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File: 1.10 MB, 824x960, 1806075-box_mm8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8744436 No.8744436 [Reply] [Original]

Playstation or Saturn?

>> No.8744815


>> No.8744819

Saturn. There's just more stuff in that version and they use the right music for Tengu Man's stage.

>> No.8745105

There's no downsides to the Saturn except for having to try and play Mega Man with the fucking Saturn controller

>> No.8745106

>implying that’s a bad thing

>> No.8745107

So it's actually all upsides

>> No.8745130

>having to try and play Mega Man with the fucking Saturn controller
How is this a bad thing?

>> No.8745164

Saturn, but it's not really much better or that different, so don't feel bad if you are stuck with the Playstation version.

>> No.8745165
File: 320 KB, 795x1567, MM8Satsubpar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturn has downgraded audio all across the board, except for the few music tracks that were redone (primarily Tengu & Aqua Man stages). Also has worse quality FMVs if you care about that, the funky water ripple effect will likely make you mistime underwater spikes, the Duo stage alarm sound effect is possibly the most asinine thing to add in the game, and a worse controller setup (they removed a button assignment option despite Saturn having more buttons). Really all it has is some exclusive art pieces in the Bonus Mode that should've by all accounts been included in Legacy Collection, like early versions of Sword & Pirate Man. Other than that, a resounding 'meh'.

>> No.8745172

N64 or PC-FX

>> No.8745184

Saturn has two extra rehashed bosses and looping soundtracks but the PSX has better sound effect quality.

>> No.8745196

Why the fuck is the audio quality worse? Could someone patch in the better audio from the PS1 version or is it just a weird Saturn limitation? Is X4 the same way?

>> No.8745205

I know you fuckers jizz over the Saturn controller, but that mushy d-pad with the diagonals sucks for 2D platformers. Play your fighting game ports all you want

>> No.8745220
File: 56 KB, 506x345, SSX4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looping soundtracks
You're thinking of X4. The reason for that is probably because the Saturn version was the lead platform in development and the PlayStation version was quickly ported over sometime nearing the end of development. In contrast, therw are indications that MM8 was the opposite.

>> No.8745223


>> No.8745226

The Saturn version of Tengu Man only really fits the shoot-em-up portion at best.

>> No.8745230
File: 221 KB, 800x1120, mega-man-anniversary-collection-gamecube-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8745231

Theoretically it could be possible with the sound effects and voice clips (and, throwing this out there, deleting/muting the siren audio in the midway stage would be doing god's work); the unoptimised tracks (most of them) would be harder due to the Saturn using a PCM encoded system rather than the original sequencing.

>> No.8745265

X4 has worse sfx and worse dash afterimages on saturn too.

>> No.8745281

Yeah, transparencies, but there are some Saturn effects missing on PlayStation such as the neat heat wave effect and uncut parts of the music like the dragon midboss and Frost Walrus. If you notice Capcom seemed to prefer the Saturn one since that's the one in commercial footage. History favored PlayStation of course.

>> No.8745292

The Saturn version uses sequences as well. The reason the instruments, voices, and sound effects sound different/lower quality is because Saturn doesn't have hardware ADPCM support, so samples have to fit in the same amount of memory uncompressed. So to do that you lower the quality.

Overall though I don't think it really is going to matter to the majority of people playing it on a TV with shit quality speakers.

>> No.8745304

Both versions have their strengths. At least it wasn't stuck on a shitty nintendo console.

>> No.8745312

Both systems needed port.

>> No.8745317

This is honestly grasping at straws. The audio quality isn't going to be noticeable to the average person over a TV speaker and the additional bonus content more than makes up for it.
>worse quality FMVs
This is also a minuscule difference. Capcom actually knew what they were doing with Cinepak encoding and the FMVs they did on their Saturn games are typically comparable in quality to their PS1 counterparts:


On a CRT over Composite or even S-Video I doubt you'd really notice much difference.

>> No.8745321

I can’t believe I made it through all 6 NES games and most of 7/8 on an analog stick as a teen. The Gamecube controller was great for 3D platformers but man that dpad was a stiff mess.

>> No.8745336

>The audio quality isn't going to be noticeable to the average person over a TV speaker
No one has a shitty TV like you do.

>> No.8745361

Most TV speakers are shit quality. They put the cheapest ones they can get in them, especially in recent years where they also need to be small and fit in your thin modern TVs. Why do you think there's such a huge market for HD Soundbars, 2.1 speaker set ups for your TVs, surround sound, etc? The speakers are so awful that people feel they have to replace them.

While older CRTs had better speakers due to there being more room for bigger ones, they're still not great by any means. They were passable at best.

>> No.8745440

>This is also a minuscule difference.
Okay chuckles, if you're going to use the "think of crappy TVs from back in the day" argument then you should also realize that animated cutscenes were a BIG FREAKIN DEAL back in the day as well, hell Sega saw re-releases of games like Saturn Lunar just trying to compete with their PS counterparts.

>> No.8745451
File: 200 KB, 500x500, SplashRoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add more robot masters
>not their special weapons
why even

>> No.8745519 [DELETED] 

>sonygros defending the inferior version
you don't even play games besides fifa, fuck off.

>> No.8745534

Prove the audio is worse, rip the samples from the disc and it should be obvious. That or get new material.

>> No.8745613
File: 397 KB, 719x613, CinepakVsMDEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, when was the last time you looked at PS1 FMVs with the same level of scrutiny? They're filled with JPEG artifacts.

Most Saturn FMVs look bad because the devs were stupid with the encoding. They either tried to cram too many on one disc, or they had ridiculously high frame rate and audio quality specs wasting the bitrate budget. Most PS1 FMVs you see are 15fps or less, or have compressed audio. Ones that are higher than 15fps, typically aren't fullscreen. A lot of Saturn FMVs on the other hand are 24fps or higher, with uncompressed audio, sometimes at near CD quality. If bring those specs down to PS1 levels, you can actually get pretty close to matching it:


Capcom actually understood this and were actually intelligent with their Cinepak encoding on Saturn. Compare the Megamans as well as Resident Evil. The FMV quality is pretty much on par with their PS1 counterparts.

>Sega saw re-releases of games like Saturn Lunar just trying to compete with their PS counterparts.
The PS counterpart didn't come until 2 years after the Saturn MPEG release. The MPEG release was just a special edition. The PS1 version was also on 2 discs while both Saturn releases were on 1, giving more space for FMVs, but even then they're still not full screen. The English patch actually increased the Cinepak quality and increased the resolution to be even higher than the PS1 version.

>> No.8745673

PSX audio is at 16kHz 220kbps but raw audio data doesn't mean shit when the game is programmed to bottleneck it via downsampling. What you hear from the speakers in game is what counts. Both of these were recorded from mednafen so don't give me bullshit accuracy excuses.
https://anonfiles com/vcLaD2Q5x9/Saturn_versus_Playstation_sfx_in_order_wav

>> No.8745698

>Both of these were recorded from mednafen so don't give me bullshit accuracy excuses
Rip the files from the CD image. It's really not that hard.

>> No.8745702

The Saturn files seem to vary between 16KHz, and 22.5KHz, etc. They all seem to be 8-bit signed PCM though.

>> No.8745740

Find a working ripper for sound effects (not .ssf music) from Saturn .PAC files then, because PSX sfx is easy to extract. Until then, fuck off.

>> No.8745743

Saturn ones are easy to extract too. Import the PAC file as Raw Audio Data in Audacity, set to Signed 8-bit PCM, Mono, Big Endian, then play with the sample rate until you get it right. They don't all use the same sample rates. 16KHz, 22.5KHz, and 11.25KHz seem to be the more common ones used.

>> No.8745748

Here's the title screen samples from the Saturn Disc:
https://anonfiles com/H2xfE5Q7x8/TITLE_SAT_wav

>> No.8745776


>> No.8745796

That one doesn't appear to be audio.

>> No.8745806

Besides that one, COMMON.PAC should be where the sfx is stored, unless it follows a different setup than the PSX version.

>> No.8745814

Here you go:
https://anonfiles com/bfY2E7Q8x6/COMMON_SAT_wav

Specs are 8-bit Signed PCM, Mono, Big Endian, 8000Hz. I'm going to guess PSX is probably 16-bit 16000Hz but with ADPCM compression.

>> No.8745826

Exactly right. PSX is little-endian at 218~256kbps average as well compared to Saturn's 51~128kbps.
https://anonfiles com/tdc1F9Q4x2/PCOMMON.PAC_00024_wav
Case closed, I guess. >>8745165 is correct.

>> No.8745832

I wonder why there was no version for either Windows nor the NEC PC-98?

>> No.8745846

It was never really something we didn't already know. Both Saturn and PS1 have 512KB of Audio RAM, but PS1 has hardware compression support, Saturn doesn't. So to fit the same amount of samples you need to cut the quality, or come up with a software implementation of ADPCM decompression.

That said, this is just the raw data. Remember these go through the Sound chips had have different DSP effects applied to them. This can help smooth some of the roughness out. And again coming through crappy TV speakers will also help mask this. It's not really the dealbreaker >>8745165
is trying to make it out to be.

>> No.8745861

I'd argue that sound quality is more of a deal than people think, and is as important for feedback as the visual aspect of a game. Should be more of a dealbraker than something minor like track looping.

>> No.8745872

> is as important for feedback as the visual aspect of a game.
The drop in quality is no where near close to having an impact on that. The additional bonus material, better music tracks, etc. more than make up for it.

>> No.8745931

The problem is that the bonus material feels like stuff that they slapped together on top of the game to make up for the (in Japan) release gap and don't feel like a natural part of the game, and to be internally consistent if the PS audio is not a concern than neither should Sat's.

>> No.8745956

I wouldn't say it feels slapped on. Woodman acts as a mid stage boss, and Cutman is a nice hidden boss fight. Both now guard a bolt that was just handed out to you previously. The areas where their boss battles take place are still there in the PS1 version, but are either empty or blocked off. If anything the PS1 version feels incomplete for those parts.

Honestly those additional bosses are a perfect fit considering it's the 10th anniversary game.

> if the PS audio is not a concern than neither should Sat's.
I think slightly worse sound effects isn't as big of a deal as completely different music in some cases or overall more polished tracks. As I said before, this is grasping at straws.

>> No.8746046

>10th anniversary game.
So go all out. There's more in the intro crowd than Cutman and Woodman they can pull from. Integrate other game representation into the other stages. As it stands it they feel more bootleg than the Game Boy games. And it's incongruent that Woodman is a mandatory midboss like they had no idea where to put him. It just pads the game out for no good reason if you're low%ing/no-bolting. Mega Man TEN celebrated previous bosses better as sidecontent and gave us their weapons to boot.

>> No.8746092

>And it's incongruent that Woodman is a mandatory midboss like they had no idea where to put him.
How so? Not every stage has a midboss in Megaman 8, but where they added Woodman in Saturn actually works and fits better than PS1. On PS1 you just go into the room before him and grab the bolt then it abruptly loads the next part. On Saturn you actually go through the door into the next room and fight him for the bolt. It feels like a more fleshed out and complete experience if you ask me.

Again, this argument seems like it's just grasping at straws to try and make the unfinished PS1 version seem better than the complete Saturn version.

>> No.8746126

Someone should decompile this game and natively port it to PC with all the benefits of both releases with none of the drawbacks + mod support.

>> No.8746136

Not him but adding bosses from previous games as bonuses has no bearing on a game's completion. That's why they're called bonus characters. The PSX version came out first, and came out complete already.

>> No.8746220
File: 777 KB, 800x601, 6a00d83452033569e201bb09dcc3de970d-800wi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On PS1 you just go into the room before him and grab the bolt then it abruptly loads the next part.
You're thinking of Cut Man, who's actually placed in a decent spot since the stage he's in is short enough to have a secret befitting it. Wood Man's Bolt was in Flame Man's stage of all places, and it was in a spot you could miss if you weren't paying attention (in the dark/Flash area). Granted, it wasn't ultra-hidden, but still possible to overlook. Both bosses feel like they should be hidden and have nothing to do with the main progression. Both bosses get drawn out intros where you can hear the full version of the boss intro theme, but it's wasted here. "OMG [X] Man what're you doing?" "I'm here to give you a boring line that barely explains why I'm back and will now proceed to make a pun involving my theming!" "No! [X Man] don't do it!" "Another pun!" Recycle. Later in the game Bass shows up and that's when you're supposed to hear the full theme for the first and only time, because that scene is really tense and Bass is dabbling in something he really shouldn't. It's supposed to be taken seriously. Instead the player's gonna associate the second half of the theme with Cut sharpening his scissors and Wood Man getting hard.
You forgot about Weapons Archive. That's the way to do it. Bonus points since there's a logical reason you wouldn't get a special from it.

>> No.8746261

>Wood Man's Bolt was in Flame Man's stage of all places
Yeah that was a lame switcharoo but on the other hand the other Flash Bomb bolt (the one at the end ofvthe stage) actually has more enemies crowded in the hallway to sort of make up for the loss of the other bolt.

>> No.8746308
File: 396 KB, 2560x1440, x4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Saturn's cinepak encoding. PS1's video artifacts are more consistent with what was standard for the time of computer multimedia, making it look better for it's day. But the Saturn's artifacting was a lot more unique to the system and for some reason really worked when applied to the high contrast animation typical of 90s anime. I know that calling it soulful is asking for trouble but it really takes me back to the era compared to PS1 FMV which today just looks generically old.

>> No.8747953

So how come this never got a native Windows 9x port like MMX4 and MM Legends did?

>> No.8747972

PSX is cheap garbage hardware, saved only by some of its games.

>> No.8748195

N64 is cheap garbage hardware, saved by none of its games.

>> No.8748837
File: 3.07 MB, 1920x4160, 1644388865261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ is cheap garbage board, saved only by some of its shitposts.

>> No.8748923
File: 481 KB, 2560x1440, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturn Roll is cutest Roll.

>> No.8749210
File: 241 KB, 1105x1008, WoodMan8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pipedream but I'll bite.
>PSX version as the main base.
>Option between English or Japanese (subtitled) voices, and vice versa.
>Use unique Saturn Tengu music for Duo's stage, which is shorter and more dramatic than the intro stage theme or the Tengu PSX track that otherwise fits the "tengu above the clouds" vibe better.
>Keep Cut Man as a bonus boss exactly as he was in the Saturn version, but remove the corny text exchange.
>Keep Wood Man as well without the dumb dialog, but move him so he's optional like Cut Man. I suggest keeping the Sword Man bolt where it is, and instead putting Wood Man's room in the hidden area to the top-left that requires a sub-weapon to reach [see pic].
>Use the added enemy placements from the Saturn version, as the game is easy enough.
>The Japanese intro and ending songs are preserved. If possible, remaster the cutscenes from source cells if they still exist.
>"Game Information" kept from the Japanese PSX version by default. You still get the code for the Bonus Mode at the end of the credits, and using it on the Game Information option takes you to the Saturn's Bonus Mode instead, with a few changes. Animation test is only unlocked if the game has a completed save file. The track that plays throughout is the original International opening instrumental instead of the standard menu theme (though you can change it via Sound Test). Artwork that reappears in Legacy Collection 2 is now of that quality, as well as any extra artwork there might be.
And of course, as you said, mod support can allow you to tweak it further, but the base package should give you the best of both worlds now.

>> No.8749227

>Japanese intro
The overseas intro song is better than electrical memefication

>> No.8749232

The big problem is that the Saturn versions of MM8 and MMX4 are locked to the Saturn despite the games getting several compilations.

>> No.8749239

Saturnfags btfo

>> No.8749259

Oh, and one more thing: Cut Man and Wood Man are no longer permanently disappear once you collect their respective bolts. You can re-fight them as many times as you like when you return to their stages, just like any other midboss.
I threw you a bone if you read further down. Alternately, you can easter-egg swap it, like the Shade Man GnG music code.

>> No.8749292
File: 5 KB, 268x217, Time_Man_and_Oil_Man_in_8-bit_style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rockman 8 Famicom demake was going to have Time Man and Oil Man from the "Powered Up" remake in place of Cut Man and Wood Man, but they shelved that idea. I'd be partial to that idea. Cut Man and Wood Man are just so random. I always felt like Time Man and Oil Man deserved a second chance.

>> No.8749463
File: 5 KB, 96x155, MM8-AlohaDodonpa-Sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use the added enemy placements from the Saturn version, as the game is easy enough.
Please indulge my 'tism and grant me this one (1) exception: the first enemy of the game should stay picrel, not a Metall. There's a thematic reason, the island is being investigated and the Wily forces are supposed to be on the down-low. A cannon popping up as the first threat of the game is supposed to be a surprise from Mega's POV. By making the first enemy a Metall, it's made more typical, like the porters thought players wouldn't recognize it as a Megan Man game if it the first enemy weren't Metalls. I agree the game should be harder but I disagree with the Metalls here, they totally ruin the atmosphere of penetrating through secretive defenses.

>> No.8749529

More like Sony fans desperately grasping at straws.

>> No.8749580
File: 28 KB, 300x270, kirbylaughsatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry that the dirty narrative your lot has spun to artificially drive up the price of the game beyond its natural value has been found out.

>> No.8749736

hey i'm emulating the ps1 version on duckstation right now and it keeps black screening when i finish with the last cutscene before the credits, is there any way to fix this?

>> No.8749787

>the dirty narrative your lot has spun to artificially drive up the price of the game beyond its natural value has been found out.
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better that your PS1 version is effectively an early and incomplete build of the game. The reality is a slight downgrade in sound effect quality doesn't negate the additional content, better graphics, and more polished and finalized music the Saturn version has.

Oh, and the entire reason the game jumped up in price on Saturn was because an idiot bought a disc only Buy It Now listing on ebay for about $125 when the game was going for ~$20 complete. Overnight price charting and collecting sites were stating the game was uber rare and worth at least $125 disc only and the price skyrocketed. If you want someone to blame for the retarded prices of Saturn games and retro games in general, blame collecting and price chart websites. Those places have been blatantly manipulating the market and inflating the value of things since they started.

>> No.8749806

Didn't happen with me when I played it. I assume you got a properly dumped rom. What version are you running?

>> No.8749810

>slight downgrade in audio quality
>better graphics
Not him but you're trying too hard there buddy. Especially after the discussions people had earlier in the thread.

>> No.8749817

just the newest one on github and it's windows 64. and the rom was fine before this so yeah. i tried to combine the rom's bin files but that didn't seem to change much, unless the state loads from the non bin files.

>> No.8749826

okay yeah even when i remove the old track files and it loads the state after wily fine it still doesn't load the credits so idk.

>> No.8749838

wait. i got it. okay i had to load the cue file. i don't know why that makes a difference but i'm not complaining.

>> No.8749850

>slight downgrade in audio quality
It's not a downgrade in overall audio quality, it's a downgrade for just the common sound effects.
>Especially after the discussions people had earlier in the thread.
I'm the one who extracted the files off the Saturn disc and converted them to wav. So I'm well aware of the discussion. The difference is no where near massive enough to negate the other pros the Saturn version has. Hence why it's grasping at straws.

>> No.8749862

So was the Saturn content added afterwards then? I was under the impression that the Saturn came first and the PS1 version was cut down.

>> No.8749884

PS1 came out first, but saturnfags hit below the belt because their version came out later with the obvious advantage of extra development time.

>> No.8749892

The Saturn version released 1 month later in Japan. PS1 was December 1996, Saturn was January 1997. So It's more like PS1 was released early and in an unfinished state while Saturn is the more polished and complete version.
>saturnfags hit below the belt because their version came out later with the obvious advantage of extra development time.
You guys do the same with similar situations like Tomb Raider.

>> No.8749901

I'd argue it's actually harder (if only slightly) WITHOUT the Mets, since the Mets more visibly encourage beginners to just shoot through. There's isn't as much of a visual cue what you're supposed to do if you never played Megaman

>> No.8749912

>You guys do the same with similar situations like Tomb Raider.
Tom Raider looks fine on both consoles, don't know what the fuck you're on about. On the other hand calling two bonus minibosses that only made it in because they had time to add bonus minibosses "the complete version" is disingenous. That's like saying the PC version of X4 is the best because it has a bonus music player in the menu.

>> No.8749915

I haven't played the Saturn version but this sounds like grasping at straws

>> No.8749920

Or Saturn SOTN.

Does the PC version have the Saturn extras? If it doesn't that's good evidence the content was never planned for the "real" version right?

>> No.8749942

why bother

8 is bad

>> No.8749951

no its not, its literally the best megaman game

>> No.8749960
File: 302 KB, 920x670, megasupport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS1 version is effectively an early and incomplete build of the game.
Holy shit, fuck off with this nonsense. It's the Saturnfags who collectively oversold Cutman and Woodman like they're the second cuming and cured their cancer. The content difference isn't going to turn a 7/10 game into 700/10 like they'd have you believe. Every single time I see discourse on version differences it's always about how those two nostalgia-pandering blockheads suddenly transform the whole of the game experience and transcend the game into the top percent of the franchise. No, screw you, I already conquered them several games ago, if I wanted shitty distilled rematches I'd play the Gameboy games. It's not, and never, will change your overall view on the game. If most people prefer quality over quantity in their games, let them enjoy it in peace
>~$20 complete
Not him but that's fantasyland bullshit

>> No.8749969

Doesn't save PlayStation-X from being cheap shit.

>> No.8750047

I don't get it

>> No.8750062

jej Sony troons are such overcompensating fags, it's unreal.

>> No.8750183

>Tomb Raider is fine!
PS1 fanboys literally post webms showing the Saturn version chugging every chance they get. The Saturn version was rushed out a month or so early due to a promotion by Sega of Europe. As a result it didn't get the final pass of optimizations the PS1 version got, it didn't get finalized textures, and it's missing moves and animations the other versions have. Saturn Tomb Raider is effectively a late beta release.

The NTSC release got a little more polish than the PAL release, but it still is missing moves and animations, as well as well as not being optimized.
>Holy shit, fuck off with this nonsense. It's the Saturnfags who collectively oversold Cutman and Woodman like they're the second cuming and cured their cancer.
Regardless of your feelings it's still more content and the Saturn version in general is more polished and complete.
>Not him but that's fantasyland bullshit
Literally what I paid for it back around 2009ish. It was still in the $35ish range around 2011 when some of the first price charting sites started to pop up. Then a disc only BIN suddenly sold at $125 and everyone started listing it as uber rare and worth a lot. Before that X4 was the more expensive game.

>> No.8750294

>PS1 fanboys literally post webms showing the Saturn version chugging every chance they get.
Oh, boo-hoo. Don't stoop down to their level, then. The 90's consolewars have been over for 30 years. You people have been splitting hairs over what's 99% the same product like it changes everything for 30-goddamn-years. Enjoy what you enjoy, but enough spit-balling each other.
>Regardless of your feelings it's still more content and the Saturn version in general is more polished and complete.
Don't be a fuckwit. You should have learned by now that more shit doesn't always equal a better game. This is like arguing that handheld ports like the Super Mario Advances are the "complete" versions because some intern some dev-cycles later crammed in some shiny junk and dangled keys in your toddler-eyes. And by the way, you've not bothered to explain how petty changes like the mood-clashing alarm and wavy water morphing that dampers pixel-judgment is JUST the thing the game needed that finally made it "complete" now.
>It was still in the $35ish range around 2011
You're either lying, lucky, or referring to a Japanese copy. I paid approx.twice that for mine in the 2000's 'cuz you fags suckered me in with your nonstop aids-praise of Saturn MM8.

>> No.8750330

>console wars are over!
Sure, but we can still discuss which version is the definitive version. And Saturn Megaman 8 is the definitive version.
>More stuff doesn't make it better!
Sure, but in Megaman 8's case the additional content is nice, and the more polished graphics and music do make it the better version.
>The Alarm is annoying!
In your opinion, I think it's a nice touch.
>The water effect impacts pixel-judgement!
How? It only impacts the backgrounds, not the sprites. The things you need pixel accuracy for are crystal clear and unaffected.

They make the game the more complete version because they're clearly final touches that were put in during that last bit of development time.
>You're either lying.
>or referring to a Japanese copy.
No. Again, that was the going rate around that time. It literally skyrocketed over night thanks to a crazy BIN listing selling at an absurd price and all the Price Charting/Collecting sites using at as evidence that it was worth a lot.
>I paid approx.twice that for mine in the 2000's 'cuz you fags suckered me in with your nonstop aids-praise of Saturn MM8.
Sounds like you have some personal problems to sort out. Maybe you should deal with those before posting on 4chan.

>> No.8750347
File: 105 KB, 600x760, 4b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this guy's decrying the lack of Sat-bosses as making the game "inconplete" is grinding my gears too so ya know what, I'm gonna take a moment and shill a GOOD Sega Saturn game made for the system, Silhouette Mirage. By far better than the Playstation port, which added (oh look!) 2 bosses to the game, 1 being totally optional and 1 to reach an ending..almost, wow, JUST like Mega Man 8! However, I never once thought the Saturn version was sorely missing these bosses. It told a story and was satisfying enough to play on its own. And Somehow, Silhouette Mirage never got a Playstation army to tell Saturnlovers that they're Saturnlosers for not having two unique bosses.

>> No.8750354
File: 22 KB, 474x348, 1617900474462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough, we get it, you have shit taste and you're proud of it.

>> No.8750365

Because it's not just the bosses. There's other finishing touches in the Saturn version such as the additional graphical effects, more enemies and sprite animations, more polished music, etc. Even if you remove the bosses the Saturn version is still the better version.
>Silhouette Mirage on PS1 had 2 more bosses!
At the cost of losing entire background layers and other details. And if you're playing the US version it comes at the cost of a completely broken game thanks to Working Designs. So it's not really the same thing.
Enough, we get it. You overpaid for Saturn Megaman 8 and you're butthurt over it.

>> No.8750390

I didn't bash saturnfags over ports it shared with the PSX until today. I've seen them talk shit about the PSX version of MM8 for missing two bonus minor bosses from previous games and a new Tengu Men soundtrack but I never hated it, since I do find that bonus content an interesting addition even if I don't feel compelled to play it over my own PSX copy.
The lower quality SFX thing is very real though and something you'll be hearing very often throughout the game unlike the two bosses, but the mere mention of that negative on the saturn version gets them riled up to the point of starting these shitstorms just to pretend it has no negatives.
You know what? Get fucked.

>> No.8750418
File: 552 KB, 808x610, hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It only impacts the backgrounds, not the sprites. The things you need pixel accuracy for are crystal clear and unaffected.
OK, you know what? You truly have proven to be quite a disingenuous hack. It was brought up before that this affects spike sections. AND IT DOES. GROUNDED SPIKES ARE AFFECTED. LOOK! There are multiple sections that require you to swim (read: awkwardly time jumps) through spiked tunnels. I can guarantee you, I've played MM8 on both PlayStation and Saturn on real hardware, and for the first/mandatory narrow one, I always got through the PlayStation version just fine (if maybe slightly nerve-wracking), but playing Saturn would usually hand my ass and make me feel like I lost a life through no fault of my own a number of times. This was distinct gaming frustration. "Oh, well the TV" - no, I played this on a contemporary CRT-TV like you prob would've asked, and that just made it WORSE than if I'd used a modern display for clarity (with speakers!).
I don't have anything else to say, good luck

>> No.8750423

No one got riled up or started a shirtstorm saying it had no negatives. We simply acknowledged that the lower quality sound effects are really the only real negative. And they're not even that bad all things considered. It really just boils down to this:

Saturn MM8:
+Better Graphics (Water Effects, additional stage animations, etc.)
+Better Music
+More Enemies in stages
+Additional Bosses
+Additional Bonus Menu
~Cinepak FMVs
- Lower quality sound effects

PS1 MM8:
+Higher Quality sound effects
-Worse Graphics (Missing water effects, additional stage animations, etc.)
-Worse Music (not just Tenguman but other stages like Aquaman)
-Less Enemies in stages.
-No additional bosses
-No bonus menu
Since MM8s Cinepak FMVs are well encoded, the FMV quality basically comes down to which compression artifacts do you find less intrusive in motion, Cinepak or MJPEG.

At the end of the day, the Saturn versions pros far outweigh it's cons. Honestly why is it so hard for you guys to just admit Saturn MM8 is the definitive version?

>> No.8750441
File: 131 KB, 595x445, 1645903959265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear, these people re-enacting the console-wars today are the vocal minority (ie. sad gatekeeping autists). This was an eye-opener but I'm not to hold it against an entire console for their fuckery, their goal is to make us just as petty & demented as they are.

>> No.8750443

Tengu Man's themes are both good but Aquaman's theme is better on the PSX and that's fact.
Saturnfags are so desperately insecure that the only thing they can say in the comments of the Saturn version is how it's the best one while the other side doesn't even think about them at all.

>> No.8750462

The foreground only jiggles horizontally, and at a high enough frequency that the edges are well defined. https://youtu.be/PiFBqMrK-gI?t=5068
Not a Saturn shill, but this rippling doesn't seem like it should affect positioning judgements in a meaningful way.

>> No.8750473

> You truly have proven to be quite a disingenuous hack. It was brought up before that this affects spike sections. AND IT DOES. GROUNDED SPIKES ARE AFFECTED. LOOK!
The spikes are part of the background layer, so no I wasn't being disingenuous. You however are because the animation is a horizontal animation since it's a raster effect. The pixel accuracy you need for the spikes is in the vertical space and that aspect isn't effected by the animation. So you can still judge the vertical space just fine. There's also the fact that the collision detection in that spot is very lenient. You can actually be on top of the tips of the spikes and not get hurt there.
Again, what is wrong with discussing which is the definitive version? The real console war people in this thread are the ones trying to claim a slight degrade in audio quality completely negates all the polish and bonus content the Saturn version has.
> Aquaman's theme is better on the PSX and that's fact.
The PS1 version has some very obnoxious sounding instruments in it. For the Saturn version they changed those with less grating ones. it's also a tad bassier.

>> No.8750509

>Graphics (Water Effects, additional stage animations, etc.)
Doesn't actually add anything of note, these effects aren't in other Mega Man games since they're arguably intrusive to gameplay/atmosphere.
Wait, what happened to >>8745826
"Case closed, I guess. >>8745165 is correct."?
>More Enemies in stages
Doesn't make much of a difference outside of one or two spots of jump'n shoot but ok.
>Additional Bosses
Sure, recycled one-offs that don't belong as bosses in another numbered title and were cobbled together to make up for the delay (they don't even get English dubs).
>Additional Bonus Menu
You got me, this one is better than "Game Information" / nothing. Only the Boss Character Postcard starring chibi Wily was worth looking through though.
Play it up as subjective if you like but Saturn does crop a bit of the picture to PlayStation wins by default here.
Damn, if only Youtube, Wikis and fansites existed to fill our niche.

>> No.8750561

>these effects aren't in other Mega Man games
Megaman X:
Wily wars:

So no, they were in fact used in other Megaman Games. And they're a nice touch. Cry all you want, this is a win for Saturn.
>Wait, what happened to >>8745826
That's talking about the common Sound effects, I'm talking about the music. Try to keep up.
>Doesn't make much of a difference
It makes the game more challenging and adds some nice detail.
>The bosses are recycled!
Hmm, it's almost like it's because it's the 10th anniversary game. Regardless they're nice bonuses and a win for Saturn.
>The Saturn FMVs are cropped!
Because the Saturn FMVs are 320x224, vs the 320x240 of the PS1 version. So you're losing 8 pixels on the top and bottom, which on a CRT will most likely be in the overscan region anyways. So yes, it really is a subjective thing. The FMV quality difference isn't really something to complain about.
>Damn, if only Youtube, Wikis and fansites existed to fill our niche.
You realize those all tend to agree that the Saturn version is the definitive version right?

>> No.8750573

Combine that with a wavy background and a crappy old TV setup and you're asking for trouble. The edges of the spikes can be harder to define, which wouldn't be a problem if they were on a fixed-height ceiling/floor but they aren't, sections of spiked ground are higher/lower.

>> No.8750582

> which wouldn't be a problem if they were on a fixed-height ceiling/floor but they aren't, sections of spiked ground are higher/lower.
The collision detection is done by tile boundaries, so that detail doesn't really matter. You can literally be overlapping the tops of the spikes and still not get hurt because the game is lenient and doesn't count it as a hit unless you're touching the lower more defined parts of the spikes.

>> No.8750638

>Megaman X
Not the foreground.
Er, even more subdued?
>Wily wars
Known for being questionable at best.
At any rate, point me to any other game where this also affected the insta-death spike graphics and dared you to pass dangerously by. Go on. I'll wait.
>Cry all you want,
Holy shit you're sad.
>Try to keep up.
No, it just reads like you amended your take to defend the Saturn's honor like a weirdo. I don't think anyone here had it out for the Saturn. You however seem to have the axe to grind.
>It makes the game more challenging
Actually explain. Where are the enemies added? How does this make you work up a sweat? Etc.
>Hmm, it's almost like it's because it's the 10th anniversary game.
But it's not. It's -literally- the NINTH anniversary game. Calling it the tenth anniversary game was purely Capcom U.S.A. marketing buzz (Europe didn't do it despite being released closer to the tenth anniversary, go figure). This happened because Sony initially declined Capcom U.S.A. a western release, but after hearing it was getting a Saturn port, Sony changed their mind and greenlit it on the condition it add something to persuade buyers to get the PlayStation version that was now going to be released simultaneously in the west, hence the enclosed "full color anthology booklet" in first U.S. shipments. Do your research if you're gonna pretend to be a smug cunt.
>The FMV quality!
Look, you were going to rationalize it either way. That part's an objective loss and you know it.
>You realize those all tend to agree that the Saturn version is the definitive version right?
Way to completely miss the point, o obsessed one.

>> No.8750705
File: 341 KB, 540x405, 1608746989819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again, what is wrong with discussing which is the definitive version?
But you've shown that you're not interested in having any such discussion. There's no, 'hey, both versions are imperfect but whaddaya wanna do about it' with you. The chap talking about their hypothetical dream disassembly/source-port/whatever project were interested in that discussion, weeding out what worked and what didn't work, etc until you derailed the thread with your 'console takes all' fuckery that set it all back.
>You can literally be overlapping the tops of the spikes and still not get hurt because the game is lenient and doesn't count it as a hit unless you're touching the lower more defined parts of the spikes.
Just gonna say it's amusing at least to see you flip-flopping on whether or not this should be played on a decent or crappy tele.

>> No.8750706
File: 138 KB, 350x176, InstadeathSpikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>point me to any other game where this also affected the insta-death spike graphics:
As stated above, the spike collision detection is very lenient. You can literally be on top of them and not die. See pic related. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
>No, it just reads like you amended your take.
My post said the following:
+Better Music
-Lower Quality sound effects.
It seems more like you failed to read it.>>8750423
>Actually explain.
There's more enemies you have to deal with in a few spots, so the game is a bit more challenging. In other spots there's additional scenery sprites which again add more detail to the stages. Again you can try to downplay this all you want, it's still a win for Saturn.
>It released in Janury so it's a 9th anniversary game!
So what? The point is the Saturn version has additional content to commemorate this in all regions. Clearly this isn't due to some Capcom USA marketing ploy if it's also in the Japanese Saturn release. It's clear this stuff was intended to be in the game by the developers, the PS1 version for some reason released before these things were implemented.
>I read the wikipedia page! Do your research!
You realize there's a ton of info wrong on that page right? They don't even have the right release dates. The thing you're quoting comes from an off the cuff remark from an old G4 video.
>The FMVs are worse!
Any quality difference is marginal at best:

This along with the lower quality sound effects isn't really the deal breaker you're trying to make it out to be.
>Way to completely miss the point
What is the point then? The Saturn has lower quality sound effects and Cinepak FMVs? We already knew that, it doesn't change the fact it's the definitive version.
>o obsessed one.
I'm not the one posting a screenshot of my own post in every thread this subject comes up in to try and defend the PS1's honor and downplay the pros of the Saturn version.

>> No.8750717

>There's no, 'hey, both versions are imperfect but whaddaya wanna do about it' with you.
Again, I'm the one who extracted the Saturn audio and backed up they were lower quality. I listed it in the cons. All I'm arguing is it's not the complete deal breaker some are trying to make it out to be.
>But muh Dream disassembly!
Is completely off topic since this thread is literally "Which is better? PS1 or Saturn?"
>Just gonna say it's amusing at least to see you flip-flopping on whether or not this should be played on a decent or crappy tele.
What does pointing out the leniency of the collision detection have to do with playing it on an older TV?

>> No.8750753

Let me guess, you guess are discussing if shit compressed old game audio is better than shit compressed old game audio again?

>> No.8750787
File: 183 KB, 368x475, howdarethatopinionexist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See pic related.
I think post above beat me to it.
>It seems more like you failed to read it.
No, I read it. The post I pointed at before was seemingly agreeing with the poster's assertion that all of the audio suffered to a degree, then it got downplayed somewhere along the way. Of course, maybe that wasn't your post. I'm thinking it really wasn't with how the topic shifted.
>Again you can try to downplay this all you want,
You know, I'm not actually the one doing that, you insufferable projecter. I'm actually asking for segments where this is actually a thing that legit affects gameplay. The topic only brought up two instances: the start of the intro stage, and that one FB bolt in Sword Man's stage. Earnestly asking.
>It released in Janury so it's a 9th anniversary game! So what?
"So what?" You were making a pretty damn fool deal about it on multiple points is what. The original Japanese release was in December, the same month as Mega Man 1 even.
>The thing you're quoting is sourced on Wikipedia!
Uh, okay? How dare I? Can safely vouch this was a known thing dating back from usenet days.
>What is the point then?
It's lost on you.
>Again, I'm the one who extracted the Saturn audio
What, so you'll "appeal to authority" now?
>All I'm arguing is it's not the complete deal breaker some are trying to make it out to be.
Maybe your ears aren't as sensitive, or audio just isn't as much your bag. And that's okay. But evidently it matters a lot to more people than you'd like, since all you've been doing for a decent chunk of the thread is repeating yourself like an asshole.
>this thread is literally "Which is better? PS1 or Saturn?"
Actually the thread's "Playstation or Saturn?" You invented the "Which is better?" part.
>I'm not the one posting a screenshot of my own post in every thread this subject comes up in to try and defend the PS1's honor and downplay the pros of the Saturn version.
Wow..See pic, and maybe do some soul-searching while you're at it.

>> No.8750816
File: 112 KB, 280x264, RosenkreuzstiletteFreudenstachel-IrisScene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You overpaid for Saturn Megaman 8
and how much do you think I sold it for?

>> No.8750840

>No, I read it. The post I pointed at before was seemingly agreeing with the poster's assertion that all of the audio suffered to a degree
And I went through the files and looked at them. It's not a simple cut and dry thing. Some samples are lower quality, some are equal, some are better. The one that was universally lower quality was the common sound effects file.
>You were making a pretty damn fool deal about it on multiple points is what.
No, you're grasping at straws. Most companies will celebrate a franchises landmark anniversary at the start of the year, even if the game didn't come out until later on in the year. Sega did it With Sonic last year, Nintendo did it with Luigi in 2013. There's also the fact that Capcom Japan was talking about it in early 1997 promotional material. So clearly they also saw it as the 10th anniversary and included that content in the Saturn version there as well. It looks more like the PS1 version was released early and unfinished for some reason. Possibly due to some agreement with Sony in Japan.
>usenet posts
Are not a good source in this either.
> But evidently it matters a lot to more people than you'd like.
No it really seems to just be you. As I said it's really a minor issue and doesn't really outweigh the perks of the Saturn version. Meanwhile some in this thread are acting like it completely negates anything good the Saturn version does, which is just silly.
>repeating yourself like an asshole.
Hello pot meet kettle.
>Actually the thread's "Playstation or Saturn?"
Obviously it's being asked in the context of "Which version should I play?" which obviously boils down to "Which is better?"

>> No.8750857
File: 547 KB, 569x3500, airman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this still going on? Guys, disengage, this is unhealthy mental illness, thread is total pants now

>> No.8751220
File: 91 KB, 500x474, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread:

>> No.8751520

>No, you're grasping at straws. Most companies will celebrate a franchises landmark anniversary at the start of the year, even if the game didn't come out until later on in the year. Sega did it With Sonic last year, Nintendo did it with Luigi in 2013. There's also the fact that Capcom Japan was talking about it in early 1997 promotional material. So clearly they also saw it as the 10th anniversary and included that content in the Saturn version there as well. It looks more like the PS1 version was released early and unfinished for some reason. Possibly due to some agreement with Sony in Japan.
>No your dialog ue partner(s) but might I suggest relook at it? It is fact that RM8 released 9 years to the day of RM1 deliberated makes it 9th anniversary. However, if saying capcom cheat and go by year (and this is notty cheat if from Dec to Jan) then Saturn ver is the "10th" (unreal) edition and by proxy US Playstation vers but you can not hold it against Playstation ver since it wasnot Jap intension. Basical Playstation=standalone original, Saturn='enhanced' "10th" anniversary special episode. Playstation isnot "unfinished" (which btw is very loaded words,) it is just that Saturn technic anniversary. Hope I'm explains in way make sense. To the end, It note only US Region had MM 10 Anniversary Banding, so I belive this intensions make it as is straw gasp.
>Are not a good source in this either.
I lack usenet but I remeber forums of foraign magazine+translation variety that MM8 didnot nearly come to West. I donot remeber if such details line up but this forums is ancient for Online and tricky to Relocate, sounds like story match tho.
Cor rect, MM1 is the one that feels incompetlend now a day, becaise MM1 less than 8 Robots and need 2 Stage to make it feel as True Megaman.
Good Point, this make our impletmentation of Robots feel such that it is Incompleted, RM Fort have return Robots feels endemic to game desigh with main incorporations property.

>> No.8751548

so mad and gay jesus

>> No.8751563

>The Rockman 8 Famicom demake was
Garbage. 8bitfags are delusional.

>> No.8751613

On behalf of all dataminers everywhere I apologize that the dataminer in this thread is acting like a petulant wretched prick.
>But 'they' were mean about Tomb Raider!
So? You're making one Australiakun-in-the-making autist to be a monolith. In /vr/, expect every port and rerelease to be dissected thoroughly if there's absolutely any blemish over the original. It's par for the course.

>> No.8751801

Not him, but to be fair it makes more sense than the ambiguously gay duo.
>Timeman - you're pressed for time, Duo's on the run and you gotta catch up, then here you have a time-based bonus boss that warps time and space so it turns out not too much time was wasted during the fight. Cutman on the other hand is completely nonsensical on a thematic level.
>Oilman - Searchman isn't exactly respecting the jungle either, rather he's a bipolar maniac who's not above blowing nature up to suit his ends so it's logical that an oil guy would be shacking up with him. Individually they'd give Woodman a heart attack if he had one.
So yeah, no interest in fangames but I admit this concept was kino, I daresay would've easily been in Powered Up 8 if Inafune remakes were successful enough to become a real thing.

>> No.8751989

I was thinking about doing that, and using the MMLC as a base because it's the easiest way to legally get the roms

>> No.8752059
File: 80 KB, 1069x509, this is important.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah so that happened, in the interest of constructiveness I'm ignoring the second half of the thread that apparently popped up overnight and have another suggestion for >>8749210. I was browsing through the game's TCRF article and saw picrel. I think this is can be considered an improvement. You can see the original font used here has more noticeable artifacting against the background. Potentially, you may just replace the old pink font with the new orange version altogether if it looks better in all instances.

>> No.8752360
File: 44 KB, 288x500, 51NDPztvCdL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no issue playing classic Mega Man with the Saturn controller, it's the X series that doesn't lend itself well to being played with a Saturn controller. The two-row three-button controller setup doesn't lend itself well to the dash-jump-shoot gameplay structure without having to keep your hand in that claw setup or remapping the dash to one of the shoulder buttons, which is a no go because you need that for cycling through weapons.

And if you didn't know, X3 was also on Saturn, so it's not just X4.

>> No.8752506

Saturn X3 is so weird that nobody ever talks about it. Unlike MM8 and MMX4 there really is no reason to play the Saturn X3 unless you happen to like the borders and 8:7 SNES aspect ratio.

>> No.8752541

Nobody ever talks about it because it wasn't released in North America.

>> No.8752559

Saturn X4 also wasn't released in North America.

>> No.8752561

Yes it was. >>8752360 is literally a pic of the North American cover art.

>> No.8752567

>Saturn X4 also wasn't released in North America
Zoomer begone

>> No.8752568

>or remapping the dash to one of the shoulder buttons
This is how you should play MMX. You can leave one of the shoulder weapons for cycling and just use the third button for the other direction or whatever. Why would you choose the ability to cycle weapons over fucking dashing effectively? Just press start.

>> No.8752848

>Saturn X3 is so weird that nobody ever talks about it

Because it was an unmemorable port of an unmemorable game with inferior music, screen borders and nothing worthwhile over the SNES version aside from small anime movies. It's a novelty and nothing more.

>> No.8752901

Fuck, I mean it wasn't released in europe. I mixed them up.

>> No.8752943
File: 64 KB, 679x509, megaman saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The following year, Mega Man 8 saw a release on the Sega Saturn and was localized for both consoles in North America and the PlayStation alone in PAL regions. Mega Man 8 is the first game in the series made available on 32-bit consoles.

>Along with new animated full-motion videos (FMVs) and voice acting, Mega Man 8 features improved graphics and sound when compared to previous iterations in the series. Aside from a few minor conventions, the game utilizes the same 2D side-scrolling and platforming formula established by its predecessors on the NES and Super NES platforms. It received a moderately positive reception. Many reviewers appreciated the aesthetic and gameplay qualities of Mega Man 8 when compared to its earlier counterparts. However, several other critics were displeased by this same lack of innovation, finding that it does not utilize the full potential of the 32-bit platforms; additionally, the English-language version of the game received considerable criticism for its voice acting, which was perceived by many as being comically poor-quality. This resulted in an overall average or mixed critical reception. However, the game was a moderate commercial success and was re-released on best-seller lines in Japan and North America. Mega Man 8 was followed by Mega Man & Bass, a 1998 spin-off game for the SNES and later Game Boy Advance. A true sequel to the game, Mega Man 9, would not be released until 2008 and would revert to the graphical and gameplay style of the early NES games.

>> No.8754337

Why did the west get such shitty boxart in comparison to Japan?

>> No.8756691

blue man go pew pew!

>> No.8756695

honestly it's pretty good compared to previous games' boxart
not even the infamous ones necessarily, 3-7 have uncanny faces

>> No.8757763

Based. Shiturn don't deserve Megaman

>> No.8760123

Has anyone made a hack of the PSX version with the Saturn's extras?

>> No.8760126
File: 381 KB, 687x1000, 1541490843373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reversed A and B buttons

>> No.8760481

So, most of the stage

>> No.8762428
