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8776696 No.8776696 [Reply] [Original]

This is a huge upgrade from Crash 1. wow

>> No.8776707

Yep. Wait till you play three.
This is a bait post for people to complain about "gimmick" vehicle levels as they always do

>> No.8776709

just has a better save system

>> No.8776740

3 isn't worse just because of gimmicks. It's worse because the normal levels are worse too.

>> No.8776787

this >>8776740 is correct. They're just a bit lackluster and the powers completely break them come the end

>> No.8777602

No, the slide and high jump moves really add zest to the gameplay of Crash that was sorely lacking in the first one.

>> No.8777603

800% correct

>> No.8777613
File: 1.61 MB, 1400x1796, crash_bandicoooot_by_fluffyslipper_dbhmdwd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always figured Crash 2 was the pinnacle of the series. great music, boss battles, stages, ect.

1 is strange to me. Sort of bare bones and weirdly lacking in a sense.

>> No.8777751

Best game overall:
>Crash 2
>Best overworld:
>Best theme/title screen:
>Crash Warped

>> No.8777774

It's weird. Back in 1998, nobody minded the gimmick levels. They were seen as a perk due to their added variety.

I would reduce the number of motorcycle levels from four to two. They're fun, but 4 is too much. I'd also remove the blimp levels because I think they're shit. That frees up room for four platformer levels. The wave rider levels are great and can stay, and the animal riding levels are a classic mainstay.

>> No.8777779

3 > 1 > 2

2 had some really shitty levels and way too many shitty gimmicks.

>> No.8777780

Crash 4 is the pinnacle

>> No.8777787

Wasn't Crash 2 pure platforming aside from Polar and the jetpack levels?

>> No.8777924

2 had boring level themes, there's sewer levels that get repeated 3 or even 4 times, and the bland snow levels and other shit I can barely even recall because it just left no impression. On one hand I get why people love it, because the platforming and difficulty is probably the most finely tuned in the series, but I can't just look past the fact that basically all levels bore the shit out of me.

3 by comparison had fun level themes, and they did a good job at changing the feel up for the repeated themes like switching to night. I would agree that 3 has too many gimmick levels but I still enjoyed that game the most, its a little too easy but doing the speedrunning challenges kind of made up for that. The chinese wall levels are straight up super fun, especially if you're competing with friends for time, and I'll say it the bike races are kind of comfy, they're bad but charming in a way.

3 > 1 > 2

>> No.8777932

Casual garbage

>> No.8777949

The Egyptian and future zones are way cooler than anything in Crash 1 and 2.

>> No.8777957

daily warped vs crash 2 thread

>> No.8777972

Hipster niggers who rate 3 over 2 should be shot on the streets.

>> No.8778023

It was the general consensus at the time.

>> No.8778052

shut the fuck up

>> No.8778053

crash 1 is the only masterpiece in the trilogy

>> No.8778065

You have high respect for PlayStation d-pad?

>> No.8778068

there are "people" that don't?

>> No.8778075

I like all three games and the GBA games.

>> No.8778082

PlayStation 1 and 2 dpad fucking sucks and I will die on that hill. Patented Nintendo and Saturn dpads every day above that segmented abomination.

>> No.8778441

It's not that I particularly hate them as much as it feels like wasted potential, naughtydog was at the height of their creative talent in the 5th gen and half the game was questionable minigames.

>> No.8778580

Fuck those levels so much. They're far too frequent, probably about 40% of all levels

>> No.8778596

How about just adding 4 more platform levels whilst leaving everything else intact?

>> No.8779387
File: 2.08 MB, 1024x1461, crash_bandicoot__warped___crash_and_coco___bike_by_paperbandicoot_dbjrgc0-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese wall
>Underwater levels
>Bike levels
>Jet-ski levels
>Plane levels
ABYSMAL (Rings of Power bonus stage is the exception, which is fun)

Warped > 2

>> No.8779576

>naughtydog was at the height of their creative talent in the 5th gen
Correct, which is why they threw in minigames to demonstrate that they could make a Wave Race 64 or Pilotwings 64 if they felt like it. It's an ode to the era which feels out of place today if you don't take that into context

>> No.8779601

>Coco Bandicoot in skirt and heels
Muh dick

>> No.8779723

>Back in 1998, nobody minded the gimmick levels. They were seen as a perk due to their added variety.

variety = having to learn mechanics
having to learn mechanics = I MIGHT LOSE REEEEEEEEEEEE

a lack of variety is considered a positive in a modern game because it means less time dedicated to dying and learning

>> No.8779730

Would you play a shmup where half the stages are JRPG menu-scrolling battle sections?

>> No.8779740

at that point it would be a shmup rpg, and hell fucking yes i would play a shmup rpg?

the game should dabble in whatever genre conventions communicate what the scenes need to communicate. the only people who are concerned about games "acting right" for its genre are insecure losers who shit their pants when kamiya makes them play space harrier or when a game makes you do a sneaking section

>> No.8779787

Sure, why not?
I'm always open to new ideas. Every new idea starts as a "gimmick", it only stops being called as such when its more commonplace/adopted by other devs.
Why "gimmicks" is used as negative connotation most of the time I'll never understand when the same people will turn around and say shit like "The cape in SMB:W is the best power up ever" and other shit which themselves were gimmicks at their time of release.

>> No.8779797

>Why "gimmicks" is used as negative connotation
They are when they're shit.

>> No.8779802

>Shit ideas are shit
Wow anon, really fucking insightful

>> No.8780165

>implying it's not a valid complaint

>> No.8780170

Crash 1 is like Spyro 1

I like the sense that you’re on an adventure all alone

>> No.8780206

Based schizoid

>> No.8780381

Crash 1 is really the only game in the series that is an actual adventure, where there's a physical goal you have to get to, and I loved that too.
I'll always prefer a persistent world setting over levels, even if that means they're more limited when it comes to variety.

>> No.8780872


Just a Donkey Kong Country ripoff bro. The sequels are more unique.

>> No.8780881

And it's all downhill from there.

>> No.8780931

My point is, video game series always start snowballing a cast of wacky characters in over time and it turns into a Saturday morning cartoon with a main villain, comedy relief villains, henchmen, supporting characters, wacky NPC's, a mentor to guide you..... etc

Thankfully Crash didn't lean into this as much as say Spyro or Donkey Kong did..... and thank God none of any of those series wound up becoming the clusterfuck that Sonic turned into.

DKC wound up fucking itself by adding too many wacky supporting characters as well. They went full retard with DK64.

>> No.8781095

2 is weird and an overall downgrade from 1. 3 is a blast, 1 has great platforming and stage design. 2 is just meh.

>> No.8781467

>2 is weird and an overall downgrade from 1
Completely untrue.

>3 is a blast, 1 has great platforming and stage design. 2 is just meh.
2 has the best level design in the series. 1 ain't bad but the majority of it is waiting for platform cycles.

>> No.8782202

wokeshit. no thanks. keep your alternate reality dyke and selfcest degeneracy to yourself.

>> No.8782209

They're all fun except the Plane levels but iirc there are only two or perhaps three of them so whatever

>> No.8782497

>jet-ski levels worse than bike levels
Are you kidding me? The bike levels blow ass
On the other hand, I thought the underwater levels were fine, but they did feel pretty slow.

>> No.8782502

the plane and underwater levels are the only ones that suck, don't see the problem with the jetski levels

>> No.8783004

>boss battles
The final "battle" against Cortex is the most disappointing boss battle I've ever played

>> No.8784239

i changed my mind after beating it. Crash 1 is better.

>> No.8784862
File: 3.50 MB, 454x310, 1580237471699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crash 1 is the best Crash game, period. 2 and 3 are very good, but less is more when it comes to Crash. 1 is essentially 3D DKC1 and it's awesome. Only real complaint that could be justified is the stupid way to save the game, and I also wish all the extra cut stages made it into the game.

>> No.8785060

It's a better action game, but a weaker platformer.

3 is literally the point where the franchise died, Naughty Dog themselves killed Crash so others would only have a corpse to prostitute.

>> No.8785074


>highest rated, most well-received Crash game on release
>3 is literally the point where the franchise died
I love revisionist history so much. Yes, everyone bitched about Crash 3 back in 1998 and it sent Naughty Dog running with their tail between their legs to make Jak & Daxter.
Shut up.

>> No.8785091

2's bosses are the one thing that was a straight up downgrade from 1, and the bosses in 1 were already kinda shit. They range from braindead to not fun at all. I think the only decent-ish boss in the game is Tiny.

Contrast with 3's Dingodile, N Tropy and N-Gin. That game has downright great bosses, some of the best in a 3D game imho. I might not think 3 is better, but you have to give it, it's the only one in the og trilogy with good bosses.

>> No.8785147

The shitty underwater level alone makes Crash 3 inferior to Crash 2.

>> No.8785207

Crash 3 stops trying to be a crash game and turns into a collection of crappy minigames and lesser imitations of previous levels instead. Every game after follows that trend and ultimately ends up destroying the franchise. Everything went south with crash 3.

>> No.8785303

>thumbs too fat

>> No.8785539

Crash 1 is the only game that stuck to platforming and tried to do its best at it.

>> No.8786132

The jetpack levels in Crash 2 singlehandedly make it worse than Warped.

>> No.8786139

This is true, the jetpack levels are worse than anything in 3

>> No.8786143

Not even close.

>> No.8786146

>It's weird. Back in 1998, nobody minded the gimmick levels. They were seen as a perk due to their added variety.
Because back in the day they thought not having variety and gimmicks made the game repetitive, this is bullcrap mindset obviously
I had much more fun playing Sly 2's more or less same gameplay structure over whatever the fuck Sly 3 was supposed to be

>> No.8786165

Jetpack is fun as fuck.

>> No.8786178

It is.


>> No.8786657
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, F0017C53-EF98-40C7-8434-C57938472A80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was anyone else expecting a boss battle with Nitrus after collecting all the gems, then got disappointed after the game just ended?

>> No.8786695

That music is great and you can beat them in less than 2 minutes, also there's only 2 of them and they're at the end of the game unlike Warped.

>> No.8786730

best ost

>> No.8786739

Maybe, I have no issues playing NES games on SNES controller with A and B being mapped to A and B unlike many people who swear by Y and B.

>> No.8787316
File: 29 KB, 480x269, Crash_Bandicoot_2_Beta,_Part_18_Un-Bearable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This level is easily the best of the original trilogy.

>run from a couple of big-ass bears
>run from the last one on Polar at high speeds
>secret area with the unlimited lives hack
>AND a secret warp at the end

>> No.8788154

Variety for the sake of variety is retarded. If it fits the core gameplay then great, but I'm not gonna give your fighting game points for variety if it turns into a platformer every 5 levels.

>> No.8788226

>Back in 1998, nobody minded the gimmick levels
Back in 1998, lots of people would give anything free passes as long as it was 3D. No sane person who enjoyed Crash 1&2 would play 3 and think, that's totally what I paid for!

>I would reduce the number of motorcycle levels from four to two
Remove them all, they bloody suck.
>They're fun
They're very much anti fun.

>> No.8788293

Ur gay

>> No.8788298

Wow! How have I never thought about this my opinion is totally different now!

>> No.8788327

The reason you lot hate the variety is because you're all old now and want to think significantly less while playing the platforming game, therefore any diversion from the traditional aspects is extra work for your brain to do. I haven't played Crash in years but I had no issues replaying these games constantly as a kid.

>> No.8788372

All the gimmick levels in Crash 3 are enjoyable. The controls for the bike could be less stiff and the underwater vehicle should be easier to manage, but those aren't huge issues.

>> No.8789040

I picked up a cheap copy of this so that I could play PS1 backups on my PS2 via tonyhax. Feels fucking good man

>> No.8789302

I never played 2 or 3 as a kid, and now that I'm going back through my games I'm trying to 100% Crash 1 before I go on to 2. Can anyone help me out with the two missing boxes in Jaws of Darkness? That and the keyed bonus stage from the same level are the only two things I'm missing.

>> No.8789325
File: 36 KB, 618x366, 0DE9B593-2EF1-4E9F-83DE-D5EA3FA72CBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I remember theres two boxes hidden off screen at the start of the blue gem path because the devs are cunts. Just look up a 100% video on YouTube, they’ll cover where they are

>> No.8790890

I played the PS1 Crash games recently and I completely agree.

>> No.8790905
File: 45 KB, 353x500, 3463462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was good.............

>> No.8790915

In fairness they did the "change the theme by setting it at night " thing in 2 as well, 2 nighttime jungle levels (night fight/totally fly) and a nighttime polar level, (totally bear) tbf they never did more than 3 of a certain level type, and they were spaced between multiple warp roo.s (exceptions being rock it/pack attack & spaced out and piston it away, which were all in the same warp room)
The cortex fight was the worst from the 3 games though

>> No.8790924

Yet the fist game that came after naughty dog left was crash bash , literally all minigames

>> No.8790937

"Crash didn't lean into the wacky cast to much"

Crash,coco,cortex,aku aku,polar,pura,
Uka uka, ripper roo, papu papu,koala Kong,pinstripe,n.brio,n.gin,komodo bros,
Tiny tiger,dingodile,n.tropy,

17 wacky characters in the naughty dog trilogy,

N.oxide ,penta penguin if you want to cou t ctr

>> No.8790948

The loading times on this were it's biggest letdown, it was faster in the platinum version but still,

>> No.8791037

I played the ever-loving shit out of this as a kid
No idea if it holds up though, haven't played it in probably close to a decade.
I'll say right now I still love the soundtrack; I can still hear nearly every song and they all ruled.

>> No.8791665

Its too easy and has too many repeated level themes. If you dislike ice levels then thats already 40% of the game you wont like. Its like Naughty Dog rushed this game out to market after the first game was a hit and dumbed everything down.

>> No.8791678

I remember being really stunned as a kid how the loading screens seemed to have loading sequences for themselves. The Xbox version was a lot faster I think.

>> No.8791694

Best Crash


>> No.8791715

>Its too easy
I can tell you never tried to get all the gems without a guide

>> No.8791781

Not him but I did as a kid. And I couldn't even finish Crash 2.

>> No.8791802

I agree. The level design themed around the islands in 1 and 2 to a lesser extent was comfy. They went too big with all the time travel shit

>> No.8792231

It was definitely better than shitsanity

>> No.8792232

sure, if you like shit things.

>> No.8792247

It is ok if you just want "more Crash" but definitely not a standout title.

Nah Twinsanity is better.

>> No.8792259

>Nah Twinsanity is better.
>Worse than Jak and Daxter
>Worse than Whiplash
It's literally a tech demo

>> No.8792461

is this worthy? I stopped at crash bash

>> No.8792474

It’s a heaping pile of jank but I've a lot of fond memories of it and there’s a lot of fun to be had. Twinsanity is still better though

>> No.8792847

Definitely , it was a nice looking game,
But the slow loading means its the only ps2 crash game I never got to the secret warproom

>> No.8792851

Wrath of Cortex is just a worse Crash 3.

>> No.8793005

Now do Spyro with a different set of NPC’s in every portal, or the clusterfuck that is Sonic

>> No.8794382

I might give it a try

>> No.8795297

Crash 3 is just a collection of crappy mini games.

>> No.8795312

this, Crash 3 is really unenjoyable

>> No.8795420

The first Jak and Daxter is basically how Naughty Dog would have done Crash 4 IMO

>> No.8795520


>> No.8795524

Kill yourself, retarded nigger faggot.

>> No.8795709

The egyptian and arabian levels are crash 3 only redeeming parts.

>> No.8797468

the medieval ones are good

>> No.8797496

Do people really not like the normal levels in 3 wtf? I never had any issue with them, it was always just the vehicle levels that I hated.

>> No.8797502

They're completely bland.

>> No.8797509

Bland and uninspired.
Extremely underwhelming.
>arabian and egyptian
Actually good Crash level with nice pacing and interesting ideas.