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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.45 MB, 2000x1270, AlisiaDragoon_MD_US_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8757638 No.8757638 [Reply] [Original]

This game is unironically awesome.

>> No.8757639

Wait til you get to the caverns

>> No.8757645

So is that cover art, fite me weebs

>> No.8757664

This is actually an interesting situation. How did you feel back then, after buying a game with cool and badass western fantasy art on the box and then finding out the actual game's art style is cute anime? Did you care about it at all?
Asking everybody.

>> No.8757668

It's a product of its time. The 80's was all about naked barbarians RPG's and Heavy Metal as you can see from the likes of D&D, Conan, Iron Maiden, HeroQuest, etc...

>> No.8757675

Alisia Dragoon has been recognized retrospectively as a relatively early video game to challenge a gender bias prevalent in the industry at the time. In the early 1990s, the video game market was skewed toward the young male demographic, with games often portraying women as "damsels in distress", requiring rescue by male protagonists.

>> No.8757682

What about Metroid?

>> No.8757806

Nothing really stands out in my memory so I probably never really cared. I tend to focus more on the back of the box anyways because screenshots of the game interested me more.

>> No.8757817

And Phantasy Star.

>> No.8757881

And Monster World IV

>> No.8757892

And don't forget the plethora of make-your-party RPGs with female options.

>> No.8757896

No one posted the first level theme yet? For shame.


>> No.8757908

It's really a good game with really awesome music, old school hard too, i played it for the first time this year and you reminded me that i didn't beat the final boss yet ! ( And for RetroArch people! It has retroachivements ! I know people here hate RetroArch and achievements in general! But if it makes people play old games without saves to get the hardcore achievements why not ? ) Super badass game with nice secrets and great musics.

>> No.8757916

My favorite is the ship theme! It has that mystic melancholic feeling to it as i said... I really love this game.

>> No.8757936
File: 202 KB, 800x1105, defender-atari-2600-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After all those years of Atari box art I don't think anyone expected any console game to be guaranteed to look like the front of the box

>> No.8757950

>meh this cover doesn't look like my kind of thing
>oh shit the game has Japanimation art like Robotech this is awesome

>> No.8758058

Or The Guardian Legend

>> No.8758173
File: 814 KB, 1534x2100, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8758428

Or Shantae

>> No.8758856

Americans didn't watch anime before DBZ tho

>> No.8758885
File: 47 KB, 933x707, 1_w4DxUy0PMoqeq25UXfyL0g@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8758905

us Robotech kids were few but proud

>> No.8758943


>> No.8759010


Every time the article gets edited it gets changed back

>> No.8759057
File: 232 KB, 800x992, 448341-alisia-dragoon-magazine-advertisement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The history page is fun, watching them getting into a spat over how to describe the way she looks on the US cover. (Barbarian, Gladiator, Warrior, etc.), and if they should or shouldn't include her full name from the Japanese manual.
Plus the talk page having someone arguing against that stupid "gender bias" paragraph back in 2013.

Wiki autism is fascinating

>> No.8759074

What about Valis?

>> No.8759171

Ends in the magical girl shit from Sailor Moon and such…

>> No.8759463


>> No.8759475

Or Baraduke

>> No.8759512

Why do weebs hate this cover art?

Anime sucks anyway so why does it matter. They're over important

>> No.8759521

Or Tomb Raider

>> No.8759864
File: 192 KB, 245x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coomer game

>trying to turn a good game series into porn
glad it flopped, should have just put the bill on shadow-official porn games instead of changing the entire series' direction

>> No.8759914
File: 114 KB, 640x837, unchartedwatersnewhorizons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or New Horizons. Catalina even gets the best spot on the boxart

>> No.8759986

I think it's the only case of officially endorsed R34.

>> No.8760004

What are some ironically awesome games?

>> No.8760009

Town With No Name

>> No.8760013

>it's another "zoomer finds out the Genesis actually had good games and those sales weren't unwarrated" thread

>> No.8760019

Or Valkyrie no Bouken

>> No.8760031

Randy Pitchford literally set up a porn subreddit for Battleborn.

>> No.8760047

who are you quoting?

>> No.8760064

Was it endorsed by Gearbox itself tho?

>> No.8760070

It was their sad attempt at viral marketing, yes.

>> No.8760182

>endorses Battleborn R34
>its a fucking furry porn, of all things

>> No.8760185

>game recognized as good is good
Whoa-ho-ho, dangerous opinion there, lil' dude!

>> No.8760187

Thexder with tits.

>> No.8760245


sshhhh....don't let the zoomer tard realize he's drinked too much anita flavored koolaid.

>> No.8760698

Yoko Taro wanted an ass collection of 2B art and requested fans to do that for him.

>> No.8760809

Or the KiKi KaiKai/Pocky & Rocky series

>> No.8760838

Or Puyo Puyo

>> No.8760863

It was a much better time.

>> No.8760890

That's very true

>> No.8761415

Or Resident Evil

>> No.8761767

I've always wondered whether Panzer Dragoon is a spiritual successor of this game…

>> No.8761782

The West was really gay in the eighties. Dunno how I survived.

>> No.8761926

Or Umihara Kawase

>> No.8761943

Does Sega Own The Rights To This Game, Why Was It Never Included In A Genesis Collection?

>> No.8762132

Yeah but she's still the female lead n shit?

>> No.8762136

She's still a strong female lead though? With titties

>> No.8762139

Caverns isnt the problem. It's the fucking shuttle level

>> No.8762140

It was on the Genesis Mini.

>> No.8762269

>______ with tits.
I like this school of game design

>> No.8762272

What about Shadow Blasters

>> No.8762304

Everything is better with tiddies :3

>> No.8763589

Not quite.
He noted that there was a lot of toobie fanart and asked fans to collect it into a .zip for him.

>> No.8763607

You faggots need to stop saying this shit.

>> No.8763612
File: 103 KB, 500x600, valis_iii_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good game series
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. They were alright but 3 is really the only one I'd strongly call good.

>> No.8764078

Does Langrisser/Growlanser count? Not sure if officially endorsed by the artist literally just put out porn of the game's characters with identical artstyle.

>> No.8764274

I have no evidence to back it up, but it always seemed to me this is where they got the idea for SotN's familiars
Also, I just got this weird feeling of deja vu, as if I've already posted this exact comment on this exact thread before

>> No.8764289

What if I like both?

>> No.8764314

Where can I find the hentai?

>> No.8765921
File: 4.00 MB, 3708x1885, Baby_this_is_what_you_came_for.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was born from some great Japanese computer developers in Gainax and GameArts. Of course it is going to be awesome. It was one of the early Genesis titles that made me a fan of the system.

>> No.8767157

the creator of One Piece actually give a huge ok on OP porn.

>> No.8767658

>source:my ass

>> No.8767796


>> No.8767891

Allow me fulfill my end of the bargain in this symbiotic relationship. I fucking hate you and your tard trinkets and stupid little notes. (You)

>> No.8767915

>you are a girl
>with a pet dragon
>fighting an evil wizard
>to rescue your father
Yep, you can pretty much say it's the only one of its kind...

>> No.8767926

Think of it as album art of the time, it was supposed to be a representation of ideas/themes rather than a direct portrayal.

>> No.8768780 [SPOILER] 
File: 279 KB, 1119x599, 1648785495996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fall from grace makes it even hotter