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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8736716 No.8736716 [Reply] [Original]

What's the deal with the first 2 GTAs? I never see anyone talk about them. Are they worth playing?

>> No.8736767

Super zoomed out top-down game where all you do is
>drive to telephone booth
>guy tells you "go here and kill this guy for me"
>drive to place
>kill guy
>drive to another telephone booth
>guy tells you "now go to this other place and kill this other guy for me"
>repeat ad infinitum
>oh, and you sometimes get chased by the police
At least with the 3D games, you're not squinting to look at tiny ants, and there's an actual story

>> No.8736796

GTA2 is only for people who know the meaning of respect. Such people are a rarity nowadays.

>> No.8736869
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Nah, that's pic related.

>> No.8736870

They're totally worth playing. It's obvious that the GTA concept was truly activated by to-scale 3D and sim elements, but like all /vr/, that doesn't make these games retroactively bad. For me, GTA1&2 represent 90s PC gaming, which was highly experimental and sort of underground.

I just realized that's Trump Tower on the boxart.

>> No.8736924

Driver > gta

>> No.8736954

top down blind driving has never really worked imo.

>> No.8736956

Good games but hard to get running at the correct speed so it easy to end up crashing into buildings. They even had multiplayer on pc.

>> No.8736964

It's worth playing. While GTA2 was good on console and PC, GTA1 should only be played on PC.

>> No.8736975

Someone should make a shop of this with a staredown between Tony and George Costanza

>> No.8737013

They're freeware now, so you can see for yourself.

I downloaded GTA 2 a few months ago and played it for a couple of days. I had fond memories of it but there really isn't much to the game. The missions get really repetitive and occasionally frustrating, especially when your task is to drive a specific vehicle from point A to point B to point C while getting shot at by infinitely spawning enemies.

On the other hand I like that I can just launch the game and immediately start hijacking cars and massacring people without any cutscenes or missions. Just exploring the city, finding new powerups and hidden paths is pretty fun, though like I said I got my fill after a couple of days and don't feel any need to revisit the game anymore.

>> No.8737129

Where are they freeware?

>> No.8737184

GTA 2 is probably the best top down racer / shooter on the PC, needs more love

>> No.8737284

I thought they were really cool when they were released. I thought it was basically top-down carmagedon

>> No.8737450
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>> No.8737464

Yes they are excellent. The R* website used to have them for download for free until they became the company they are today, but definitely get the PC versions since the PS one is lacking.

>> No.8737480

They're good. I prefer the first one. The second one's faction system is interesting but it is hard as balls, I mean I did beat it but some of those missions I had to skip or fail.
I think the best thing about them are the soundtracks and radio chatter. I still get songs from 2 stuck in my head all the time.

>> No.8737503

Bad controls and boring scenarios. Forgotten for a reason.

>> No.8737764


>> No.8737909

Same. Good games, at least for the time, but always preferred the first one.

Any of you guys played GTA London? How was it?

>> No.8737932

>Any of you guys played GTA London? How was it?
Better than 1 and 2. It has good mission design, and actually has a narrative other than you're a criminal that wants money.

>> No.8737969


>> No.8737990

They put them back? Did they ever give out the London ones?

>> No.8738036

huh would never expect rockstar to do anything like that, thanks.

>> No.8738052

I had to do some digging to find that link again, so I'm guessing it's not that they put them back, but rather maybe forgot to take that one down. No idea about London.

>> No.8738103


>> No.8738176

yeah. and dont forget gta: chipchip cheerio edition

>> No.8738182

nvm. i should read replies before answering, eh

>> No.8738189

so hotline miami stole their gameplay loop from GTA?

>> No.8738662

Why the fuck did someone feel the need to make this?

>> No.8738668

They're great games with bad controls.

>> No.8738701
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>> No.8738717

lol you must not be very good at video games

>> No.8738776

PSX chad here. It's fun to get a beeber message about a car mission that doesn't exist in this version.

>> No.8738930

Now, this would work on a pizza box.

>> No.8738951

I like the first GTA. I played it quite a bit back in the day. I tried GTA 2 and some other sequel that must have been on the PS2, but I couldn't get into them for whatever reason.
The missions are kind of beside the point. There isn't really much of a story. You can just go steal a car, run people over, shoot people, whatever. Evade the cops until you get caught, and repeat. Best car to steal is a police car, because it goes the fastest.

>> No.8739282

They get overlooked due to the success of the 3D games. I've somehow never played 2.

>> No.8739291

Play the PC versions

>> No.8739314

That's not the official rockstar website, it has an .ua on the end.
If you wanna download gta 2 you can use this german website that rockstar themselves provided with download links back in the day
Or just use myabandonware.

>> No.8739479

I played the shit out of GTA2 on my PSX growing up. I loved that game. Usually just aimlessly drove around, causing mayhem, running over Elvis impersonators, and doing missions occasionally to spice things up. I remember the first time I figured out analogue mode on the controller could aim the fire engine’s water hose. Blew my little mind.

I tried playing GTA 1 on PC a few years later and couldn’t really do it. It felt too rough and bare-bones even compared to GTA 2, which I still loved at the time. i should try it again.

>> No.8740640

vaguely recall playing the GTA2 demo on a "never obsolete!" emachines running windows me or something. the premise of the demo was something like, "you have a bomb in your stomach that will detonate in 15 minutes, kill as many people as possible!"

>> No.8740869


>> No.8740974

you could remove that time limit and play the entire first island but not at dusk

>> No.8741031

what are you talking about retard, what he said has nothing to do with skill, it's just a description of the game plays

>> No.8741303

Brother was simping for those, never tried them myself. Didn't like 3 much. Vice City was the only one that really clicked with me, didn't like SA bc of nignog culture and mumble rap protags
5 is good, TBoGT was good. Rest all shit espc 4 is pure aids

>> No.8741381

Would've been funnier if Costanza was eye-level with Tony. Could've omitted the two other guys if they were in the way.
Still funny regardless. Good job, anon.

>> No.8741863

GTA 1 still one of my favourite titles to this day, I wish other GTAs other than 3 had the bird view camera as an option

>> No.8741908

Not retro but did you ever play Chinatown Wars? Great game.

>> No.8741914

If you're willing to learn the controls and different gameplay, yes, specially GTA 2, its retro-futuristic atmosphere is absolutely fantastic and is still a blast to play.
Hell, you don't even have to play the missions, you can beat the game by just destroying vehicles, people, finding secret stuff, etc

>> No.8743103
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>> No.8743223
