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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8733032 No.8733032 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way of playing the classic 5 Tomb Raider these days, Steam or PS1 emulator?
Thinking of playing the whole series for nostalgia sake

>> No.8733036

OpenLara and the PC version

>> No.8733040

Isn't that only for TR1?

>> No.8733051

I replayed the original trilogy last year. They do not hold up, unless your idea of fun is fighting the controls for 95% of the experience.

>> No.8733064

What do you mean? I don't remember the controls being unresponsive.

>> No.8733086

Tank controls are cancer.

>> No.8733090

TombATI for the original
TR2main for the sequel
Don't bother with that other shit past those.

>> No.8733096

The movement is so fucking bad. I can't go back to tank Laura, not after 20+ years of standardized 3D controls.

>> No.8733104

The PC versions have exclusive bonus DLC levels, but you need unofficial fixes to patch in the higher quality FMVs of the console versions and fix stuff like water rendering

>> No.8733106

>Tank controls are cancer.
Not understanding tank controls is a sign of low IQ.

>> No.8733150

heres how
TR1 saturn/pc
TR2 playstation/pc
TR3 playstation/pc
TR4 dreamcast
TR5 dreamcast

>> No.8733167


>> No.8733191
File: 42 KB, 250x250, ISHYGDTT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ bitching about controls from 1996 game
This place has become reddit incarnate.

>> No.8733192

PC. If you can't get used to keyboard controls, just get JoyToKey and map them to your gamepad. PC versions have higher resolutions, faster framerates, and save-anywhere which is a godsend for TR1 and TR3. You also get access to the PC-only expansion packs for 1, 2, and 3. You only miss out on a few minor graphical features like footprints in TR3 and some water rendering differences.

Shit-eaters begone. TR's controls are better than the majority of 3D platformers from the 90's. The fact everything is based on grid movement makes every single jump easily calculateable. If you have a problem with TR's controls you are unironically, and with zero sarcasm, either sub-100 IQ retards, or you have learning disabilities, since people have beaten these games blindfolded even before people started doing blindfolded runs of Mario 64.

>> No.8733198

Just wait until some e-celeb makes a 3 hour long video talking about TR controls being great, and their opinion will switch.
Also, the rule change was still a mistake.

>> No.8733204

Tomb Raider is basically just the control system of PoP or Flashback in 3D.

>> No.8733215
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>when the theme starts playing in a mysterious or amazing location

When you enter that room in the second level, with the pool of water, and the main theme starts up, man...All these years later...

>> No.8733226

You think games couldn't have bad controls in 1996?

>> No.8733239


>> No.8733241

Yes, but TR is not one of them. You can call them "rigid", but not "bad" because there's never a time that the game behaves "wrong" based on your input. A jump will always go that distance, for example.

>> No.8733258

Yes. UseTR2Main for Tomb Raider 2, and Peixoto for the others.

>> No.8733261

TR4 has a bonus level exclusive to PC

>> No.8733272

every pc version has extra content

>> No.8733285

I know. (Well, TR5 doesn't)

>> No.8733303

>For anything
oh anon, you card!

>> No.8733319

I am replaying them on with Beetle PSX and they work great. It also fixes the wobbling textures of the ps1 version.

>> No.8733353

>if you don't enjoy shitty controls, YOU are the problem
Haha, ok dudes.

>> No.8733357

See: >>8733241

>> No.8733371


>> No.8733397


>> No.8733420

When the games collectively sold over 20 million copies and all achieved good to great reviews, the games still have an active modding community, they have received multiple retro reviews from various reviewers, and the first game is considered one of the best games ever made, YES, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM, RETARD.

>> No.8733458 [DELETED] 


If I am not mistake, the Dreamcast versions of Tomb Raider Chronicles and last Revelation use WindowsCE, which basically means that the devs ported the Windows versions of both games directly to the Dreamcast. Also, the Dreamcast Tomb Raiders do not run at 60fps. They are 30fps to keep parity with the Playstation original. All of the Tomb Raider PS1 games targeted 30fps (or 25fps in PAL regions, which apparently looks better on a 50Hz display). PC version is also 30fps. Though I think the Dreamcast game has different looking fog and lighting effects, due to the different architecture, but WindowsCE was an interesting feature that allows the DC to run Windows protocols, which makes for easy Windows 9x to WindowsCE ports for developers. Though Windows CE features extra overhead, and nerfs performance. Most windows CE games are 30fps.


>> No.8733463


The Dreamcast versions of Tomb Raider Chronicles and last Revelation use WindowsCE, which basically means that the devs ported the Windows versions of both games directly to the Dreamcast. Also, the Dreamcast Tomb Raiders do not run at 60fps. They are 30fps to keep parity with the Playstation original. All of the Tomb Raider PS1 games targeted 30fps (or 25fps in PAL regions, which apparently looks better on a 50Hz display). PC version is also 30fps. Though I think the Dreamcast game has different looking fog and lighting effects, due to the different architecture, but WindowsCE was an interesting feature that allows the DC to run Windows protocols, which makes for easy Windows 9x to WindowsCE ports for developers. Though Windows CE features extra overhead, and nerfs performance. Most windows CE games are 30fps.


>> No.8733523

my tb4 look like its running at 50fps not 30fps, and I've played the shit out of the ps1 one and i can assure you that the dc version runs smoother

>> No.8733525
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Thanks anons

>> No.8733593
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>my tb4 look like its running at 50fps not 30fps, and I've played the shit out of the ps1 one and i can assure you that the dc version runs smoother

Does the PAL version run at a higher FPS? All of the classic Tomb Raider games (with the exception of the first one) was designed around a locked 30fps for the NTSC regions. All of the PS1 games try to keep a steady 30fps. TR1, TR2, TR3, TLR and Chronicles are all capped at 30fps on the PC. TLR and Chronicles for the NTSC Dreamcast is 30fps too.

>> No.8733608

I have the pal version running at 60hz, looks smoother than the ps1 one (also running at 60hz), I don't have tb5 tho

>> No.8733614

wait can you choose between 50 and 60hz in the ps1 version? I don't remember

>> No.8733616

>looks smoother than the ps1 one (also running at 60hz)


>> No.8733678
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The classic Tomb Raider games aged like shit, just do yourself a favor and play Anniversary, Legend and Underworld. ok?

>> No.8733709

For TR1:

>> No.8733712
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I don't know, but Angel of Darkness has the best Lara outfit ever

>> No.8733734

Fucking beast of a score as well. Angel of Darkness would probably have been pretty good if they made it unrelated to Tomb Raider and just a normal adventure game. Core had made a point and click.

>> No.8733769

the tr franchise died when tomb raider 6 came out

>> No.8733775

thats running on a ps3

>> No.8733780


>> No.8733786

>The classic Tomb Raider games aged like shit
>do yourself a favor and play Anniversary, Legend and Underworld

>> No.8733848

I just bought the steam version of 1 and it comes with a shitty dosbox wrap. The fuck is this shit?

>> No.8733862

Play Shadowman Remastered instead.

It's by the same level designer as TR but it's actually a good game.

>> No.8733949


Spoon, fed

Then why does it have significantly worse reviews than Tomb Raider 1 - 4?

>> No.8733957

Thanks daddy

>> No.8734045

I could have sworn there was a version of TR1 with AI upscaled textures?

>> No.8734062

There's someone who did an AI upscale of TR2's cutscenes, but that's about it.


>> No.8734102

>wahhh i've become dumbed down by modern easy as fuck retard games and now anything i cant adapt to is badddd

proving it again....
>wahhhh i play modern easy games now tomb raider is badddd
no, you're bad.

>> No.8734236

Becusse nostalgia faggots and coomers, probably.

>> No.8734285

You were not alive during the 5th gen

>> No.8734289
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I take big shits in zoomers mouths.

>> No.8734294

Are people going to pretend these controls weren't considered shitty even when the game was relevant?

>> No.8734369

What's the story behind OpenLara?

>> No.8734382

>Are people going to pretend these controls weren't considered shitty even when the game was relevant?

No, because most game reviewers/ critics actually praised the original Tomb Raider for having really intuitive controls with a large variety of moves. The only real complaints were the targeting, But then again, when Tomb Raider came out, there really weren't any other 3rd person 3D adventure/ platform games to compare it too, outside of Mario 64. Mario 64 was praised for its analogue controls.

Check out Electronic Playgrounds video review from 1996. Not saying that this is some sort of definitive review. But their opinions were in-line with most other reviewers from back in the day.

Though Tommy Tallarico later scored Mario 64 an 8.8, while he gave Tomb Raider a 9.4, saying that Mario 64 was impressive but boring game, he also said that Tomb Raider looked better, and he thought it was a better game.

>> No.8734404

I definitely wouldn't say that controls working as intended or just working consistently is enough to say they're not bad. They could be executed perfectly to the design, but if that design is bad they're gonna be bad.

>> No.8734498
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>Though Tommy Tallarico later scored Mario 64 an 8.8, while he gave Tomb Raider a 9.4, saying that Mario 64 was impressive but boring game, he also said that Tomb Raider looked better, and he thought it was a better game.


>> No.8734586
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>> No.8734601

It's a reverse-engineering, recreation, modularization and clean up of Tomb Raider's engine. The idea is you have Open Lara and can just plug in the game assets for any Tomb Raider and play them on any platform the engine is compiled for. Think how Doom's engine is open source so it can be ported anywhere, but just for Tomb Raider. Just not officially open sourced so it's a little more hands-on.

He's completely correct. Mario has no wow-factor after the first few stages, Tomb Raider is pulling the rug out from under you until the very end screen.

>> No.8734647

>He's completely correct. Mario has no wow-factor after the first few stages, Tomb Raider is pulling the rug out from under you until the very end screen.

The 'wow factor' from Mario 64 came from using the analogue stick in the courtyard. But yeah, as far as stages go, the game doesn't try to blow your mind, initially. Tomb Raiders first stage, has a lot more going on for it. Both Tomb Raider and Mario 64 were released roughly around the same time. Though, it's Japanese release did come out in early 1996, while its NA release was September 1996. Tomb Raider released October to November 1996. Sony didn't release an analogue controller until 1997. The game was multi-platform, with a Saturn and MS-DOS release. The game had to have one standard control scheme across all three platforms. I don;t remember critics complaining about the controls too much, but Mario 64 did get more praise for having revolutionary controls.

>> No.8734651

Revolutionary controls only go so far. It's ultimately not that interesting of a concept when you really get into it, Tomb Raider's massive 3D levels full of verticality and inter-connectivity were key to defining how 3D games operate far more than an analog stick.

>> No.8734665
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I forgot how much I missed these two arguing about video games. And Tommy was almost always in the wrong, which just made it more entertaining.

>> No.8734734

>I forgot how much I missed these two arguing about video games. And Tommy was almost always in the wrong, which just made it more entertaining.

Tommy was pretty notorious for giving Nintendo games lower scores on EP/ RotR/JD. I think he reviewed games up to 2006? I remember him and Victor Lucas reviewing DS games at some point. I also remember people crying about his 'low' Nintendo review scores on gaming forums, as well.

>> No.8734826

>What's the story behind OpenLara?

OpenXXXX projects have been a thing on PC for quite a while now. One of the better known ones is OpenC&C (command and conquer). Usually these types of projects are reverse engineering of the game engine, that are made as open source.

>> No.8734832

>The idea is you have Open Lara and can just plug in the game assets for any Tomb Raider
No, just the first game. Unless you're fine just walking around empty levels.

>> No.8734867

>TR's controls are better than the majority of 3D platformers from the 90's
I can't think of a 3D game I played with worse controls pre-PS2.

>> No.8734986

I actually like how particular the grid based movement system is. It makes everytning feel very precise.

>> No.8735005
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>For everything
Why yes anon.

>> No.8735324

Rubbish tank controls

>> No.8735382
File: 51 KB, 1024x729, 48f751a28c6166fa2c5f91169eca91032722154er1-1200-855v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who can't handle tank controls have an underdeveloped portion of their brain that handles spatial reasoning.

Its the same reason they struggle with remote control cars and drones.

>> No.8735519

>I actually like how particular the grid based movement system is. It makes everytning feel very precise.

Tomb Raider really done play a lot like a 3D version of Prince of Persia, or any other of the games that played like it/ people call this genre 'cinematic platformer', but this was a result of some PC's just not having dedicated scrolling hardware. The character would move like it is on a grid, character has to wait for an animation cycle to end before enabling the next move. I have never really had many issues with the controls in a classic Tomb Raider game, myself. I completed the Saturn version back in the day, had it on MS-Dos. Played that one many times with just a keyboard. Played it on PS1. The controls definitely have a learning curve . But for me, I kinda miss the 'Tomb Raider' style control scheme.


>> No.8735587

I just want to say, that the classic Tomb Raider series needs some sort of remaster. At least make the original games more accessible on modern hardware with some minor QOL improvements.

>> No.8735701

They already work fine on modern hardware, there are some decompilation projects underway that fix bugs and increase compatibility on modern Windows


TR1, 2 and 4 are in there

>> No.8735793

Based Tommy, loved his energy.
I miss Electric Playground.

>> No.8735798

Legend is absolutely terrible. Even worse than the newer reboots.

>> No.8735807

For a first playthrough, am I supposed to look up a guide online? TR1 was fine without one but 2 and 3 made me almost want to kill myself sometimes. TLR supposedly is even harder when it comes to puzzles.

>> No.8735854 [DELETED] 

>Based Tommy, loved his energy.
>I miss Electric Playground.

He was good for his 'contrarian' opinions to Victor Lucas, who had a little more 'mainstream' tastes. I don't want to get too much into this guys reviews. But
Majoras Mask
Tommy: 7.8/10, Victor: 9/10
Dino Crisis 2 (PS1)
Tommy: 9.6/10 Victor 8/10.

As someone who owned Majoras Mask I don't completely disagree with Tommy, but review scores like that back then did rile up the Nintendo fanbots. Doesn't have anything to do with helping OP play Tomb Raider.

>> No.8735864

>Based Tommy, loved his energy.
>I miss Electric Playground.

>Based Tommy, loved his energy.
>I miss Electric Playground.

He was good for his 'contrarian' opinions to Victor Lucas, who had a little more 'mainstream' tastes. I don't want to get too much into this guys reviews.
Majoras Mask
Tommy: 7.8/10, Victor: 9/10
Dino Crisis 2 (PS1)
Tommy: 9.6/10 Victor 8/10.

As someone who owned Majoras Mask I don't completely disagree with Tommy, Review scores like that back then did rile up the Nintendo 'fanbots'. Doesn't have anything to do with helping OP play Tomb Raider.

>> No.8736013


>> No.8737219

>>>8734647 (You)
>Revolutionary controls only go so far. It's ultimately not that interesting of a concept when you really get into it, Tomb Raider's massive 3D levels full of verticality and inter-connectivity were key to defining how 3D games operate far more than an analog stick.

Back in 1996, I was like... 15 years old. I owned a Sega Saturn. Did not have a Playstation. But I had many friends who did. I grew up in Canada, so the N64 released in September 1996 for me, and I got to play Mario 64 and try out the controller at a kiosk at a department store called Zellers. It was very impressive, I think I even rented the N64 and that game for a few days. I also, rented Tomb Raider on the Sega Saturn as well. To be honest, despite the obvious bad framerate of the Saturn Tomb Raider, and the palpitated graphics. Mario 64 did look better than the Saturn version of Tomb Raider. But I was way more enamoured with Tomb Raider as a game. Sure, I liked Mario 64 as a game, but it took me a while to get into it, it didn't really sell me on the console right away. Other than being a proof of concept. The N64 only launched with two games, and a third one didn't show up until months later. Despite the technical limitations of the Saturn Tomb Raider on display, I put more time into that game overall. I thought it was the best 3D action adventure game on the system. I loved the challenge. It starts out with a first stage that shows the basics, and by stage 2 ramps up the challenge. Stage 3 has that great waterfall, and random T-rex battle. I knew people who had this on the PS1 and someone with a copy for PC. I later ended up finding a PC version for nothing and replaying it on that., It is still my favourite one in the classic TR series, I would rather play Tomb Raider (1996) in 2022 over Super Mario 64, to be honest. I did buy an N64. But in 1998 or so. Mainly for Zelda OoT and Goldeneye.

>> No.8737228

I really don't understand the hate for TR controls. Been playing TR1 last night and the controls are very fluid and very responsive, you have total control over it.
I don't understand.

>> No.8737338

To be fair, standard modern controls are a massive improvement over tank controls.

I can't imagine it actually making these games unplayable though, and I'm a fucking zoomer. If you actually give it a change and try to get used to it it's perfectly doable.

>> No.8737345
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Round up all zoomers itt and gas them already.

>> No.8737491

>Notes in the logo are the first three notes of the original theme

>> No.8737605

They didn't try the game.

>> No.8738238

Since this thread is open. How am I suppose to use OpenLara in Retroarch? I installed the core. I could download a copy of Tomb Raider that I own from GOG or Steam. Is there a download that I can get somewhere with the necessary game files?

>> No.8738646
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 The Colosseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the "complete silence interspersed with musical cues" style of the first game. I guess people bitched or something because TR2 has constant, irritating background noise in every level (one of the many, many areas where they overcompensated in TR2).

The differences between the PS1 and Saturn versions of the first game are pretty neat. The Saturn version has a much longer draw distance, significantly nicer water effects, and a better controller, whereas the PS1 version performs better, has a reflection effect on save crystals, and also has the handstand climbing animation that apparently was a last minute addition by Tobey Gard.

>> No.8738832

A game can sell millions of copies and still have poor controls. Besides, we all know that Lara's polygon tits sold those copies, not the gameplay.

>> No.8738995

It's actually easier to just download an original CD version, as all you need is the DATA and FMV folders.
You can also extract the files from the GOG and Steam versions from DOSBox. It's explained how here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/setting-up-to-1-47497129

>> No.8739031

The weird thing about the Saturn version is that it's darker with a longer draw distance, while the Playstation is brighter with a shorter draw distance.

>> No.8739048
File: 628 KB, 1205x1920, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 Lara's House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Saturn version is has weird contrast. It totally crushes the blacks in a lot of areas.

I think it looks better than the weirdly bright PS1 version, but they're both kinda goofy when you think about the fact that you spend 90% of the game in caves and ruins and yet there is a shitload of ambient light everywhere.

The Lost Valley and The Coliseum were intended to be outdoors with a skybox, but they couldn't figure out a way to make the black fogging work with a blue sky, so they had to make it black. I like it though, it makes them feel like they are underground and gives those levels a real "Journey to the Center of the Earth" vibe.

>> No.8739347

I mean TR's controls are trash but not impossible to understand.

The camera is a bigger issue in my opinion.

>> No.8740068

I mean objectively speaking you're wrong, and a fucking retard who can't use a simple control scheme that 10 year olds easily utilized to beat it in the 90's, but sure, whatever helps you cope.

>> No.8740114

PS1 emu, widescreen and PGXP enabled, filtering disabled, 3x resolution, 1.5 speed, left stick only forward-backward, right stick only left-right. Found this setup after multiple iterations, worked fine for me.

>> No.8740132


>> No.8740150

I tried TR1 on Duckstation but the game geometry broke when using widescreen.

>> No.8740358
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>emulating a game that has a better native PC version

>> No.8740489

>>emulating a game that has a better native PC version

The original PC Tomb Raider is an MS-DOS game, though. The Steam and GOG versions run on DOSbox. Getting it to run in hardware rendering mode is a pain in the ass too, because the original Tomb Raider had support for multiple graphics drivers, like Glide, PowerVR, etc. The best way to get it running on a modern PC without using OpenLara, is with the old ATi D3D drivers. Tomb Raider 2, 3, The Last Revelation, and Chronicles for the PC are Windows games. Tomb Raider 2 supported DirectX out of the box.

>> No.8741623

On the GBA

>> No.8742394
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Steam. GOG has the same PC versions.

Almost all classic Tomb Raider mods are either for speedrunners, insane people or both, they ruin the original presentation of the games.
OpenLara and OpenTomb are works in progress and I wouldn't recommend them for general purposes.

For the original game, use Carlmundo's Tomb Raider Automated Fix.

This mod makes the game native to Windows instead of MS-DOS, adds in the music from the PS1 version, and fixes lighting and textures to look like the PS1 version. Keep the game in 4:3 and set the resolution to whatever the highest would be for your monitor - for example 1440x1080 for a 1080p monitor. All the menus, FMVs, and internal in game cutscenes are heavily reliant on the 4:3 aspect ratio, changing this to widescreen ruins things.

Do not change the FMVs to the PS1 versions or the upscaled versions when the installer for this mod tells you to, the PS1 versions are higher quality but have very glitchy playback, and the upscaled versions look terrible.

Tomb Raider II onwards runs natively in Windows, they would have been written for Windows 95 and Windows 98.
All games from here onwards have a setup application where you can set resolution. Set this to 1400x1050. The TR2 menu may be greyed out and not let you select resolution or 32 bit. You can increase resolution to this by repeatedly pressing F2 in game. 32 bit can be select by open RegEdit, going to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Core Design\Tomb Raider II\System, and changing FullScreenBPP to 32 in decimal.

Tomb Raider II is not officially compatible with newer versions of Windows and a window border is often visible. This removes it:

I'll add more details next post

>> No.8742410
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The Steam version of TR2 uses the horrible revised American artwork, the original UK artwork can be found on this disc:

Go to the /data/ folder on the disc, and copy all the .pcx files into the /data/ folder on your Steam version, overwriting all the existing files.

Tomb Raider III onwards is much easier to set up. Open the setup application, set resolution to 1400x1050 in 32 bit, and turn on the visual effects except for Bilinear Filtering. Bilinear filtering was never properly implemented in classic TR and can break visuals. Disable bilinear filtering in all classic TR games.

Last Revelation works in a similar way. 1400x1050 in 32 bit. Enable Bump Mapping. Disable Volumetric FX as well as Bilinear Filtering, volumetric FX here is an experimental fog effect that never displayed properly.

Chronicles is similar to TR3 to set up. 1400x1050 in 32 bit again. Enable Bump Mapping.

>> No.8742465

Not to discredit your post, but TombATI/AutomatedFix and those misc. fixes for TR2 are no longer needed, the Tomb1Main and TR2Main decomps are the only things you need nowadays, TR4 is also being decompiled and fixed but it's still in an early phase. TR4 runs great in combination with DgVoodoo.

>> No.8742472

yep, as the other anon said, you were not alive during fifth gen

>> No.8742536

Why can't I increase my resolution past 1080p when using tr2main? TR1 I can change the res just fine.

>> No.8742893

all of them have bouns levels on PC

>> No.8742895

see >>8733285

>> No.8742968
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TR1 - completed

>> No.8744738

>This mod makes the game native to Windows instead of MS-DOS, adds in the music from the PS1 version, and fixes lighting and textures to look like the PS1 version. Keep the game in 4:3 and set the resolution to whatever the highest would be for your monitor - for example 1440x1080 for a 1080p monitor. All the menus, FMVs, and internal in game cutscenes are heavily reliant on the 4:3 aspect ratio, changing this to widescreen ruins things.
This MOD uses the ATi D3D renderer. The original Tomb Raider could run in software mode, and it generally looked like the PS1 game. But it also supports cards, 3DFX, PowerVR, S3 cards, Rendition. Tomb Raided needed separate .exe's for different 3D accelerator API's. As far as I know, the direct 3D patch, came out later, and was classified as a 'beta'. But it did make it to the public. It added direct 3D rendering and native windows support to Windows 9x? But it was forgotten about, and rediscovered and cleaned up to work with modern PC's. Maybe it didn't go like that. But I know it was a beta. Tomb Raider II switched from DOS to native Windows with D3D rendering.

>> No.8744814

TR classic controls follow an 'absolute' design. You have to actually learn how to measure Laras actions and how they apply to the environment/grid. Thats part of the challenge/fun. Once you start playing with this mindset, the game(s) flow really well.

>> No.8744820

The only thing that worked for me was the automated fix for TR2.

>> No.8744821

Legend is garbage, UW was decent, Anniversary is a mere remake of the original.

>> No.8744853

I have an issue with the GOG version for III where the game (in game) refuses to run at the full resolution, instead it ignores my config and runs at like 640x480 or some such measurement with huge black borders. Any advice on fixing this?

>> No.8744914

Try Peixoto's patch.

>> No.8746062

This looks promising thanks.

>> No.8747918

Question: there was a Polish version with all the mission packs making rounds here some time ago, courtesy of Aragorn Jesus anon.
Does anyone still have links to it?