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File: 90 KB, 350x256, DonkeyKong64CoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8755803 No.8755803 [Reply] [Original]

This game has the greatest soundtrack of all time

>> No.8755849

Grant Kirkhope knew how to do a lot with the 64. Only first party games have better music.

>> No.8755872

Come on now.

>> No.8755874

Post favourite DK64 track:

>> No.8755875

Only right answer.

>> No.8755879

That isn't Shadow of the Beast.

>> No.8755928

>Not the best DK soundtrack
>Not the best Grant Kirkhope soundtrack

Yet another reason why DK64 disappoints.

>> No.8755949

Banjo Kazooie leftover soundtrack

>> No.8755990

*is better than any track on Banjo-kazooie*

>> No.8755992


>> No.8756012

Not better than Rusty Bucket Bay theme.

>> No.8756269

That’s not Burnout 3: Takedown

>> No.8756704

The Woodstock of millenial childhoods.

>> No.8756708

that's not mega man x3

>> No.8756875

My nigga
People shit on X3 but I love the music. X1 set the bar pretty high but I think X3 is pretty close

>> No.8756882

Not even in its own series.

>> No.8756883

David Wise was always better.

>> No.8756917

Walnuts Peanuts Pineapple smells, Grapes Melons Oranges and Coconut shells!

>> No.8756973

X2 is better

>> No.8756975

What side of the cornet do you eat?

>> No.8757264

it's the worst donkey kong game ever made. it seems to be very popular with children and paedophiles for some reason, but no serious gamer ever played this festering pile of broken shit.

>> No.8758913


It doesn't even have the best soundtrack of a Donkey Kong game

>> No.8759440

Regardless of:
>my feelings of this game
>that I think Banjo Kazooie's/Tooie soundtrack is better
>that I think Donkey Kong Country has a better soundtrack
I do think Donkey Kong 64's soundtrack ellicits the best atmosphere of 3D Rareware. Gloomy Galleon and Fungi Forest are especially notable in this department where they just tell a story on it's own and really make you feel like you're in that era and not just a video game world.

>> No.8759446

not era

>> No.8759572

Neither the best Rare DK soundtrack or the best Grant Kirkhope soundtrack

>> No.8759579

>popular with pedos
lmao, care to explain?

>> No.8759663

I don't know about the soundtrack, but the DK64 renders are the absolute best the series ever got and yet all the new shit is not as cool or funny as these. Such a shame

>> No.8759691

Still irks me that we want from OKAY to Japanese Scooby-Doo

>> No.8759693

You know, in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat I was very fine with it, but DKC Returns and Tropical Freeze didn't deliver it well for some reason

>> No.8759735

finally some gloomy galleon appreciation, that song has been in my head for years

>> No.8760023

The noises in Tropical Freeze are so bad that it almost ruins the game. The Grant Kirkhope voice was fine for DK64, but I dunno if it should be brought back. Generic ape noises? Meh. Over all, I like the deep voice grunting noises that Rare did.

>> No.8760367

extremely based.

every version of this theme is so fucking good. agree with the gloomy galleon love too. the OST for this shit is just downright atmospheric while still sounding like great music, it creates a whole world with just a song along.


hell even angry aztec for example has a super catchy theme that perfectly compliments the environment and could make you construct it mentally on your own. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyp-AELnlzU

and as briefly mentioned before all the different variations and songs that use leitmotifs from elsewhere in the game are fantastic. tons of work put in to give every area of the worlds their own personality twist.

>> No.8760439

I prefer the DKC1 and 2 soundtracks

>> No.8760447

It's an election tourist trying too hard to fit in, ignore him.