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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 26 KB, 320x200, mm3_004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8772942 No.8772942 [Reply] [Original]

The scale of this game is massive. I just wish the inventory was easier to use.

Are there any other retro open world crawlers besides Might and Magic?

>> No.8773067

World of Xeen is so much better its not funny

>> No.8773071

There's tons OP like eye of the beholder, wizardry and even Japanese ones like shining in the darkness. None as good as might and magic though imo

>> No.8773078

Not really. It's just bigger and easier.

>> No.8773079

Oh sorry I missed the open world bit. Might and magic is the only open world one I can think of and that's why I think it's the best. Just elder scrolls but that's real time. Ultima underworld also real time it's open world too but it's one massive dungeon you progress deeper into but there Is backtracking and stuff

>> No.8773091
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Wizardry 7 is massive as fuck.

>> No.8773113
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Yeah M&M3 is the best in the series. It's big, yes, but it is also completely manageable. It's got some serious gotchas, so save early, save often. They expected you to save a scum lot.

M&M 4 & 5 are indeed, super easy. You can run yourself up to high levels pretty quickly on Xeen, and then roll over to the Darkside where you're now power leveled... 6,7,8,9, 10, and 11 have their own unique charm. Honestly, 6 and 7 are incredibly large. Like.... Huge. Immense worlds and dungeons the size and complexity of which you have never seen anywhere else. You gotta remember to pause the game for combat. I spent the first few hours playing 6 without knowing this and it was hell. There's also a way to quickly gain like 20 points in all stats through a teleportation secret at the beginning of the game, and frankly, you kinda need to do that or you'll get completely rolled unless you know what you're doing.

There are modern crawlers out there, now, on Steam.

Older ones include Dungeon Master, Wizardry, Lands of Lore (Excellent and runs in SCUMM) Eritrian Odyssey, and Eye of the Beholder. There are lots more, but those are the big ones.

IMO, M&M 3 is the peak of the genre. I have serious nostalgia goggles, though, and others will argue for DM2 if they had an ST growing up. I did, but I never had a copy....

>> No.8773179
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Xeen is very good, but:
>no hirelings
>easier to cheese by brief visit to Darkside near the start
>railroaded everywhere, much less "open world" feeling
>some of the main dungeons are very meh

MM3 has a much bigger world, more optional dungeons with interesting side-stories.
Also Tomb of Terror and Maze From Hell are kino.
There's really nothing like M&M games, but Wizardy 6-8 are close. Wizardry games do some things better and some things worse, but I'd recommend at least playing 8.

Also MMX is underrated, though not retro.

>> No.8773190

LOL at M&M3 has those thrones where if you sit yer people in them, they are Annihilated, true death, no return.

>> No.8773194

If you play Darkside of Xeen independently as it originally released, then the challenge is actually pretty good. I prefer Darkside over Terra, but I prefer Terra over World.

>> No.8773235
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Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar (there was a demo released in 1997 so it's kinda retro)

>> No.8773302

Reading about the development of Grimoire is interesting.

>> No.8773305

Pool of Radiance, sort of. It's the most open of the Goldbox games

>> No.8773862

>there was a demo released in 1997
Weird, never knew this. Then again, I remember hearing dev developed it by himself for years.

>> No.8773906

>this can be cured at a temple or Divine Intervention
>You can sit in the thrones if you get the "+" from MoH

>> No.8773918
File: 248 KB, 805x587, mm2map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2 is incredibly ambitious. Gotta love fighting 255 enemies in one encounter.

>> No.8773941
File: 139 KB, 800x1018, 82857-might-and-magic-i-ii-iii-iv-v-collection-classique-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that MM1-5 compilation and only tried stand-alone MM4 (which was very short and easy) before playing World of Xeen. You made me curious to try Darkside independently.

>> No.8773956

>series that don't make a clean break from their old shitty games
Why do so many RPG series do this and get up to retardedly high sequel numbers? Why not call the Wizardry 6-8 trilogy something else. And why the fuck would anybody want to associate Might & Magic 1 with their other games?

>> No.8774013

Wow, wtf

>> No.8774024

There is a mod for mm4-5 that makes it much more difficult. I liked it a lot. I can not fucking recall the damned name though and my googles lack

>> No.8774101

Cause despite being antiquated its still a good game

>> No.8774996

Difficult how?

>> No.8775007

No, that's console easy-mode version. Play the DOS or Apple II versions where it will throw over 1,000 enemies at once at you, and let the fuckers call for backup as well.

>> No.8775194

What do you in this situation? Do you really sit there and click through all 1000 enemies or do you just run?

>> No.8775230
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>Do you really click 1000 times?
*sigh* yes, or more
Alternatively, you can cast a spell that hits ALL enemies, and wipe them all out in a cast or two. Unless, they're immune to Meteor Shower. And it only works outside.

In M&M2, combat only happens on specific squares, so you learn to avoid those squares, especially late game when you don't need to level up. It's not a great system, but the charm of the game (for 1986) made it tolerable.
>charm = picrel

>> No.8775272

It took me 3 months, it's ridiculously long.

>> No.8775285
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A true legend

>> No.8775380

Ludmeister seen spawn mod. Looked very interesting but never played through it. Seemed like a cool idea.

>> No.8775391

Ludmeister xeen spawn mod*

>> No.8775627
File: 1.35 MB, 1597x1195, StarTrail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor anglos have never heard of the GOAT

>> No.8775682

>mfw it's true

>Feb. 11, 1990
>NEW YORK -- Cleveland Blakemore, who quotes Nietzsche, lived for six months in a plywood shack under a highway bridge.

>> No.8776021

If there was true justice Grimoire would have been the best selling game of all time.

>> No.8776101
File: 1.05 MB, 640x480, UU1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ultima Underworld I&II
>The Elder Scrolls Arena

>> No.8776283


Best games magazine of all time..... but I am biased.

>> No.8776649

best dungeon crawler ever

>> No.8776754

Any good console-exclusive 1st person dungeon crawlers? I know it's baby game but Shining in the Darkness was kino.

>> No.8776791

King's Field/Shadow Tower series

>> No.8776868
File: 898 KB, 1148x728, Sega Nomand alive 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were there any for the sega?

thinking about picking one up if I can find a semi-working one for cheap?

>> No.8776876

what is the best dungeon crawler ever made?

>> No.8776903

see >>8773235

>> No.8777113
File: 3.82 MB, 1728x1482, lota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to play this.

>> No.8777518

>>Nasty Witch
>>all the options involve stuttering
Damn, that's a BAD BITCH

>> No.8777524

>were there any for the sega?
For the Genesis, your choices of dungeon crawlers are either Shining in the Darkness or a port of Might and Magic II.

>> No.8777535

>Combat only happens on specific squares
I'm pretty sure it also has random encounters on top of that.

>> No.8778496

SNES has Arcane which has kick ass music

>> No.8778746
File: 41 KB, 352x240, Shining the Holy Ark-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shining in the Darkness was kino.
If you're a fan of the Shining in the Darkness, I suspect you'll like Shining the Holy Ark even more.

>> No.8779003

And Fatal Labyrinth, if you count roguelikes.

>> No.8779078


>> No.8779201

Nah, beat that one a long time ago, Shining in the Darkness was objectively better. Also really dislike Holy Ark's style.

>> No.8779246

Ah, the happy liches returns.
I forgot their names though.

>> No.8779486

Any free dungeon crawler for android without adds and ingame purshit?

>> No.8779942

Don't know if it's free, but you can pirate it if you don't want to pay. The Quest is great.

>> No.8780363
File: 20 KB, 640x480, storemusic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shining in the Darkness was kino
Especially if you make your own maps on graph paper.

>> No.8780619
File: 90 KB, 1280x1000, DOSBOX_2022_04_04_23_54_44_112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lands of Lore. The level of polish on this one is ridiculous.

>> No.8781160

is ultima underworld series worth playing?

>> No.8781183

It looks like fun but the amount of autism required to roll a party of good characters is just too much and getting the CD audio apparently breaks the difficulty if you do it on an english version

>> No.8781191

Yes, by all means. Just keep in mind they're not combat focused games like MM or Wizardry.

>> No.8781207

interesting, what are they focused on? exploration?

>> No.8781220

what are good modern crpgs? for instance: Aeon of Sands - The Trail I haven't heard anyone mention anything past like the year 2003? Aeon of Sands is from 2018, anything that is modern that is good but plays like might and magic?

>> No.8781241
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 1537050766989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blobber style CRPGs are pretty much a dead art. Plenty of great recent isometric ones like Expeditions Rome or Wasteland 3 but the only western blobbers these days are Grimrock which is like 10 years old now and a couple poverty budget indie titles that struggle to get more than 1k sales. I guess Star Crawlers was solid but if you played Aeon you probably already gave it a shot

>> No.8781262

I actually haven't played Aeon, I saw it a while back and it looked cool and I might give it a shot, is it worth it? or do you think it's junk? What do you recommend as the pinnacle or crpgs, maybe top 5? sounds like you're super critical but maybe that's good

>> No.8781295

Reminder that the Seal of Rimsala or Fastrom romhack is absolutely essential since the vanilla game's movement speed is so soul crushingly slow

>> No.8781317
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/moraff/ general

>> No.8781361

They're adventure RPGs with a pretty even mix of exploration, combat and puzzle solving elements. These games expect you to take it slow, write things down and act from your observations. In UU1 you're seriously threatened maybe 3-4 times at most in combat, but you can get stuck if you don't pay attention to how the dungeon works.

>> No.8781461
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>> No.8781478

Based, this is the best pure dungeon crawl, but it's a PITA how your save files can get corrupted from exceeding size limits.

>> No.8781528

"I Think you mean 'Sconces'"

I've never bought so many games based on a single 4chan thread before, but here we are.

So, I got this on GoG but the copy protection is still included and not cracked. I guess I gotta refer to the PDF of the manual to save, every time... That sucks balls.

>> No.8781593


>> No.8781650

Do the Ishar games on Amiga count? I'm not sure how open-world they are...

>> No.8781683

Ishar has a bad combat system where you click 5 icons repeatedly as they light up, it's like that popamole meme done unironically

>> No.8781925
File: 130 KB, 1067x600, 5f9c78e355447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legends of Amberland

>> No.8781935

not retro.

>> No.8782103

>having the appearance of something that existed in the past:

Looks retro to me. Retro doesn't mean old.

>> No.8782106

ok anon make sure you copy/paste that into your ban appeal in 3 days

>> No.8782124

Are you double retarded? Posting non-retro games in a reply is not even close to against the rules. If you're not wasting a whole thread on something off topic then a post like that is no different from me calling you a stupid poofter, you stupid poofter.

>> No.8782127

>Posting non-retro games in a reply is not even close to against the rules
Not him but I've gotten dozens of warnings for posting "non-retro" games in replies to threads. The rules are whatever visitor janny decides they are at any given moment.

>> No.8782145

man, I hate the look of "retro" indies. I mean compare that to op or >>8773091 or even >>8775230 . seems like they keep missing the point on what makes low-res pixellated games look charming.

>> No.8782509
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1618376327381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, you're comparing modern indies to retro professional studios

try comparing modern indies to retro indies

>> No.8782516

Looks kind of comfy in a Win95 sort of way

>> No.8782574
File: 82 KB, 428x724, chasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes GOG is shit. Their port of M&M9 is unplayable. There are fanmade patchfixes, but even those are a crapshoot, since the game still crashes or even works at all.
>inb4 MM9 sucks ass
Yes the game was ugly as shit but some of the dungeon designs were the best in any RPG ever.

>> No.8782603

I generally don't buy DOS games from GOG.

>> No.8782618

unironically has more soul than >>8781925

>> No.8782690

I was addicted to Moraff's World when I was a kid. Much more fun than the typical Roguelike. Does the dungeon ever end?

>> No.8784126


>> No.8784679
File: 347 KB, 400x400, 1605227674449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel this caught me off guard

>> No.8784836

>you're comparing modern indies to retro professional studios
Yeah, that's pretty dumb. The tech capabilities might've increased and the game genres might've been refined, but as far as like art and music goes if anything the pros back then were better than the modern ones. You're not a better artist than a pro from the 80s just because you were born later, and definitely not better than a team of them.

>> No.8784881

holy shit my nigga thought I was the only person who ever heard of that game

>> No.8785449
File: 43 KB, 775x555, LotA212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never play this game but I played DotA 1 (Defense of the Ancients) in 2008-2013.
There are some boards for Legacy of the Ancients (LotA) and the Apple II's LotA board has been the DotA board for a long time (since 2008) because DotA 1 didn't have a board yet (might not even have one till now because they're still posting there).
There are 212 pages of threads, each page has 20 threads, last page only has 11 threads.
Total threads is (20x211)+11 = 4231 threads.

>> No.8785465

How do you crawl in a dungeon if you are in an "open world"?

>> No.8785514

Fun game

Is there something more like might and magic or wizardry

>> No.8785626


>> No.8785896
File: 13 KB, 256x224, 2020-07-16 15-53-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any first time recs? the only dungeon crawler i've played is kigurumi adventure dream maze. charming but obviously not as fleshed out as the mm or wizardry games afaik

>> No.8786147

Names carry the spirit of the series in them.

>> No.8786152

Any Might & Magic game except for the first two

>> No.8786154

The world is a dungeon.

>> No.8786159


>> No.8786189
File: 14 KB, 400x250, Ancients_1_Deathwatch_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played this on a floppy disk with like 200 games while listening to symptom of a down.

>> No.8786498

are they bad? i thought all MM1-6 were supposed to be good?

>> No.8786541

MM3-5 use similar engine.
MM6-8 use similar engine.
Dunno about MM1-2.

>> No.8786572

nowhere did i ask about the engine. i asked if they were good

>> No.8786590

im assuming the framework is less accommodating in 1-2, probably not good for a first time recommendation

>> No.8787407

1 and 2 are notoriously difficult.

>> No.8787429

that has nothing to do with whether they are bad or good. i'm trying to find out if the first 7 are worth playing as I want to start playing them in order. is that what you would recommend? i don't care about difficulty, i enjoy difficult games

>> No.8787443 [SPOILER] 
File: 950 KB, 1169x1000, 1649297337237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw it actually is

>> No.8787457

Its an Apple ][ dungeon crawler dude. If you are into that sort of thing then you wouldn't need to ask someone on an anime image board before diving.

>> No.8787505
File: 12 KB, 320x224, 6a00e008dbc8a18834014e88107fb7970d-600wi (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dungeons and Dragons Warriors of the Eternal Sun

>> No.8787585

MM3 can be speedrun in less than 5 minutes if you recruit the 2 strongest hirelings.

>> No.8787893

Holy shit that's impressive.

>> No.8788906

best game ever