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8759084 No.8759084 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8759112

I've never played FFT.
What makes this fight so hard exactly?

>> No.8759138

You have a 1 on 1 fight with a guy who has instant, strong, nigh-unavoidable damage. After this battle you fight a boss monster with 3 or 4 minions who can probably 1 shot anyone on your team.

>> No.8759191
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It's a brainlet filter. Imagine not understanding stats, or ignoring the hero's innate class abilities.

>> No.8759212

You can make the main character any class. If you make him a healer or a support class, you gotta delete your save file.

Yes, running around in circles while using Yell and Tailwind 20 times in a row is such good game design.

>> No.8759228
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>filtered twice

>> No.8759249

>that image/moment in the game
Goddamn, this really was an incredible game

>> No.8759448
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>> No.8759593
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>wipes everyone in one turn

>> No.8759617
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this entire game was 10/10
i wish i would have known
[spoilers]to enjoy the good times before they ended

>> No.8759648


such is life

>> No.8759661

are we ever going to get a FF game where your supporting party members can die permanently again?

>> No.8759842

Ramza is cute

>> No.8760606

It isn't if your party has the right comp and you prioritized getting the highest dmg skills for the mages. I was like 10/15 levels under and still managed to bust him down with holys and flares before the minions got a single hit on me

>> No.8760610

This one's fucking hard though because of the initial positioning

>> No.8760752
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i only had one white mage
overleveled since the beginning chapters
she single-handedly carried ramza through the entire game
i was so bummed when she died in the final battle

>> No.8760997

I tried playing FFT in my early teens and couldn't really get into it. Got into Disgaea as an adult though and I really enjoy it, so I'm wondering if I should give it another shot. Is it better on PS1 or PSP?

>> No.8761029

Something not mentioned by others is that it's the second part of a 3-part battle that you can't leave to level up.

So if you only use 1 save file (common among players in the PS1 era since the standard Memory Card only holds 15 slots for all your games), you overwrote that 1 save file after finishing the first part of the battle, and you learned that your Ramza is not prepared for a one on one duel against Wiegraf...

>> No.8761130

Like I said, the game trolls you by letting you make a healer or support Ramza

>> No.8761162

Thoughts on this as a "definitive version"?

>> No.8762189

But I'm a Time Mage, Wiegraf. I win by boosting my friends...

>> No.8762197

Ramza's innate abilities predispose him to multiple different things. Ramza can have the highest Faith in the team because high Faith units besides him will otherwise leave, making him one of the best and strongest magic and status users you have available, and he has male physical growth and female magical growth, specifically to enable you to do whatever you want with him. Ramza being one of the best possible status inflictors can get him killed vs Wiegraf for buying into it.

>> No.8762267

I spent like 40 minutes talking to a friend trying to explain why art wise, graphics wise and story wise; that FFT is fantastic whilst that new Triangle Strategy game is a fucking art crime.

Am I the only one? The game looks fucking disgusting. I have never seen such a lack of color or general sense of aesthetic in all my life. It's like they wanted it to look as shit as possible.


We need a rerelease of Crimson Shroud.

>> No.8762331

Every new 2D/3D pixel game is getting the Ocotshart bloom black halo bullshit, get used to it.

>> No.8762356


>>bloom black

Holy crap I thought I was the only one who noticed it.

Why the fuck is the game either brighter than the fucking sun or darker than oil.

>> No.8762384


>> No.8762737

>Abilities, Character Statistics, Job Levels, and Job Requirements are all identical to the original Japanese release of the game


>> No.8763229

War of the Lions is the superior version. No debate.

>> No.8763710

FFT's art got more soul but I think the 2DHD games look good as do a great number of people. Personal preferences, really

>> No.8763771

absolutely retarded take
not that you could substatiate such a ridiculous claim

>> No.8763784

>Run away while stacking Squire's scream ability many times
>Rape the shit out of Wiegraf and the boss after that

>> No.8763827
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>conflagration apropos yonder voluminous felines doth be the highfalutin rendition, on no account bearing out rumination

>> No.8763870
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>> No.8764189
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>> No.8764513

I always thought it was very strange Ramza didn't have a real unique class. He was very obviously supposed to be a knight archetype character and the game absolutely throws unique classes at you constantly but someone Ramza has to make do with a slightly different Squire class and then normal shit. I was very surprised he didn't get White Knight or even Dark Knight in the course of the story and that might have pushed the player towards a build that would be able to deal with this kind of fight.

>> No.8764529

I think storywise TS is fine. Artstyle is inconsistent with some of the side characters looking excessively silly/out of place but major characters largely are ok. I don't really have a problem with the spritework, I think parts of it look nice.

I would say storywise it is less good than FFT in concept but executes it better, especially if you take FFT's original translation into account where it becomes extremely difficult to even understand what's happening in the later parts of the game. Another big minus for FFT storywise is bringing in supernatural ancient evil shit to what was a good political/personal story massively diluting its quality in my view. Tactics Ogre almost did this as well but it's so minor and self-contained at the end of the game it's not that big a deal. TS at least keeps it as an ideological/faction based story all the way through and it has some good development on the three 'route' main characters who actually change and adopt unexpected ideologies by the route split.

I think both games are good. The main thing I would say FFT has on TS is gameplay honestly due to the build variety and higher difficulty (to a point).

>> No.8764531
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you mean the soulless version

>> No.8764642
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Because Ramza is a HUMBLE MAN despite his obvious superiority. Chapter 4 Ramza can equip knight swords, his skills are excellent and he can cast ULTIMA.

>> No.8765195

Count Orlandeu turns the last third of this game into a trivial cakewalk. What were they thinking? He’s so OP he can one hit every NPC.

>> No.8765275
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FFT has no noses.
Vandal Hearts, pointy noses.
Which is better?

>> No.8765314

Nice to see someone agrees. I hate the "improved" dialogue in WotL.

>> No.8765339

I recently beat the game. All I did was have him get double strike or whatever it was called, with counter.

I didn't realise that killing the Assassin girls ended the fight, so in the first round I had Ramza go behind and hit one of them, and she was downed and it was over.

>> No.8765342

PSP with the spell slowdown removal patch. It fixes that issue.

>> No.8765350

It is nice to see him succeed while Delita is pretty much a joke.

>> No.8765357

That is true, they got that from Tactics Ogre. There's a battle like this when Demin has to face off against someone alone.

>> No.8765382

>Be born a commoner in a strict caste society
>Topple both sides of a succession war
>Back-stab anyone who could have opposed you
>Crown yourself King and enjoy a long prosperous rule
>A joke

>> No.8765416
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All while being the everyman squire, while Delita gets showered with petty titles

>> No.8765497
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I know, man, I know. PS1 was just magic and most people are too pleb to get it.

>> No.8765614

>fft has better gameplay than TS
"Moar DPS" in multiple flavors is not better gameplay. Non-time statuses are a joke in fft
>more difficult
I can count the difficult battles in fft on one hand, every other battle is a fucking chore with a foregone conclusion. I like fft but nostalgiafags are a cancer

>> No.8765624

I'd be more impressed if he stopped the demons and didn't kill everyone close to him.

>> No.8765639
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>on the lowground
>in the pouring rain

the skirmishes will never be this good again

>> No.8765792

>furfag retcons like bunny people in FFTA

What went wrong?

>> No.8767497
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Who cares

>> No.8767675
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Best of both worlds

>> No.8767941

Where are their noses LOL

>> No.8768368

>Draw your Sword, Ramza
>Runs around screaming for a few turns
>Weigraf is so taken aback he doesn't realize there is a sword already in his torso

Ramza really didn't need a unique class, just his extra skills with Guts pretty much carry him through the whole game. I never took it off of him. Plus I really like that Guts as his innate skill, getting by simply by having the balls to fight demons and shit, then get zero fame or recognition. Just fade into obscurity, as one might think such a humble man would.

Man I really liked Agrias. I always shipped her and Ramza, they would have had beautiful children.

>> No.8768429

I cannot replay this game anymore on console its just t o o s l o w without save states and fast forward.

>> No.8768453

Based and swordpilled

>> No.8768461

I don't even try because my playstation from 1997 barely works.

>> No.8768517

anything is better than psp with its super slowdown whenever you use magic

>> No.8768634


>> No.8768679

Only if you totally neglect other classes and put all your eggs into one basket with Ramza. The brainlet way. It doesn't take that much to unlock monk.

>> No.8768758


>a cabal forms under your rule and carries on long after your death, slaughtering innocent people in your name
>hello new boss, same as old boss

>> No.8768809

>stack only hi-potions

>> No.8768830
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>Doesn't grind Mandalia Plains for 20 hours and steamroll the rest of the game
not gonna make it

>> No.8768920

how has tactics not gotten a rerelease on modern hardware outside of phones?

>> No.8768937

squeenix sucks

>> No.8768943

Didn't a fan patch fix that?

>> No.8768950
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I guess it never bothered me because people talk like that in every other Matsuno game so that is probably what he always intended

>> No.8768956
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Posting my other Vagrant Story webm just because

>> No.8768967

still pretty ridiculous that they launched it like that

>> No.8769017

that's FFT's problem, the game's plot sharply diverges after Wiegard and the actual grounded royal war stuff takes a backseat to hunting the magic mcguffin imouto and rocks.

>> No.8769134

its not too bad a diverge, the problem i always with it is that it doesnt ever give any satisfactory tie in to the Lucavi's infiltration of the church.

By the time of the events startin in chapter 2, they already have vormav, draclau, and at some point elmdor slain in battle somehow comes back as one. Not only that, delita implies he knows about it, but doesnt care and is too busy manipulating both sides and the church;s political structures. But we don't get a hint at the

>> No.8769195

Yeah I get the argument of
>Dude what if we made a political plot and then ruined it by turning it into standard ancient god shenanigans
But that's every Matsuno game ever though. He always defaults to it actually being gods/demons and the political stuff stops mattering to the heroes.

>> No.8769201

You'd think anyone that's played FF12 would know by now that the FFT characters are supposed to all sound like actors in a shakespearre play. The difference is his scripting was better in 12 because he was clearly still more amateur in dialog back during FFT.

>> No.8769202

Is tactics advance any good?

>> No.8769204

Weird, that's what I love about them. I love stories that makes human existence seem like a trivial blip in the infinite flow of time where higher powers toy around with mortals.

I enjoyed it.

>> No.8769210
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Sure but in FFXII it's actually written better than in FFT since the occuria are disenfranchised of their power by this based legend in pic and it eventually becomes a conflict of men.
>What claim does Gerun have on history's reins... seated on throne immortal, rent from time?
The dude only actively appears in like 2 scenes but it's one hell of an impression.

>> No.8769376
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It's amazing how good Vagrant Story looks for a PSX game

>> No.8769383

if I remember correctly, the man who translated VS and FFXII is not the same guy who translated FFT WOTL

>> No.8769678

In WotL that would have been 'mayhap'.

>> No.8769702

>Crimson Shroud
it's shit.

>> No.8770838

That's true, but even in Japanese FFXII and VS are simply written better dialog-wise than FFT so there's only so much the translators can do.

>> No.8771781

You didn't have to use him. He existed for people that weren't good at building characters.

The "supernatural shit" is the entire backdrop of the story, anon.

>> No.8771897

if you weren't good at building characters would you even last far enough into the game to recruit Orlando?

>> No.8771902

Lol all FFT games are for little babies. They are so easy . Tactics ogre for da big bois

>> No.8771912

Tactics Ogre is about the same level of difficulty as FFT from my memory. Did you look up cheese builds online or something?

>> No.8771936

It's so cringe and over the top. I remember being so excited for a remaster of my literal favorite game, played it for maybe 30 minutes and never touched it again. It sounds like what a high schooler would write if you gave them the script and said
>make them sound like shakespeare or something
Complete fucking soulless garbage. Aside from games that just had low quality translations, I've never seen an "improved" version of any of the great SNES or PS1 jrpgs that ever did anything but suck the soul right out.

>> No.8772396

Maybe the snes version, the psp version is a joke

>> No.8772397

I'd love to see an actually good translation of Xenogears because that was all the work of 1 guy who was only given a few months and even he fully admits it was a hackjob

>> No.8772612
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A reminder
>Delita did nothing wrong, and on the contrary, only did what needed to be done

>> No.8772756

Lazy sweatposting is for posers

>> No.8774375

I just want a mechanically deep and choice filled tactics game that isn't a complete circus thematically. I don't necessarily need gritty class war or edgy scenes, I just don't want to be left with retarded Disgea-tier stories that no one can take seriously as the only options for that left.

>> No.8774748
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>> No.8774761

Try Xcom

>> No.8774938

>Punches ho in the gut
>Blame yourself or God

>> No.8775278

>Tis your birth and faith that wrong you, not I

>> No.8775839

Not retro but try Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark. It's like an FFT game with modern quality-of-life improvements.

>> No.8775884

This 100%.
Also, male protagonist.
PSA to any retarded western dev who wants to make an FFT clone: don't use a female protag. Just don't. No excuses. Either make it male or gender-neutral. If you are inclined to argue with me on this point, you don't know what you are doing.

>> No.8776260

square could have absolutely churned these out with no effort and printed money
what stopped them?

>> No.8776570

Want to get into TRPGs and may give this a go.
any tips?
From what little I read in thread don't make MC a healer or support

>> No.8776735

The whole stats and job systems get really complicated if you want to customize your no-name characters.

Or you can use the special story characters you recruit who are so OP they make the game piss-easy.

>> No.8776762

Square was already getting a lot of blowback from the quantity of games they were releasing at the time. Which is a bit weird because it's not like they were bad games but something about "Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon" just rubbed Westerners the wrong way despite the fact that they had been complaining about Japanese exclusive games not coming to the West for a long time.

>> No.8776770

>any tips?
Abuse broken mechanics (there are plenty and you should be able to find some just by playing). Don't try to play fair because the game doesn't.

>> No.8776786
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They did churn out FFTA and its sequel which were downgrades and had that stupid LAW system and stupid character classes.

>> No.8776795
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Keep a second save file, don't dismiss Mustadio, and grinding shouldn't be necessary. The mechanics are worth a review after you've played for a bit (see: FFT BMG at GameFaqs). They aren't super complicated but it's easy to make mistakes and not realize how things actually work (pic related).

Stat bonuses at level-up are tied to current class, but there's no need to min/max the game doesn't assume you're a try-hard faggot. The main thing to realize is that MA growth is fixed. So basically when you level as a melee, you get better melee stats. When you level as a caster, you get worse melee stats. There's no way to get better caster growths until you unlock the last class in the game. So just avoid having your melee characters gain too many levels in caster classes.

>> No.8776802

>Abuse broken mechanics
I'd say the game gets less fun depending on what you're talking about.
Mainly: Blade Grasp. With boosted brave you're basically immune to 90% of the enemies in the game. I enjoy the game much more with that particular bug patched. There are still plenty of other exploits (MP Switch+Chakra).

>> No.8776813
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Yell & Accumulate until you get enough jp to become a monk and then breeze through the game. Use Wizards as long range support. You dont get better equipment until later in the game so no need to over level in the beginning it will just make random encounters more difficult.

>> No.8777689

>11 monks
This is the most difficult fight in the game.

>> No.8777883

Yell spam is something I think is a mistake. What it does is turbolevel Ramza while leaving the party low-level, and then encounters level to match only Ramza, making the game accidentally much harder. Bring it out as a last-ditch option that you pay for after the current battle.

>> No.8777886

This game is so dumb
>Turn based gameplay
Kys nerds

>> No.8778163

your gonna regret calling me a nerd when my turn comes up...

>> No.8779252

Just don't yell exclusively on Ramza. There are so many ways to powerlevel in this game it's a joke. At one point I made everyone frogs because the attack animation is fastest.

And even then, if you do happen to have Ramza outlevel everyone, all you have to do is just bring your low level characters to an easy map, clear it until you have one easy enemy left, then have all the extra characters take turns using abilities on Ramza for massive XP and fast level gains.

>> No.8779668

i dont think ive ever used a monk in job system final fantasy games
i love finding a new weapon and having my knights do big dick damage rather than leveling a monk a few times and having him do it for free

>> No.8779705

monk gives counterattack and huge HP pool in FFV. more useful than in most

>> No.8779719

nah i still wont use a monk
i do love monks that need weapons though (like tifas gloves) im just autistic about item upgrades

>> No.8779727

Monks in FFT are a different kind of OP. They aren't just fighters that deal weapon-free damage (although they are that, too). They have a hadoken-like instant ranged attack, an even better long-range attack called Earth Slash that's like something out of DBZ, they can revive and regenerate HP and MP for free.

>> No.8779746

You also seem to be missing the whole point of job system games which is that you're supposed to mix and match abilities. You can just level up monk to get the few abilities you want, then switch back to Knight. So that you can have a knight that does big dick damage with a sword but also be able to hadoken some enemy caster that thought he was out of range and recharge your health (and the mana of your caster companions).

>> No.8780517

you cant mix and match in all job games

>> No.8781229

Unarmed fighting is busted if you start bringing out buffs to PA or just high enough levels where PA is higher than weapons. It basically uses PA x PA x Brave%, like the PA stat is the weapon. Every point of PA becomes worth more than the last due to this quadratic scaling.

>> No.8781242

Game would have been better with just job stat multipliers and no job-dependent stat growth. All it does is punish every level spent outside Ninja or Mime. God forbid if you accidentally got too many XP levels in Calculator or Bard. Discourages experimentation and gains zero depth for it - FFV and BD didn't need that garbage for job depth. They weren't shallow for lack of getting to punish all time spent in shit jobs due to invisible, often incongruous modifiers.

>> No.8781409

>All it does is punish every level spent outside Ninja or Mime.
No it doesn't. For people who aren't mentally ill, playing the game normally by mixing up classes the whole way will yield stat growths that are more than sufficient to steamroll the endgame. For everyone else, there are level-down traps. That leaves (You) as the only person to get stressed out about this.

>> No.8782414

I kinda sorta like the aesthetic but FFT still feels way "kinoer", I think it has to do with its simplicity

>> No.8782437

Not until someone patches in the spell/ability quotes.

>> No.8782446

The fight against Gafgarion teaches you that support only Ramza is not enough.

>> No.8782532

>take dragoon class that I never invested in.
>turn my poor defenseless back to Wiegraf every turn.
>Use Jump command to always target the square where he'd go to attack the back.
>hit him for a lot of damage
>rinse and repeat.
>win without a single hp lost

>> No.8782550

and the second phase?

>> No.8782557
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>tfw spent way too much time doing all this cryptic shit you read on some msg board to have ramza inheret dark knight from gafgarions crystal only to find out it was all some gamesharkers rouse

>> No.8782638

Like I said. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.8782648

play a fire emblem game then.

>> No.8782936
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>asking for a square enix port