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File: 275 KB, 1920x1958, Super Slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8784912 No.8784912 [Reply] [Original]

What design do you prefer?

>> No.8784934
File: 292 KB, 1000x794, super-nintendo-jr-feature-image-gametrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8784938
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>> No.8784943

The original is just really satisfying to look at, like a perfectly round, smooth stone.
The American design is whatever. It works.

>> No.8784945

bottom bc I grew up in new zealand with one
but also the top console and controller don't match in aesthetic at all
also the colours on the bottom are nice

>> No.8784946

dropping the 4 colour buttons was a mistake but otherwise I like the US design more

>> No.8784947

simple, elegant, what's the problem? got mine in 1997 and it still works great.

>> No.8784949

It looks like a fake toy console

>> No.8784953
File: 395 KB, 1600x1137, Joe-DiMaggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8784956

its unpronounced presentation allows for the games to take centerstage. it is confident in it what it does and needs no pats on the back for flashiness. she may not be the prettiest girl in town, but she knows how to cook and clean, while taking the occasional beating without complaint.

>> No.8784989

Ah, I see the marketing was correct about the American audience

>> No.8784998

The one on the bottom just looks nicer. The colors are a lot nicer and I like having four convex buttons instead of two on the controller for whatever reason. PAL and NTSC-J carts also just look cooler than ours do.

>> No.8785005

why have different designs anyway?

>> No.8785006

Not too fond of the boxy look that the SNES has but at the same time I think the SFC looks a tad small and meagre. The SNES looks more like a proper games console, even if the design is questionable

>> No.8785007

US SNES always looked weird to me. Same with the cartidges, I much prefer the rounded cartidges than those rectangular cartidges america got.

>> No.8785016

>proper games console
who said a proper console needs to be bulky?

>> No.8785027

Both. I own both NTSC models, american and japanese.

>> No.8785031

Contrary to what happened with Famicom and NES, the SNES and SFC are the same size.
The more you know...

>> No.8785151

Press the blue-ish purple button.
Uhh, the light blue-ish purple one on the left.

>> No.8785156


>> No.8785157

>Press the Y button
>Uhh, the Y button placed on the left because let's assume you read from right to left like the Japs do

>> No.8785160

As a EUfag I've always liked SFC/EU more, but I gotta admit the US design has grown on me over the years. While SFC feels timeless, US feels more like a product of its time with the charm that entails.

>> No.8785164
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 05B80F9C-53C2-459C-8571-040B475BCF86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are the same size

>> No.8785189
File: 42 KB, 640x431, Kids will love it, boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original design is way better, US design looks like some scrapped prototype. In fact it looks like a very early SFC prototype, that was basically a Famicom in white and grey.

>> No.8785420

American NES looks better than Famicom. Super Famicom looks better than the American SNES.
Europe got the best mix of both.

>> No.8785450

That's a photoshop, dummy.

>> No.8785461
File: 38 KB, 520x393, SFC-881216-1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that the 1988 SFC design with matching FC redesign was scrapped saddens me.

>> No.8785475

Top. The lighter shade of gray is nicer and more similar to 90s computers. The Super Famicom looks like a sad robot clown.

>> No.8785485
File: 397 KB, 1241x800, snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This prototype was kino.

>> No.8785497

My guess is they realized a Famicom redesign that relied on the Super Famicom to work made no sense. So they split the two apart and then redesigned them because they no longer needed to look similar and would actually cause confusion at market if they did.

>> No.8785509

funny how the top one looks like a toy even though NoA was obsessed with making everything look like VHS players

>> No.8785542
File: 237 KB, 479x361, Miyamoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VHS players
The world would be better off without you in it.

>> No.8785554


>> No.8785558
File: 532 KB, 1000x1000, 76421237098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original JP/EU design for sure, the US design is alright, but the original just looks really nice, also the cartriges for the original model also look better, less blocky and square.

>> No.8785589

Looks like those landline phones they used to make for elderly people with giant buttons

>> No.8785590


>> No.8787229

Aesthetically, the bottom.
Functionally, >>8784934 as region-freeing the system,at least for Jap games, is very easy on US models.

>> No.8787249

the top
purple is a nice color and white looks better than than the gray/white compromise

>> No.8787270


>> No.8787282

Didn't know Fisher Price designed game consoles

>> No.8787285
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>> No.8787292
File: 1.49 MB, 2016x1512, Just_add_sunlight_and_air.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is difficult to decide.

I remember seeing these renders of the system was wanting the system so badly then. Nintendo and 16-bit meant some real hype.

>> No.8787603

Why are Americans so obsessed with fisher price
Do you think you’re “mature” or something?
Is that why American branches made big ugly boxes because of the immaturity of Americans?
Is that why Kirby has angry eyebrows?

>> No.8787606

I like all American consoles and controllers simply because I am an American. If you like any foreign shit you are a traitor and deserve death.

>> No.8787702

This is the one I grew up with. I feel robbed.
The bottom, obviously, but I've always wondered how those strange looking buttons(?) on the top model worked.

>> No.8787751

>being this defensive
Sounds like you're the one obsessed or are you just irritable because you have Fisher Price hollow plastic dildos up your ass? Most likely both.

>> No.8787756

Us carts are more stackable and you can read the name of the game on top

>> No.8787762

Still looks like shit

>> No.8787784

idk, probably the same reason you're so obsessed with americans on a flagless board

>> No.8788021

I like top's design better overall, but I prefer the rainbow coloration of the controllers of the bottom.

>> No.8788065

I love how Playstation swiped the SFC logo just to middle finger Nintendo

>> No.8788145

I was obsessed with the super famicom, because of the colored buttons reminds me of an m&m cookie. But, as of now I like me my angular super nintendo with interesting purple buttons, and I love the concave buttons. Sorry supafami. I still wonder how they wound up choosing purple, of all colors.

>> No.8788170

>This is the one I grew up with.
did you get the one that came with you yoshis island?

>> No.8788234

That was in reference to Fisher Price's cheap low quality plastic toys--not about maturity--retarded ESL

>> No.8788257

Bottom one and it's not even close. I don't know why they changed it.

>> No.8788273

>This is the one I grew up with. I feel robbed.
Bro at least you got a SNES. I had a Game Boy (The brick with green screen) and I desperately wanted a SNES. I would go round and play my friend's sometimes. I feel robbed out of childhood never getting to have a 16 bit console at home. It's literally my favourite era now and I considered SNES the pinnacle of 2d games. I still don't own one... I can't afford it. I just emulate like a poorfag.

>> No.8788279

Holy shit, how poor are you? I just bought a $70 super Nintendo game

>> No.8788297

Just paying the bills each month is a struggle I usually can't manage. They cost over $100 here and then I'd have to drop an extra $50 for a flash cart, or buy carts from price gougers (I won't). That's an expense I just can't handle almost any month.

>> No.8788305

>I just bought a $70 super Nintendo game
Is this supposed to be impressive?
Thats the retail price of one non retro game

>> No.8788309

I can't make unnecessary purchases, when I could just continue playing an emulator. It's nice to have but I can't afford nice to have.

>> No.8788324

I wish. Yoshi's Island was a frequent rental instead. What a boundlessly charming game.
Emulation is fine. Real hardware won't make up for no childhood memories of it. You're doing as good as you can, and it's free.

>> No.8788334

What does this post mean

>> No.8788335

I"m sorry but it's so bland and depressing

>> No.8788359

Like everything you guys call fisher price toys I’m sure “mature gamer”

>> No.8788363

Do you need help?

>> No.8788398

>m-muh ESL...
What part of that post was hard to understand?
Are you retarded?

>> No.8788403
File: 29 KB, 600x600, smarties_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Nintendo controller, Super famicon console.
The smartie buttons are still my favorite.

>> No.8788404

i assume he called him an esl for his obsession with americans
though he's likely just a bong

>> No.8788413

hehe yeah

>> No.8788417
File: 113 KB, 1024x768, 349A18F1-3546-4FF9-9E27-ACDAEED981A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is that?
These are smarties

>> No.8788423
File: 58 KB, 550x474, mini nes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I download romhacks like Mario Adventure, Super Mario Bros 3 Remix, ect on the mini-nes?

>> No.8788438
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>> No.8788459
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>> No.8788553


>> No.8788591 [DELETED] 

Imagine if they had kept the Mattel style with a deck for the cartridges.

>> No.8788604
File: 75 KB, 640x427, 796A0CCC-2C15-495F-AD7E-2BCA342C0EAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no, nestle smarties are older
And those are fruit tingles

>> No.8788614


>> No.8789612

too childish and minimalistic
i hate it

>> No.8789624

Famicom for sure, for reasons that are hard to explain I had a super famicom as a kid while living in rural West Virginia.

>> No.8789680

Apparently the reason for the change was that marketing thought the original look is too round and toy-like.
Rugged Americans want rugged SHARP corners in their console!
It's also rumored that the redisigned it that bulky in the middle so you cannot put your drink on it, which supposedly lead to a lot of accidents and complaints with the NES, even though it's the customer's fault if that happens and not a company problem.

>> No.8789702

Purple is my favorite color and it just looks better and less prone to breaking desu. Not sure how true that is but I'm just going off of looks

>> No.8789706

>but also the top console and controller don't match in aesthetic at all
How don't they? It's purple and purple.

>> No.8789710

I can see the logic. The bottom looks a lot more flimsy to me

>> No.8789724

You can buy colored sufami buttons that are concave, i have bought them, however they dont feel as rounded as neither the original snes ones of the sufami ones.

>> No.8789732

>It's also rumored that the redisigned it that bulky in the middle so you cannot put your drink on it, which supposedly lead to a lot of accidents and complaints with the NES
Fluoride-brained behavior.

>> No.8789751

>controller rounded everything
>console square as
at least the cartridges match their respective consoles

>> No.8789754

Do...do you actually think the controllers should match the console shape? What a weird take

>> No.8789785

The "buttons" actually slide. If you've used a Nintendo 64, the power switch works identically only this time it's a rectangle as opposed to a lil' pill shaped thing. The reset button slides just like the power switch only it will slide back into place automatically where as the power button will click into its two different states. The grey piece in between the two buttons is an eject lever. Inside the Super Nintendo is a little metal bar that acts as a fulcrum and the grey part is basically just one long piece of plastic. Push down on the grey part to raise these two tabs in the cartridge slot that push up on the inserted cartridge to pop it out.

>> No.8789802

Interesting. I suspected they slided. Didn't know it had to eject its cartridges, either.

>> No.8789827

Thanks Anon, you're right.

>> No.8789903

Came here to post this

>> No.8790014

second gen ntsc snes matches the controller
original just clashes a bit
the only other console that I can think of that actually clashes with it's controllers might be the original ps4 and perhaps original ps2

>> No.8790165

You legit have autism. No one gives a fuck if a control isn't shaped like it's console.
Fuck off out of here

>> No.8790212

US by far. The PAL/JP SNES is weird looking and boring. I like the boxier design, also the purple is unique.

>> No.8790220


>> No.8790223


>> No.8790439

You don't *need* to eject the cartridges, you can yank em out just like any other cartridge based console, it's just a fun option like the GameCube's spindle eject.

>> No.8790464

Another thing about people circle jerking the super Famicom, unless you can read Japanese, wtf?

>> No.8790518


Early prototype Multi-out, what looks like a mono audio out cable. Headphone jack and volume control like the Sega Mega Drive model 1. Not compatible with Famicom software.

>> No.8790702

I've never actually seen an original Famicom before. Holy shit, the NES looks like dogshit in comparison.

>> No.8790848

Whichever one pisses off /vr/ more

>> No.8791106

The Jeep SUV SNES of freedom vs. the Mini Cooper SNES of cuckdom

>> No.8791110

Kill yourself

>> No.8791121

nestle chocolate is so fucking disgusting.
Crunch bar is the worst candy bar by far that shit actually tastes like vomit unlike Hershey which is delicious

>> No.8791132

I wonder what kind of noise you'd make if a drawer slammed shut on your balls.

>> No.8791509

In some ways I agree, but that controller shit can fuck right off, functionality and size definitely goes to the AV Famicom

>> No.8791515

>Mini Cooper
The consoles are the same size

>> No.8791591
File: 156 KB, 480x600, 1644718252809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US SNES looks like a tool
Jap/Euro SNES looks like a toy

US SNES curses and doesn't care about your feelings
Jap SNES is inoffensive and apologises even if he thinks he's right

US SNES loves barbecue
Jap SNES is vegan

US SNES plays football
Jap SNES plays volleyball

US SNES drives a SUV
Jap SNES drives a Mini


>> No.8791832


>> No.8792442

the european one

>> No.8792463

Alright so they’re both gay, gotcha