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File: 151 KB, 1200x675, Return-to-Monkey-Island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8779570 No.8779570 [Reply] [Original]

discuss retro monkey island games, since the long waited reboot is coming

>> No.8779583


>> No.8779590

Hope this isn’t some late April Fool’s prank.

>> No.8779592

i played monkey island 1 and 2 this past summer and they were some of the best adventure games i've ever played! they knew that they wouldn't be voice acted and used that to their advantage, packing them to the brim with jokes and observation/situational dialogue. offhand lines for using inventory items on all sorts of things. this makes the insane amount of voice acting the remade versions add even more impressive!

ultimately i did like sam and max better (due to increased snark and americana), but the laid back treasure island atmosphere, guybrush's personality, and the constant shifting of locations as you sail from island to island made it easy to chip away at a little bit at a time. how fantastic!

>> No.8779597

Hopefully it's not yet another nostalgia pandering throwback game.

>> No.8779616

I really hope that's not official art

>> No.8779624

it definitely is. i don't think its too bad though, i think the art style in monkey island 2 remake was fine (1 remake is fuck ugly)

my pie in the sky dream is a return to the realistic treasure island book cover art of the first game, but that would be really hard to sell because every character looks drastically different in closeups

>> No.8779634

What the fucking fuck, Gilbert better bring his A fucking game if he wants to top Curse.

>> No.8779648
File: 6 KB, 181x215, yotsuba mic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could go either way.
Last I checked Gilbert was going through a pretty bad midlife crisis obsessing over hipster cafe things that were outdated 10+ years before he latched onto them (pumpkin spice chai lattes) and going on about women's inclusion and TDS, but on the other hand he seemed to have laid off twitter entirely and Thimbleweed Park wasn't atrocious just a bit unfocused and just a bit cringe with the forced "women were totally always coders too!" and "muh Sierra deaths bad" stuff. The only thing that really took away from the game was his attempt at a twist ending like MI2 which didn't work at all.
Guess i'm cautiously optimistic if a bit wary of his desire to recreate the ending of MI2.

>> No.8779657

The shots at Sierra were in his old games including Monkey Island.

>> No.8779667

Yes but they were usually a bit more clever jokes like actually copying their whole death-style save/restore windows with a joke about rubber palms.
In TP it acted like filler. "Oh if this was X game this would have killed you!" type commentary and it grated a fair bit after the 3-4th time. And i'm not even that big of a Sierra fan in the first place.

>> No.8779670

Gilbert and Grossman are involved, I think it has the chance to be great. Curse is probably my favorite Monkey Island game, but I am interested in seeing where Gilbert wanted to take Monkey Island.

>> No.8779674
File: 124 KB, 528x476, lq3upiX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monkey Island 3 and 4 are not canon

Ron Gilbert spits in the face of Monkey Island fans everywhere.

>> No.8779675

Most people probably don't care about 4's direction and he's always been open about not being into where Curse took things so that's not surprising.

>> No.8779676

4 was not very good, compared to any of the other ones. You also forgot Tales of Monkey Island

>> No.8779684

>he's always been open about not being into where Curse took things
Fuck him, it went to a logical conclusion based on the context of one and two.

>> No.8779685

4 wasn't anywhere nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Certainly not as bad as Tales.

>> No.8779702

I liked the story in Tales, the new girl was cute.

>> No.8779706

The writing and jokes were fine, the controls were pretty horrible and the random Monkey Combat stuff wasn't anywhere near as good as the Insult Swordfighting. Also it lacks charm with its 3D graphics, that even at the time were pretty poor.

>> No.8779710

>most popular point and click series of all time
>give it tank controls for no rasin

>> No.8779731

Controls were normal for the time like Grim Fandango and not that big of a deal beyond the initial "what the shit is this" reaction.
Monkey Kombat blows but it's like the last ten minutes of the game to be fair.

>> No.8779734

>Controls were normal for the time like Grim Fandango

there is a lot more care and attention paid to room layouts with tank controls than many give it credit. i judge other games implementation of tank controls by comparing them to grim

>> No.8779830

This is his him theorizing about making a MI sequel around 9 years ago on his blog:
>It would be called Monkey Island 3a. All the games after Monkey Island 2 don't exist in my Monkey Island universe. My apologies to the all talented people who worked on them and the people who loved them, but I'd want to pick up where I left off. Free of baggage. In a carnival. That doesn't mean I won't steal some good ideas or characters from other games. I'm not above that.

>> No.8779852

Real fans only like 1 and 2

>> No.8779861

I think he's already stated that he will be keeping some elements from later games, like fan-favorite Murray the Skull.

>> No.8779901

Thimbleweed Park was a let down, so cautiously optimistic about this news. Hope this doesn't languish in development hell. Good to see Dominic Armato come back as Guybrush though.

>> No.8779903

>most popular point and click series of all time
Maybe today, but in the 90s it wasn't even remotely close.
Monkey Island 2 only sold 25,000 copies, whereas King's Quest VI sold 400,000 copies. Curse performed even worse.
The reputation of Lucasart's adventure games was established by late millennials and zoomers, whether it's deserved or not.

>> No.8779904

Does Disney still own the LucasArts stuff?

>> No.8779905

Full Throttle btw sold several times the Monkey Island series lifetime sales, and it was their worse game.

>> No.8779931

MI4 has a much better UI than Grim Fandango. The quick exit key alone is a massive improvement.

>> No.8780267

Escape from Monkey Island is unironically the best game in the series.
Horribly unbalanced act lengths. Monkey Island awkwardly split over several screens for no reason. Carla spazzes out as idle animation. Puzzles veer erratically between outright telling you what to do and making you guess what the devs thought with no signposting at all.
Disastrous narrative full of plot holes. Was it a curse? If so, is Guybrush already affected by it right at the start (visible unnatural metal bars around the edge). How did Toothrot get to Dinky? First three islands completely irrelevant - you just get delivered straight to LeChuck's fortress. Soundtrack relies entirely on shitty imuse system rather than actually having catchy jingles (with the exception of Largo's theme which doesn't use imuse anyway)
The preferred entry of homosexuals everywhere. Comedy reduced entirely to characters with funny voices. All the edginess of the first two games removed. Worst puzzle of the series (golden tooth bubblegum window bullshit). Literally includes a section where you whip another grown man's ass.
Sparse locations, all the characters look the same. Easiest puzzles in the series, by a long way. Very disjointed narrative as you'd expect from the episodic structure. Culture of abuse in the company that made it leaves sour taste in the mouth.


Huge variety of interesting puzzles. Inventory puzzles, of course, but also timing puzzles (vista, Lua bar), mazes (mists o'tyme, log flume), mathematical deduction (monkey kombat, lafeet's hat) and many more. Best comedy writing in the series, but also isn't afraid to touch on important themes of commercialisation and tourism. Crazy narrative twist which is carefully seeded and hinted at throughout the game. Several interesting islands to explore, all fully fleshed out and alive.

>> No.8780270

>Full Throttle
>LA's worst game
That's Loom. Full Throttle was great.

>> No.8780287
File: 39 KB, 590x381, Image1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the games after Monkey Island 2 don't exist in my Monkey Island universe

But then out of nowhere..

>> No.8780338

The trailer animation looks....bad

>> No.8780350

they are going to explain the carnival ending , the magic will be gone

>> No.8780370

It was a shit ending.

>> No.8780420

>timing puzzles (vista, Lua bar), mazes (mists o'tyme, log flume), mathematical deduction
AKA the worst parts of the game.

>> No.8780471

>the magic will be gone

Moar liek 30 years of sadness will finally end.

>> No.8780484

Based and correct.

>> No.8780486

Real fans are cunts. Curse is the best.

>> No.8780695

waiting 4 this since fucking school


based critique of TP

>> No.8780729

Glad Dominic is back. If Earl Bowen is back as LeChuck then I'll be a very happy man.

>> No.8780751

>his desire to recreate the ending of MI2.
Is he going to recreate the ending?

>> No.8781306
File: 100 KB, 764x1124, 1631911496046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think the art style in monkey island 2 remake was fine
It was super inconsistent, like Guybrush being a 3D model

>> No.8781320
File: 13 KB, 95x128, 1632994620620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed MI4 but Monkey Kombat isn't mathematical deduction it's just rote trial and error writing stuff down, there's no actual puzzle

Day 1 purchase. I wonder which Stan VA they'll bring back

>> No.8781335

I'm not very hopeful, but maybe just maybe it will be good.

>> No.8781502

Most popular by normal Americans, not gross weird Euros

>> No.8781505


>> No.8781551

He did in Thimbleweed Park at least.
If he's going to do it again remains to be seen.

>> No.8781595

3 and 4 only really have the art style going for them. The writing is not suited to the earlier games and while 3 is not that bad as an adventure game 4 is extremely obtuse.

>> No.8781604

The tank controls come from LucasArts wanting to embrace 3D as well as wanting to sell the game on consoles. Not sure if they would have had the resources for it but I agree it would be more enjoyable with point and click controls.

>> No.8781610 [DELETED] 

No way. Look is great.

>> No.8781649

Cool that they decided to make it on a retro engine too. I wonder if anybody else is making Flash games these days.

>> No.8782023

filtered brainlet

>> No.8782156
File: 3.87 MB, 3908x1743, Like_manifesting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't played the 3rd, 4th, and 5th titles yet since I couldn't afford them and the computers to run them. I've fallen so far behind on the series. If computer parts and repair technicians weren't so rare, I'd love to complete my retro Win7 time machine to play them all.

>> No.8782201

MI3 works perfectly in ScummVM.

>> No.8782225

1. couldn't afford the computers to run 20+ year old games
2. my retro win7 time machine

you're larping as a 40 year old and 15 year old at the same time.

>> No.8782245

You could just get them all on Steam, they are cheap and run well.

>> No.8782272

I know this is your idea of a master class shitpost with your whole 4 is best and based schtick and I have crippling retard level autism for responding but 4 is when the "le silly voice" humor became extremely apparent to me. It just felt like a 90s voice actor demo tape to me with all sorts of wildly stereotypical ill-fitting-of-a-pirate-game accents.
>trucker girl voice
>le chong stoner voice
>joisey accent
>villain's whole gimmick is being Australian
Many other examples I'm forgetting. Felt like an episode of Freakazoid or Tiny Toons.

>> No.8782293

I haven't played MI3 since it ran perfectly on whatever the current Windows version was back then without ScummVM.

>> No.8782332

Nah it sounds like pure boomer dummy talk top to bottom.
Maybe if you bought your son a house he'd show you how the computer works, gramps. Might give you grandkids too, who knows?

>> No.8782351

There's nothing preventing you to play them right now.

>> No.8782370

Monkey island 2 (with mt32) has one of the best video game soundtracks of all time.

>> No.8782371

I didn't even click your stupid picture til now. For the longest time I assumed you were some doughy inheritance/trust fund kid. That you're actually a computer illiterate boomer or gen Xer makes sooo much sense now, Granite-san.

>> No.8782409

He says he couldnt afford MI345, meaning that he was underage at least until 2010.
I suspect that he's around 22 years old, which explains his lack of tech skills (zoomers cant into folders anymore) and him considering Win7 like super duper old and retro.

>> No.8782469

Those would not have been relevant in his youth. They were not something he would have coveted. I'm running with granite-fag being a boomer. The gosh-dern computer parts, needing a technician to Lego together a PC, combined with not knowing how to use an emulator (further lending to his collectorfaggotry), combined with his wealth to buy and show off stupid shit he buys, all add up to oldfag to me.

>> No.8782472

I hope the artwork is good

>> No.8782519

Loom was great, you uncultured swine. Full throttle blew its load in the first ten minutes of being great and then went downhill for the next four hours before you finish the thing.

>> No.8782531
File: 104 KB, 415x600, steve-purcell-sam-and-max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't they bring Steve Purcell back too?
Michael Land is back for music, though so that's exciting.

>> No.8782536

LOL fuck off.
God I can't wait for this board to get sick of you

>> No.8782684

Most boomers build their own computers, its zoomers who grew up with laptops and preinstalled windows, the fact that he considers windows 7 a retro thing shows that he was probably a little kid when that was new.
I'm 43 and we all build our own computers back then, and I totally had the money for Monkey 3/4/5.

He's a 25 year old retard who bought this shit because his special little 4chan club told him that Monkey Island is special.
and yes it is special, but only because I was a kid playing it on our Atari ST in German back in the day. And I aint even German.

No, he's a spoiled 25 year old, the way he talks about this tech its like its all ancient to him, from before his time.

But we can keep going in circles here, I feel that zoomers have grown up with pre-installed software and easy laptops and hence never learned how to do this shit themselves, and you believe that old boomers are dumb cuz they didn't know computers. even though they were young when the Win9X era and early Internet exploded.

Or he's just a 30 year old retard.

>> No.8782710

I wish they'd go Thimbleweed with it. Have a feeling it's gonna look like an unholy marriage of 2000s flash vector/paperdoll shit and cali-tumblr arts.

>> No.8782748
File: 243 KB, 1140x1046, Underground-Gamer_tab01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I can get to finishing the retro Win7 time machine, I will try to get to 3. Burned this torrent to disc, but I believe there is newer versions of it.

I meant back then when 3+4+5 were new. I had to forego playing the games due to financial limitations in not just getting the games but their compatible hardware as well. Started building the Win7 machine, but stuck trying to find a technician who could work on CRT monitors. I have made it no secret I am closer to the former over the latter.

I kind of prefer GOG since it is DRM free.

I wish I could buy my own house. Housing and rental prices are out of control in my region. Rising prices in groceries, rent, gas, among other expenditures coupled with all time highs in inflation compounded with worldly events have made it difficult to do so at this time.

>> No.8782769

Pro tip, granite, you start losing some compatibility going from XP to 7. You also wanna dual boot with 98. Anything you need 7 for (DX11) isn't retro. XP, for now, can even browse pretty well. What's the build?

>> No.8782791
File: 1.84 MB, 2016x1512, Retro_Win7_time_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 98 and XP in the works, but the 7 is closest to transporting me back. Once I can secure the space to operate it I am looking forward to playing the remainder of the Monkey Island games. I don't intend on doing any browsing with the time machines, since I'm leeching wi-fi from my neighbor.

>> No.8782813

>Full throttle blew its load in the first ten minutes of being great
It fucked up in the first ten minutes by not letting you kill the dog, destroying the characterization of the main character. How am I supposed to believe he's happy to murder humans in cold blood when he won't even kill a dog in self-defense?

>> No.8782842

So what is that stuff? It's largely obscured. CPU, RAM amount/type, cards? I can tell it's less of a time machine and more like a slower modern computer, but indulge me.

>> No.8782958

I just got the original installed. Am I in for early 90s kino?

>> No.8783015

If you get stuck the dog gives you clues.

>> No.8783036

Yes. The first three games are all kino.

>> No.8783253
File: 371 KB, 686x855, otp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought my inner child was dead but this is all giving me the biggest smile on my face, thank you based gilbert

>> No.8783276

Mod monkey island 1 so you can use the old graphics with voice acting. Old graphics are funnier

>> No.8783336

>1 is a classic, through and through

>2 leaves an impact, you can't deny

>I have nostalgia googles for 3, and I really like it

>4 is meh, never intend to replay it. Ugly as hell

>5... it lost it's essence by then, but the last chapters does some interesting stuff with the characters, I can't deny

I'm hyped for this one

for sure