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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 145 KB, 256x362, Onimusha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8777102 No.8777102 [Reply] [Original]

Why nobody talks about these games?

They were so good.

>> No.8777107

I never played them

>> No.8777131

This man is lying. He's played them, he's loved them. This was one of those early-era PS2 titles that made you go, yes, this thing is worth owning.

>> No.8777153

Control is pee-pee.

Would be less pee-pee if you could use the analog stick but, nope, d-pad only.

>> No.8777156
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 353731-samanosuke_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People talk about them all the time. It's constantly bemoaned how Capcom ignores the series

>> No.8777159

It's tank controls like RE. Why would you want to use anything other than dpad? Also, it controls incredibly well.

>> No.8777161

I just don't want to use the d-pad for a game like this, even if it does have tank controls.

>> No.8777173

Not retro

>> No.8777197

What is the consensus on Dawn of Dreams?
Did it kill the series?

>> No.8777408

it did for me

>> No.8777471

Beat Genma Onimusha using XEmu a few months ago, proceeded to finish the 2nd and now I'm on the 3rd.

>> No.8777473

DoD was the best game, both story and gameplay-wise.

>> No.8777526
File: 1.53 MB, 1988x2648, 5b7a4132a03b5083ce619862c40e9a46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like DoD a lot myself. It was fun. Very solid game.
>Did it kill the series?
No. Capcom being Capcom killed the series.

>> No.8779324
File: 97 KB, 880x690, af8d2b87b1bae47509fb0cd148aa27a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was solid until half way when boss fights started to repeat.
The final boss was just boring

>> No.8779490

1 is an amazing game, and I think the tank controls with all those maneuvers and dodges make for a maybe slow and methofical, but nonetheless awesome, very unique battle system. Were not for the annoying timed puzzle section in the middle, I'd replay this game a lot more, great PS2 classic.

2 is more of the same, but I always felt the bosses were fucking wacky, too fucking fast, kind of poorly balanced with your movement options. Maybe I sucked at the counter but I never enjoyed them much. The partners were okay but the gift system and all that was a little convoluted, I've never paid it too much attention the two times I've beaten it. I still love it though, the warhammer weapon was great.

3 is pretty awesome, I really like that game, Jean Reno is so much fun to control, definitely a highlight, this game I am surprised it's not more talked about, awesome, awesome action game.

I have Dawn of Dreams but I've barely played it, maybe this year.

>> No.8779557

The Onimusha games are the only well regarded Capcom series that never gelled with me.
I loved anything Resi style which the first Onimusha was but I just didn't like it.
Heard how fucking amazing Onimusha 2 was so picked it up. Didn't like it.
"Onimusha 3 has fucking Jean Reno?! That's mine day one!"...didn't like it.
"Holy shit, Onimusha 4 has several DVDs it must be massive. I've got to see this just for the scale!" Bought it, played about an hour, gave up. Didn't like it.
I genuinely hope they don't bring the series back because I'll instinctively pick up the new one day one then not like it. No other series does that to me.

>> No.8779585

I played through the PC port on steam a year or two ago, it was a good throwback. One notable thing is they update the tank controls so movement is more normal now. It’s a pretty decent port except that it’s hard to justify paying more than 5 bucks for a game you can beat in about 3-5 hours

>> No.8779771

can you atleast explain what you don't like about it?

how did they update the tank controlls? What does that even mean? Also it's worse for the fact that they changed the music

>DoD was the best game, both story and gameplay-wise
shit opinion, especially on the story part, 1 and 2 were best in that it actually felt like you were in Japan and not Shonen Japan

>> No.8779968

I remember that this was one of the first good examples of a game using a celebrity likeness for their characters, but I think the effect was probably lost in the west.

>> No.8779991
File: 39 KB, 485x273, unnamed-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Onimusha 1-3 for the first time a few years ago. I thought they were awesome.

>> No.8780020
File: 79 KB, 256x362, FaceApp_1649096231300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play omnimooscha

>> No.8780048

How old are you first?

>> No.8780058

God Tier
>Genma Onimusha
>Onimusha 3

Bad Tier
>Onimusha 2

Shit Tier
>4 of Dawn something poop something

>> No.8780118



>> No.8781369

>can you atleast explain what you don't like about it?
I honeslty couldn't tell you.
I should like the setting as I love shit like Tenchu and Sekiro but I find it supremely boring in Onimusha.
I should like the gameplay as it's excellent samurai swordfighting but I don't.
The story and characters are right up my alley but I like none of them.
I think Onimusha must have been based on true events and I got fucking wrecked in these events during a past life or something because my hatred for the series is inexplicable.

>> No.8782045

This sounds like me and Total War, I've bought three of them and haven't enjoyed any of them. On paper, it should be something I love.

>> No.8782331

Never saw the point of this series. They took the clunky combat from survival horror games, but they are not really horror, they are just janky action games.

>> No.8782585

Yes, the first 3 had a cool "samurai horror", even if putting Leon the Professional in 3 was a little ridiculous.

Dawn of Dreams threw all that away for full on anime retard shit.

>> No.8782715

I played the first game a year or so ago and it blew my away, should I give the sequels a go? I intend too, just gotta fit them in the schedule.

>> No.8782761

Give 2 and 3 a chance

>> No.8782816

Play Genma Onimusha, you won't regret it.

2 sucks. Gameplay is bland at best and often ruined by the auto-aiming fucking with you, they added really bad RPG elements and the characters and story are lame and gay.

3 kicks major ass though. Great gameplay once you learn to chain crit and OHKO entire horde of enemies in one sweep, great locations and motherfucking Jean Reno

You can forget about the 4th one even existing unless you like mindless RPG hack&slash with bad story

>> No.8783024

They gameplay didn't get really good until DoD, but then the story went to shit.

>> No.8783034

>OHKO entire horde of enemies in one sweep
That shit was too broken

>> No.8783037

Not really because it requires to get good. It's not something you'll be doing on your first playthrough unless you had really mastered the crits in the first game first beforehand

>> No.8783050

I never played them. I didn't play any games during the PS2 era except for World of Warcraft for a couple of months. Of all eras of gaming, it is the most alien to me.

>> No.8783083
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>> No.8783173

They're a little slow, in regards to leveling up (most games are though)

Otherwise ya they're good

>> No.8783175


Dumb comment is dumb!

>> No.8783491

DMC stole their thunder

>> No.8783516

Honestly the game is too easy without the tank controls. It was clearly designed around them

>> No.8783764

They removed the tank controls and made them standard omnidirectional controls. Why are you on this website if you can’t even read?

>> No.8785094

How can you say that?
"Press triangle button"
"press square multiple times to chain combo"
"suck up souls"
Every weapons is the same I get no excitement like last time. Only stats change.

>> No.8785182

Haven't played any of these, but I'm amazed at how people always take surprise when Capcom finishes a series after milking it to death and then go "Why did it die??". Because it has 4 different entries across one single console and 2 enhanced ports, it's fine if it dies.

>> No.8785204

yeah. lvl. 1 magic critical is a crutch, but you aren't doing nearly as much damage and getting as much souls. The game is a lot more enjoyable especially on the higher difficulties when you find those timings to deflect or true issen. As for weapons, limiting one weapon type per character was probably to make them more unique I guess? Give you a reason to swap over to them.

>> No.8785720

>First two games have dogshit controls
>CRAPcom has a chance to fix them with a trilogy remaster
>First game dies on arrival because they were greedy, not worth the price either
>Second game remains unplayable

>> No.8785745

>people STILL keep complaining about tank controlls

>> No.8785779

Because Capcom hasn't handled its legacy well
In truth, 3 is the only one worth a damn and its the one least likely to be revisited because of all the faces in the game
1 getting released on its own in HD for a semi full price was just Capcom being jewey as ever with their legacy releases
The original 3 are worth a play but the first 2 are very flawed

>> No.8785786

Shit controls are shit, stay coping
Imagine DMC3 with tank controls, that's Onimusha 1 and 2

>> No.8785903

this is another reason why modern gaming sucks so much. Every game has to play the exact same. Quality of this board would increase if the captcha was navigating a small maze with tank controls

>> No.8785913

Im fine with the tank controls in 1 and 2 but 3 controlled perfectly.

>> No.8785948

>RE: slow-paced horror shooter
>Onimusha: fast-paced action game
God of War should have been tank controls bros

>> No.8785973

They're only tolerable because you have a very generous auto lock on when you swing your sword, also meant that you automatically block attacks that should hit you in the back only because you're holding the block button. Onimusha 3 didnt need those handicaps because you can now control your character like normal.

>> No.8786013

you're the one coping about them, for me they are fine

>> No.8786032

EVERYONE performs the same lvl 1 lvl 2-3 is area control, only unique thing about characthers are some additional moves like the shoulder buttons or its the back, forward square for a shitty move. This is a huge step back from the trilogy, they played alot better.

>> No.8786125

You can get used to shitty controls anon, coping is denying they are fake difficulty

>> No.8786209

>tank controlls are difficulity

>> No.8786367

Ninja Gaiden should have tank controls