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File: 160 KB, 1022x985, castlevania x6800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8746203 No.8746203 [Reply] [Original]

Literally impossible.

>> No.8746227

This shit is just a tutorial compared to what awaits you

>> No.8746238

I can do it and I'm terrible

>> No.8746239

you can't walk from left to right evade shit?

>> No.8746242

Literally git gud

>> No.8746257

This is nothing compared to the werewolf boss.

>> No.8746269

The werewolf is like a Mega Man boss

>> No.8746275

Stick to mobile games.

>> No.8746281

Just stay in the middle and whip the mermains when necessary. Do NOT move left or right. You might lose a life with some bad luck but that's it. Sometimes the mermain just jump up/down on the side and are no threat at all, let them be.

>> No.8746438

This port's music is god tier.

>> No.8746445

The most difficult Mega Man boss ever

>> No.8746501

More of a full blown remake than a port, but yeah it is. Everything about the game is god-tier, really.

>> No.8746519

The default X68K music beats all the alternate sound card options.

>> No.8746535

>More of a full blown remake than a port
Anon it's a literal 1:1 port.

>> No.8746539

Are you talking about Chronicles or something? Because I'm talking about the original game on X68K.

>> No.8746568

>has four soundtracks
>all of them are great
Konami were absolute nutters when it came to their music

>> No.8746595

If it makes you feel any better, here's a shameful confession: I've recently tried playing Castlevania - Dracula X on the SNES and kept getting filtered on the second screen, very beginning of the game. Flying medusa heads. Fuck 'em. I'll probably get back to it at some point, but for now I'm taking a break.

>> No.8747059

Literally just stand in the middle dude come on

>> No.8747398

Then how was I able to beat that game?

>> No.8747627

Your first Castlevania game? Dracula X is no walk in the park, especially if you want to free the girls, takes a couple of resets. And then the final boss is probably the hardest in the series

>> No.8747760
File: 2.40 MB, 640x360, Dracula2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8747909

>my sides

>> No.8747915

That shit never worked for me. I mean it kinda worked but you still had to evade his attacks from time to time. And there is also phase 1 which isn't easy either

>> No.8747919

>That shit never worked for me.

Worked every time for me, though if you're unlucky he'll come settle down where you stand and you'll have to move.
However just like in Rondo the amount of subweapons you can throw at once depends on your amount of hearts. IIRC it's up to 10: one, less than 30: 2, less than 50: 3.
(iirc in Rondo it's 10, 20 and 30).

So if you fail and die you're better off restarting the whole level to stock up on hearts than retrying from the checkpoint.

The first form isn't that bad, it can just potentially lasts forever if he never teleports close to you. The cross is best for the first form, the axe is best for the second form, your choice.

>> No.8747932

Yeah that's what I usually do. The first form is more tedious than hard I agree. It's long as hell and you always need to be on guard

>> No.8748054

My first "classic" Castlevania, got into the series with Symphony of the Night, beat the GBA and DS ones as well, but this ended up filtering me, at least for now. I do wanna get back to it at some point, but yeah, the more RPG-like Castlevanias are much, much easier.

>> No.8748067

Anon, that's not fair
Axe is literally the best sub weapon of all time

>> No.8748070

which CV game is that?

>> No.8748072

read the file name

>> No.8749126

Yeah, Dracula X can be a real pain in the ass. It feels a bit like a romhack, just from how oddly the levels and enemies are laid out.
I'd really only try it it after you've played all the esteemed classic-era CV's (1, 3, 4, Bloodlines, Belmont's Revenge, Rondo of Blood, and X6800)

>> No.8749132

Belmont's Revenge before Dracula X? Hell no

>> No.8749145

They were probably talking about Chronicles, yes. The original music from that version is great but I also love the arranged music and pretty boy Simon.

>> No.8749146

I remember being out off by Wicked Child or something in the Arranged Mode. Some of them are really weird styles for these songs

>> No.8749148

Not all of the arrangements seem to fit, I agree, but it does all happen to be very in line with my own tastes in music so I love it.

>> No.8749159

>Arranged Mode
explain pls what it means
i'm playing orig

>> No.8749175

I think Arrange mode in Chronicles is cool too, I was just confused because I originally thought he was calling the game in OP pic a port of CV1.

>> No.8749187

Castlevania Chronicles for PS1 is essentialy a 2-in-1 pack. Arranged mode is the newer and easier version with banger music and remade sprites

>> No.8749198

btw Chronicles is a garbage inaccurate port even in original mode

>> No.8749202

I've seen people complain that the Original mode in the PS1 port has a few inaccuracies compared to the X68000 version. What exactly is wrong with the PS1 version?

>> No.8749219

Don't fucking summon hi- Oh shit he's already here above your post...

>> No.8749238
File: 20 KB, 356x363, smug unwrapped mint lollipop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw beat werewolf on first attempt I feel like I got real lucky, honestly

>> No.8749290

I've seen Spaniard NECbeard complain about the PS1 port on his blog too, so I'm genuinely curious. I always thought the PS1 port seemed genuinely decent.

>> No.8749303

cropped aspect ratio (which influences enemy spawn points in vertical scrolls), fucked up hit detection and enemy AI, awful audio

>> No.8749332

>awful audio
I would imagined it's one of those lazy ports where they just sampled the original audio instead of properly emulating the sound hardware.

>> No.8749339

Cheers anon, might just do that. Are the GameBoy (the OG brick, not GBA) games any good?

>> No.8749341

its not theres actually quite a few differences like some hitbox issues,

>> No.8749345
File: 226 KB, 800x720, e26610a1e6d0ac4c7df7115be3ba992d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, especially Legends, the best GB Castlevania
Please be mad faggots

>> No.8749346

you must be the first poster in the history of VR to go and demonstrate actual strats instead of whining about the game, noice.

>> No.8749347

If they sampled it, they did an awful job. Whipping candles sounds like you're popping baloons. I don't know how anyone can keep playing that version after whipping the first candle alone.

II Belmont's Revenge is great, the first one and Legends are garbage.

>> No.8749358

> I don't know how anyone can keep playing that version
Most people don't even know that X68000 emulators exist

>> No.8749361

Everything on GB is shit tbqh.

>> No.8749650

bro that game is hard as fuck, on a good day I can beat any NES Castlevania game, but Dracula X kicks my ass every time.

>> No.8750356

Joke's on you, I played it recently and it was okay, I really appreciate how it's a classicvania with things like moving while crouching and technically being able to choose different subweapons at any time. Music's real good, too. My gripes with the game after playing it through once, though, is that half the time, it feels like the design is on point and the other half is either meh or annoying. Good thing Sonia can take a hit well enough, because damn.


>> No.8750376

Castlevania II Belmonts Revenge is pretty decent. The first game Castlevania Adventure is a janky piece of shit. Anybody who says it's good is a nostalgia tard. You have to be on some serious cope to pretend it's actually enjoyable.

>> No.8750823

Nice music. Igarashi said the game was shit and non-canon. For the record, I beat and enjoyed Legends yet I could never bring myself to finish SoTN

>> No.8751086

Getting the X6800 version set up is such a pain that I just go for Chronicles instead, even though it's the inferior version.

>> No.8751141

The arranged music is so ill-fitting but its so good at the same time. Always loved sota fujimori's work

>> No.8751184

99,9% of people do. Those 2-3 autists that post about 'muh fucked up port' play the Chronicles version as well

>> No.8751191

>I'm stupid therefore everybody is

>> No.8751195

I refuse to believe you mongrels who spend your time shitposting about ports on /vr/ have actually bothered to set up a sharp computer emulator

>> No.8751219
File: 95 KB, 1371x767, mongrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you're one of those people who parrots other people's opinions about games without having played them doesn't mean everybody is

the only thing hard about setting up the emu was figuring out the key combination to load a disk, which took about 30 seconds of googling. And even then there are probably better versions of the emu where that's not a problem.

>> No.8751268

Alright I'll do this for my next X68000 playthrough

>> No.8751782

>Igarashi said the game was shit and non-canon
Which honestly annoys me. I mean I don't entirely disagree, but the guy rarely bothered to actually work with any of the other teams' stuff and even shit talked them pretty frequently, until he, you know, started using their scenarios and characters in his remakes and spinoffs years after the fact after having ran the franchise into the ground and turned it niche.
Inb4 "the Kobe games are canon, tho", someone posted a timeline showing that and even so, Iga did fuck all with that fact.

>> No.8751792

>Igarashi said the game was shit and non-canon
Well, most can agree that the game is shit.

IGA just hates how Legends contradicted his own timeline and uses "It was made by the reject teams" to denounce it.

>> No.8751805

Well, up to the damn 3rd level it ain't too bad

>> No.8751812

Iage first produced Chronicles, all they had to do is port a game to a more powerful system and they couldn't even do that right. Then SotN, an unfinished glitchy mess of "let's put every single idea we have into it and never actually finish any of them".

Then, in the land of humble Japanese businessmen, he talks shit about everyone. It's everybody elses fault.

The more you learn about Iga, the more evident it becomes he's a piece of shit, and the only thing worse than him or his fans.

>> No.8751846

Diff anon, I actually rather like the third level, still feels as intense as the first time through and I love the idea that Dracula, even as far back as then, had the foresight to straight up boobytrap the basement with stakes everywhere.
>all they had to do is port a game to a more powerful system and they couldn't even do that right
I pretty much agree with your whole post, but it's this part I want to say something on. Arrange mode is so damn lacking in what they could've done. Instead it's basically just update Simon, Dracula, and the fucking candle light of all things. I know, I know, there's also the arrangement options, but lives and difficulty doesn't really amount to much in my eyes, honestly.

>> No.8751856

I really hate how IGAfans throw the 64vanias under the bus. As cool as SotN was, it was basically just a shinier and prettier version of Simon's Quest. The 64vanias were attempting to do something new and different.

>> No.8751861

>retcons Alucard's age and changes him from a full on vampire in his debut to just half for the sake of a "humans are le good and are only evil because of outside influences" philosophy
>bitches about other teams fucking up his story

>> No.8751863

There's an emulator-related bug that makes this platform disappear when the screen starts scrolling. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this yet. Just try another emulator.

>> No.8751865

At least in shitroarch setting it up was shockingly easy. I just downloaded the core and maybe dropped some bios in the system (can't remember for sure), but that was it. That said I also don't spend time shitting on Chronicles either, I think red hair Simon looks sick af.

>> No.8751875

I've had that happen once and never again, I'm not sure it's emulator related

>> No.8751893

That's a big part of why it annoys me, I don't think Iga's ever done shit to reign his fanbase in and frankly he probably didn't give a damn to do so. Putting aside story elements, the PS2vanias could've learned a lot from their predecessors, especially level design, and improve on them, instead we get worse level structure and even worse lock and key bullshit with levers thrown in than games from a prior generation. Like damn.

>> No.8751908

>Well, most can agree that the game is shit.
I don't understand why. I just can't get why Belmont's Revenge is considered a better game. Legends gameplay is the same but it has more neat stuff like alternate paths, beautiful character portraits during dialogues, stellar pixel art during the ending or game over for example. The music is also nice. Do people hate on this game just because IGA told them to?

>> No.8751980

As someone who liked Legends on his first playthrough, while I agree with to a large extent, it's shit like constantly respawning ghosts just because you moved the screen a little that gets me. That doesn't necessarily take away from what the game does right, but it's something that's there for what feels like half the fucking game. Sure, you have powers to deal with it and maybe that's expected, but unless you've been doing a good job of not dying and holding onto excess hearts, you're probably not going to have those resources at your disposal, and it can be pretty easy to die in Legends. That all said, I do agree with you on some level and don't see the massive appeal of Belmont's Revenge. Level design doesn't really do it for me even compared to Adventure and instead come off as gimmicky instead, and while BR has more polish like not chugging to hell and back and actually having some fucking subweapons, it doesn't help that you still get cheapshotted at times by enemies just because you accidentally replaced your axe with the useless holy water. Fuck the last three bosses, for the record, Dracula and the dragon are trial & error incarnate and Soleyiu or whatever is a doppleganger boss without the weaknesses.