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8734172 No.8734172 [Reply] [Original]

How huge was Final Fantasy VII in the 90s?

>> No.8734183

Not as big as Metal Gear Solid, despite how history tells it.

>> No.8734187

I was a gamer when it was very shameful. Then, FF7 came out, and that all changed overnight. Suddenly it wasn't just sports games that the other boys were playing, and for girls it became an expectation that all boys played videogames.

FF7 primed society for gaming as a passtime for everyone, then Pokemon and Metal Gear Solid sealed the deal.

I think my explanation is more nuanced than this, but you're arguably correct.

>> No.8734193

Are you sure? They were both well-loved top selling games, but FFVII sold more copies.

>> No.8734198

fairly huge, but it came out at the end of the 90s so your question doesn't make much sense

>> No.8734203

It was a weird situation of a game that sold a lot, but no one ever talked about. The advertising made it out to be a literal movie tier graphics type of game, and the hype was huge, but most people probably never even got out of Midgar, before they dropped it. jrpgs just aren't games people care about. and the gameplay isn't exciting enough to talk about. The characters were way more popular than the game because anime was also just starting to take off around the time, but as far as the game itself, stuff like Twisted Metal, Goldeneye, sports games, Tomb Raider, wrestling games, Pokemon, Metal Gear, dwarfed it in overall popularity.

>> No.8734212

Hello autism, he clearly means "in the [time it was released]."

>> No.8734214

I got my copy from a guy my dad worked with, who bought it because of the hype, didn't like it and then gave it to dad to give to me.

>> No.8734223

>the hype was huge, but most people probably never even got out of Midgar, before they dropped it
For normies this doesn't even matter. They are just happy to be a part of the hype, see the cool graphics and atmosphere, talk about it for a week, then move on as soon as the next Puff Daddy album or whatever the fuck comes out. If you have a Twitter account, you can watch this happen in realtime.

>> No.8734228

When people were console warring it was Goldeneye vs. Final Fantasy VII.

>> No.8734241

90% of the conversation was about the cutscenes at the time. that's all people cared about

>> No.8734279

nah, FF7 was THE cinematic experience. metal gear solid was up there, but it was FF7 because it came out first.

>> No.8734283

i don't know where people think MGS was bigger, FF7 was on fucking coke cans for a while. COKE CANS.

>> No.8734329

I wish this was the case in my school, FF7 got a number of people talking/sharing tips on what to do.
Pokemon was the big one that got everyone involved, even the bullies that would pick on gamers, but that I think was mostly due to the girls all playing it too.

It felt like MGS went under the radar, aside from in my group of friends, at least for the first few years. Everyone else we talked to about it kept saying "that racing game with the clown?" getting it confused with Twisted Metal.

it gained more popularity when the MGS2 trailer came out I think.

>> No.8734407

FF7 and Resident Evil 2 are the first games I can remember that had TV spots during Monday night wrestling too.

>> No.8734461

That happened before FFVII. Crash Bandicoot and Mortal Kombat 3 were giants.

>> No.8734469

No one ever knew what Metal Gear Solid was because the the prequels were released on a chink console no one knew about. FF7 was the next gen release of a well known series. Both games were hits, but FF7 was the bigger deal at the time.

>> No.8734487

The NES did get two Metal Gear games, you know. It doesn't matter if they weren't the "real" ones.

>> No.8734558

I was in elementary school when it came out. I played SNES 3 and got 7 as soon as I knew it existed (1998). No one else in my elementary school played it, they were fixated on Yoshi Story and Star Fox 64.

>> No.8734565

famous enough to ride the coat-tails of pokemon craze

jRPG were huge then.
not as big as mario or zelda
but still ridiculously famous.
like magazine cover for months on end famous

>> No.8734635

This is bullshit.
MGS did get a lot of hype and great reviews (I had the demo disc) but FF7 blew it out of the water in comparison.

>> No.8734639

That's not the point. If you opened up a Nintendo mag you'd see shit about FF, open up a hyper mag and it was non stop FF7.

>> No.8734653

You know FFVII came out first right?

>> No.8734676

It was the biggest.

>> No.8735829
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This huge.

>> No.8735857

Can someone explain why CG from the past looks way bettr than anything now? Is it because this does a good job at looking like what it's supposed to - completely stylized 3D aesthetic, whilst modern graphics look horrible trying to imitate real life when the technology isn't there, whilst still going for a stylized look and failing hard on both? The only company that pulls it off well is Capcom with DMC and REmake.

>> No.8735859

Man, fuck final fantasy 7.

I gotta say personally I dont remember seeing a lot of talk about it at the time in the "general public". Pokemon was the first big hype machine I recall becoming ingrained into pop culture awareness besides 80s classics.

>> No.8735928

I remember when this damn thing came out, and everyone suddenly had to own a PS.

>> No.8735932

1997 was the year ps1 started getting great games

>> No.8736115

FFVII was a game you played alone. At the time this was rare as we would usually be playing games with our siblings, cousins, friends, it was something you organised to do in company.
I remember playing Goldeneye at a friend's house there were 6 or 7 of us taking turns in the 4 player on a little crt tv, I had another friend who'd come over most Friday nights we'd go to the video rental place smoke weed and get a couple ps1 games for the weekend and that's how we found Resident Evil but we also used to get Worms and whatever WWE/WCW game, this was in high school nobody had jobs only whatever pocket money and buying games wasn't really an option so we rented and we didn't want to waste a rental on something like a FFVII which isn't very exciting to watch being played by comparison to more action games or stuff like Abe's Odyssee which you could take turns dying in

>> No.8736116

He should say that then, clarity and all that eh

>> No.8736119

We went from Destruction Derby and Ridge Racer to Gran Turismo

>> No.8736275

It basically introduced the West to Japanese games that retained their Japanese style.

>> No.8736314


>> No.8736362

Unironically nostalgia. 90s CG definitely has a charm to it, and maybe you could argue that artists made more stylistic decisions since realism was so out of reach, but saying it’s “better than anything we have now” is ridiculous.

>> No.8736482

It literally got my dad back into vidya more than he ever had been before after he had quit for several years due to having kids.

>> No.8736490

Might have been different for different age groups. I was 12 when FF7 came out.

>> No.8736706

post something better than op

>> No.8736853

FF7 and Ocarina of Time were the biggest games of the second half of the 90's
MGS was not even close

>> No.8737060

Maybe its because I was a grade schooler at the time, but I knew a ton of FF7 fans back in the day and the only people that had Metal Gear Solid were the kids whose parents let them have Resident Evil and other M rated games. I don't know if its still the case but you used to have to show ID to buy M games which was enough of a deal to scare my parents and the parents of a lot of my friends off.

>> No.8737081

This is how I remember it. MGS1 was still a nerd game that only gamers played, but MGS2 got a significant number of chads hyped about buying a PS2. Probably a big part of the reason why Raiden caused such a backlash. I thought the Raiden switcharoo was weird and I assumed it'd introduce some sort of mechanic to switch between Snake and Raiden late into the game, but after I finished it I thought MGS2 was fucking amazing as did a lot of my nerdy ass friends.

>> No.8737220

colin mcrae
tomb raider III
tekken 3

in those psx won not only 5th gen, also 6th gen.

>> No.8737258

It's funny how they used high res raw images for all the marketing. The in-game movies didn't look anywhere near that good.

>> No.8737419

Final Fantasy VII is basically the big thing that sealed Playstation as having "won" that generation and Sony's dominance for close to the next decade. I think you can also argue that it probably helped a little bit in the anime boom as it was unmistakably Japanese in character and design which likely filtered into the kids who played it and made them more receptive to anime and Japanese stuff in general.

Don't listen to the Metal Gear Faggot.

>> No.8737443

>whilst modern graphics look horrible trying to imitate real life when the technology isn't there
Indeed, it's called "uncanny valley". That's why Square never went for realistic graphics until Final Fantasy XV, because they felt the tech was not up to it.

>> No.8737495
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Ya'know, I had several examples typed up, but knowing how stubborn and terminally stuck in the past this board is, I'm not going to play this back-n-forth game, so I consneed.

>> No.8737517
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Big enough you had social rejects flocking to and forming a huge fandom from every corner of North America and Europe. Unlike MGS.

>> No.8737536

Put me in the Reddit screencap!

>> No.8738462

the cutscene that poster was based off of was pretty HQ tbf. it might have been at smaller resolution, sure, but the model quality was pretty fucking good.

>> No.8738468

post them anon, im not being ironic either. i genuinely wanna hear your take.

>> No.8738657

FINAL FANTASY HOUSE. you will never be beaten by jen and forced to slave in the stinky apartment to buy her steak.

>> No.8738697

I watch a lot of old MST3K episodes and some of the uploads still have the commercials and FF7 plays occasionally.

>> No.8738707

Nobody cared about this game until zoomer e-celebs started shilling it.

>> No.8738737
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>a board devoted exclusively to old games
>stuck in the past

>> No.8738793
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From an FMV standpoint I can't think of many that are made today outside of what Square makes, but some of the Smash Ultimate reveal trailers look great. Simon's, Ridley's and DQ Protag's are my favorites. I'd go as far to say KH3, in-game, looks graphically impressive, almost close to a playable KH2 FMV at points.
No More Heroes 1, 2, Nier Automata and FF7 Remake (both during cutscenes and to a degree) look good in-game alone.

>> No.8738825

It's more of a jab to how stubborn some posters can be on here.
It baffles me there are anons that admit they've dropped out of gaming during or after 6th - 7th gen. There's still good vidya to be had, mostly thanks to indieshit, but I won't deny the oversaturation of the market and the derivation, sameyness, both from indies and AAA.

>> No.8739484

never used this website cause I'm not a zoomer who wasnt even born when MGS got released

>> No.8740460

It was the first video game to have the same type of marketing push as a summer blockbuster movie. They actually had Final Fantasy VII trailers playing before big movies back then along with tons of TV spots.

>> No.8740484

>They actually had Final Fantasy VII trailers playing before big movies back then
I remember the TV spots but I would have been really cool to see a theatrical trailer.

>> No.8740504

Since Sony was directly handling the marketing in North America, they were able to have FFVII trailers playing prior to Columbia/Sony Pictures movies. It really did revolutionize the way AAA games were advertised.

>> No.8740571

it was a popular game early on for sure...but people didn't carry on about it though the entire generation and absolutely not at all amongst normies and just non rpg players, Twisted Metal 2 had come out a few months before FF7 and was probably a way bigger deal.

the thing FF7 regaining the center of attention I feel starts more with "it made me cry when areth dies" stories being ubiquitous on gaming / anime forums in the early 2000s...

>> No.8740585

Sorry, but your post is entirely inaccurate, anon. Final Fantasy VIII and IX along with Square’s other releases were also huge sellers. Twisted Metal 2 sold nowhere near the amount of copies that FFVII did.

>> No.8740616

Parasite Eve got a fair bit of mainstream marketing too. I remember seeing ads for it in People or some other entertainment magazine when it came out.

>> No.8740705

Sales have jack shit to do with being notorious or general reception. Fucking Frogger is a top 10 selling PS1 game, no one was discussing it or marking it a prominent part of the library. Most of the general discussion around FF games came years after, and was centered around nerds online in dedicated gaming forums. It's actual impact at the time was low outside of the advertising blitz, and it didn't have lasting mainstream cultural appeal.

>> No.8740727

You were either too young at the time or have a really bad memory. FFVII was a massive blockbuster hit and one of the most influential games of the fifth gen. It’s almost solely responsible for making JRPGs big sellers in the west.

>> No.8740747

jrpgs were never big sellers in the west. FF sold millions and not a single other jrpg even broke a million because they had no lasting impact. Countless other franchises at the time mentioned in this thread we're all far more notable, and culturally relevant. You are very obviously too young to experience those times and are basing everything off of sales figures, and how you imagine things would have been. These games weren't even as popular in the mainstream, or discussed as much as games like Medal of Honor, or Driver

>> No.8740751

Literally nothing you’ve said is true. I have no idea how you could possibly think this.

>> No.8740763

Pokémon wasn’t even a thing in the west yet. Explain why it sold well there too.

>> No.8740767

>FF sold millions and not a single other jrpg even broke a million because they had no lasting impact.

>> No.8740778

PS1 sales charts are publicly available. Go find a jrpg that sold millions in the U.S. that isn't named Final Fantasy

>> No.8740795

Just on a cursory glance, Parasite Eve, Dragon's Quest, Arc the Lad, Tales of Destiny, Xenogears, and Chrono Cross all sold more than 1m.

>> No.8740802

Worldwide yes. We're discussing US cultural relevance. No one knows what the fuck Arc the Lad is. Parasite Eve isn't even a jrpg.

>> No.8740859

You literally just claimed Final Fantasy didn’t make a big cultural impact in the west, moron. FFVII through IX all sold a million plus in the USA. Explain yourself, troll.

>> No.8740863

Pretty sure Dragon Warrior was a big seller on NES. Final Fantasy 1 actually sold better in America than in Japan.

>> No.8740892

>These games weren't even as popular in the mainstream, or discussed as much as games like Medal of Honor, or Driver

Complete and utter horse shit.

>> No.8740986

very easy to spot the people in this thread who had actual social lives growing up, and the ones who got shoved into lockers everyday and had no interaction outside their own nerdy friend group

>> No.8740989

This huge

>> No.8740992

FFVII was literally every normie’s first JRPG, retard.

>> No.8740997

I was friendly with all the various millennium era cliques in school and I only knew one goth lad that played final fantasy games

>> No.8741001

I literally said nothing but FF made an impact retard. There was no jrpg boom, no one bought a PS1 to play JRPGs, and they were never influential or copied, outside of their huge budget cutscenes.
And what fucking cultural relevance did ff7 have? No one talked about it, it wasn't featured prominently in the media outside of the advertising blitz, no one would invite friends over to play ff7, it wasn't a game you'd rent over the weekend, it wasn't a game with mass appeal, that everyone played. Spyro, Crash, Tomb Raider, Medal of Honor, Driver, Resident Evil, Tony Hawk, Gran Turismo, Madden, Metal Gear Solid, Twisted Metal, Syphon Filter, all of these franchises were much bigger culturally than goddamn ff7 in the late 90s. FF7 hit a lot of it's popularity in the early 2000s with the anime boom of the same time, and when emo fashion was cool and every faggot at hot topic wanted to look like Sephiroth.

>> No.8741006

>Most of the general discussion around FF games came years after, and was centered around nerds online in dedicated gaming forums.

I’m assuming this was your post. Patently false.

>> No.8741016

If you actually think FF7 commonly came up in general discussion of video games for your average 10-30 year old American in the late 90s than you are exactly the type of person >>8740986 is talking about

>> No.8741064
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>How huge was Final Fantasy VII in the 90s?
Absolutely fucking massive. It singlehandedly popularized the JRPG genre in the west and was the first ever high-budget blockbuster game. And it was aimed at a teen-to-young-adult audience, not kids. Its success changed things.

>Not as big as Metal Gear Solid
That's a complete lie. MGS was very well regarded buts its cultural impact was fucking nothing compared to FFVII. Show me Solid Snake selling Pepsi. You can't.

>You are very obviously too young to experience those times
>These games weren't even as popular in the mainstream, or discussed as much as games like Medal of Honor, or Driver
You were born after 1997.

>> No.8741069


>> No.8741084

Of course it did. It was in every gaming magazine being hyped up as one of the biggest PS1 releases so far. I was 15 when FFVII came out in 1997. How old were you.

>> No.8741101

>Spyro, Crash, Tomb Raider, Medal of Honor, Driver, Resident Evil, Tony Hawk, Gran Turismo, Madden, Metal Gear Solid, Twisted Metal, Syphon Filter, all of these franchises were much bigger culturally than goddamn ff7
FFVII is the second best selling PS1 game of all time behind Gran Turismo. You're just some autistic retard trying to rewrite history to minimize FFVII because you don't like it for some autistic retard reason.

>> No.8741121

It sold better than the Nintendo titles but you still didn't tell people you were into Final Fagtansy unless you wanted to be a friendless incel loser.

>> No.8741124

/thread. Anyone claiming otherwise is underage, trolling or delusional.

>> No.8741129

Not really true. JRPGs becoming popular in the U.S. matched up pretty closely with the rise in popularity of anime here. Only a year or so after FFVII came out, DBZ and Pokémon were both huge.

>> No.8741131

>you still didn't tell people you were into Final Fagtansy unless you wanted to be a friendless incel loser.
Yes anon, if you were into FFVII nobody would be your friend except for several million other people.

>> No.8741142

I was a huge dork in high school but one of my good friends was a giga Tyrone football player who was a total anime and fighting game nerd. Black Chads are some of the biggest anime nerds out there.

>> No.8741154

It also coincided with a cultural expansion of video games in general. There had been sensations before. Pac-Man, Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat. But the PS1 was the first console that moved video games into it's own category of entertainment. Prior to that they were always seen as electronic toys. The change probably came from the fact that the late 90s was the earliest point at which you had actual adults who grew up with video games. All the Atari kids were now in their 20s, had adult money to spend on the hobby, and were now getting into the industry themselves.

>> No.8741162

spot the virgins

>> No.8741164

>he said, on the board dedicated to 40 year old nerds talking about 25+ year old video games

>> No.8741221

7 was peak Squaresoft mania back then.
Like the 2nd coming or something. It all spilled over from 6 (US version) on the Snes which was also a HUGE one back then.

And then 8 happened, and a lot of people got pissed.

Series never recovered.

>> No.8741224

Bs by a derp who wasn't even there.

1st. MGS happened a lot later.
2nd FF7 was bigger, easily.

>> No.8741239

FFVII was definitely bigger than MGS but MGS was only a year later. Fall 1998.

>> No.8741242
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>> No.8741254

IX still sold well although obviously there was a drop-off. I think a lot of people came back for X though.

>> No.8741419

There were 100+ million PS1s sold you fucking retard, no one game was in every library, and of all the popular games FF7 was talked about by far the least. You're the fucking retard trying to rewrite history, unless you think people were talking about Frogger all the goddamn time too just because it sold a lot.
6 is the lowest selling FF game of all time. You people literally have no idea about anything, your perceptions are made entirely from hanging around other fucking friendless nerds, or from watching YouTubers who were said friendless nerds and pretending you know about pop culture at the time.
Pro wrestling, South Park, Tony Hawk, Pokemon, Tomb Raider, and Goldeneye were pop culture in the late 90s and everywhere you could look. Not some fucking jrpg most people only bought because it was advertised to be a playable pixar movie, and stopped playing after 2 hours.

>> No.8741450

How old were you when Final Fantasy VII came out in 1997?

>> No.8741481

This nigga malding 25 years later because FF7 dabbed all over his favorite shovelware

>> No.8741484
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>be a mentally ill zoomer with some kind of schizophrenic grudge against FFVII
>try to rewrite history
>get laughed at by everyone who was alive in 1997
>several hours pass and you're still mad
>you literally can't stop seething

>> No.8741504



>> No.8741784

Did have big hype though. That Mog commercial was cool. There was a big RP group on AOL.


>> No.8741797

FF7 everyone talked about at school, even kids without a playstation. Even the PC port was popular for those who didn't have a PS, but had a PC for 'work/schoolwork'. MGS was much more niche. The only games that compared to FF7 in how much they were talked about were on the N64 being Goldeneye and Zelda 64.

>> No.8741801

nobody talked about it and the few people who did didn't have anything good to say about it. not sure why people now pretend like everybody loved it.

>> No.8741824

As far as I remember FF VII wasn't that huge (but it was a one of the top sellers). Eight's Squall was on the covers of several media magazines over several months and Cloud was featured in the month when the game came out.

>> No.8741864

not as big as mario kart, goldeneye, smash bros, pokemon, etc. but big enough where a bunch of normalfags played their first jrpg

>> No.8741885
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It was huge, but I reached the age of 12 when FF8 came out, so for me, all my friends, and even the the older kids, FF8 was all the talk.

>be 12
>recess at school
>>hey guys let's play Final Fantasy VIII
>>I'm Squall
>>no, I'm Squall you can get Selphie, and you'll be Zell
>>sorry bro you can't play, only 3 players
>"Squall" starts to trott around the school's area while "Selphie" and "Zell" closely follow him and mimic everything he does

>> No.8742030

Not as huge as people make it out to be. It was just another game as far as most people of the time were concerned. It only gained "mythic" status later when people became affected by nostalgia, and the fact that Final Fantasy titles have pretty much gone down hill since then.

>> No.8742067

Pretty niche for a while. All my friends had Playstation and I only knew one guy who had played it. About 10 years later, most people I knew had played it but many got into FF after 8, 9, 10. Each new game brought more interest to 7.

>> No.8742126

Final Fantasy VII came out a full year before Pokémon became big outside of Japan, anon.

>> No.8742128

I STRONGLY doubt that this happened

>> No.8742130

And two years before Smash Bros. debuted on the N64 in 1999.

>> No.8742131

>Ad campaign = organic popularity

>> No.8742135

No, moron. We’ve already talked about how FFVII was the first AAA video game to be advertised like a big blockbuster event movie.

>> No.8742136

There are things called search engines that will give you metrics on sales and suchlike.
There are archives of old magazines that will tell you how much advertising and reviews were dedicated to it.
This will allow you to come to an informed conclusion instead of asking easily checked questions that will get stupid answers here.

>> No.8742143

it's kind of ridiculous how everyone in here behaves like their own personal past is History with a capital H. It gets even better when they make such claims and then call OTHERS revisionists

This thread is like this but see also that other thread
>me and my three friends had Segas as kids
>therefore Nintendo didn't exist in Europe and everyone saying otherwise is a revisionist

>> No.8742148

I agree, but objectively speaking, FFVII was one of the best selling games of the entire fifth gen and pretty much solidified PlayStation as the best selling console worldwide. The people saying it wasn’t a huge deal at release honestly don’t know what they’re talking about.

>> No.8742151

With that said though I'm not sure sale figures in the west are trustworthy. Japan did a great job at tracking sales and retail prices from the start, but the west didn't. Most figures we have in the west come straight from the publishers. Some numbers could be inflated to make themselves look bigger than the competition and it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.8742192

I played through the FF7 remake this week and thought it was the most corny cringe inducing game I've played in years.. it was my first ff game so i'm willing to suspend my disgust enough to try the original.. will it be any better or am i still going to cringe the entirety of the playthrough?

>> No.8742193

The original obviously doesn’t have voice acting or Square’s modern 3D anime aesthetic so you may like it more honestly.

>> No.8742195

The original doesn't have the anime cringe. The difference in tone between the original and the remake would be similar to the difference in tone between 90s anime and modern anime.

>> No.8742197

thanks lads i'll give it a whirl

>> No.8742201
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>> No.8742202

I highly recommend you play the Steam/PS4/Xbox version that has built-in cheats that let you turn off random encounters entirely if you want, and the most helpful feature ever which is the ability to run battles at 3X speed.

>> No.8742204

i have the steam version - will skipping random encounters cause a lack of xp that causes problems later on?

>> No.8742212

Shouldn’t really matter too much. I generally just turned them off in the overworld and in some areas that got too tedious.

>> No.8742213

>Spyro, Crash, Tomb Raider, Medal of Honor, Driver, Resident Evil, Tony Hawk, Gran Turismo, Madden, Metal Gear Solid, Twisted Metal, Syphon Filter
Tomb Raider is the only one of these that got FF7-tier mainstream attention. My parents have heard of Tomb Raider and FF7, but none of the others.

>> No.8742217

You...can always...hit...the reset button!

>> No.8742226

>Another day, another struggle
mm mmm you got dat right brutha

>> No.8742302

I vividly remember mainstream normy shit like Die Hard Trilogy, WWF Warzone and Crash Bandicoot being shilled on TV but I cannot for the life of me ever recall something like Final Fantasy being advertised outside of video games magazines.
And the only kids who talked about rpg's; Japanese or otherwise where PCfags who loved shit like Ultima, but usually weren't that vocal about it because they were the introvert nerds who hung out at the library during Lunch.

>> No.8742383

>but I cannot for the life of me ever recall something like Final Fantasy being advertised outside of video games magazines.
It had ads at bus stops in the US, Canada and maybe the UK.

>> No.8742583

>There was no jrpg boom
Yes there was. Maybe it's better to think of it as JRPGs going from a moderate niche to a popular niche (at least, in the west, Final Fantasy was always popular in Japan) but it's impossible to deny there was a shift that began in the mid-90s and the biggest shift appears to happen around 1997. Big franchises like Final Fantasy got more sales worldwide. From 1997 on JRPGs were more likely to be translated and released in North America. The increased interest in JRPGs drove translation and release of previous-gen games like Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy V.
> it wasn't a game with mass appeal, that everyone played.
Its appeal was as massive as an RPG could ever be.
>no one would invite friends over to play ff7
Nobody did that with MGS either. At least, no more than they did with FF7.
>FF7 hit a lot of it's popularity in the early 2000s with the anime boom of the same time
What kind of underage retardation is this?
>Go find a jrpg that sold millions in the U.S. that isn't named Final Fantasy
But it's a disingenuous straw man point anyway. Final Fantasy games before FF7 did not sell millions in the west, they did afterward. You set an arbitrary point at 1mil and suggest that because few (if any) PS1 JRPGs cleared that mark there it meant that there was no boost in JRPG sales overall. If you can find me numbers that actually prove your suggestion that there was no difference in JRPG before and after 1997 (you can even discount pokemon if you want), then I'll listen. In the meantime, every other heuristic I know of including personal experience of being 18 years old when FF7 came out, was that it had a major influence on the overall perception of JRPGs.

>> No.8742637
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>you are exactly the type of person >>8740986 is talking about
No, he's wrong. That was true before FF7, but not after. It had less of an impact on 20-30 range (though still noticeable, everyone still knew about the game thanks to the marketing), but it had a major impact on younger teens and kids.

But still I think Pokemon was the bigger influence. There's a pretty clear divide between people who grew up with Pokemon and people who didn't.

>> No.8742691

i said they were bigger in the 90s and they were. wasn't listing chronological release order

>> No.8742718
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One thing I've noticed with all of these 'people' trying to rewrite the history surrounding the mania of FF7 is that they nearly 90% of the time, are usually Americans, Nintendo fans, or both.

FF6 was a pretty big deal in America, and yes, it was the original hotbed for Final Fantasy. And while the series and VI were never released in Europe, their styles were already pretty apparent in most media here; that Medieval Fantasy thing was already in the culture and it wasn't that groundbreaking either if you tried pushing for it. But, when 7 was released over here, it was considered very unique. To blend high-fantasy with a cyber-diesel setting was something Europeans found incredibly interesting, and especially amongst the British Isles. 6 was not even known here, until they got re-released on the PlaySation years later.

Also, Tomb Raider was also a huge fucking deal over here in Europe as well, especially in the Atlantic areas. Not a single fucking soul heard of Samus and if they did, it was only through the basement dwellers that did nothing but play Nintendo games the whole time. Lara Croft was considered 'The' female icon of games too, which drew them into the hobby. Its funny there here too, that Americans and Nintendo fans show up again to try and rewrite this bit of history, when Samus wasn't even intended to be girl until the last second. Lara, on the other hand, was a girl the moment the magazines were released.

I get pretty tired about all of this, and its infuriating too, because these exact same kinds of people who are trying to rewrite this kind of history are now in charge of the ""Nostalgia Merch"" for games across most of the EU, and there's a definite bias towards Nintendo and games that were popular over in the US.

Pretty ironic that these exact same kind of trend-setters doing this are deliberately obtuse to the trends of what made these things popular in the first place, not to mention getting their information completely wrong in the process.

>> No.8742740

>the ones who got shoved into lockers everyday
lol did this actually happen in any of you guys' time in high school, because at this point it seems like a semi-mythical trope

>> No.8742754

eh the revisionism i see is from ffags trying to oversell the hype around 7. i mean yeah it was big and did a lot to popularize jrps in the west but even in the context of a game bolstering its genre ff7 didn't come close to things like street fighter 2 which was an actual worldwide phenomenon

>> No.8742769

kids I knew that played Final Fantasy VII:
>all of them

kids I knew that played Street Fighter 2:
>just me

>> No.8742771

>I get pretty tired about all of this, and its infuriating too, because these exact same kinds of people who are trying to rewrite this kind of history are now in charge of the ""Nostalgia Merch"" for games across most of the EU, and there's a definite bias towards Nintendo and games that were popular over in the US.

Most people here my age don't know what a Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC 464, Amiga, Atari ST or ZX Spectrum are, but know what an NES is. It's... eerie to say the least, considering the NES barely even pushed 500,000 units in the UK and had literally no marketing besides in a few kids magazines afaik.

It's worse still when you realise the nostalgia boom since 2016, leading to the surging of prices in a way not seen since AVGN got popular (and even then that was mostly confined to retro fans only, you didn't see random tiktokkers/tumblrinas with genderqueer pins buying all this old stuff too back then), affects the PAL regions adversely more than the NTSC ones since the pricing and demand is treated the same for us as it is for the US, and often enough it was already higher by like double in the fucking first place here unless you imported (which will also cost more than importing to the USA because America Number One).

Funny how so many of these shitty booms caused by autistic leftist zoomers and basedboys started in 2016/early 2017, i.e. the year Discord grew popular and put the final nail in the internet forum's coffin and killed off individualism; as well as the year the Switch launched and all the Nintendo fans trooned out, isn't it?


>> No.8742775

plot twist: you were the only kid you knew

>> No.8742786

Street Fighter 2 was the shit in the early-mid 90s, clearly you're a zoomer...

Considering it made the fucking SNES look viable for a short while over here, where Nintendo was basically always the kiddy console (and for reference, none of the JRPGs everyone cites as being 'the best' came out here and the few that did would only get a few thousand copies produced at most), someone is either talking out of their arse very hard or is genuinely deluded.

Dad mentioned to me about quite a few stories of his school days and often he'd bunk off to play SF2 down the arcade with a few of his mates, lol. There'd be all sorts of people there playing against each other.

>> No.8742805

Yeah, this was true too.
I don't really recall that many people being really into SF2 until the Wii came along. It was mostly early millenials that played it at the time, or the generation before them, and even then, it was just 'there'.

>> No.8742820

The Wii was a big mistake. Too many pseudo nerds because of it.

>> No.8742821

you hit the nail on the head there.
its quite scary how effective this revionism is becoming across the EU and the British Isles. You don't even see merch for SEGA in the stores aside from Sonic, when it was a lot bigger than Nintendo was before the PS1 came along. The console was cheaper and a lot of developers relied on it to release their games since SEGA themselves were nowhere near as strict on their censorship policy. PS1 was huge for the development angle as well, and I recall Rockstar, Remedy Entertainment and even Ubisoft started off because of how friendlier and more tech-savvy and experimental Europeans/Britbongs were when it came to computer games. Its one of the reasons why FF7 and TombRaider were a big deal, while many turned their nose down on Nintendo games because it played way WAY too safe.

You're right on the Discord shit tho; that fucking thing has really damaged the technology sector for how much it has infested the ecosystems that all the oligarchs are trying to bank on its strategy. Can't even get a conversation going at gaming-meetups anymore because fucking everyone is infected with it and the Nintendo obsession. Its become extremely stale, the whole scene.

Thanks America.

>> No.8742850

you can thank Reggie. I can't remember where I heard it, but there was a rumour the whole 'psudeo-nerd-culture' was pushed by him because Nintendo refused to compete with the top dogs, and instead of actually REALLY trying to improve, just took his word to rest their laurels on pandering to the lowest common denominator. The absolute state of Modern Pokemon is a result of this motto and strategy.
All because of his advice, gameshops, instead of being filled with nothing but games alone, are now half-stocked with shitty merchandise of overhyped junk like GameOfThrones, StrangerThings, Capeshit etc.
If I wanted that kind of stuff, I'd go to a fucking pawn shop.

I seriously hope its just a made up rumour though, since he's kind of alright behind it all.

>> No.8742874

Yeah the PS1 devkits outdid the Saturn and N64's, everything else you said is also spot on basically. People here gave a shit about the moral factor and such back then and now they... Don't.

The revisionist history and Nintendo faggotry caused by internet exposure, the mainstreaming of nerd culture partially driven by the likes of the Wii (which was a fad in basically every region), and Discord successfully managing to turn what was once a staunchly anti-commercial, anti-Tumblr ideology circle into the complete opposite as well as monopolise the places where one can discuss these things and who has a right to even speak or make any content online related to their systems... Yeah, we really need somewhere to fall back more than ever.

I speak from experience as the admin of a miniscule group somewhere that was once growing, I was then pushed out by the original community after they formed a Discord server for their friends behind my back, they started meeting other to-be YouTube stars and Twitter personalities some of which would go on to reach 60k followers... And yeah, that was the end of me wanting to just have somewhere to hang out of my own that wasn't trying to be subject to political garbo or some specific culture.

Fuck Nintendo fags, I made a huge mistake once associating with them. Even funnier how they used to bash me for being a troon then but ever since I stopped that shit (ages ago) they've been on the mainstream side of things.

>> No.8742881

This was back in 2016 to mid 2017 I should add. Still pisses me off to this day, not to mention that I then tried to join another community, was kicked out and then THOSE people become affiliated with those former "friends" all of a sudden.

Talk about "everything becomes connected."

>> No.8742946

I've heard it happening to some people I used to know at work too. I kind of knew the sort as well. Use to be 'in' with the kind of crowd you're talking about, but it was before Discord came along. Got bored of it, but with this guy, it just got worse once it took off.
They got pretty much ostracised because everyone in the group ticked all those points you brought up; overly political, tumblrtypes and obsessed with YouTubers and defended their favourite corporation to the end. A big no-no if you didn't like them.

And funny enough, all ended up as die-hard Tendies too, even the moderate ones, and just slowly trooned out.

Strange stuff that your story is similar. I wonder how common it is?

>> No.8742953

I always love how every discussion about culture during a time period, will inevitably have some yurofaggot come into the thread whining about Americans and trying to tell them what was popular in their own country.

>> No.8742978

It seems to happen most often to people who were born before early 2001, from my experience. A lot of people born after seem to be more like the type of people who are only likely to be interested in something for the bandwagoney clout points or for the epiK 2000s twitter discord reddit aesthetic "yes let's glorify 00s internet culture even though I have never even signed up to a message board or used IRC for more than 5 mins because it lacks muh custom mojis"

>> No.8742989

To be fair, we're subject to your retro culture bleeding into ours, but you're not subject to our retro culture bleeding into yours.

We kind of have more reason to moan about the perceived lack of individualism between regions that aren't running on a 60Hz electrical signal because of that.

>> No.8743000

If sales are the defining metric then Frogger, and fucking Croc were all cultural sensations in the late 90s along with FF7.
Gaming magazines are the one of the dumbest ways to evaluate public perception of anything, because they were targeted at a niche within a niche. Even the biggest ones like Nintendo power barely had 2m subscribers at their peak, they are not a reflection of popular culture in any way whatsoever, they're a reflection of nerd culture.
FF7 did not get more mainstream attention than Tony Hawk, Crash, Madden, Medal of Honor, and Resident Evil. You people are absolutely delusional. Tony Hawk was fucking everywhere in mainstream media in the 90s, Medal of Honor had rumors floated it was supposed to get a movie made by Steven Spielberg, Crash was the mascot of the entire console, Madden was the prominent face of the most popular sport in America, Resident Evil had actual Hollywood movies based on the franchise. FF7 was a niche game on a gigantic console that everyone owned, it absolutely sold 10x what other precious JRPGs did, based on insane levels of advertising, but it had no organic cultural impact. Less than 10% of people who had a PS1 ever bought the game, it had no crossover impact with people who would be playing games like Tony Hawk, Madden, or Twisted Metal. You people are so ingrained in talking to other enthusiasts, and have absolutely 0 reference to what actual pop culture was, and just assume because there were ads for it everywhere, it was well known and universally beloved.

>> No.8743046
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>comparing Street Fighter to Final Fantasy VII
If the only game you can pull to bolster your argument of "revisionism" is Street Fighter 2, just GTFO. In terms of popularity and impact, both games are S-tier and beyond that is nitpicking faggotry. The only thing I'll give to SF2 over FF7 is that SF2 essentially defined a new genre while FF7 tweaked an established formula.
The SF2-fueled fighting game craze was huge. If you were young enough to look around and see lots of kids playing FFVII, you are too young to have been aware of SF2. It was huge, everyone played it. Franchises like Mortal Kombat would not exist if it had not been for Street Fighter 2. Undoubtedly some other 1v1 martial combat game would have gotten popular but who knows what that might have looked like. FF7 clearly influenced emphasis on storytelling in JRPGs and cinematic approach to games in the industry as a whole, but most of those trends were all in progress, FF7 was just one of the first big examples.

>> No.8743052

>you are too young to have been aware of SF2
To be clear, I mean "you are too young to have been aware of the impact of SF2, not that you never heard of it.

>> No.8743087
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>Nope. Sorry. Final Fantasy 7 didn't have cultural relevance in the West.

What? Of course it did.

>No it didn't. You lose.

Course it did, it was a big hit!

>Nope. You're wrong. Look it up.

I don't have to look it up, it's common knowledge!


It was on the cover of--


--gaming magazines when the game - I mean--


--everyone knows who Cloud was in gaming from Final Fantasy 7


it was huge game - it sold millions!


>> No.8743094
File: 31 KB, 680x382, christine-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my headcanon Jenny-nova and Chris-chan exist in the same universe and telepathically communicate with beings from dimension C-197.

>> No.8743098

nah ff7 didn't hold a candle to sf2 in terms of popularity and claiming otherwise is pure cope

>> No.8743119

Frogger was a massive cultural sensation in the arcades and the PS1 game sold so well by tapping into that nostalgia. It doesn't matter if it was a shit game, people bought it on name recognition alone.

>> No.8743138

That's basically my point. Frogger sold a ton because literally everyone owned a PlayStation. Parents had nostalgia for it and it was a game they knew they could play easily with their kids, and it sold in droves because of that. It had 0 mainstream impact or relevance during the 90s, using sales numbers to define something as culturally relevant or mainstream is fucking retarded.

>> No.8743182

From my experience, everyone around me was into Nintendo but it was usually the older kids like that were into RPGs and PS1 games and unless they introduced them to you, it was hard to even know they existed. Only reason I knew about FF7 was from my brother and his friend who were years older than me, my friends were talking about Mario and Zelda, they didn't even know what RPGs even were.

>> No.8743272


>> No.8743287
File: 578 KB, 838x471, FUCKING WHORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I played through the FF7 remake
Anon, the FFVII "remake" has virtually nothing to do with FFVII or Final Fantasy in general. Don't let it color your perception.

>> No.8743338
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>He's still at it

>> No.8743342

he's not wrong

>> No.8743361

Not true at all in my experience

>> No.8743370

>Tony Hawk was fucking everywhere
Not really. Skateboarding is its own isolated subculture.
>Medal of Honor had rumors floated it was supposed to get a movie
The only culturally important FPS is Doom.
>Crash was the mascot of the entire console
Insignificant compared to Mario and Sonic.
>Madden was the prominent face of the most popular sport in America
True, but we're talking about games.
>Resident Evil had actual Hollywood movies based on the franchise
Resident Evil is probably third most important behind FF7 and Tomb Raider.
>Twisted Metal
Approximately 0% of boomers have heard of this.

>> No.8743384

You are such an absolute and obviously underaged retard it is unfathomable.

>> No.8743460

>he's not wrong
No, he's completely wrong about everything. Like how he inexplicably keeps claiming Croc and Frogger sold on par with FFVII. I'm pretty sure he's actually schizophrenic.

>> No.8743474

>reading comprehension

>> No.8743476

Yeah, he’s very much wrong, although Frogger PS1 was bizarrely a massive hit. I’m wondering if it was priced at like $20 or something.

>> No.8743514

This was playing a lot back then:

>> No.8743537

the only huge thing about FF7 was the marketing campaign. It spawned a niche fandom of fat weebs but to normal people FF7 was just part of a shortlived jrpg fad

>> No.8743559

This is complete bullshit and zoomers are gigantic weebs that are more into anime stuff than millennials ever were.

>> No.8743883

no anime from the zoomer era has had even half as much presence in the west as pokemon or dragonball z

>> No.8743925

Which makes this post >>8743537 bullshit all the same.

>> No.8743927

hey bucko I was around back the I know little bit more then you

>> No.8743932

So was I and no you don’t.

>> No.8744095

sorry that kids these days don't wanna know how shit your childhood was nigel

>> No.8744113

>people don't know what a ZX Spectrum is
Oh my god, they don't know about that meme computer from the /vr/ jokes? Oi, me Zniggy!

>> No.8744157

Shave your neckbeard.

>> No.8744345

>Frogger PS1 was bizarrely a massive hit
Frogger is the 27th best selling PS1 game. It did amazingly well for being a reboot of an arcade game from 1981 but it wasn't exactly a top-tier smash hit like Gran Turismo, FFVII, Tekken 3, etc.

>> No.8744352

Yeah but the fact that fucking Frogger of all games is even in the top 50 is kind of insane.

>> No.8744389

Nostalgia is a helluva drug.

>> No.8744395

The actual sales figures for FF7 does not reflect the real "popularity" of the game as at least 1/3 of those numbers are from promotions and give-aways.
They were literally giving the shit away with tie-in promotions.

>> No.8744781

[citation needed]

>> No.8744847

Funny, it's already shaved. I hate the fucking thing and wish it'd fuck off for good.

Okay, maybe bad example.

Read past the first paragraph, maybe? That wasn't even the entire point of the post.

>> No.8744851 [DELETED] 

incel weeb revisionists still trying to pretend that RPGs aren't pussy repellant

>> No.8745087

Contrary to what people think, gaming wasn't so big in the 90's.
Final Fantasy has more fans now than back then

>> No.8745154

>They were literally giving the shit away with tie-in promotions
You're making that up. Nothing like that ever happened.

>> No.8745157

remake is literally a different game, it's a timeloop sequel

>> No.8745224

it was in a console bundle retard

>> No.8745269

Ff7 had adds during wwf which was huge at the time

>> No.8745330

No it wasn't.

>> No.8745848

This thread fucking sucks.

>> No.8747146

Not true, the game that truly pushed gaming to the mainstream was Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

>> No.8747183

nah it was world of warcraft and guitar hero

>> No.8747445

I'm too dumb to succeed in academia, but too smart for the final fantasy house.

>> No.8747508

zoom away

>> No.8747720

>he doesn't remember wow's celebrity ad campaign

>> No.8747756

>the most popular game from my childhood is the first time games were popular
go back

>> No.8747904

It was one of the few games that everyone in school wanted to talk about. Bigger than other PS1 games, not remotely as huge as Pokemon, almost exactly as popular as Ocarina of Time.

and if this means anything, FFVII is the game that had the second most fan sites on GeoCities.

>> No.8748008

Where did you go to school, honest question because in my experience no kid cared for either of those games. And by kid I mean teenager. Maybe because I was in high school in the late nineties and everyone I knew was too old for that shit. Pokemon, Final Fantasy and Zelda was for babies or weirdos.
When not getting high or finger-banging sloots, the chads were playing Tony Hawk, Metal Gear and GTA.

>> No.8748015


7th-8th grade at the time

>> No.8748019

I remember a few weeks before Christmas, my dad called me and my brother into the living room. There was a Playstation with FFVII on, our Christmas present. My dad said we could watch him play it (he was not a gamer), but we couldn't play til Christmas, it was a tease. But it was mindblowing at the time. The opening cinematic was like nothing I'd ever seen before. Living in the UK, I think (though I may be wrong) FFVII was the first 'proper' FF we got, so it was even more amazing.

I think that even though VIII and IX came out between VII and Spirits Within, VIII and IX made barely any impact. People went into the cinemas to see Spirits Within expecting a FFVII movie, which is why most people were disappointed.

VII was for many people, their first, and therefore their favourite, JRPG. There's a reason that every E3 for over a decade people were clamouring for a VII remake, the game is iconic.

>> No.8748026

Huger than huge, the hugest.

>> No.8748040
File: 319 KB, 1130x1543, EGM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about thread
>contributes nothing to improve it
Be the change you want to see, Anon. Post fun things if you want the thread to be funner. Here, I'll start

>the chads were playing Tony Hawk, Metal Gear and GTA
>he actually thinks GTA was popular in the 90's
lmao. Why do zoomers keep coming to /vr/ and trying to roleplay like they were alive back in the day?

>> No.8748042

I do. I never played World of Fagcraft, but this advert was kino:

Seriously though, they spent a lot of money brainwashing normies into this shit:

>> No.8748193

>never once posted on reddit
>was mid 20s when wow came out
>have never played a warcraft game
time for sudoku

>> No.8748203

Well said but can I just disagree with you slightly on one thing. You say it started with shitty trends around 2016-17 but I'd say that historical revisionism started way the fuck earlier. I can remember that kind of shit all the way back in 2007/2008, with kids in my country being nostalgic for old nes games when none of their parents had even played Super Mario when it was new. They'd all played the Great Gianna Sisters instead.

Everything else you said is bang on. It's just that this historical revisionism's been going on for at least a decade before 2016-2017.

>> No.8748212

Big enough that retailers had to tell customers "No refunds on open games" & to trade it at Game Stop instead when people brought it back to the store due to the game having "too many words".
Gaming in Missouri!

>> No.8748248

Even for Japan, Nintendo wasn't really big deal in 80s compared to it's PC gaming scene and Sega master system

>> No.8748269
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Yeah DBZ was huge for sure there was even popular Japanimation in the 80s but Anime's overall influence is far greater now. People into DBZ were just into DBZ and that was it, anime in general held no particular appeal outside of a tiny niche.

And just to be clear, Pokemon is late millennial shit. If you were a in high school when FF7 came out, there's a good chance you missed Pokemon cancer.

>> No.8748286

There's reason why pokemon was pushed hard by ninty it was due to n64 being a flop and pkmn selling tons of units for gameboy.

>> No.8748296

I graduated high school in 2001 and all my friends were hooked on Pokémon Blue/Red around 1998. I never really watched the show regularly because it used to air at like 7am when I was about to leave for school.

>> No.8749353

Holy shit that hentai, back then when jap. had the balls to pull all the kinds of heavy crazy shit in a story

>> No.8749373
File: 72 KB, 709x765, 1647214295410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in college when FFVII came out

>> No.8750071

>he actually thinks GTA was popular in the 90's
It was popular enough that it sold copies, was ported to PC and gameboy colour (of all things) and got sequels and an add-on you fucking retard. This thread is people posting their subjective opinions and personal experiences. GTA was well known among my circle of friends and it was seen of as a hidden gem of sorts for a lot of people, especially among the edgier teens for its edgy content, and let's face it, most of us where edgy as fuck in our teens, you utter mongoloid. Maybe one day you'll grow out of that phase and stop le zoomer posting in response to posts you can't empathise with.