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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 217 KB, 789x1191, 66876-samantha-fox-strip-poker-commodore-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8775862 No.8775862 [Reply] [Original]

people were down bad before the internet made it easy to find porn

>> No.8775864 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 600x608, 90BC8697-B6C4-4932-A08D-01EB5FB80BDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people were down bad

>> No.8775865

It was better back then.

>> No.8775874 [DELETED] 

Glad I'm not the only one. I thought I'd forgotten my pills again.

>> No.8775879

Not really. You could easily watch softcore on HBO, buy a porno mag at any liquor store, rent hardcore shit from the video store, or Allah forgive me for saying this, make an actual attempt to get some pussy.

>> No.8775894

>make an actual attempt to get some pussy.

Which is what people did back then.

>> No.8775947

For me it's Janey Robbins

>> No.8775959

only if you where a kid

>> No.8776106 [DELETED] 

>2019 rap song
>2020 urban dictionary entry
Oh boy, more nigged out zoomlish to look forward to. Fuck you, kid. I want you drafted off my board.

>> No.8776116 [DELETED] 

>using urban dictionary as a source for anything
You might as well be telling us to go to knowyourmeme lmao

>> No.8776130 [DELETED] 

That doesn't matter, zoomlet. My cursory search told me all I needed to know. It's 2020 nuspeak. Am I wrong?

>> No.8776137 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 2644x1265, nuspeak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my fucking dick

>> No.8776141 [DELETED] 

down low

>> No.8776145 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 500x386, DA6105C4-D7D9-44E2-8E35-7589D41C39B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too slow

>> No.8776148 [DELETED] 

Why is all zoomer slang taken from rap and black twitter?

>> No.8776152 [DELETED] 

It's what their culture is centered around.

>> No.8776156 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 336x336, 1614316503406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not who you think I am, dipshit. I'm enjoying seeing you angry and swinging at shadows, though.

>> No.8776158 [DELETED] 

Don't want to derail the thread but it's because Americans worship black people.

>> No.8776163 [DELETED] 

I don't care who you, nor does it matter who I am. That's the whole point of an anon imageboard. The point is I'm right and it's atrocious modern tard talk.

>> No.8776165 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately now we have to deal with treating all women like people when they don’t make any attempt to act human. It’s no wonder half the human race nope’d the fuck out.

>> No.8776174 [DELETED] 

Yeah it sucked before men masturbated multiple times daily to any atrocity they can envision.

>> No.8776190

Nah, porn magazines and videos were common. A lot of them were shit quality tho.

If you had the know-how and a modem you could download porn stories and low-quality images from BBS on your C64.

>> No.8776196
File: 64 KB, 500x708, kox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a better retro lewd game out there? We think not.

>> No.8776202 [DELETED] 

>people were down bad
Are you having a stroke?

>> No.8776216
File: 157 KB, 320x200, Pamela-Saunders-Playboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might have looked something like this.

>> No.8776225 [DELETED] 

>dark mode zoomer
You are part of the problem.

>> No.8776231

does a dance with rogues count?
cuz that shit was prolly the best NWN module ever made, porn or otherwise

>> No.8776263

That's very good use of the colour pallette

>> No.8776264 [DELETED] 


>> No.8776270

>does a dance with rogues count?
No, agree with the rest of your post, though.

>> No.8776276

thats fair
it is just a mod

>> No.8776284
File: 80 KB, 320x200, 241234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually do better than that by removing background elements.
Still, I think this is a little bit optimistic quality for the C64 going by some of the real eroge released for the platform I just looked up.

>> No.8776287 [DELETED] 
File: 2.26 MB, 1125x1575, 32EBBC5F-D4A0-41AB-B09F-6714D116BF98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet porn destroyed millennials and zoomers, zoomers in particular are completely unrepairably cumbrained as a collective but unlimited high speed and tailor made internet porn has even harmed actual boomers as well. All types of fetish porn you can think of were available in magazine format prior to the internet, vanilla porn was everywhere. I myself own vintage bbw/feederism porn from the 70’s/80’s. Even in the late 70’s and 80’s furries were trading porn (although not to the unbelievable extent as today obviously), and plenty of of them jerked off to Robert Crumb comix before that. Atari and other early porn games were a gimmick more than something you actually beat off to. A silly thing to show your buds. A gag. That type of thing, but I’m sure some desperate men/boys yanked their cumtubes to this shit.
In short, porn was around but it wasn’t as instant or obsessive.
I must say, we would be better off in a culture that doesn’t guarantee unlimited fantasy pornography from birth as it seems to turn our youth into ebonics speaking fat losers.
I agree with >>8776106
I truly hate your guts zoomcel.

>> No.8776289

By the way color flatbed scanners were around by the mid 80s and people were scanning porn magazines and sharing them on BBS, and later on the internet in the early 90s. Mostly nerds using the expensive scanner at work.
They also typed up the porn stories and shared them, or wrote their own.

>> No.8776292 [DELETED] 

I think porn actually drove the Gen X and Millennial generations to be the ones most technologically inclined because as a teenager you had porn as the reward for learning how to use it.

>> No.8776484 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 370x274, comeon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>technologically inclined
Knowing how to use a browser isn't exactly high level knowledge. This has to be the sloppiest excuse I've ever seen in favor of easily accessible pornography.

>> No.8776495 [DELETED] 

>he thinks all you had to know how to do was use a browser
zoomer detected

>> No.8776515 [DELETED] 

Fix your detector, Mr. "technologically inclined" I'm 40.

>> No.8776519 [DELETED] 

Fucking LMAO get over yourself, dude

Please read this shit outloud in the mirror so you can understand how dumb and pretentious you sound.

>> No.8776521 [DELETED] 

ok kid

>> No.8776541 [DELETED] 

>caring about NPCs and their internet pornography habits
The real problem is letting them on the internet in the first place. We tried it, it didn't enlighten them. The internet should have a basic retard filter, it should be as "hard" as figuring out how to set up Mame.

>> No.8776557 [DELETED] 

Why are you pretending the autistic nerds of the early internet were not as porn-addicted as anyone else?

>> No.8776581 [DELETED] 

>tfw used to trade flopy discs with porn pics d/l with dial up with my bros
take me back

>> No.8776594 [DELETED] 

European and American youth worship the nogger

>> No.8776734 [DELETED] 

t. coomer

>> No.8776861 [DELETED] 

>porn "addicted" nerds
They don't matter. The problem is giving the masses of dumbfucks a baby's toy interface for the internet (smartphones). Then they all have internet porn and start getting ideas like "fags and trannies aren't bad, I masturbate to that".

>> No.8776878 [DELETED] 

100% chance this anon is projecting in some fashion

>> No.8776882 [DELETED] 

Not an argument, even if you were right

>> No.8776927 [DELETED] 

He is right and it is an argument. Poster claimed it was pretentious to say coom culture may not be a good thing. Only a category v supercoomer would say that’s pretentious.

>> No.8776969 [DELETED] 

Your logic doesnt even make sense. Go read the posts again.
I know you won't.

>> No.8776986 [DELETED] 

This could have been a fun thread about retro porn games, instead it took 1 post to dive into pol shit.

Fuck you all

>> No.8776990 [DELETED] 

Zoomer speak should never be encouraged and should immediately be shut down.

>> No.8777028
File: 233 KB, 1280x720, sexy pachinko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Pachinko Sexy Reaction 1

>> No.8777038 [DELETED] 

Blame OP for saying "down bad" whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.8777047 [DELETED] 

What part of that don't you understand?

>> No.8777048 [DELETED] 

The English language has been in an ongoing state of change since it's existed, just like every other language.

>> No.8777049 [DELETED] 

>if you don't want to blind yourself when you wake up, you're le zoomber
mental illness

>> No.8777050 [DELETED] 

What part of it should I understand? That’s not a real sentence or expression.

>> No.8777052 [DELETED] 

Most of us do, don't blame the rest of us for the shameless ones.

>> No.8777059 [DELETED] 

tits or gtfo

>> No.8777062 [DELETED] 

Every word, every expression, was annoying new slang at some point, you know that right? The English language has never been not changing, nor has any language except for dead ones.
Sorry, I'd love to but last time I did that on a blue board I got banned.

>> No.8777064 [DELETED] 

Something tells me the phrase “down bad” isn’t deserving of common use, anon.

>> No.8777069 [DELETED] 

Why not?

>> No.8777071 [DELETED] 

>zoomer speak in OP post
>another guy who spends more time on /pol/ writing detailed essays about coom culture and e-thots than playing retro games

>> No.8777073 [DELETED] 

What does it mean?

>> No.8777082 [DELETED] 

"Romantically or sexually attracted to someone at the expense of one's dignity", according to Wiktionary, or "in a difficult situation, despondent."

>> No.8777083 [DELETED] 

I see. Then no, it is not deserving of common use.

>> No.8777089 [DELETED] 

Why's that? Is it not useful to have an expression for that?

>> No.8777091 [DELETED] 

Sounds like yet another variation of “simp”. We absolutely do not need more of this sort of nuspeak.

>> No.8777095 [DELETED] 

Why should we refuse to have words for phenomena we observe in society? That just sounds like intentionally hampering our communication.

>> No.8777186 [DELETED] 


Yeah I think it's retarded too but so are plenty of words I'm fine with because I grew up with them (for example, "horny", which is probably a word I would have used here). This is one of those battles that a person shouldn't bother fighting. Okay, yeah, most young people pay too much attention to extremely low-quality music. But... that's true of most old people too. Save it for the really nasty stuff, such as the efforts of lazy, sanctimonious people to greatly expand use of the already crappy singular "they".

I saw porn on a TI-92 graphing calculator once. It was pretty hot I guess. I possibly would have masturbated to it if it had been my calculator. But maybe not, since I did have Internet access then and so could easily do better.

>> No.8777223 [DELETED] 

For me it was resizing the browser window to only display the address bar then going to porn sites and saving them to a floppy to take home from the school computer lab.

>> No.8777226

touch me touch me

>> No.8777250 [DELETED] 

>Save it for the really nasty stuff, such as the efforts of lazy, sanctimonious people to greatly expand use of the already crappy singular "they".
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Singular "they"
Predates singular "you"
And if not "they" what should we use for non-binary people? Neopronouns?

>> No.8777280
File: 83 KB, 600x387, SamanthaFoxStripPoker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine playing the inferior C64 version which doesn't even have International 7 Card Stud on the B-Side.

>> No.8777318

Aren't the photos in rather worse quality though?

>> No.8777341

I miss porn stories and porn books. The place i fpund once we got internet had pics to go with the stories, so good.

>> No.8777376

Well there's still plenty of porn stories online.

>> No.8777382 [DELETED] 

Chode Munchers

>> No.8777387 [DELETED] 

>now we have to deal with treating all women like people when they don’t make any attempt to act human
10/10. Funniest post I've read all day.

>> No.8777402 [DELETED] 

>what should we use for non-binary people?
The electric chair.

>> No.8777409 [DELETED] 

Calling people "it" is dehumanizing, anon.

>> No.8777410 [DELETED] 

bad bait

>> No.8777419
File: 145 KB, 384x876, casino strip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? its Casino Strip arcade

>> No.8777428 [DELETED] 

It's not bait.

>> No.8777579
File: 256 KB, 320x473, Touche Me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browse Mame roms by year
>look in the 19?? section
Damn, people in whatever country this was made in must have been down bad

>> No.8777597 [DELETED] 

why would you expect most people to care or understand, let alone accept, something that statistically affects such an insignificant amount of the population? especially something so absolutely vague and internally fractured as troonism?
its a MUCH more uphill battle than even the fags, who made up a far larger demographic, had and that took them literal decades

but no. you not only expect it NOW, but DEMAND it, with a weightless iron fist where everyone must submit to a concept which you yourselves cant even seem to agree clearly on.
even worse you let all discourse surrounding the subject be dictated by only the loudest-mouthed retards on the internet
the amount of people who wouldve been completely indifferent, if not somewhat sympathetic, who were then turned into outright reactionaries AGAINST it is fucking unfathomable
all thanks to the worst grasp of the concept of PR that weve seen in the modern day

the hilarious irony is that imageboards were probably the most aware of the subject just a decade prior, with this site in particular being likely the most over-represented den of trannies that ever existed at the time

you are your own worst enemy
so kys

>> No.8777620 [DELETED] 

Is "don't be an asshole to people based on how they're born" really that high of a standard to demand?

>> No.8777623 [DELETED] 

People should be allowed to be assholes. Free speech

>> No.8777631 [DELETED] 

Sure, and other people are allowed to call you out for being an asshole, decide whether they want to publish your assholery, etc.

>> No.8777643 [DELETED] 

this is the most disingenuous bullshit argument and you know it
expecting most strangers to like you, let alone accept you IS unironically far too much to ask. go the fuck outside for once. most people are fucking cunts to people they dont know, especially those that are different.

and when the front-facing vanguard of the "movement" is unshaven dragqueens reading tranny fanfics to kindergartners, and trying to encourage kids, who arent even old enough to understand how their own genitals work yet because they DONT work yet, to be making life-altering decisions about them
again, ya got a bit of a PR problem, hon

but go right ahead and keep letting only the most batshit dictate the discussion
im sure that wont make millions of more reactionaries, and make for a far worse world to live in for yourselves and everyone that follows you, or anything like that

>> No.8777645 [DELETED] 

i think chappelle said it best:
"slow ur roll"

>> No.8777662 [DELETED] 

>expecting most strangers to like you, let alone accept you IS unironically far too much to ask.
Liking people is one thing, being an asshole to them based on inborn traits is another.
>who arent even old enough to understand how their own genitals work yet because they DONT work yet, to be making life-altering decisions about them
You can wait for treatment 'til ~12 or so but forcing kids who are actually gender dysphoric to go through the wrong puberty is absolutely inhumane, it does damage that can't be undone. So you can't just wait 'til 18.
>im sure that wont make millions of more reactionaries, and make for a far worse world to live in for yourselves and everyone that follows you, or anything like that
"I was going to support trans rights until I found out there are some pro-trans people on the Internet who say ridiculous things!" Dude, there are supporters of literally any cause who say ridiculous things.

>> No.8777669 [DELETED] 

>based on how they're born
>noooo don't refer to me as male just because I was born that way
Mental illness is a hell of a drug.

>> No.8777671 [DELETED] 

Gender dysphoria is a real medical condition and likely inborn in many cases.

>> No.8777674 [DELETED] 

Cool story and all but you sound like a straight up greaseball.

>> No.8777675 [DELETED] 

Welcome to /vr/, where most people are old enough to remember when homosexuality was a real medical condition to be cured.
Btw, kindly refer to me as 'your majesty' since that is what I feel I am. Don't be an asshole.

>> No.8777678 [DELETED] 

So is schizophrenia, doesn't mean we should validate their delusions of hearing demons and shit.

>> No.8777681 [DELETED] 

But homosexuality doesn't intrinsically cause distress that needs treatment. Gender dysphoria does, and the evidence is strong that transition is a necessary and effective treatment for it in many cases.

>> No.8777682 [DELETED] 

Thanks for not referring to me as your majesty, asshole. Why do you have to be an asshole, asshole? Don't be an asshole.

>> No.8777684 [DELETED] 

'member when evidence was strong that uranium toothpaste is indeed healthy for you?

>> No.8777694 [DELETED] 

Gender dysphoria is a medical condition and you're making a mockery of it.
So science was wrong before, does that mean it's never right about anything? Some things genuinely are true, and provably so.

>> No.8777698 [DELETED] 

delude yourself all you want

>inborn traits
highly fucking debatable
especially so within the more gray-area memeshit like "non-binary"
but nope. cant even discuss that incredibly important aspect of the discussion, else the outrage cabal will set out to destroy your fucking life w impunity

>forcing kids who are actually gender dysphoric to go through the wrong puberty is absolutely inhumane
>it does damage that can't be undone
and the inverse doesnt?
how about lifelong hormonal problems and permanent infertility for those who decide to detransition? a not insignificant portion of the demo i might add, and one you all so happily shout down whenever the opportunity arises

>So you can't just wait 'til 18.
utter fucking lies and easily disproven
theres plenty of trannys that go into it in their 20s who look leagues better than some that started at 12. its primarily genetics and fucking effort
i personally know half a dozen where this is the case

>"I was going to support trans rights until I found out there are some pro-trans people on the Internet who say ridiculous things!"
so where are the reasonable ones?
like i said i know a few and theyre all scared shitless of sticking their necks out on the line because youve all made it fucking impossible to even discuss
even worse, their lives have been made SUBSTANTIALLY worse just by being "guilty by association" thanks to you utter fucking retards out there screeching daily


>> No.8777702 [DELETED] 

The mental ill have no place, and don't believe your a woman

>> No.8777708 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 150x150, 8kl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread in a nut shell:
look up Dr. johnathan money & david raimer

>> No.8777712 [DELETED] 

Why do you persist in being an asshole, asshole? Kindly accept my self-identification as royalty and refer to me accordingly, asshole. Don't be an asshole.

>> No.8777715 [DELETED] 

You never actually addressed my point. Schizophrenia is a medical condition that causes people to be paranoid and/or hear voices. Should we assure schizophrenics that all their fears are valid and the voices they hear are definitely real? After all, denying and invalidating their experience would be awfully problematic, wouldn't it?

>> No.8777718 [DELETED] 

>does that mean it's never right about anything
Feel free to show where I implied such a thing. I merely showed the flaw of your appeal to authority. Also, don't be an asshole, call that anon 'your highness'.

>> No.8777719 [DELETED] 
File: 910 KB, 1032x1485, IMG_3752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8777721 [DELETED] 

So down bad just means horny? Why not say that?

>> No.8777723 [DELETED] 

>highly fucking debatable
It seems like the ones who know and insist on it ever since they can talk probably have an inborn cause, at least. But there are also neurological correlates of gender dysphoria, even before transition.
>and the inverse doesnt?
Sure, which is why there should be some attempt to ascertain which ones are actually trans. But you can't just throw the ones who are under the bus.
>theres plenty of trannys that go into it in their 20s who look leagues better than some that started at 12. its primarily genetics and fucking effort
On an individual basis, yes, but it increases the likelihood, and meanwhile the experience of suffering through the wrong puberty is absolutely hellish for someone who's gender dysphoric. Not to mention it gives them irreversible wrong-sex traits, even if they pass below the level of noticeability and don't prevent them passing.
>like i said i know a few and theyre all scared shitless of sticking their necks out on the line because youve all made it fucking impossible to even discuss
Maybe it's reasonable to not want to allow debate on whether you should be allowed to exist. If someone wants to discuss the factual questions while maintaining the positions of concern for human well-being and morphological freedom sure, but that's not most of the people who are complaining about being "silenced" here.
You assume I'm MtF and not FtM lol
The case of David Reimer is actually pretty good evidence that there is such a thing as inborn gender identity- even though he was raised as a girl, he ended up identifying as a boy. Which was the exact opposite of what Dr. Money expected to happen.
That's not an effective approach for alleviating their distress, transition is for gender dysphoric people.
Being transgender is a real thing with biological causes, being trans-royal isn't.

>> No.8777726 [DELETED] 

just uh, cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.8777728 [DELETED] 

Either op is a tranny, or some 40 year old roastie looking for attention.
ook, no likes the porn addiction that's around nowadays, but the the same vein no likes the lgbt garbage that's going around. You'd think the same people against, the porn would be against faggots and their parades.
but now It's not about degeneracy, it's about other things.

>> No.8777729 [DELETED] 

>Being transgender is a real thing with biological causes, being trans-royal isn't.
That's because trans-royals are royals, asshole. You could stop being an asshole this very minute, yet, like the bigotted asshole you are, you continue. How come, asshole?

>> No.8777731 [DELETED] 

>>No not reality
fuck off and go back to twitter

>> No.8777732 [DELETED] 

Roalty isn't even a biological phenomenon, it's social. Sex, by contrast, is. I know perfectly well you're being disingenuous.

>> No.8777734 [DELETED] 

>Roalty isn't even a biological phenomenon
Then why are all the children of royalty also royalty? Checkmate, call that anon Your Majesty as his majesty has repeatedly requested.

>> No.8777736 [DELETED] 

Because it's socially defined as passed down to children (except when it isn't.) There's no biological marker that makes a king a king, it's just because people agree he is. Conversely, it's because sex is a meaningful biological classification that the concept of sex-based dysphoria even makes sense. Again though, I know perfectly well you're being disingenous and not arguing in good faith.

>> No.8777740 [DELETED] 

>that thing passed on to your children and their children is not biological
>this thing, which we always clamor about to be a social construct, is akshually biological
Don't be an inconsistent asshole, asshole, and stop misrespecting me.

>> No.8777742 [DELETED] 

>There's no biological marker that makes a king a king
I'll take 'what are genes' for 500, asshole.

>> No.8777746 [DELETED] 

>you're being disingenous and not arguing in good faith
You mean like a mentally ill troon that intentionally confuses being royalty with being king?

>> No.8777749 [DELETED] 

Royalty genes

>> No.8777752 [DELETED] 

Gender, in the sense of social gender roles, are socially constructed. Sex-based dysphoria is biological just like sex is. No contradiction there.
In the days before DNA testing, if the king's wife committed adultery and it was never discovered, the bastard would ascend the throne just like the king's actual son would, as long as his appearance didn't make it too obvious.

>> No.8777753 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 423x564, Still 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how to solve your problem with a few short statements

"Gender" is an invention that means nothing.

Sex on the other hand means something.

if you have 2 x chromosomes, you are a female
if you have a x, and a y chromosome, you are a male
the amount of people who have more then one chromosome is very little, and usually start out either as male or females before mutation.

Just because you think your something doesn't make you that.
I could think I'm a butterfly and still not be one.

From your speech patterns though, I can tell you are a consumer of mainstream nonsense. so reality at this point is out the window for you.
get off of twitter/the internet, and get some real life experiences.

>> No.8777756 [DELETED] 

Genes that prove that child A comes from parents A, who happen to be royalty? No such thing. Men that are actually women though, many cases. Now stop being an asshole and call me your majesty, asshole.

>> No.8777759 [DELETED] 

>if you have a x, and a y chromosome, you are a male
So are CAIS women actually male?
Should they not go into the women's bathroom?
>Just because you think your something doesn't make you that.
Depends on what you mean by 'being that', but sex-based dysphoria is definitely a real medical condition, and it makes more sense in many cases to treat those people as if they were of that sex.

>> No.8777760 [DELETED] 

So to match the socially constructed gender that mentally ill persons think they are, we give them surgically constructed sexes? Makes sense.
Luckily, white men advanced science enough that today we can test DNA. What does the DNA of troons tell us about their gender?

>> No.8777768 [DELETED] 

>So to match the socially constructed gender that mentally ill persons think they are, we give them surgically constructed sexes? Makes sense.
If they're strongly distressed by their sex and there's no other way to relieve their distress, what else can you do?
>Luckily, white men advanced science enough that today we can test DNA. What does the DNA of troons tell us about their gender?
So are you saying that CAIS women are actually men?

>> No.8777773 [DELETED] 

>You assume I'm MtF and not FtM lol
because statistically its far more likely
also most of them are way less insufferable and fucking autistic because they were born girls and didnt grow up being taught to be a loudmouthed asshole as if that was some sort of amicable personality trait

>Which was the exact opposite of what Dr. Money expected to happen.
he treated those kids like fucking labrats. and worse openly sexually abused them, fucking published it, then called it science and based his career off of his self-serving hypothesis which were proved wrong
he shouldve been lined up and shot, but instead his pseudo-scientific garbage is repeated ad-nauseum and preached as the new gospel

if you think most kids are able to make such irreversible decisions and not be influenced by societal pressures, or even worse, the attention that they get, then i shudder to think of what your opinion on AoC and the definition of child abuse is
its a DAMN good thing youll never reproduce

>> No.8777775 [DELETED] 

"Don't be an asshole and respect people's self-identification", it wrote, continuing to be an asshole misrespecting people's self-identification.
Is troonism just a really severe case of lacking self-awareness?

>> No.8777776 [DELETED] 

the amount of cases where this is so aka (VERY few) cannot make an argument for men using females bathroom utilities.
>>sex-based dysphoria is definitely a real medical condition
so is cancer, but we don't call people with cancer what their not.
also how would plying into some retards delusions help them? by the suicide rate it only seem to hurt them.

>> No.8777781 [DELETED] 

>Is troonism just a really severe case of lacking self-awareness?
its a LOT of it
thats why its so prevalent online, and hardly apparent irl

>> No.8777782 [DELETED] 

it means horny

>> No.8777784 [DELETED] 


>> No.8777785 [DELETED] 

I am saying what I am saying, asshole, not what you imagine I am saying. This is a hard concept, I know, but one day you might understand it. Now, why do you persist in being an asshole and not refer to me as your majesty?

>> No.8777790 [DELETED] 

because you are no one and deserve nothing
respect is earned, and once lost, can rarely be regained

>> No.8777791 [DELETED] 

>he shouldve been lined up and shot, but instead his pseudo-scientific garbage is repeated ad-nauseum and preached as the new gospel
His prediction was that David would readjust to life as a girl and live as one happily. That that didn't come true is evidence FOR innate gender identities; if there were no such thing you'd expect it to.
>if you think most kids are able to make such irreversible decisions and not be influenced by societal pressures, or even worse, the attention that they get, then i shudder to think of what your opinion on AoC and the definition of child abuse is
I don't think there shouldn't be some effort to ascertain who's actually trans, but waiting until they're 18 is inhumane and WILL result in deaths. If you advocate it you have blood on your hands.
Don't fucking play dumb, I know you're being disingenuous.
>the amount of cases where this is so aka (VERY few) cannot make an argument for men using females bathroom utilities.
Okay but are CAIS women men or are they not? Should they use women's rooms or should they not? Answer the question.
>also how would plying into some retards delusions help them? by the suicide rate it only seem to hurt them.
Don't take it up with me, take it up with this huge fucking pile of sources.
If having XY chromosomes means trans women are actually men then how does that not make CAIS women men?

>> No.8777794 [DELETED] 

>then how does that not make CAIS women men?
because its an observable physical medical condition
not an extremely vague psychological one

YOUR the one who separated biology from sex
youve made your bed, now lay in it

>> No.8777797 [DELETED] 

>Don't fucking play dumb, I know you're being disingenuous.
I am absolutely sincere about my social identity, asshole, which you continue to ignore. The pain and anguish you cause with your unempathic ways is nearly unbearable, asshole. All I ask of you is to stop being an asshole and respect my identity. Why is this so hard for you, asshole?

>> No.8777798 [DELETED] 

But gender dysphoria has neurological correlates. And once someone has medically transitioned their body is more similar to that sex too.

>> No.8777803 [DELETED] 

>But gender dysphoria has neurological correlates
this isnt a sentence
try again

>And once someone has medically transitioned their body is more similar to that sex too
thats exactly how it doesnt work
try again

>> No.8777806 [DELETED] 

Feeling to be Napoleon also has neurological correlates. And once someone stops being and asshole and starts respecting trans-royalty, their social identity is more similar to that too.

>> No.8777808 [DELETED] 

It's not, estrogen doesn't do anything to a grown man's body. Even if you take blockers at puberty there isn't much difference, will just turn out a little bloated. Pure placebo and toxic positivity.

>> No.8777812 [DELETED] 

How is it not a sentence? It has a subject (gender dysphoria), a verb (has), and an object (neurological correlates).
>thats exactly how it doesnt work
How? Hormones change a lot.

>> No.8777816 [DELETED] 

>It's not, estrogen doesn't do anything to a grown man's body.
I started at 23 and I have boobs now lmao.

>> No.8777817 [DELETED] 

>How is it not a sentence? It has a subject (gender dysphoria), a verb (has), and an object (neurological correlates).
How is a trans-"woman" not a man? He has male genitalia, male adam's apple, and male DNA.

>> No.8777818 [DELETED] 

Listen to me anon I'm not a transphobe I honestly wish transpeople the best. Hormone therapy is a big scam. You can check most trans on social media and after 10 years in post transition they barely change at all.

>> No.8777824 [DELETED] 

Yeah moobs aka gynecomastia I have them too, it means you're fat.

>> No.8777825 [DELETED] 

Only the latter necessarily, the other two can be changed.
Then why do strangers regularly call me "she" even when I'm dressed in jeans and flannel? They have no way of telling how I identify.

>> No.8777826 [DELETED] 

Yeah, because you got fat. Those aren't boobs, you delusional troll.

>> No.8777828 [DELETED] 

Nah, I'm no fatter than I was, I have like A-B cups at this point. (I'm not experienced with bra sizes.) You know nothing about the effects of HRT. It literally makes FtMs grow facial hair, for instance. Lot harder to placebo your way into that one.

>> No.8777831 [DELETED] 

Still persisting to be an asshole, I see.
>the other two can be changed
If I surgically remove my limbs, am I a snail?

>> No.8777835 [DELETED] 

You are very obviously arguing in bad faith and you know it.

>> No.8777841 [DELETED] 

You look young. It's called crushing 30s for a reason. The identitarian community is filled with lies but you can't escape from reality for long and the cost of awakening is always high.

>> No.8777853 [DELETED] 

hes making fun of you you fucking tard

>> No.8777860 [DELETED] 

Estrogen doesn't do anything to a male body HOWEVER Testosterone does do a lot to a woman's body, more particularly it will fuse their pelvic bones and kills them.

>> No.8777867 [DELETED] 

Lmao source?

>> No.8777868 [DELETED] 

>>muh sources
nice peer-reviewed garbage faggot
and about your %1ers, no they should not use a female's bathroom

>> No.8777878 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 600x400, 1648497720162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait minute. is this entire thread a delusional "female to male" tranny, vs a less delusional "male to female" tranny fighting


>> No.8777884 [DELETED] 

i was hardly paying attention but it seems to be one tranny
either way it seems jannies caught wind of it
not that it was a good thread before it or anything, just "muh zoomers" as usual

>> No.8777887 [DELETED] 

lol yea it was no great loss

>> No.8778025

Just nuke the fucking thread if this much discourse has to be deleted. It's all just bait to get us talking about the zoomerism anyway.

>> No.8778031
File: 30 KB, 276x362, 1621554404066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya know what they say, don't let your bait be fate
or something like that
well either way the point is go talk about old porn vidya
i'll start with a classic

>> No.8778104
File: 25 KB, 640x684, Pipi and Bibis comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pipi and Bibi's, now that was a good game

>> No.8778121

Yes, and the enormous proliferation of porn via the internet has been such a great positive for society.....

>> No.8778173
File: 26 KB, 320x240, psr1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fags allowed

>> No.8780019
File: 145 KB, 509x368, 1648072590386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make an actual attempt to get some pussy.

>> No.8780134
File: 94 KB, 336x689, 5e80a3e6f5291ecc12d9fc1c466de594858d79bdf6b25e8942899c1554a32a0c(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste

>> No.8780262

Loved this, sequel sucks

>> No.8781601


>> No.8781618

Not if you were a 17 yo loser

>> No.8783180

I disagree I think it just made it more fun and it's smart of the developer because he knows they're gonna sell more

If you're using it for 'reasons' then youre already a special kind of stupid though

>> No.8783380

The way censoring works in pipi and bibi makes me think that a graphics rip or a way to remove sprite layers may reveal hidden things. Probably just featureless barbie doll crotches but still, it does make me wonder.

>> No.8783801

wouldnt god approve?, after all ppl bak then had like 7 sons