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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 26 KB, 640x523, FGX2kESVIAEkiRp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8754321 No.8754321 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>8707432

Pray tell what CRT's you used when you were younger. Bonus points if it was a piece of crap that you loved because it was yours.

>Try to keep things /vr/ related: Focus should be on 5th Gen (+Dreamcast) (6th gen will never be retro) games on back. Slight off topic is fine so long as it's related to CRTs, such as later 16:9 models, HD models, etc. Systems with backwards compatibility are also safe territory, as are re-releases on newer hardware. PC CRTs are also welcome and appreciated.
>Produce OC! Bust out your camera and take photos of your CRTs displaying all sorts of games, featuring all sorts of tubes, using all sorts of signals. Getting good shots can be hard, but if you take enough, at least a few will turn out alright.
>Try and give as much information as possible when asking for info on a specific set, or troubleshooting an issue to expedite and help you may receive. As always, Google is your friend and we are your friends with benefits. Do people read this? Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either; Seriously, there's literally 6 years of backlog at this point.
>Share appreciation for other's choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. Always remember to show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Limited discussion of video processing and scaling devices is alright, but remember to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories.

CRT Pastebin (Never Ever) : http://pastebin.com/1Ri5TS3x
Guide to CRT Hunting : http://pastebin.com/H9H9L2LQ
Guide to Video Monitors : http://pastebin.com/pQX4N6gZ
General Purpose CRT Adjustment Guide : http://www.arcaderepairtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/guide_setup_adjust_arcade_monitors_v1.2.0.pdf
S-Video Pasta : http://pastebin.com/rH2h6C7W
BKM-10R Protocol Info : http://pastebin.com/aTUWf33J
JVC RGB card cloning guide : https://pastebin.com/EXqMBfcY

>> No.8754342

did brand new CRT TVs back then always have picture issues like bloom or bowing distortion as just a thing present on every TV or are those things that only occur after decades of aging components

>> No.8754345
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>You're Bad But I Love You Nostalgia Edition
pic related

aging components, decent brand ones had good images out of the box, usually just slight geometry issues

>> No.8754358
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I had a good old wooden Zenith Console TV back in the day. Good times playing Mario and Sonic on it.

>> No.8754367
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Some Anon posted this in the last thread but it archived before much discussion could occur.

What do you think this is? People trying to buy something they think may get sought after; afterwards? Or people just thinking "bro it's new! its got to be a good CRT!"

Also, it feels like you can name most of the era's of CRT by their color:

The Brown Age
The Black Age (best age IMO)
The Beige Age
The Grey Age
The Novelty Age (All the wacky kids TV's)
The Silver Age (The Death Throes)

Tell me if I'm wrong or if that needs adjustments.

>> No.8754371


I grew up in the UK so these weren't that popular or maybe they just burnt down before I got to see any of them (but I see them on US thrifting YT vids all the time)

Were these things heavy? I can't imagine how much of a fucking nightmare it must have been to put this upstairs.

>> No.8754382

>The Novelty Age (All the wacky kids TV's)

A pawn shop nearby has had the Disney Princess TV for sale for a couple weeks and you have no idea how much I want to buy that thing for the novelty of it but they want like 100$ for it. It has the remote, at least.

>> No.8754394

Yeah, you really had to have at least 2 full grown men to move them. They would have men come in and take them away when you would get a new TV, like they would with a mattress or washing machine still today. I moved a newer model Zenith cabinet with a lot less wood a few years ago after it broke and it was a struggle.

>> No.8754484
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my grams had one as well
n64 and snes era
good times

>> No.8754685

I managed to pick up a well-kept 32 inch Wega (KV-32FS120) off Varagesale for $20. It's very nice, but it's also 3x2 feet and 170 pounds.
Where the fuck do I find a stand for this thing? I'm having a hard time finding a stand that's deep enough, let alone with a high enough weight capacity for this fat bastard. Am I going to need to get a custom solid wood cabinet made?

>> No.8754759

I made a wooden console for my 32 in. D-series using home depot lumber.

>> No.8755148
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I miss when TV cabinets took up an entire wall.

>> No.8756292

Anyone know anything about Pelco monitors?

>> No.8756310
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Posted this in previous thread but it autosaged so I'll post it here again
Got Pic related (Viewsonic P815) which is fucking enormous for a monitor, and the thing powers on and works like it should but the screen "blinks" off for about a second or two before coming back on for another few seconds only to blink again making it basically unusable. Anybody know what is causing it? I know it's the monitor itself as I've used 3 different computers on it and 2 different adapters, while also messing with the settings on both the monitor and the computers it was hooked to with the same problem prevailing each time. Even used the adapters on other monitors and they don't have this problem so it is 100% for certain a problem with the monitor. Again, anybody know what could be done to fix it?

>> No.8756397

get a dresser
like a real solid-wood one.
its the cheapest and easiest way.
i miss my giant wega

im doing this soon
but it will have doors that open and close
so i can hide my "box tv" from women

>> No.8756442
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After years of wanting one and finally getting one-
I feel overwhelmed trying to navigate how to get what I want out of it.
I got a big ass samsung. 27 inch, flat screen. Component, s video, and composite inputs.
Got my older systems set up with it and they're all well and fine, look phenomenal. But I really want to setup a PC to it. I really want to easily play back old TV shows and shit on it, stream stuff. I could just burn a thousand DVDs but I want some versatility, I want it to work like a tv not a DVD player.
Pretty lost so far on my options. I've seen some promise behind some mame setups, making use of older amd gpu's, but I'm still lost trying to understand it all. Anyone got experience with setting up a TV to connect to a PC? If the thing had vga it'd be easy as hell but alas. Plus it naturally tops out at 480i so I gotta work around that limit too.

>> No.8756445
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I got a Dell e770s CRT monitor for free so I can do VGA on my dreamcast. It has a bit of a scratch on the screen, but the picture works fine. However, I just realized that the VGA is built into the monitor. Are there any good female to female vga adapters that someone would recommend, or would it cause some issue with the picture?

>> No.8756451
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I hate my camera sometimes.

>> No.8756705

Would something like this work?

>> No.8756895


Possibly read section g) first, it might save time.

>> No.8756940

Ah, so it looks like then that the easiest bet is just to go from vga to component with a half decent converter. From how it sounds I'll still need to figure out how I'll get the PC to spit out a 480i or 240p signal, but that's the easier part than buying a converter and getting the right one for what I need.
Now I kinda have an idea on where to go next with all this, thanks

>> No.8757326
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Just fixed a 14L5. The neck board was cracked and I had to bodge it. And I managed to glue the bracket somewhat and got it put back together with the board in the slot correctly. Now I'm scared to power it on.

>> No.8757329

I had a Zenith console TV myself. The styling was much more basic than yours, and I've never been able to find a pic of the exact model. We had it for nearly 20 years till it died on us.

>> No.8757534


Don't hide it from women, be proud of your huge, bulking CRT.

>> No.8757543
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I am actually trying the exact same thing so I can watch MST3K on my crt via chromecast. I just got pic related as I heard that the best way to do it, is to go from HDMI to VGA and then VGA to RCA/scart.

I'm awaiting the converter box from amazon but should be here today or tomorrow. I will take a photo once it's set up and let you know if it turns out OK.

>> No.8757676

A few CRT threads ago there was long posts about setting up 240p and 480i output from modern graphics cards vida DisplayPort to VGA adapters and VGA to SCART or component converters.

>> No.8757681

But how do you get the PC to send out the right signal?

>> No.8757689

Check here >>/vr/?task=search2&ghost=yes&search_text=to+vga+15khz
When you scroll down there's posts talking about it

>> No.8757949

dude, you have to secure the crack
Scratch the soldermask, and solder some thick multistrand wire accross

>> No.8757970
File: 514 KB, 570x700, 20MS233S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a way to change the white balance on a Magnavox 20MS233S w/o the remote? The white is blindingly bright, looking at the map in Silent Hill 2 is giving me a headache. Additionally I'd be interested in a universal remote if someone knows one that is compatible

>> No.8757979

actually it seems the proprietary remotes are easy to find, I'll probably just order one

>> No.8757992
File: 166 KB, 1537x923, 275307959_5082985358425663_995868425647595317_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone near me is selling a 32 inch hdmi crt for $135. It looks cool, but I don't want to break my back trying to load it. Plus, I feel a 20inch crt would be perfect.

>> No.8758000
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Finally I can see the big picture it all makes sense

>> No.8758010
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>> No.8758013


>> No.8758040
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Zoomies smashing TVs at wreck rooms makes me kinda sad. Could've sold em for parts if they aren't working.

>> No.8758063

Based MST3K bro
Yeah chromecast isn't a bad idea but I question the versatility of the signals it can send. Unless you mean the new one with Google TV, in which case idk what options it has for signals. Long as you're converting the only thing that matters then is aspect ratio I suppose.

>> No.8758067

>go from HDMI to VGA and then VGA to RCA/scart
You can't do that with a Chromecast though, it will output a VGA signal, not a 15khz one

>> No.8758118

I'm hoping that somehow they get a tv that has charge left in it and it just frys someone

>> No.8758136

TVs aren't as deadly as people imagine

>> No.8758149

I need a VGA to component transcoder and I'm not finding any, anywhere. Plenty of cables for projectors but I need to take 480i and turn that into a component signal. Everything's fuckin sold out.

>> No.8758645

Pretty sure you can use any old universal remote with these

>> No.8758881


Isn't that what the transcoder box does though? Hence why it takes a power supply, to convert any HDMI signal to VGA?

>> No.8758953
File: 529 KB, 864x645, Bilde_2022-03-28_234545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Douz, Tunisia, 28th March 2022

>> No.8759187

If you had the choice between a Sony FW 900 and a Mitsubishu am3501r, which would you go for?

>> No.8759285

After tons of looking I have given up on attempting to connect a PC to a component crt tv.
I'm just gonna get a ps3 and ride it out until hulu/netflix are no longer supported on it.

>> No.8759309

I did. That was the before picture.
Fun Fact: that component isn't shown on the service schematic

>> No.8760394

The VGA signal is still VGA, it's not 15khz

>> No.8760396

If you google for one you get several links to retro hardware stores that have them

>> No.8760398

For free? FW900, then sell it and get the AM3501R, since it's a fraction of the price. You'd still have enough left to even get a NOS decent 4:3 VGA CRT, the FW900 is a meme.

>> No.8760521

To be fair electricity is probably really expensive in Tunisia right now and CRTs need a lot of it compared to thin-screens.

>> No.8760720
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OK. So I am a retard and you were all right. I tried going from:

Chromecast (also tried NES classic)


Then female VGA to female VGA

then VGA to SCART/RCA.

And it didn't work at all.

Basically, I just want to be able to play Youtube on my CRT.

Does anyone know if Wii still supports youtube or if XBOX 360 does? I know the 360 supports RCA because thats how I first used it.

Or if anyone has any other suggestions. Maybe the OG xbox has something? I know thats still very much a beloved homebrew.

Dont get me wrong, I'd love to be able to connect my laptop to the TV so I can play ALISA but I just know that its going to be a nightmare. Just being able to play MST3K and old episodes GCCX would be enough for now.

>> No.8760729

Raspberry Pi + 240p RGB hat.
or just use a HDMI to 480i converter, for YouTube it will be fine, you don't need proper 240p for that like you do with games, even latency isn't an issue for that. Then you can just use your Chromecast. So any HDMI to component, composite or RGB adapter would work.

>> No.8760735

Or RGB-Pi which works with Pi4 now and does 480i/240p switching

>> No.8760737

Which technically is a Pi hat too, you plug it on top of a Pi, but just a cable in this case

>> No.8760741

but I think the point is the software, not the connection

>> No.8760746

also based themes

>> No.8760761


I have a raspberry pi 3 somewhere. Are they hard to install these "hats"? Also does the raspberry pi run Youtube? Sorry; but I only used Raspberry Pi for Retropi so I am not super familiar with it.

I am assuming I would have to put on a different OS? Something that allows apps to be downloaded?

>> No.8760942

I am being a retarded cunt if I buy this pvm locally for 200 dollars. its the 13/14inch trinitron that had a white coloring to it, I forgot the model.

Never saw a pvm locally in the four years of looking, although I stopped looking as much a year or so in. So I really want to get one.

>> No.8760954

But why?

>> No.8760991

The 240p anon is currently posting in the /g/ battlestation thread

>> No.8761026


OK, I am from britfagland so I dont know if thats a good price or not. What I can say though, is that in the UK thats a fantastic price.

The price is only going to keep going up. Its not that PVM's are becoming more popular per se; its that fucking dickheads keep hoarding them for their basement set ups.


Suck a dick.

So yeah, what I'm saying is that the chance of you regretting paying that is pretty low. You can always sell it for more later.

Also the white one is a medical one, so just make sure it's going to suit your bedroom or cave or whatever.

>> No.8761030

PVMs in SCART land are already cheap and for a reason
You can get a 20 inch for less than 200 euros, yet alone a 13/14

>> No.8761057


Where are you looking? Because I was looking for an affordable PVM for ages and all of them were at least £150 or above (not including the fucking courier to send it or the petrol to collect the fucking thing)

>> No.8761120

How do Genesis and SNES emulators look on a CRT monitor? I’ve been thinking of getting one.

>> No.8761137

How would I go about using my pc to a CRT? Software wise /hardware wise
I've heard of "super resolution" but im a brainlet

>> No.8761145


If you're gonna go the CRT route you may as well just get the original consoles and then flash carts for them. Especially for PS2 (if you're interested in that) its so fucking easy to soft mod a PS2 to play any PS2 game. SNES flash carts are dirt cheap (not so much for Genesis for what I have seen).

Although I could be wrong, since the Ras Pi RGB seems like a good option.

>> No.8761180

None in stock. None available on ebay either. If there were tons on Google I would have found one in all the time I searched.

>> No.8761213

Don’t really care about using original hardware, I grew up with it but emulators feel basically as good to my sensibilities these days. I’m mostly concerned about PC CRTs being too sharp and not getting that nice CRT aesthetic.

>> No.8761246
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>6th gen will never be retro
I think it would be fair to include any consoles that natively output 4:3 SD when discussing CRTs. This is the most sensible retro 'cutoff' and it allows us to appreciate a wider range of graphical styles that were intended for CRT displays.

>> No.8761279


I agree completely, but when I made the thread I just copied and pasted what the last thread had. I consider anything up to 2005 retro. I'd even argue 360/ps3 is retro but I dont want to start an argument

>> No.8761282


If you are still going to be using a PC then your best best is VGA to scart.

>> No.8761297

Can we get a general 'cool use of CRT' shit going? I love seeing CRT's doing things they shouldn't.


>> No.8761441

Like this?

>> No.8761448

If you already have VGA output then you don't need a active converter, you just need to add proper 15khz modes to your resolution list for the VGA output and just a cable that goes from VGA to SCART and joins sync signals

>> No.8761473

>snes flash carts are dirt cheap
Not the ones that support the actually good games on the system. An fx pak pro, which isn't even available right now due to krikkz being a fucking ukrainian, went for over 200 when it was available. Yeah you can get a cart that just supports basic games but it's still like 50 bucks

>> No.8761481

Even cheap Chinese ones that use FPGAs support FX games

>> No.8761484

What about VGA to component? If I'm already sending the right signal from the gpu could I just use a cable like https://www.amazon.com/Monoprice-Component-Video-Cable-HD15/dp/B001VRQIIY

>> No.8761497

If you're talking about the Rev X carts those fucking suck and still cost a ton.

>> No.8761506

Component isn't a RGB signal, you need a RGB to component transcoder, it doesn't add any extra latency though and last time I checked they are like 30 bucks
Otherwise yes, if you send the right signal from the GPU, you just need to transcode it to component

>> No.8761645
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>when you were younger
My mother doesn't remember the name and neither do I, but from what little I can remember it was a huge wooden box with a color picture.
Pic related is what I think it was.

>> No.8761678
File: 485 KB, 2048x1536, P2200909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this setup I had in 2004

>> No.8761709


You really didn't need to say '2004'.

I can basically hear Avril Lavigne playing on the radio.

Also when I was younger I love TTGL but I cannot even imagine getting through it now.

>> No.8761723

Yeah I just noticed the shot is actually from 2009.
The camera's date/time must've been wrong when the picture was taken.

>> No.8761764

xbox 360's support for 4:3 resolutions and VGA output is nice for ports of old games to it that support 4:3.
most games don't support fullscreen 1280x1024 and fall back to letterboxed 16:9 with it, but soulcalibur supports it and looks sharp.

>> No.8761778
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, SKY38323_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really want to easily play back old TV shows and shit on it, stream stuff
You COULD always try making your own little analog TV station. It's not the highest quality solution, but it's potentially the most fun and nostalgic. At some point I'm going to do this, hook up the MST3K twitch channel to it or something, then have a little patio crt with rabbit ears and pretend it's not the horrible current year when I sit outside and drink beer.

>> No.8761783

>have a little patio crt with rabbit ears and pretend it's not the horrible current year when I sit outside and drink beer
this sounds very comfy but it also makes me sad to read.

>> No.8761904

The FW900's like $2500+, isn't it? We haven't come to a price on the AM3510R, haven't been able to find any sales data on it.

>> No.8761912

Misread your reply. Still curious if you have any idea what price to approach the seller with regarding the AM3501R. What's NOS btw and what makes the FW900 a meme, just the pricepoint?

>> No.8761919


Makes sense since you are clearly watching those episodes on a PS3

>> No.8761936


I just wish someone made a fucking chromcast like device that you could put straight into a SCART or aeriel.

>> No.8761987

Hmm not finding any transcoders from a vga port to a component tv though
There's one on ebay but it's sold out.

>> No.8761992

Holy shit props for the twin famicom. That rocks

>> No.8761995

I have a g810 next to me that looks just like that one and it does the same thing after running for awhile. It's probably a cracked solder joint or a failing cap since it seems to be heat related.

>> No.8761997

I'm gonna look into this. Dunno what the range on it is, but it would be pretty funny to have any neighbors in my apartment building that use analog run into my pirate station as I stream Seinfeld or whatever over it.

>> No.8762017

yep that's going straight into my soul folder

and I hope you still have that hori digital gamecube controller, or at least managed to scam an idiot out for 300$ for it

>> No.8762098

I was doing this for a while, I just got one of those cheap HDMI to RCA powered adapters and it worked perfectly fine. I later got myself an earlier Roku to replace it to keep everything neat (some earlier Roku's had RCA out)

>> No.8762150


Wait are you fucking kidding me? Do early Roku's still work online?

>> No.8762170
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>> No.8762184
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Fosman vga to rca will work from a pc to a crt. Also this one probably works too. I just havent tested it yet.

>> No.8762259


I wish I could increase my size...

>> No.8762278

I have that exact tv p sure. I've been trying to fix it. read it was probably the larger caps off the main power path, but that didn't work. shop near me said it was probably the flyback, but no dice. finally found an obscure post in an old forum that says its probably just one little cap next to the eeprom... if its this tiny thing ill be happy to have it fixed but annoyed that it took so long with such bullshit.
i hear i can maybe isolate the region with a heat gun? caps failing at lower temps and all...
I dunno. got it for 10 bucks but at this point fixing it has been a sort of hobby

>> No.8762291

>you really had to have at least 2 full grown men to move them
My pregnant wife and i did just fine.

>> No.8762603

>be me
>guy selling pvm on fb marketplace for 100
>holy shit give me
>ask if we could meetup im willing to buy
>he says "Yes, can you pay with zelle at the meetup?"
>say yes
>he hasnt responded back and its been almost 2 days now

he's dead jim, fuck me

>> No.8762702

Just connect a PS3 to it using component and stream from your PC via UMS.

>> No.8762728

>neighbors in my apartment building that use analog
What fucking third world country are you from? Analog TV was disabled years ago where I live.

>> No.8762770

Does anyone here have a sony kv-21fs140?

>> No.8762780

I'd recommend a 360 before a PS3 due to Cinavia

>> No.8762816

Shit I actually forgot that current broadcast TV is digital. Then yeah, nobody would see my broadcast. Doesn't matter but it was a fun thought while it lasted.

>> No.8762998
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x3024, 20220329_220126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally put on my big boy pants and fixed the tilt on my CRT. Pretty pleased but I think I might have messed up the convergence on the edges a little.

>> No.8763216

it's too bad US-tuned took a decent game and made it complete garbage.

>> No.8763226

i assume that's disabled after installing CFW, which is pretty easy these days.

>> No.8763253

Is the JVC BM-1400PNA worth $150 or are broadcast monitors a meme?

>> No.8763265

Edge and corner convergence is a meme. Completely inconsequential during actual gameplay unless its OFF off.

>> No.8763278

Internally or secret debug options?

>> No.8763308
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If the red squares dont fully show does that mean the crt is gone bad?

>> No.8763317
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No tilt option in the service menu so I had to open it up and adjust the yoke. This is how it used to be.

>> No.8763336

No, you could just adjust the vertical/horizontal size and position to make everything show. It's fine the way it is though.

>> No.8763351
File: 1.48 MB, 2268x2506, 20220329_234710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, i have a flat Panasonic tau and i had no luck trying to get RA to output 240p and i have 2 transcoders that lock at 480i, but atm thats not what i am interested.

I wanna know how to fix the brightness and contrast of my CRT because even with brightness and contrast at their max, still looks too dark, tol murky greenish and occassionslly there is like a purple burn coloration that gets remove when i turn off and on the tv.

I been wanting to do some cleaning to it but dont know what can i adjust without getting electrocuted to death.

>> No.8763401

If you can get to the service menu there might be a setting for sub brightness or sub contrast setting that you can raise. There's also the G2 pot on the flyback transformer that can raise overall picture brightness. The purple thing isn't anything to worry about as long as it goes away after the tv has been on for a moment.

>> No.8763408

Couldn't say sorry
I just know that audio cutting out 10 mins into a video is extremely annoying

>> No.8763414

i've not recently tried to play cinavia stuff on my PS3s, but recent CFW releases like evilnat 4.88 still list disabling cinavia as a feature.

>> No.8763419

>The purple thing isn't anything to worry about as long as it goes away after the tv has been on for a moment.

has it happened to you?

>> No.8763431


Whats cinavia?

>> No.8763437


My original panasonic controller dies long ago and no, it doesnt recognize new batteries, cannot access service menu with a universal one?

>> No.8763441
File: 1.09 MB, 1685x2970, 20220330_004328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ugh, heres the pic

>> No.8763450

I have a spot in the top right where the convergence is bad, but it's only really noticeable with pure colors.
If it goes away it could mean that the degaussing wasn't quite finished when the picture came on, if it stays around it could mean that the degaussing didn't do it's job. Or it could be an issue with convergence >>8763437
I have no idea about panasonic and I've never tried using a universal remote for that kind of thing. You could try ebay to find the same remote. For my Sony, I still had a working sony remote. It wasn't the exact model that shipped with the TV but it still works.

>> No.8763483

You can go VGA to SCART to component transcoder
As long as the VGA port is outputting the right signal on the software side
Easier to find I think

>> No.8763524

Does VGA even output 15khz?

>> No.8763541

If you're using the grid test for checking overscan, the red squares are where the picture should get cut off by the edge of the screen, so the CRT in that picture is normal.

I think ideally the red dots should be right on the edges of the screen but it's a waste of time trying to get something like CRT overscan perfect.

Yeah you won't notice that at all when you're actually playing games, don't try and fix it. Going down the convergence rabbit hole is living hell.

>> No.8763579

most DP to VGA adapters and some old GPU VGA outputs can be forced to output 15khz via software

>> No.8763592

Well ill be gettin a 2012 laptop with native vga output, i suppose i can use that to output 240p

>> No.8763596

Depends how and to what the VGA output is hooked up, like dedicated Nvidia GPU or integrated Intel, etc
If I remember correctly, Intel integrated GPUs didn't work under Windows but only Linux for 15khz output

>> No.8763932
File: 585 KB, 1080x905, Screenshot_20220330-150752_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the chromecast working.

>> No.8763986

Nice! What did you end up doing?

>> No.8764032
File: 817 KB, 1080x1410, Screenshot_20220330-154406_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hilariously the cheapest option turned out to be the best. Pictured.

>> No.8764048
File: 432 KB, 833x783, Screenshot_20220330-154627_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty perfect EXCEPT that because it's widescreen, you would think that the edges would be cropped off and 4:3 stuff would be perfect. But it actually squishes it even more. I wonder if theres a way to set chromecast to 4:3 mode

>> No.8764128

How difficult is adjusting the yoke for a newfag?

>> No.8764172

that doesn't sound too perfect

>> No.8764178

Based. Glad it worked out.

>> No.8764183

Yeah it's suck you can't change the aspect ratio of the Chromecast, it's always widescreen.

>> No.8764204

It was pretty fucking scary and for the first hour that I spent trying to adjust it I thought I broke it. It literally didn't turn when I tried at first, or it would turn and then go right back to where it was. I needed to loosen the screw way more than I thought I did and ended up using a good bit of force. Reading the service manual afterwards it sounds like I should have also removed the wedges before doing anything.

Ultimately I got the result I wanted but it was fucking nerve-wracking.

>> No.8764214

Did you turn it on while adjusting it? I'm afraid of getting shocked messing around with those things, but I really want rotate my CRT image a bit.

>> No.8764215

Absolutely revolting.

>> No.8764260


Luckily it's behind the TV so you dont see it. I wont be taking it on a plane luckily


Well what I meant was that the image is actually really sharp and works great on a CRT. I just need to find something better to plug into it.

Im sure there some kind of broadcast device allows you to change the resolution.

>> No.8764284

That's a bit steep, and 32 inches is very large
I have a KV32HS420, which is also a 32" HDCRT and while I am happy with it, it's really only good for a specific niche.
I use it mostly for Gen 6 games and watching DVDs/BluRays

If you think a 20" model would suit you better, you're probably right, it's a much more manageable size and less likely to have geometry fuckery.

If you're a strange, strange man with a strange strange usecase like me, go for it, otherwise you should probably continue being patient and waiting for the right CRT for you (and at a better price)

>> No.8764326

480i is fine for video

>> No.8764459

But not for pre 2000s gaming

>> No.8764462

But anon never said they wanted that. The HDMI adapter was recommended specifically since they said they just wanted to watch video and not play.

>> No.8764463

play a video or emulator that uses 4:3 anon +set your switch on the converterbox to 4:3 as well
i have one of those &
used it to watch 90s shows

>> No.8764465


Good think I'm not using it for pre-2000's gaming. I have the original consoles with SCART. This is just for watching old VHS quality stuff.

>> No.8764470


Unfortunately the converter only has "PAL or NTSC".

>> No.8764473
File: 1.69 MB, 3384x3011, nanaof2-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up this 21-inch Nanao monitor from an old photography studio. Must have been used for their image processing as it appears to be professional grade. Largest CRT monitor I have gotten my hands on, good resolution and refresh rate.
Only problem is every so often the screen will blink and 'wobble' as the image moves inwards for a brief moment either vertically or horizontally, like it is having trouble holding the adjustment settings. I have it plugged into a power strip so I was wondering if the issue is a lack of power or simply showing signs of age.
Pic related running RE2 Classic Rebirth on windows.

>> No.8764490

Not that anon but you absolutely have to adjust the yoke while an image is displayed if you want to get it just right in a reasonable amount of time.

>> No.8764509

Probably needs a recap, issues like that are usually cap related.

>> No.8764568

>find a perfectly good condition 28" CRT on the side of road
>nearly break back getting it inside my car
>leave it in garage until I have the free time to set it up in my room
>two days later
>get home from work
>TV is gone
>"we took care of your junk TV for you. trash men got it. don't know where you got it or why you took it home but you don't need it"
Anybody else have supporting parents? Home owners can make fun of me if you want, I deserve it.

>> No.8764581

good thing theyre $7 and you can reroll on ebay

although honestly i dont like modern media on crt something feels off

>> No.8764590

When I still lived with my parents as a NEET, they would bring me old consoles and CRTs they found in stores of from friends, often they would show up home and tell me to come and check out what they found for me (the stuff was always free or couple bucks).

>> No.8764626

You think he's gaming on his chromecast? Nigga.

>> No.8764672

If I did this method but with a PC or something I could just manually fix the aspect ratio right?

>> No.8764676

Buy class 0 rubber gloves if you're scared of being shocked. They're rated for 1kV and that will keep you from being shocked by most things in the monitor except for the voltage that goes from the flyback transformer to the anode cap. That can be at 20kV to 30kV, but as I've read you really need to do something incredibly stupid like licking the anode to eat that kind of voltage because it's insulated.

>> No.8764687

With a PC? Yes.

>> No.8764693

I'll take a picture when I get home but yes, mine specifically is a 2017 Express + Plus 3710 RW and it can still do everything

>> No.8764714
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Oh I couldn't agree more. That's why I only intend to watch stuff that is actually suited to it.

Now you are probably wondering "Well if you are going to do that, why don't you just get a fucking DVD/VHS player?"

Well it's because the two main shows I love (MST3K and GCCX) are both over 200 episodes and GCCX doesn't even have an English release (except the godawful Retro Games Master localisation which cut the fucking side segments out and turned the show into a fucking boring longplay; thus ruining the best 'magazine' style show I have ever seen. Sorry, still bitter).

And I also want to watch Brutalmoose's excellent VHS mystery's on there as well, since he records the entire show with a VHS camera and it just BELONGS on a CRT. (pictured).

If anyone can recommend anything else good to watch let me know (except the obvious stuff like Serial Experiments Lain/NGE and other older anime) oh, and Seinfeld of course.

I'm also a massive 90's music nerd so I will probably watch Beavis and Butthead on it as well, since that show just looks tragic on anything but a CRT.


I don't want to use a laptop because I just want to be able to keep something plugged in and working. My brain knows when a laptop is plugged into shit. Although I guess I should try ALISA now since I keep mentioning it in this thread.

>> No.8764725
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Dude, please do.
Also I can't believe I finally get to play Mizzurna Falls after seeing it on some tumblr blog like 13 years ago and drooling over it ever since.

>> No.8764742
File: 1 KB, 125x101, 1647299864229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look it up on ebay
>2 listings, both over 70 dollars
These fucks know what they're doing

>> No.8764770


What the fuck? It's almost like they know dirty gross dweebs (us) want to be contrarian losers who can be easily exploited.


>> No.8764808

>immediately ebays any product mentioned on /vr/
Why are you guys like this?

>> No.8764819


I can't find "Why are you guys like this?" on ebay? Are you spelling it right? Is it rare? Is it worth getting? Can you link me the ISO?

>> No.8764826

I gave a spare to a friend and all the women in the house made it their number one priority to get rid of it

>> No.8764834

I checked those out before, rokus with composite are worth a little bit

>> No.8764862

Word of advice with the B&O take the screen off and give it a good wipe down on the inside, the glass screen (or plastic if its an early model) and the tube itself, dust from 20+ years of use and existing gets trapped in there. If it's glass the side clips come off with a lot of pressure, look up exactly how to do it so you don't snap them and the plastic screen has a little slot near the bottom in the middle for prying it out. You'll be surprised how much dust is in there and how much clearer the image gets.

>> No.8764939
File: 178 KB, 1200x1025, re (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for letting me know! I was actually wondering if the front glass came off. I am scared of doing it because they aren't exactly cheap to replace but I also agree, it will make it look so much nicer.

Talking about my ne B&O. I am still awaiting the remote to come so I can change the settings as it has major overscan problems at the moment and depending on the scart, pushes things either too far to the left or too far to the right.

Also it has S-Video and I can't select it without the fucking remote. Cant wait for it to come (hopefully I wasn't scammed).

But yeah, overall I am in love with it. Aesthetically it's fucking beautiful and the screen is amazing. These photos don't do it justice.

>> No.8764959

You were able to get them NOS up until a little while ago. I got mine in 2018, I guess Covid got to them too. Why'd so many people flock to retro gaming (and retro tech in general I guess) during the lockdowns?

>> No.8764982

Nice setup bro

>> No.8764984


Fear of death and boredom = nostalgia greed.

I bet there are so many fucking boomers with that specific ROKU as well, but they have shoved it in a draw or whatever.

I also bet it's super common in 2nd world countries, Mexico seems to have them.

>> No.8764995


It's actually a fucking mess at the moment. Basically I got that IKEA shelf for a bunch of camera shit but then realised it would be perfect for my CRT. (plus my plants are dying because I'm a bad plant father)

I need to move all that camera shit somewhere else so I can put the consoles underneath.

I just realised I still haven't read Itchy Tasty yet.

>> No.8765125

They're easy to come off, its just strong plastic catches it was designed for regular-ish cleaning but nobody ever did it since it was a ballache, I only said look it up before because I've seen people try to pry them off from the front in the grooves where the glass connects, they come off at the rear with a flat plastic object shoved in for leverage to pry. The speaker grill comes off in the same way if you want to wash that, I retrimmed mines since it had a hole.

>> No.8765134


Have you got the remote and have you done a 240p test suite on it? If so, how much did you do through the remote and how much was done through opening the thing up? Was it hard?

>> No.8765142

Is that 240P?

>> No.8765157

Bump on this, I'm going in blind and have nothing to really compare it to other than 35 inch BVM, but Sony 20" are already hitting like 3.5k on ebay.

>> No.8765167


It's a B&O MX4000 which from what I can see, is 240p. I think it also supports 240i with the remote settings.

>> No.8765176

>7.8 kHz


>> No.8765184


Wait, I'm an idiot. Do you mean the TV itself or the video capture? Because the set up is this: >>8764032

And it's a 1080P image, I have no idea what it's scaling it down to. But I am assuming it's 240p.

>> No.8765209

Hercules the legendary journeys
Murder she wrote

>> No.8765214

mouth breathing retard
So if SNES, N64, and Gamecube all use the same cables can I use the same SNES component cable for all of them

>> No.8765216

Oh, also if you have a home server or whatever you can set up Kodi to run pseudotv and have actual 90s themed channels. You could probably even toss in some commercial breaks and shit.
I had it running on my Nvidia eld for a while, but psuedo ltv kinda hates the shield. I hear it's better for pc

>> No.8765219


I can't watch Hercules... I absolutely hate Kevin Sorbo.

>> No.8765220

Before the beovision1 , av5, mx4200 & mx8000 bang olfusen was known for having the most archaic menu systems (having to select what the plug inputs manually in the menu) and their service menu's are no different b&o have their own names for every kind of adjustment you can do so you'll need a service manual (easy enough just google for one) to know what each does its annoying but once it's done you'll never have to do it again and don't try to perfect it because you never will. The mx4/6/7000's slim design means the tube infamously has a barrel distortion you'll see plain as day on a checkboard pattern. What the tv is good at is looking stylish physically, fitting into tighter spaces that depth wise only a convectional 14" would fit into and looking good while watching tv and having lovely hifi grade speakers, not perfect geometry. As for the latter depends what SW version the tv is, if its a low one (below SW 3.1, it will say on the sticker on the back) then you need to open it up and short the two service pins on the rear. I've since moved onto a mx4200 they're more rare but it has a panasonic tube and can actually achieve perfect geometry, 2003 internals with same exterior design as the 4000 (minus the fucking glass screen they're like 2cm different so I can't put my 4000 screen on to make it not look shit). I've seen another uk b&o fag in this thread before so he'll probably reply as well.

>> No.8765226


That sounds amazing. I'd love to have an 'MTV' style feed with my fav 90's bands.


>> No.8765230

Hercules was before his stroke.

>> No.8765232


Thanks for the advice. I don't think I need 100% perfect geometry since it looks pretty good right now; apart from the overscan. I just need to fix that before on SOTN it literally covers up the health bar when you are Richter.

>> No.8765235


Is there a different pre and post stroke Kevin Sorbo?

>> No.8765240

Yah. He wasn't a nut job before. He wasn't a perfect person, but he went off the religious and political deep end after the stroke.
Instill don't hate him or anything, I even agree with him sometimes, but he lost a lot of control it seems.

>> No.8765243

Good to hear tired of geometry autists, unless its comically out of spec (I have seen mx4000's with the worst geometry known to man and there's nothing internally wrong they just came like that) just play games and enjoy it, I forget the name of it in b&o speak but there is a h-centre option, just set it somewhere in the middle that's a compromise between the shifting left and right on different inputs when the remote comes, check the SW version and you're good to go unless you need to short the service pins on the back.

>> No.8765268

i had that tv growing up, good tv

>> No.8765281


Well the reason I got a B&O is because I was so sick of waiting for the perfect PVM to fall into my lap (which was never gonna fucking happen) and I asked on the last thread; what was an aesthetically pleasing CRT and someone mentioned B&O and I immediately fell in love.

I think it's because; whilst the PVM's look like something from a 80's/90's cyberpunk anime (which is cool don't get me wrong). The B&O's look one of those generic Japanese arcade cabinets turnedinto a TV.

>> No.8765323

Man, I miss my P815. It was in perfect working order but my ex made me get rid of it. Talk about bad decisions.

Anyways, this sounds like it could be one of two things. First possible issue is a bad capacitor somewhere on the power board, which is an easy fix. Second possible issue is a cracked solder joint, which is not an easy fix.

I got an almost new Sony GDM-F520 for free, because it "wouldn't power on". Issue turned out to be two capacitors on the power board, recapped the board, now have a wonderful monitor. The tube is super bright.

>> No.8765328

No point chasing the pvm meme anymore, you'll finally get one after waiting for 4 years and a local one pops up for 200 quid minimum for a basic model 20" one then you'll go "why the fuck did I chase this for so long" just stick with a scart tv. They were great for the wide range of inputs and display modes depending on the model, but that was years ago when they were cheap. Just keep an eye out for better b&o models to upgrade to later if you want, they pop up now and again for basically nothing in local ads. Especially once you have the remote because everyone just sells that separately for 60 quid on ebay and the tv for next to nothing locally.

>> No.8765332

They are only worth it if you get a 600-900TVL model. Games look absurdly good on a 900TVL monitor.

>> No.8765343

I think so. I know for sure they are backwards compatible. As for forwards compatible I've heard it might not work.

>> No.8765520
File: 372 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /crt/

I need help frens

someones offering me this pelco monitor for 50 bucks near me but hes a little far, is it worth the 30 min drive?

It's basically brand new btw, he sent me a bunch of pictures and said they were never used but were open for operation. I can't find much about them other than a few websites like this one with some stats: https://cctvvideo.com/pelpm14colmo/?v=7516fd43adaa

>> No.8765552
File: 130 KB, 640x1138, j5gmkrorwc841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been using a Sony Triniton KV27FS13. It's lasted me a good 15 years and still going strong. Colors are sharp and sound is great. Hoping this thing lasts forever.

>> No.8765564

30 minutes isn't far and 50 bucks for a 700TVL, mint condition monitor with s-video is a no brainer.

>> No.8765573

I'd buy it for the high TVL alone. Might be RGB moddable too.

>> No.8765574

Based Sega sister. Playing the Genesis using composite cables or what?

>> No.8765575

I agree, just was wondering if pelcos were something bad. Gonna pick it up next weekend will post results later.

>> No.8765578

I don't think they are moddable, but s-video is what I use for everything so I don't care much.

>> No.8765582

This isn't my pic, was too lazy to go take a picture but it's in the same condition. I do have an original Genesis hooked up though through the cable jack. I always figured the cable jack would produce a better picture than AV but I suppose I could be wrong?

>> No.8765586


>> No.8765591

Do any early 90's consumer sets do component in or do I have to wait till the year 2000?

>> No.8765597

Dude you're using RF instead of composite? Man cut that out, quit playin' yourself.

>> No.8765602

>early 90s
I don't think so. You'll have to look for a mid 90s set.

>> No.8765606

RGB > Component > S-Video >>> Composite(AV) > RF (Cable Jack).

>> No.8765608

s-video>component>everything else is shit

I think component makes it look a little TOO perfect but in some games I like that idk.

>> No.8765625

only the snes outputs rgb, which is converted to component by your cable. the n64 and gamecube don't output rgb.
svid cable that works with all three though

>> No.8765658

only the fat snes has s-video
the famicom av and snes jr lack it despite sharing the connector edge

>> No.8765674
File: 2.62 MB, 3930x2864, 2B5027DE-7CE5-4694-B4A0-6A72B2D4CF33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, just got home from work, here’s a picture of Netflix streaming off of the Roku on my 1342Q. Excuse the lame setup, I’m in the middle of moving so this is all the best I could do for now.

>> No.8765684

what benefit is there in running HD anime on a 4:3 CRT

>> No.8765698

Ah okay. I was using RGB cables but the cable broke and I started using the RF. I'll get another RGB cable.

>> No.8765702

none, just trying to illustrate a point I was talking to someone about earlier.

>> No.8765707

Thanks! I know Sony is a popular choice but any other brands that aren't too hard to find I should be open to?

>> No.8765710

If I have an rf only tv is there a way to mod it to not be shit?
I actually don't mind it being shit, really, it's just a novelty. I'm not going to scrap it or anything. Just curious.

>> No.8765729
File: 3.48 MB, 4000x3000, 20220330_211020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been upgrading my setup a bit, I bought an extron dsc 301 to fix the overscan with hdmi so now I can play and watch newer stuff better

>> No.8765732

Not really
Just keep an eye out for brands you know

>> No.8765734

Oh fuck that is a sexy setup. Mirin hard.

>> No.8765735

It also interlaces the hdmi output so I can run 1080p on the hardware and output it in 1080i on the TV, this is great because the switch doesn't support 1080i and the roku doesn't interlace the image well

>> No.8765737
File: 1.13 MB, 2302x1816, 20220330_211337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get GDEMU
>two days later snag a free CRT Monitor
>get vga cables today
This is so amazing and I pity the people that can not enjoy this. I now need more CRT monitors to secure my future.

The only thing I wonder is if the black bar circled should be bigger than the other side, or is this a non issue? I just worry that something is fucked with it, even if it seemingly works fine?

>> No.8765740

Thanks, I've been working on it for years, I got everything really cheap too. I've probably spent 250-300$ on the whole setup
I have that issue with the dreamcast too, but I use it on a wide-screen so it's not an issue for me. You can probably buy a scaler that let's you move the vga image around, for some reason it's pushed to the right

>> No.8765745
File: 588 KB, 2028x1411, 20220330_205706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did notice this red dot on the spiral, but I guess that is just my camera on my phone. I don't really mind the pushed over side as long as it is properly working.

>> No.8765756

If your TV has an OSD and the jungle chip takes analog RGB then you can mod it for RGB by hijacking that path. For other kinds of mods, you'll need to find out what other inputs are available on the jungle chip.
I plan to RGB/S-Video mod a 14 inch Sony I have. It uses the same jungle chip as a 27 inch that I have but is lacking the S-Video input.

>> No.8765763
File: 1.06 MB, 1536x2048, Tgj5o4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The advantage of playing Dreamcast on a PC CRT is that you can use the OSD to scale the image. I suggest you find a game with a dot cross hatch similar to pic relate to help you.

>> No.8765782

Is there a good video on how to do that? Thanks for the info!

>> No.8765794

When I did mine, I eyed the screen. Played different games and adjusted the screen as needed.

>> No.8765806

Omg I am jealous of that free monitor. I see free TVs all over my city on fb marketplace but never ever a free CRT monitor. One day I will experience Dreamcast the way God intended.

>> No.8765808
File: 2.64 MB, 3820x1576, rgbvscomp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.8765809

Right, although it's funny because back in the day I would've said left thinking more detail always means better. But I guess we all fell for that meme when we threw out our CRTs in the 00s/10s

>> No.8765867

what am i seeing here, anyways right I think

>> No.8765869

S-video is the sweet spot. RGB is a giant meme, especially considering the hoops you need to jump through.

>> No.8765887

Left for no color bleed

>> No.8765894


>> No.8765906

Also, if RGB wasn't enabled on a console to begin with, then modding it to display that is kindof retarded. Same for those retards that do HDMI mods on their PS1. Might as well emulate at that point, or get a PS Tv.

>> No.8765930

Component output was on every SNES released in 1991, there were TVs being made with component hookups in the early 90's.

>> No.8765983

How can a cracked solder joint be any harder to fix than a bad capacitor? You basically just reheat the solder right?

>> No.8765985

Someone’s selling a brand new jvc pvm like down the street from me for 300.

Model is a13su

Kinda looks like shit maybe I can bring it down to 150

>> No.8765996

I know, but I'm adding my two cents is all.

>> No.8766334

You don't even need that. You can output 240p right out of the composite jack with quick edit to the config.txt file.

>> No.8766395

>Which photo of a CRT shown in extreme closeup on an LCD do you prefer?
I'd prefer you not be an idiot.

>> No.8766452


>> No.8766889

My parents basement still has 10 plus CRTs that I gotta get over to the house I bought. Lucky for me they don't mind that both my sister and I use their basement as storage

>> No.8767059
File: 1.22 MB, 540x304, C02463A9728E41E48BD6BBDD8DA7A846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something I really don't understand yet. If CRTs actually don't have what we call native resolution, then why HD CRT televisions have to apply digital processing to resolutions lower than 1080i? Can't they just show the 480p image and be done with it? Why do they have to upscale it?

>> No.8767078

I had a cracked solder joint on an rf modulator that I fixed and it just cracked again like a month later. Not sure what I did wrong.

>> No.8767087

be honest, whats the most you've spent on a crt?

Me? 200

>> No.8767302

80. Not even a nice crt, just wanted a specific style to match a room.

>> No.8767446

question: for playing first person shooters on crt monitor is it best to have v-sync turned off?

>> No.8767637

If you can clean and feed it some fresh solder, also try to take stress off the part

>> No.8767695

>try to take stress off the part
That was my next idea. Back it with some cardboard or something... I have a clock radio I've owned since the 90s that I fixed that way. It's still broken, but its been "fixed" for like 25 years.

>> No.8768007

What hoops? Most consoles support it natively, you just plug them in with SCART and that's it.

>> No.8768013

Enjoy your screen tearing.

>> No.8768108


Hey, thanks for taking this photo for me. It looks even better than I could imagine. I need to find one of those Roku's...

Also I forgot how fucking good the Sonic OVA is.

>> No.8768142

see sections d) and e) of this guide cos i cbf typing. Kinda the flyscreen thing, kinda because the scan rates are a little flexible.


>> No.8768156

Those things are cheap pieces of shit, I got one for my Dreamcast and there was two wavy vertical lines on the image

>> No.8768170

It was an honest question. I'm assuming v-sync works differently on crt display

>> No.8768295

For TVL that high?

>> No.8768357

>The set of PS2 component cables I bought arrived today
>ended up spending like 5 minutes panicking thinking they're broken because I forgot my PS2's video out port is kind of bad and doesn't work unless the plug is inserted perfectly straight

man I really have to fix that some day

>> No.8768361

Are those OSSCs on ebays legit? Im trying to get one for my VGA monitor and buying from the guy directly is way more expensive and has insane shipping. Are the ones on ebay alright?

>> No.8768362

Why would it? V-sync doesn't have anything to do with the display itself, it's just ensuring that the framebuffer is updated/switched only when the previous frame has been fully drawn and the next one hasn't started yet. So basically in the vertical blanking interval, and that's determined by the timings in the output signal, on the GPU side.

>> No.8768458

I could pick up a JVC av 20f704 near me but wanted to know if its good or not ?

>> No.8768481

Like 300 bucks or so, but this was back in the early 00s for a widescreen Tau like the anon has that shows up in threads. It was a great TV and I honestly miss it, heavy as fuck

>> No.8768530

Why would you rule the russian rulett dice on shitbay?

>> No.8768532

its cheaper

>> No.8768537

Doesn't seem like anything special to me but I don't see why not if it's cheap and in good shape.

>> No.8768543

How big is too big for a crt? Someone is selling a 32" HD crt sanyo near me, but I'm also worried about my back.

>> No.8768549

depends entirely on how much space you're willing to dedicate for a CRT. At 32 inches you're really going be dedicating an entire TV stand to it, you're not gonna be doing any of that "smol crt off in the edge of the table next to your HDTV" crap with a 32 incher.

>> No.8768550

>HD crt
no, don't bother with 100hz sets
27-30" is probably the most you'll enjoy playing on any smaller or larger is detrimental in my opinion, unless it's widescreen of course

>> No.8768561

kinda off topic but I just got a surveillance monitor with just s video

is there a way to watch movies/shows on it through my computer through some sort of cable converter or do I have to use a ps3.

>> No.8768564

of course there are ways, it's just easier to connect with something that just plugs in

>> No.8768662

Thanks I'm not well versed on the issue but I've heard the higher response rate of a crt monitor makes v-sync less necessary. That and it supposedly contributes to input lag in the game I am trying to play.

>> No.8768709

I have one of those hdmi to s-video converters off amazon for that purpose.

>> No.8768738
File: 1.30 MB, 2907x1823, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you take good pictures
i have to set my phone camera to 'pro' mode to change the shutter speed to 60 which makes me also edit the focus and temperature etc

>> No.8768750


don't hook up anything expensive to the converter
imaging frying your gaming pc because you wanted to use a $7 converter

hdmi to av > av-svid adapter probably works fine

get a micropc or firestick style device for videos

>> No.8768814

How the fuck to fags get the idea that a 20" PVM with 40k hours on it is worth 2k? Like bro..

>> No.8768829

PVM and BVMs are big scams in general, if they want that perfect pixel look then filters are legitimately a better and easier way to get it. Or they can use VGA CRT monitors 240p at 120HZ for which looks great.
PVMs and BVMs are hipster devices, trying to get the highest quality image despite that not being the point of CRTs

>> No.8768861 [DELETED] 


>> No.8768882

They look good AF tho
No cap

>> No.8768974

Are you not able to adjust the screen with the controls on the monitor? All crt monitors I own have that

>> No.8768987

my problem comes with file size

>> No.8769052
File: 1.93 MB, 2730x2047, 1648793742122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my geometry

>> No.8769056

oof, that whole top right quadrant

>> No.8769060

Yeah that quadrant seems to have gnarly convergence. And the entire image seems slightly twisted a few degrees counterclockwise. Not sure what to about either.

>> No.8769093
File: 902 KB, 2730x2047, 1648794841386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can really see the convergence issues here.

>> No.8769501

does anyone use an RGB SCART splitter for multiple cables?
any recs?

>> No.8769512

Or do you mean switcher, generally splitting a signal is a bad idea with SCART

>> No.8769513

yeah my bad, switcher
i did some reading and the ones on retrorgb all look stupid expensive

>> No.8769551

There’s a reason why it’s recommended to get good RGB switchers and it’s power related

>> No.8769552
File: 1.78 MB, 2730x2047, 1648812450074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I make it better or worse?

>> No.8769616

Stop messing with it please, for your own sanity

>> No.8769629
File: 2.21 MB, 3297x2859, geo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the other guy but is mine ok

>> No.8769682
File: 1.09 MB, 3213x1779, gba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gba emulation through rgb wii
pretty happy with it

>> No.8769692

Looks weird
480p shadow mask?

>> No.8769698

I’m that other guy and I’m seriously jelly.

I really should but I can’t stop.

>> No.8769717

I don’t think you can fix that with settings
Looks like something that needs to be magnetically altered

>> No.8769750

i got lucky and found it through a friend, pvm with very few hours

yeah apparently my camera absolutely sucks for this
the mode for fixing shutter speed also screws with the quality and ends up blurring the pixels a bit
it's very sharp in person but i'm not sure if it's possible to get a proper picture, oh well

>> No.8769764

I was worried about that, but I’m scared of opening up a CRT while it’s on and milling myself kek. Would I need to buy convergence strips or do something built-in to the TV?

>> No.8769983

For any of you Pittsburgh area fuckers

>> No.8770109

>This niche product with a unique use case that isn't being manafactured anymore is worth money.
exactly why did you think it would be cheap?

>> No.8770112

Probably just strips, I don't think you actually need to rotate the yoke or anything, but seriously leave that shit alone, you've done all you can. I bet if you're playing something you won't notice it much at all unless there's a HUD up there in the corner

>> No.8770119

You literally just said why. We were locked down. People took up new hobbies. For awhile it was impossible to find a decent pair of rollerblades in stock online.

>> No.8770124

This is wrong. Ignore this anon.

>> No.8770524



>> No.8770624
File: 45 KB, 800x450, jerry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>were these things heavy?
imagine the heaviest thing you've ever held in your hands.
now imagine its got wood polish and lacquer covering it.

>> No.8770817

>Were these things heavy?

Hardwood furniture is fucking torture to move. I have no personal experience with old TV consoles specifically, the worst thing I ever had to move was an antique bedroom set, but adding a giant glass tube into the mix does sound like the only possible way it could get any worse.

desu people trash on stuff like ikea for being all glued sawdust and cardboard and having negative weight but almost all of the furniture in my house was picked, loaded into my car and assembled in my house by myself and I would take that any day over having to wrangle like 4 people to help move a 400lb vanity and taking a day off work after because your spine feels like it turned inside out from the ordeal.

>> No.8770851


>> No.8770862

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/c2cfb2e3_KEKWait.png">

>> No.8770879

it's called a ps3. The DLNA support on it is jank but it gets the job done, and still has youtube, twitch, netflix apps

>> No.8770883

somebody came in and offered 200

>> No.8770891

I've moved hardwood furniture through 4 moves and stop being weak.

>> No.8770897
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>> No.8770901

your monstera needs fresh dirt that drains better

>> No.8770994


I know, the soil in there is totally shit. I got it from IKEA and promised myself I'd change the soil but I haven't yet.

I will try and get it done tomorrow, because I do love it. It looks so fucking beautiful and healthy last year. As you can tell by my posts in this thread, I am kind of preoccupied with setting up my retro gaming section.

>> No.8771282

Are you using retroarch trough the wii? how is gba emulation?, can it do NDS?

>> No.8771483

I doubt it, even the standalone GBA emulator was a little iffy

>> No.8771870

hell no for NDS
there are two emulators for GBA though
vbagx (shit)
mgba (great)

>> No.8771872

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/0ee6ba1c_FeelsStrongMan.png"> are you guys gonna miss emotes

>> No.8771879

<span class="xae" data-xae="frown">☹️[/spoiler] yes

>> No.8771913
File: 10 KB, 193x261, osama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends, how do I come to a price for something that has no price points? I'm looking at a 3 hour drive to pick up a 35" CRT, but there's no examples of what the seller is selling so I have no idea what to expect on price and neither does he. I'd rather not make the drive without a rough estimate in mind. Any ideas?

>> No.8771952

What's the model <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/b674048b_MikuStare.png">

>> No.8771953
File: 107 KB, 400x417, 1537514821660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Mitsubishu am3501r.

>> No.8771954

Well, it weights 400lbs so... <img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/de27847b_monkaGIGA.png">

>> No.8771964
File: 570 KB, 650x650, ico_by_kr0npr1nzd5tob9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely a chunky dude, but I'm at a complete and total loss on what price to offer.

>> No.8771965

just ask<span class="xae" data-xae="pray">🙏[/spoiler]

>> No.8772156

I asked him and he also had no idea. He's an owner of an arcade though so he knows what he has.

>> No.8772162


>> No.8772412

for a flat tv this is like a 8.5/10 as good as you're probably gonna get

>> No.8772468
File: 115 KB, 1200x1600, WhatsApp Image 2022-04-02 at 10.41.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, so I softmodded my Wii and it came with component cables so I used a comp-to-SCART adapter (pictured) and the image looks pretty bad.

Now, I know it's not my TV. I put on Racing Lagoon on my PS1 and it looked fucking incredible. The title screen logo was sharper than a 4K, I swear to god, I near creamed myself. Also my Dreamcast looks amazing as well, how did they fail?

I live in the UK and component wasn't really popular over here, we went with SCART which seems to always look amazing. So can you tell me if it's:

A: Component are always fuzzy

B: Component to SCART is always terrible

C: The Wii is actually not sharp at all and if I want to play GC games I need a GC

D: Something else I'm missing.

Now, I have ordered a Wii Scart cable and it's coming hopefully today so I will see if that helps but mostly I am just curious.

Since we used SCART in PAL, what do the US use? What is seen as the best and what is seen as the world in Eagleland?

I am assuming RF is seen as the worst (and the best if you want lovely fuzzy B&W memories)

>> No.8772487

if those are the cables you're talking about, that's composite not component

>> No.8772489
File: 29 KB, 506x506, trony_tcrt1401spt_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Sony Trinitron, son.

>> No.8772519

$6.99 at goodwill

>> No.8772525


"Want me to hook up your Atari Jag?"

>> No.8772538


OH! So are composite cables dogshit? I am so confused. We made it so easy in the UK by just picking one format and sticking with it.

Although... Composite can't be that bad because I remember my XBOX 360 used it? Why am I such a tech tard.

>> No.8772546

composite are the low quality ones, a step up from RF
component are the ones that are basically on par with SCART, both being RGB
so plugging composite > scart > wii isn't going to achieve much more than just going to composite > wii
you'll need the SCART cable

>> No.8772559


Ah! Perfect, thanks.

>> No.8772796
File: 38 KB, 689x551, 36c4ce_0b527cff1b9347e9a35002525f277a6c_mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Component doesn't just work with those adapters
The TV has to actually be able to accept that signal
You'll probably need a transcoder

>> No.8773045
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>> No.8773782

Yes, composite (the single yellow RCA jack) is dogshit and you should avoid it if you can. And you can since in Europe nearly every TV had SCART and RGB input.
Now, SCART is only a connector, it doesn't define signal quality by itself. It can carry RGB, composite, S-Video and even YPbPr component signals (although the last one is rarely used with SCART).
Composite (the same as the yellow cable) is usually sent along other signals and used for sync, but it can be displayed too. In fact, one of the pins in a SCART connector acts as a switch between RGB and composite, it tells the TV what pins it should use for the actual video signal.
Composite tends to create interference in the cable if it's not shielded properly. There are non-standard cables that use luma or CSYNC as a sync signal, those are usually better, but not always necessary. They can help you spot a TV that doesn't support RGB over SCART though (the TV will use the composite pin, so you'll see a black and white picture with luma or nothing when using CSYNC).

That composite-to-SCART adapter in your pic just puts the composite signal through a SCART connector, that's why it looks so shit.
You want to use proper RGB SCART cables for the best possible picture quality. YPbPr component is just as good, but it's not supported on most European CRTs.

>component are the ones that are basically on par with SCART, both being RGB
What we usually call "component" is not RGB, but YPbPr. The quality is pretty much the same, just in a different color space and using three instead of four wires (sync is sent along luma via the green plug).
Both RGB and YPbPr are technically component signals though. The word "component" just means that the signal is broken up into two or more "components" (such as luma+chroma or red, green and blue), as opposed to composite, where everything is sent through one wire.

>> No.8773820
File: 1.06 MB, 1330x793, cinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found an hdmi crt tv in the woods today.
I turned it over and it started hissing. But it didn't explode. I would have loved to see what the image quality is like on these.

>> No.8773846


Wait, there HD CRT's?!

>> No.8773848

Yes. They've existed since the 90s.

>> No.8773849

Yea. Its rare.

>> No.8773860

>Composite can't be that bad because I remember my XBOX 360 used it?

Most of 360s came with component cables actually.

Which speaking of it's so fucking wonderful that they did that for the 360, high quality component cables are like 5$ a pop because of that. If only other consoles could have been so generous.

>> No.8774361

i've seen it go for hundreds or thousands, I would offer something like $200~250

>> No.8774363

not rare dude

>> No.8774480

Yeah, it's a great thing that they're so common. I modifed one of those for a good quality PS2 cable.
They were component + composite combo actually, with a physical switch on the console-side connector. I always found it weird that they put an optical out on it, too.
It was a kind of a poor design though, because you couldn't use HDMI and optical at the same time, the thing was just too big and obscured the HDMI port when plugged in. But that's rather a problem with the console itself, not the connector as the HDMI port was added in later revisions of the console. They should've just moved it a bit.

>> No.8774578
File: 29 KB, 447x258, game_over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought a cheapo (https://es.aliexpress.com/item/32896942663.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2esp&spm=a2g0s.12269583.0.0.30a14827Ua1DIo)) hdmi to component adapter. It doesn't upscale the image so I have to feed the correct signal through the HDMI for it to work I think.
I set this modeline in xrandr 2720x240_1 53.69318 2720 2900 3154 3410 240 244 247 262 -hsync -vsync (I'm using archlinux) and the image is all wobbly and bad. Trying CRT switchres on retroarch yields the same results, although probably I'm doing something wrong on that end?
Trying this other modeline ("1280x240 15.7kHz 59.9Hz" 24.499 1280 1323 1438 1560 240 244 247 262 -hsync -vsync) yields crtc 1 failed. Trying to set up 480i modelines also prints the same message. Anny advice bros? Have you tried something like this? Is it a VGA-to-component route with intel HD graphics guaranteed to work? I'm currently using a RX 580 on archlinux, with the open source (mesa) drivers. I found a schematic of a VGA to component converter and I guess I can tell someone to print the circuit for me. But I want to know if this could work.

>> No.8774656

maybe try sending it a VESA timing (which has 240p, surprisingly) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Display_Identification_Data

>> No.8774728
File: 493 KB, 1179x789, dell p1130 in columbia, pa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever is in shithole PA. there's a beast p1130 fir I'm 20 burgers. I hope that's a legit price

>> No.8774749

forgot to link: /marketplace/item/509302400666426

>> No.8774782

He knows what it is but he's selling it for just $20? That's strange.

>> No.8774785

seller details shows its a girl

>> No.8774817
File: 56 KB, 970x290, timings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the 240p timing you mean is the one on this tabl? How can I calculate a modeline with these timings? Can I use cvt or gft or one of those online calculators? Sorry for the seemingly noob question, but I barely know what some of those numbers mean. Thanks for the help though, I hope it can work.

>> No.8774986

Is it retarded to buy a retrotink 5x to upgrade a component crt?

>> No.8775005

You shove off!

>> No.8775173

try this ModeLine "320x240" 12.60 320 328 376 400 240 245 246 262 -HSync -VSync

and if it works then you know it's the super resolutions messing up

>> No.8775193


>> No.8775443

What's so strange? Honestly.

>> No.8775459
File: 22 KB, 393x433, 1627701734072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try going from DP to VGA and then RGB to component instead, worked for many people, HDMI is picky with these timings.
Wobbly picture can also mean some slightly off timings.

You don't really need to calculate them yourself, they are standard modelines.
Also included a mode for 2560x240p I know works if you want to try super resolutions, I guess you know how to manually compile a modeline.

For help though there's also a calculator.

Links: https://pastebin.com/G2iGVh0n
I had to put the links in a pastebin or 4chan thinks I want to post spam.

Also adjusting front/back porch to get good geometry on TVs you can't adjust geometry on helps. But that's for later.

>> No.8775464


I present, my all time favourite MST3K line.


>> No.8775539

>bro all you need is 240p

>> No.8775543
File: 55 KB, 860x495, 1624449432329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did I say that? But start by trying to get 240p to work properly first.

>> No.8775586

Is there a chance that Open Source CRT Chassis mod would allow for 480p on 2000s standard CRT TVs?

I would love to have a CRT that has 240p, 480i and 480p on one device.
Most of the heavy-hitters on GameCube, Xbox and Dreamcast supported 480p but PS2 is still mainly 480i and there are some games that look better in 240p on Dreamcast, not to mention almost everything before 6th-gen was 240p.

>> No.8775589
File: 120 KB, 328x282, 1637773800864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao get fucked. No one is buying your EPIC SONY TRINTRON **RETRO GAMING*** $600 (DISCOUNTED!) trash anymore. I won't have some oversized, nasty probably filled with smoke and insects, prone to failure, bulky old piece of trash in my living space ever. Every single "benefit" of CRTs is outdone by a good modern LCD + a premium scaler (OSSC or Retrotink for example). GET. FUCKED.


>> No.8775598
File: 33 KB, 362x454, 1641747426220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every single "benefit" of CRTs is outdone by a good modern LCD + a premium scaler (OSSC or Retrotink for example).
Kek, marketing.

Buying CRTs? What did she mean by that?

>> No.8775604

Agreed that only a retard would pay hundreds for any type of CRT, even professional monitors.
However if you can get a consumer one for free or a pro one for cheap, they are great.
Composite video on LCD screens is terrible, no matter perfectly you scale it or how much you dress it up with scanline filters, but it can be bearable on CRTs.

>> No.8775619

>tfw these Zeus flat panel CRTs from Philips never became a widespread thing
>tfw this could be the technology that would win instead of OLED or QLED
This is probably the saddest story of what could have been.
Imagine if the Zeus CRT became a thing or even something that was revived now, people would eat up that shit and probably get it instead of OLEDs or QLEDs.

>> No.8775636

Weren't those basically same as SED? Just glass plasma screens. Suffer pretty much the same problems as OLED.

>> No.8775642

The same problems as OLED but with the functionality of analogue CRTs.
This would be three steps forward, since LEDs are two steps back compared to the highest-end CRT monitors. While OLED was a step forward compared to LED but still a step back compared to CRTs.

SED and Zeus CRTs would be the OLED killer if they are ever revived. And they would also be the perfect display technologies for retro enthusiasts.

>> No.8775651

>but with the functionality of analogue CRTs.
It doesn't, SED was quite literally plasma but with glass shell instead of plastic. All the same problems as plasma or OLED, specially older OLED.
It was self emissive but it wasn't scanning and also lacked the same kind of grille/mask setup, two things that give CRTs the benefit they have.

Compared to even modern QD-OLED is would fall behind in every category, microLED will be better than bought though if it ever reaches mass production majority and high PPI.

>> No.8775653

The Zeus CRTs would be the best way to make CRTs for enthusiasts.
I mean, vinyl records made a comeback, so why not CRTs? And why not make them better than ever?

>> No.8775656

>The Zeus CRTs would be the best way to make CRTs for enthusiasts.

>I mean, vinyl records made a comeback, so why not CRTs? And why not make them better than ever?
Not enough market. Otherwise someone would have done it already, either a company or crowd funding.

>> No.8775658

Wikipedia has a ton of cited documents.

>> No.8775662
File: 172 KB, 737x600, Epdh3-qXMAIHuKq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8775681

>Wikipedia has a ton of cited documents.
Yes, but what specifically are you using for your argument that it's better or best?

>> No.8775756

Looks the exact same you stupid nigger, it’s fine.

>> No.8775962

0. but i'm considering paying $50 for a b&w pvm

>> No.8776134
File: 2.43 MB, 3000x4000, 2560x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xrandr yields crtc 1 failed. I think super resolutions are a must, with them xrandr at least outputs the modeline.

Thanks for the modeline. Using this calculator (https://kosshi.gitlab.io/vgatimingeditor/)) and the timings you provided gave me this:

"2560x240_60.00" 54.3283 2560 2720 3224 3456 240 244 247 262 -HSync +VSync
Result is picrel. I guess it works for your DP to VGA to component setup? I probably could try that, although the VGA to component transcoder is kinda tricky to find, and I'm starting to doubt if the one I can print will even work.

>> No.8776146

anyone who huffs their own farts hard enough to write "it is a sony trinitron tube so if you know, you know" would not also sell it for a relatively reasonable price so i would suspect something is wrong with it.

>> No.8776154

I literally picked up a G520 for free, the guy was super knowledgeable about it, knowing exactly how good of a VGA CRT it was, plus he had kept it in excellent condition. That was last year and it still works perfectly fine, they just wanted a new home for it.
Not everyone is a greedy faggot, specially when it comes to equipment that people use for just fun these days.

>> No.8776172

I've had similar sync issues when I tried to use a HDMI to VGA (RGB to SCART) dongle but I can't guarantee that's it, since I used RGB and not component
The modeline looks good though

>> No.8776217
File: 1.49 MB, 320x220, halo_3_believe_its_over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I'm really at a loss here then. Dunno if the DP to vga setup is even going to work, I was pretty sure my issue were the modelines. Now, I don't know. The most bizarre thing is that I managed to get it working, well, sort of, yesterday with CRT Switchres in retroarch. I don't know which modeline I outputted that showed at least a stationary image, and then in retroarch I tried CRT Switchres with a super resolution of 3480 if I remember correctly. It wasn't the best thing ever, the image ran out of horizontal space and had black bars on the top and bottom, but at least it showed something. I then proceeded to reboot the computer and stopped working again. I think that if I can get retroarch to output that mode consistently I can fix the cropping issues with scaling configurations, but well, who knows how I got there in the first place.
One last thing, the following interlaced modeline:
1280x480i 26.66 1280 1408 1536 1696 480 488 494 524 -HSync -VSync Interlace
gives me a rectangle on the middle of the screen (with kinda fucked up colors and black bars at the sides) but at least isn't wobbly and I can even move my mouse there. Do you have a 480i modeline that could probably show an image that used all the screen's real estate?

>> No.8776301

Isn't that how much its worth? I see this at thrift stores for under 20 all the time not to mention the dozens of free monitors I have found at various recycling centers for free.

>> No.8776809

Does anyone know what resolutions the Ikegami TM20-90R accept?

I can't find much concrete info, in the service manual is says 625i, but I cannot find much else info.

>> No.8778131
File: 1.89 MB, 1080x1408, Screenshot_20220403-233656~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pc emulator to crt setup.

spt vga to composite converter.
There was glitches. The fosmon must be better.

>> No.8778175

does /crt/ collect vidja or just using emus

>> No.8778201
File: 67 KB, 444x960, 1645701964183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is selling this near me for $10

>> No.8778256

I have like 14 consoles hooked up to my 28" CRT and a whole bookshelf of games from when I was younger, however all the consoles use a Flash Cart/ODE or modded to run images

>> No.8778268

Call up a friend or two and go get that shit, it's got every input you'd want and is still an SDTV

>> No.8778376

whats that game ?

>> No.8778387

Looks like Castlevania Curse of Darkness

>> No.8778543

Absolutely revolting.

>> No.8778680

>spt vga to composite converter.
Far from a perfect solution

Both, for me it's about enjoying and playing the games

>> No.8778682

You could try an RGB mod if you don't have a PVM that accepts RGB.
Have you tried adjusting the back/front porches a little? Some TVs are pickier than others.

>> No.8779282

> RGB Mod
I think it's not feasible. My TV is big, I don't have the skills nor the hardware so I would've to pay someone and the main idea I have with this project is to spend as little as possible.
I'll try adjusting the back and front porches of the modeline (I think you if you're the other anon) provided me. Are there any options in the modeline you think are at fault here that I could change?

>> No.8779405
File: 17 KB, 400x316, s-l400-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is another type after the silver age.
The silver ones with the black border in the front.

>> No.8779471

>The Novelty Age
My favorite.

>> No.8779772

I paid 65 for a trinitron monitor, but the dude I bought it from had a fuckload of other CRTs and he let me take one home for free.

>> No.8779794

Just wondering, how long do CRTs usually last for? I'm interested in >>8778201, but it seems like it has been in their garage for a while and I would hate to bring a huge 32" home and have it die in a few months.

>> No.8779846

They last 30 years

>> No.8779857

How many more years until no one can get crts anymore ?
I have like 3 in storage. So i should be good.

>> No.8779871

I really wonder if any manufacturer or startup company would jump on the niche demographic that still wants CRTs by producing new ones. Would that even be profitable as a business venture?

>> No.8779913

I think someone would do that
I think china still makes them
So if one guy wanted to start a new company he could have china rebrand or remake them for Americans but it would probably cost too much to ship them over. Not that many people probably want crt tvs in the future. Most people wont be able to get retro consoles. But maybe they will be using something like a mister on crt tvs or other clone consoles.
The market for retro gaming is probably too small. The site alibaba seems to have new crts. But probably garbage and not a big screen size

>> No.8779916
File: 713 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220404-134049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably fake, because the price seems too low.
It doesn't say what kind of video connectors it has.

>> No.8779919

What happens after that? Are they not repairable due to lack of tubes?

>> No.8780179

>Just wondering, how long do CRTs usually last for?
Depends on the CRT and how much it got used. Good Sony ones still look like new even after 10000 hours of usage.

>> No.8780182

For bulk prices, that seems totally fine.
Cheap or even free tubes that the manufacturer got from NOS storage from somewhere and just did their own plastic and electronics by already existing molds and schematics, not that hard or expensive, specially for internal China market and having to buy several hundred at once.

Those are sub-par quality though, just like modern tape decks or floppy disks/drives when they were already dead. Just cheap tubes and electronics.

>> No.8780309

It'll depend a lot on location. Around here in random small town North Carolina, the supply has already been pretty dry for a few years.

>> No.8780404
File: 169 KB, 1024x844, ef1d7fa6853622f86df1e039a806ee74a0860af8_101-1024x844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8780417

>making your pregnant wife carry your crt monitor
idk what you're bragging about lol

>> No.8780440

He has a strong wife

>> No.8780649
File: 1.64 MB, 4032x1816, 20220404_165553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember that I never check behind my brother's 15"? Samsung crt before
>pic related
It's all coming together.

>> No.8780665

>no s-video

junk it

>> No.8780689

I have another bigger crt with Svideo, but no component.

>> No.8780691

is it just me or does it seem like PS2 games never reach the left and right sides of the screen? I don't know if it's a CRT problem or if the PS2 just expects no horizontal overscan whatsoever or what.

>> No.8780698

it happens to me as well. Thought it was my TV's geometry but happened to a newer one I got. Wii doesn't have that problem.

>> No.8780735

>>8776217 this is the standard ntsc modeline
ModeLine "720x480@30i" 13.5 720 736 799 858 480 486 492 525 interlace -hsync -vsync

>> No.8780757

Not ideal for gaming. It ruins the point.

>> No.8780760

Do you guys know how to find a crt in a rural area? I found one on Craigslist cheap about 2 hours away but that seems like a bit much. Sucks there isn’t some delivery service that can just drag it 2 hours without breaking it

>> No.8780806

Same as always: check craigslist, kijiji, facebook marketplace, the like. Only difference would be that you'd want to search in a wider area, like instead of searching in your town search in the nearest city. Results are gonna be farther away obviously but you're actually going to find stuff. If you're a real ruralfag you're probably used to hour long drives for basic shit anyway.

>> No.8780819

What would you consider to be a good CRT, besides the obvious factors? Like if you see a listing and it looks like it has been in someone's garage, would that be a pass over or a pick up?

>> No.8780884

If you're worried about CRTs degrading over time there unfortunately isn't much at all to go off of on listing pictures alone. Unless it's like blatantly damaged or something. A CRT that's been in a garage for a decade could have been preserved perfectly or gotten fucked over by temperature and humidity over that time. That said though CRTs aren't really fragile. CRTs photograph like shit but if you can at least get a picture of it turned on you can get an idea if there are any picture problems with the CRT.

Aside from that the two main factors to look for are size and inputs. CRTs over 20inches are fucking massive (as well as generally make picture issues more obvious than they would be on a smaller set) and you should really consider composite inputs as the minimum, though you obviously want to seek out component inputs or at least s-video (or scart if you're a yuro)

If you find something that looks good it doesn't hurt to try asking about it here anyway.

>> No.8780889

if possible run 240p test suite
if its free do NOT do this
its rude to look a gifthorse in the mouth
take your free tv if its acceptable keep it,
if its too problematic or complicated then toss it

either way thank them for the privilege
your other options are the 'i know what i have' fuckers on ebay and craigslist $$$$$$

>> No.8780897

How is it unreasonable to ask to test something before you lug a 120 pound fragile wood/glass box across town

>> No.8780937

What is the preferred CRT size? I see people saying that 20" ones are still too small.

>> No.8780957

Depends on where you want to put it really. A big 30incher is a good living room size, 20inch is good for a small tv stand in a small room, if you want something that you can fit on top of a desk then look around the 12 or 14 inch mark.

the only real trade off you experience when it comes to CRT size is that smaller CRTs generally don't have inputs better than composite.

>> No.8780997

How do you guys deal with your CRT having bad audio? Mine only has sound from the left speaker and the headphone jack only outputs mono with a bunch of noise.
I use RGB with EUROSCART, so I bought some audio breakout cable box so that I can get audio directly to some external device.
Are cheap speakers enough for games up to PS2? Should I get some Amp/DAC or is there no need?

>> No.8781020

The PS2 has optical audio output if all else fails.

>> No.8781037

If you want something cheaper that will still have alot of power, get pc speakers that come with the big subwoofer box.
Then use rca to 3.5mm cable to get the audio source to them.
If you want something expensive get tower speakers and an amp.

>> No.8781062

because they are giving it to you for free
and they almost are never plugged in (usually garaged)

they wouldn't keep it if it wasn't working anon
i got my 32" zenith for free and didn't test shit until i was home.

don't be rude

>> No.8781063
File: 131 KB, 434x1078, Screenshot_20220404-205916~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this and it gets extremely loud.
It might not be the exact model.

>> No.8781070

What if I want to use headphones?
Can I just connect them directly to the 3.5mm?

>> No.8781073

What crts should I keep an eye out for besides Sony trinitron?

I have a Sony trinitron 20 inch and love it but I occasionally see others pop up locally for cheap and I don’t really know what I’m looking for. Oftentimes jvc and Toshiba, I realize these are 2 names I should be looking for but don’t know what years/models

>> No.8781082

These ones look cool and seem to have a built in amp.

>> No.8781091

Fuck I cant keep living without a crt tv this is hell. I really wish there was some standard brand that made them

>> No.8781093
File: 132 KB, 946x975, IMG_20220404_210545637_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea you could do that. Or use a splitter y cable to always have one open port for
Your headphones.
If you the cyber acoustic one. They have a port for headphones on the Volume control.

>> No.8781110

Is this a standard crt? 40 mins from me?

>> No.8781113
File: 315 KB, 750x1011, FC837CFE-10A6-44B1-BE9A-308241AA4A9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.8781114
File: 499 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220404-211335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how loud it would be, it might be the perfect loudness. If your headphones dont have volume control. You might need to get some kind of line control box.
If its not loud enough you would have to get a powered amp. Like the behringer stereo headphone amplifier ha400.
Home reciever have headphones jacks. But its usually the big jack. And you just get the adapter to make it 3.5mm


>> No.8781117

I never saw a crt that thin before.

>> No.8781119

Yeah I’m thinking even if it’s crt it’s probably some hd shit

>> No.8781123

So that amp would pretty much work as a volume controler?
How about the audio quality? Is a DAC even justified for retro gaming?

>> No.8781129

just as a heads up if you're using external speakers with your CRT you're going to have to consider magnetic shielding in case you try putting them close enough for the speakers to distort the picture.

>> No.8781143

there is a reason most PS2 games have an "adjust screen" setting in the options

>> No.8781237
File: 1.02 MB, 1080x1001, Screenshot_20220404-215722~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea i have that amp and it works great if your headphone volume is too low(you you need the 6.35 to 3.5mm adapter) . The sound quality should be good. If there is any noise get a ground loop isolator and hope that works.


They also have noise eliminators that plug into your wall outlet, or power conditioners that should stop noise.
My speakers got noise before and all i did was move the crt farther away from all my wires and the noise went away.

>> No.8781438
File: 156 KB, 1280x960, monita_china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try it out on the weekend, although reading it I seriously doubt it'll work, it's similar to other modelines I've tried who yield crtc 1 failed when I try outputting them. Do you have a similar modeline but with a super resolution?

>> No.8781970

You can make horizontal super resolutions yourself, just multiply the horizontal numbers with a factor, CRTs don't care about horizontal resolution anyways, it's for the software side for aspect ratio correction.
You can just multiply all the numbers

>> No.8781974

Most decent speakers/monitors have them built in, just check the spec sheet of the speakers before buying.

>> No.8782052
File: 249 KB, 500x375, tvpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the main I used and still use is a philips one with a video player, it's pretty nice and smol tho for a while it used to have a really annoying high pitch noise... for some reason I can't hear it anymore

>> No.8782543

Is that so? Then I'm lucky then. I'll try a 1440x480i modeline and see where it gets me. For now I think my objective is to have a stable modeline that'll allow me to output a functional image from my pc to the crt tv, and from there play with retroarch's CRT Switchres which I know works. I think that was the difference when I made it work at least.

>> No.8782670

looks like a samsung slimfit crt.

>> No.8782776

I wish there was more info on it. I need something standard def with no hd features.

>> No.8782882

A wild one like that is, dude. Since 2001 the majority of HD CRTs were farm-raised.

>> No.8782931

just took the s-video pill
couldnt stand the composite rainbow shimmer any longer

>> No.8783536

Hey, dumb guy here, could you tell me more about fixing the overscan on the HDMI input? I have an HDCRT and I've had trouble with this

>> No.8783812

I bought an extron dsc 301 scaler that let's me resize the output so it fits on the tv. It cost me around 60 bucks on ebay

>> No.8783952

Based considerate anon.
I lugged 27 inch trinitron down some old ladies stairs, took it home, and found out the picture wasn't salvageable. So I took it to the dump.
She was so grateful I was able to get it down from the second floor for her, after she told me she's been pushing it across the floor towards the stairs over the course of a week. She kept commenting how impressed she was I was able to pick it up. Made the whole thing worth the trip. There's nothing wrong with helping out a stranger once in awhile.

>> No.8784015
File: 65 KB, 1200x1200, m359967966.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one of these going at my workplace for free, is this considered a good thing to have? I know nothing about CRTs, but I play retro games pretty much exclusively (mainly PS1) so I was thinking about getting one.

The problem is though that it's a computer monitor and I play consoles with the original hardware (don't like emulation). Even if I had a converter to VGA, the resolution would be distorted, right?
Should I just look for a TV instead?

>> No.8784061


if anyone wants one, they are cute

>> No.8784087

that's cheap as hell for en ebay monitor, damn. Don't even want to know what trying to ship that to canada would be like though.

>> No.8784172

idk, I bought a crt off mercari a WHIIILE back (or maybe it was offerup?) and it came fine, guy double boxed it and it was fine.

>> No.8784179

I didn't make her carry it, it's ours. It only weighs like 55 lbs with the weight distributed.
You people are the weird ones.

>> No.8784202
File: 497 KB, 854x479, 1648338158511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question, are all 2000s CRT monitos docked at 480i by default? because i pretty much gave up on trying to gate 240p from my shitty DVI>HDMI>VGA>VGA2Video Transcode and Retroarch.

Does normal 480p show scanlines on CRTs? not meme PVMs?

>> No.8784229

Has to be component at the end to keep it 240p, right? composite docks to 480i

>> No.8784268

480p isn’t possible on normal 15khz CRTs
You’ll need either a HDTV, EDTV or VGA capable set
Also only multi format PVMs will do 480p

>> No.8784275

I just connected an xbox 360 to a no name consumer grade tv with composite and it looked and sounded like shit!

>> No.8784284

So all the people on youtube bragging and gargling about MUH 240p PVM SCANLINES RGB were just grifting people into wasting money?

>> No.8784293

240p is not 480p

>> No.8784318

>free Sony Trinitron
>a CRT Monitor at that
Take that shit especially if it is free. Get a Dreamcast if you don't have one and a VGA cable for it and have fun.

>> No.8784408
File: 2.90 MB, 3419x2248, 20220405_205810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the sense that peoole overvlown 240p scanlines wsy out of the wack at this point

>> No.8784412

Every knock or boast about CRTs is exaggerated at this point. No one sits with their face against the screen.

>> No.8784556

but what about the annoying flickering when using both 480p/480i?

>> No.8784779
File: 1.01 MB, 1427x753, 1649229882226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know what model this is?

>> No.8784782

It’s a Sony.
Model is a Trinitron.

>> No.8784784
File: 2.46 MB, 3406x1284, 525382F9-C349-481C-974C-3286F4FEE3F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you misunderstand, consumer CRT’s only display 480i and 240p is only rendering half the lines of 480i and yes it looks nice

>> No.8784786

All CRT TVs by default are NTSC or PAL, aka 480i or 576i
The 240p and 288p are "hacks" of 480i/576i, they skip every odd line, that's why you get scanlines but less flicker, plus the console architecture can be simpler

That's why high TVL PVMs suck, they have distracting scanlines with big black gaps at 240p
But you're just confusing 240p and 480i

>> No.8784787 [DELETED] 

Normal concumer TV sets don't have thick scanlines like PVMs at 240p
For example >>8784784 is 240p

>> No.8784790

Normal consumer TV sets don't have thick scanlines like PVMs at 240p
For example >>8784784 is 240p

>> No.8784795

If you ask me, the meme has toned down now. People start to see that PVMs are more of a meme and not a visual upgrade.

>> No.8784796

i might grab one of these
only review i can find is cringe-youtube and redditors sperging

i just need s-video so it seems fine for tate shit

>> No.8784798

Consumer sets suck tho, way too blurry and no RGB

>> No.8784804

You can get pretty high end consumer sets, Trinitrons are pretty common. Plus you can get other types of higher resolution monitors with RGB, like high TVL slot masks that give a very nice picture and show low resolution sprites really nicely, without having thick scanlines.
Also pretty much every consumer set in Europe has RGB via SCART, as long it was made in the late 80's or newer.

>> No.8784805

Fair enough for Europe

>> No.8784806

15kHz monitors were pretty popular in the US too though, non PVMs.

>> No.8784842

Many 2000s CRT TVs had component, same thing

>> No.8784850
File: 502 KB, 1413x920, 1649235503996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few days ago a friend of mine gave me a Toshiba MW20FP1, it's cool to have a CRT again. I've played some VHS (it doesn't have the DVD player) and it looks okay, but there's a weird flickering at the top of the screen, and the right speaker isn't working. I want to use it to play PS2 or GameCube games, I just have to get a console, I don't know what to do with this dinosaur, right now it's just collecting dust.

>> No.8784875

Not really, RGB is technically superior for 240p/480i, YPbPr is a compromise.

>> No.8784891
File: 3.44 MB, 2051x1568, 1625949544174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to find old CRT
>everyone wants hundreds of dollars even for trash that you'd usually find dumped on the sidewalk
>try to haggle

did pawn stars buy a CRT for $1.4 million recently or something? shaders just aren't the same...

>> No.8784895

I do have a Dreamcast and I've been meaning to get around to playing Blue Stinger and Despiria.
Okay, guess I'll take it then. Thanks anon.

>> No.8784898

No, and they are interchangeable through a transcode

>> No.8784901

Dunno, I got two free offers last week for me "Looking for old glass tube CRT monitors and TVs" from close by.

>> No.8784903
File: 3.45 MB, 2697x2876, RGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and no RGB
what did he mean by this
RGB version of >>8784784

>> No.8784907

Are those scanlines visible while playin in real time or they are only shown on stillshots?

>> No.8784909

Did you try checking outside of Soí Valley?

>> No.8784910

Yes, you're transcoding RGB into YPbPr, you're dropping some data. Even if you go back from YPbPr to RGB, the data is lost.
YPbPr is technically encoded format, while RGB is just 3 composite signals for each colour.


I guess they meant that consumer sets in the US usually just had composite and sometimes S-Video, latter on also component in the form of YPbPr. They didn't have the same universal adoption like SCART did, because SCART was enforced by law in several countries in Europe and included RGB in the standard.

>> No.8784914

Component incorporates the sync signal, hence it has 3 cables
RGB is either 4 or 5 cables since sync is seperate

>> No.8784916

Visible the whole time, scanlines make up the picture...

>> No.8784917

>you're dropping some data
lol no the video output generated by either is exactly equivalent

simple rule of thumb for analog signals - if they use the same number of wires then they're the same quality

>> No.8784918

Yes they are

>> No.8784925

See >>8784914

>> No.8784927

>same number of wires
How to tell someone has never seen RGB

>> No.8784928

So, i am getting a 2014 laptop that outputs native VGA, any good VGA to component (YPbPr) for a possible new crt i could get.

>> No.8784930

You sure your laptop even supports 15kHz output over VGA? Not all do.

>> No.8784931

You’d be best off getting a computer monitor if you want to do it easily

>> No.8784932

You won't be getting native 240p at 60Hz though and majority of VGA monitors are a lot sharper than TVs, even high end ones.

>> No.8786931
File: 218 KB, 1000x1000, Hbdc42cb3a5284cca9b0356c8d6171d41W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a theory here and i'm not sure if it has ever been tested or not.

Has anyone ever removed the anti glare film from a CRT and instead of replacing the film that is used normally try to use a modern matte anti glare screen protector on the outside of the CRT like in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYNBp6kirvQ ?

I have always wanted to test this. In theory if it works just as well as antiglare screen protectors on phones it will eliminate screen glare almost completely on a CRT.

>> No.8787007

Best way to stream to a crt?