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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 17 KB, 267x373, Etvideogamecover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8736123 No.8736123 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't the worst game ever. It's not even in the top (bottom?) 10 worst games ever.

>> No.8736132

yes I hate normies too

>> No.8736136

No, but's held to represent the excess of the 80's video game market and how Atari had to bury their surplus stock.

Are 2600 cartridges and their components hard to recycle or something? I would have thought they would have recouped some costs and sold them to a recycler.

>> No.8736146

The game was actually pretty innovative and it had more to offer and you could do more than in your average atari games.

>> No.8736154
File: 54 KB, 679x451, B0AF5403-BF0C-4675-A8C0-5460DE09A689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8736156

I don't think recycling existed back in 1980 or whenever that was

>> No.8736167

I've never understood why this game in particular is considered the worst. All pre-gen 3 non arcade games were borderline unplayable. You can call me a zoomer all you want but I refuse to believe you people actually played late 70s - early 80s computer and console games

>> No.8736181

shove your thumb up your ass before saying anything

>> No.8736186

Be quiet zoomer, you never played Gyruss in a pub in 1985

>> No.8736190
File: 267 KB, 1200x904, B2E7192F-A7E7-4B8C-B56E-D32F705FEA10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck sharters are such flagrant copium addicts it’s hilarious. meanwhile this is the absolute groundbreaking kino that we were playing back in 1983 while your entire industry was crashing lmao

>> No.8736196
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder you all have schizophrenia. I doubt I'd ever recover if I played that shit as a kid

>> No.8737194

so who was buying all those millions of consoles and computers back then? machine elves?
or do people pat you on the head and call you "special"?

>> No.8737197

Spectrum games always have a nightmarish quality to them

>> No.8737209

fair enough really but there's at least breakout

>> No.8737216

Name 10 worse games then.
(It' not really the quality of the game, but what it symbolices)

>> No.8737257
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 04DB23C4-EABD-415C-AE1A-7B59DCC86EAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fairness this one was intentionally fucked up

>> No.8737261

It's bad, but it's at least playable.

>> No.8737272

Name 10 worse games.

>> No.8737303


Had to read the manual first though, so obviously the actual mechanics might as well have been carved into Egyptian pyramids and remained a mystery.

>> No.8737323

Because it was the latest fad/innovation? People still do this shit to this very day. Who do you think buys PS5? People who care about video games?

>> No.8737328

Most Atari games barely even resemble games let alone had more than two minutes of """gameplay""" so I have no idea why this game in specific was singled out.

>> No.8737623

It’s probably because it sold a lot of copies so more people remember it being a jankfest and also the landfill story and that loads of copies got returned. It just built that reputation over the years despite being a perfectly average Atari game that’s more stable than most of the stuff being released at the time. One day, someone said it was the worst game ever made and it spiralled out from there. Most people now tend to just see it with apathy and focus on games that are actually abysmal like Bubsy 3D

>> No.8737707

You will play Superman for Atari 2600 and enjoy it. Complaining = caning, and boy you're just shoppin for a whoopin.
>t. grandpa

>> No.8737717

based gramps

>> No.8737721


>> No.8737793

"COD's a game for fags kiddo, go play with a real gun."
"ok granddad"

>> No.8737838

Why did AVGN feel the need to out this in his movie? Why was early avgn good yet nu avgn is the absolute worst shit ever?

>> No.8737931

It's actually quite good for an Atari game once you know how to play

>> No.8738443

Nintendo fans just memed it as bad game like any other game the moment they find a single fault with. The game itself isn't even 'that' bad.

Which isn't surprising, since Nintendo stole most of the ideas off of the Atari catalogue to prop their company off the ground. Possible sabotage?

>> No.8738557

>One day, someone said it was the worst game ever made and it spiralled out from there
Who was it?

>> No.8738567

AVGN was never good. He relied on theatrics to entertain little boys rather than actually reviewing the game. He was mocked back in the day by the likes of stanburdman and others, that's the only name I remember. Nu-AVGN is actually better if you really care about game reviews.

>> No.8738574

>avgn was never good
>They're turtles for fucks sake and they can't even swim
>Bimmy and Jimmy? BIMMYS not even a real name
You are wrong. His Ghost busters, double dragon, tmnt reviews were all good stuff.

>> No.8738585

If you're 12 or mentally 12.

>> No.8738586

Is that you, Justin?

>> No.8738623

Only Mega64 would be on early James level. Let us hear your favourite ecelebs who are funnier. Scott the woz? Game grumps?

>> No.8738626 [DELETED] 

Old James was a lot like Aqualung in his reviewing style. The newer videos where him and Mike don't actually play the game and they just run some prerecorded emulator footage stolen from Youtube are kinda lame.

>> No.8738631

Michael does life.

>> No.8738632

good thing it isn't a review channel then

>> No.8738634

He claimed Transformers was the hardest game he's ever beaten. Guess he never tried Abadox.

>> No.8738780

>I've never understood why this game in particular is considered the worst

Dumb zoomies, it's not about whether the game was good or bad. The problem was they printed a shit load of copies with no way to sell them because they completely underestimated the market. Go back to fucking middle school, you failed basic economics

>> No.8738790
File: 115 KB, 702x960, 842737-b_swordquestwaterworld_silver_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No, but's held to represent the excess of the 80's video game market

SwordQuest should hold that honor desu. It feels like an on-the-nose parody of the video game crash.

>> No.8739770

A fair point to be honest

>> No.8739783

The problem with ranking 'worst' games is that you quite easily reach a point with NES era stuff and earlier where you have to decide where you draw the line as there are a good number of games that are basically unplayable/unbeatable due to being unfinished or the devs just didn't give a fuck. Do they count? How do you measure one unfinished game against another? If you make the requirement it is 'completable' then you'll just get into another quagmire of games that are excessively unfair or have absurdly obtuse mechanics which are again hard to compare.

>> No.8739820
File: 141 KB, 652x488, ctf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the 2600 was full of shit games and this wasn't necessarily worse than any of the others but the reason it's remembered as the worst is because so many more people bought it compared to the other shit games. Normally, if you released a boring, half-assed game a few people bought it, were disappointed in it, and since it never got traction it just became another obscure title in a system full of them. The only 2600 games *everybody* bought were the ones that gained a good reputation through word of mouth or familiarity with the arcade version.

This is where Atari screwed themselves. With E.T. and Pac-Man, they used name recognition to con people into buying shit-tier games. And keep in mind that these were horribly expensive shit-tier games. A few people buying a shit game and regretting it doesn't undermine your entire business model, but when you screw over 80% of your user base over a single holiday season, that sticks.

E.T. became the most conspicuous symbol of Atari's contempt for their customers and lack of quality control. In terms of pure gameplay it might not be *the* worst but if you consider its negative impact on the industry, its devaluation of a brand broad cultural impact it's the most significant and memorable bad game of its era, which is the only way to really discuss "worst." If you're trying to talk about the literal worst game / movie / book etc. it's probably some piece of shit so terrible nobody even saw or heard of it.

>> No.8739826

It was made in two weeks by a cocky kid. Similar to the action 52 games.

>> No.8740998


>> No.8742021

>Are 2600 cartridges and their components hard to recycle or something?

2600 carts are literally just a rom chip on a PCB, there's nothing there to recycle.