to reset when you reach the continue screen and memorise everything by replaying it. It works.

>> No.8789854

they’re fun

>> No.8789859


>> No.8789860

please go play other genres and never enter another shmup thread

>> No.8789861

Structural pattern building?

>> No.8789864

what did the tiny shmup fanbase on /vr/ do that was so terrible? genocide literally 6 gorillion Marios?

>> No.8789867

>The trick is to reset when you reach the continue screen and memorise everything by replaying it. It works.
but is it fun?

>> No.8789868


>> No.8789871

Yes, you will notice yourself getting better at that first section, then the second section, so on and so forth.

>> No.8789873

I can imagine it's because Mahou is teeming with AGPs speaking for the genre.

>> No.8790158

Gladly though I'm always happy to shit on stupid shit eating shmup players

>> No.8790193

bing bing wahoo

>> No.8790304
File: 2.90 MB, 3357x1593, R-Type III Stages (Nintendo Power - 1994).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, terrible at them but I'm a /m/ guy and the ships are fuckin awesome

>> No.8790354

Some of them. I am terrible at them and that makes me suffer because half of my friends are avid Touhou players and I can't connect with them properly on that ground. I also have an epilepsy so lots of bright colored bullets and intense action usually make me feel really bad, not seizure bad but close

I do like Twinbee and Life Force. When I was a kid, I liked to play Gun-nac but nowadays it's near impossible for me to clear even the first level.

>> No.8790370

Damn I find myself in a similar boat. I love the aesthetic, the ships n shit, but I'm wank at them

>> No.8790523

I agree, Ross, but what options do you even have then? Tyrian, Raptor, and Jets'n'Guns?

>> No.8790585
File: 66 KB, 500x312, 14339345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, always have. because I always loved playing with micromachines and Raiden and Twin Cobra was like "whoever made this...really gets me" as a kid.

>> No.8790597

Not really into shoot em' ups. Only ones I ever got into were Fantasy Zone and Parodius. I also played Star Parodier, but never beat it because it was hard for me.

>> No.8791372

I think UN Squadron let you take a few hits

>> No.8791375

Yes, but i suck at them.

>> No.8791395

Yes, i like them for short bursts like waiting for the food to cook or some downtime, i would never play them long enought to get good at them.

For me shmups are flashy colours and punchy music but i like that

>> No.8791397

It's not about dying in one hit, it's about losing upgrades and having a massive uphill battle; a win-more, lose-more game.

>> No.8791457

Is it me or is Fantasy Zone just really hard...

>> No.8791485

They've always been a favorite genre of mine ever since I was a kid with games like Tyrian, Vapor Trail, G-Darius and Einhander. They're incredibly pure games, and that's just nice every once in a while.

>> No.8791587

Yeah it looks cute and fun, but it is a challenge.

>> No.8791598

Yes, but I can't force myself to play them. It's the same thing with fighting games. I play them, have fun, then turn it off after like 15-20 minutes. Recently did a bit of Gun-Nac and enjoyed it, albeit very confused since I didn't bother reading the manual.

>> No.8791601

I love them i love that really satisfactory feeling of flying in between a million bulets and destroying cool looking ships the first shmup i ever beat was gradius 3 and it was the best orgasm i've ever had, comparable only to the orgasm i had when i beat the american version of castlevania 3

>> No.8791608

Thats why i never go to any forum or whatever about games, movies etc. That i really love because the fan base makes me hate things that i love for example dark souls i really liked it i thought it was pretty cool but holy shit the fan base just sucks miyasaki's dick up and down amd all around and they take the lore way to serious to the point it gets really cringy

>> No.8791654

Ring Raiders?

>> No.8792015

It's a shame that I agree with you but I do. I just don't gel with people that get that obsessed with something that I myself enjoy. Which I'm sure is ironic coming from a guy posting on the retro game board on 4chan, but still. I much prefer just meeting people and finding our shared interests instead of the other way around.
I love the Souls games too man, and it seems so strange to me that the stereotypical Souls fan is often loudly enjoying them in ways that I do not want to be around. They're great games, but I guess the problem with their mass appeal is that you get some grade-A dorks that will talk unsolicited at length about them and sour their image for everyone else.

>> No.8792019

Is it bad to like toys like on your pic if you're 30 years old? I have a soft spot for miniature copies of real things, toy cars and military vehicles too. But it's kinda weird to other people that I know.

>> No.8792021

i like them because they suck

>> No.8792026

Join your brothers on /m/.

>> No.8792030
File: 42 KB, 600x419, Gradius1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not them, but hell no! As long as you aren't overspending on that kind of stuff and aren't shutting people out of your life for the sake of it, which I doubt you are, there's nothing wrong with keeping a few cool toys around. I never had these kind of toys as a kid but I saw the post you replied to and smiled and nodded at it in understanding, for what it's worth.
I really wish this die cast Vic Viper wasn't so expensive.

>> No.8792037
File: 2.01 MB, 1451x2017, FD894012-771C-4DB6-98A0-156106059C4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most fun i have had playing these types of games. Soldier blade for turbografx is pretty sweet as well. Good mechanics/gimmicks and powerups make a good shoot em up.

>> No.8792042

I have yet to find a shmup with a better looking ship than the vic viper

>> No.8792045
File: 162 KB, 661x835, 27D5EF40-55B4-4B12-9D74-5FE2F19F083F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big fan of Philosoma.

>> No.8792046

Gradius 1
Blade Buster (homebrew)
Image Fight
Summer Carnival 92 Recca

>> No.8792053

I think it lost relevance because it suffered a crisis of meaning that it never overcame when it jumped from arcades to home consoles.

>> No.8792082
File: 67 KB, 1200x675, A3C8C4BD-4465-4D0F-AB39-434BF924DCBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also my favorite. I misspoke though; that one’s a plastic model kit and not die cast.
I also like the R9 from R-Type a lot.

>> No.8792091

I don’t really like the R type ship, but I love the option

>> No.8792108

It’s a Gradius spinoff, but try Life Force/Salamander. The NES version is probably my favorite version of that game

>> No.8792514
File: 36 KB, 240x320, Batsugun-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish people were more willing to play shmups on arcade, which is where most of the real action is. Batsugun Special is THE beginner shmup.

People should also be more willing to try "easy" modes (which also exist on arcade).

>> No.8792551

Nope. I find them boring.