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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8747376 No.8747376 [Reply] [Original]

Aladin for the Super Nintendo was the better Aladin game. Fight me. The platforming was better. The Levels were more fun and relatively challenging with great variety. The hand springing, swinging, and trampolines were super fun and felt great to use.
>b-but you can use the sword in the genesis version!
Who fucking cares. Eat these apples bitch.

>> No.8747378

I'm tired of the same old boring console war threads about a game nobody gives two shits about.

>> No.8747384

The only ones who prefer the SEGA version are just fanboys on copium.
It's good, but not as good.

>> No.8747391

It was so good nintendo ported the Genesis version instead.

>> No.8747397
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>about a game nobody gives two shits about.
You have shit taste. The SNES aladin is a fantastic platformer. It honestly is in my top 10 snes games of all time (that I have played of course)

>> No.8747419

Not for GBA.

>> No.8747459

And that version was worse.

>> No.8747464

top 10 snes games wouldn't even make it into a top 100 Genesis games. Well maybe SMK would.

>> No.8747547

So don't reply to them.
Hide and ignore.

>> No.8747569
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I'm putting together a team of good Western platformers. You in?

>> No.8747636

>Western platformers.
Aladin was developed by capcom.

>> No.8747656

Aladdin has two Ds in it.

>> No.8747659

There are 2 Aladdin games kid.

>> No.8747806

Yes and the good one was made by Capcom.

>> No.8747835

I'm a Genesis fanboy but even I know that the SNES Aladdin was the better game. It's got superior combat, level design, platforming, etc.
As much as I love the Genesis graphics and soundchip, the SNES version beats it out in terms of design

>> No.8747843
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Thanks for reminding. I should probably try SNES Aladdin again. What would it be now, third or fourth time? Every time I hope the game will show me its beauty and I actually will be able to enjoy it but no, it's still the same average SNES platformer with boring level design and lame controls stolen from Prince of Persia.

>> No.8748013

Just like you

>> No.8748073

>Fight me
Ok. After class, no chickening out.

>> No.8748076

>Well maybe SMK would.
But at spot 100, almost 101, AMIRITE? LOL HIGH FIVE!

>> No.8749380

I liked the genesis version more because it was more challenging. SNES was too easy in my opinion.