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File: 90 KB, 350x256, DonkeyKong64CoverArt (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8780405 No.8780405 [Reply] [Original]

Why did this game get such a bad rap?

>> No.8780419

It didn't.

>> No.8780437

Because British white people wrote the theme song

>> No.8780442

At the time it was reviewed positively. Only in retrospective reviews have I seen people be negative of it, mainly due to the collectathon aspect being pushed to the extreme. I personally love the game though, even with its flaws.

>> No.8780464
File: 193 KB, 413x303, ElyBHgW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the contrary, it got a good rap.

>> No.8780534
File: 181 KB, 1200x905, MARIO 64 CONTROLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They turned a fast skill-based platformer into a huge slow boring slog.

Really, is there anything that even *needs* to be said about this game that isn't so blatantly obvious from playing it for 10 minutes? It's so self-evident. It's BAD. The gameplay is not fun or clever or interesting. It's a dull experience where you walk around shit levels collecting dumb crap, this game is garbage.

Having fast movement and platforming was a really big part of the SNES trilogy. It's gone. Having tightly designed levels. Gone. It's like they purposely made this game be weird and stupid on purpose, as a stockholm syndrome experiment.

I think we should be clear about 1 thing here: "3D platformer" and "collectathon" are not the same genre. Super Mario 64 is a 3D platformer, because that game lets you have a huge control over the movement, and you can platform and advance in crazy ways. Games like DK64 are collectathons. They're merely action-adventure games where you have a very small amount of movement, but just enough so that there's an illusion that platforming matter. But platforming doesn't matter in DK64, it's a weird chore simulator, and the fundamentals of platforming was thrown out.

Bottom line? DK64 should've been a 3D platformer. It wasn't. I WISH Shigeru Miyamoto would've handed the dev team a copy Mario 64 and said "THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE. START AGAIN."

>> No.8780556


>> No.8780571

I fucking hate the DK rap because my mom watched me play as a kid, and then got mad at me when I skipped the intro and told me to reset the game because she wanted to hear it. It severely damaged my relationship with my mother and I hate it to this day.

>> No.8780612

Based mom

>> No.8780621

It's good that you skipped it.

The DK rap is like the team watched the intro of DKC1 and made the joke much, much, much longer and more pointless. But they also forgot the beginning and ending parts of that sequence (ie, Cranky's era suddenly being interrupted, indicating the arrival of new graphics and music; Cranky blowing the fuck out of Donkey for comedic effect). Really, DKC1 did so much better, so much quicker, without saying any words. But I guess the DK Rap is super funny because it's bad, right guys...?

>> No.8780625

This. I still fill the guilt of making my parents buy me a copy at launch for (where I live) a PORNOGRAPHIC ammount of money.
It's still the most "I" have ever paid for a game to this day in my life.
Then it sucked.
Still 100%'d it because it was the least I could do.

>> No.8780715


>> No.8780747

I did not have a snes but had played DKC, this was supposed to be my chance to finally play the series so I was expecting something similar. 3D graphics had been around for a couple of years at this point so the novelty of seeing DK in 3D was nothing special at this point. I think I screwed up my face upon seeing the first level.

>> No.8780761

King K. Roll somewhat becomes bigger and dumber in the last part of the game, really strange

>> No.8780796

>he didnt 101% it

>> No.8780980

Because nobody played the multiplayer which was really damn good just like every other tacked on Rare MP of the era. Once you get good it turns into a versus bullet hell

>> No.8780991

It said a curseword, a truly terrible crime
also the platforming was one hell of a time