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873268 No.873268 [Reply] [Original]

what are some really good underground SNES rpgs?

inb4 Earthbound (as if it's even 'underground' anymore)

pic related

>> No.873289

The only "underground" game I know of is E.T and it's not a RPG

>> No.873294

Adventures of hourai high is funny and lighthearted like Earthbound but also has actual gameplay with a pretty good job system

>> No.873297
File: 19 KB, 512x448, 59-Lufia_II_-_Rise_of_the_Sinistrals.086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lufia 2 is easily on par with FF6 and Chrono Trigger.

>> No.873303

Live A Live
Bahamut Lagoon
Treasure of the Rudras

>> No.873316



>> No.873317

Quite a few were mentioned in >>870198

>> No.873318

Should I play them in order or backwards? I've heard... things. Conflicting things.

>> No.873337

Illusion of Gaia is alright

>> No.873350
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Second for Hourai High, the encounter rate is just a teensy bit high, but it's a lot of fun with a boatload of characters, neat friendship skill system, cool-ass job system based off clubs, and good graphics. Wish it came up more in discussion.

>> No.873356

>using the term ?underground"
>on /vr/

>> No.873358

Will the translation run on actual hardware? I might drop it onto my everdrive later if it does.

>> No.873370


Whatever order you play them in, I would say you can skip 1 entirely. There's almost no reason to play it. Lufia 1 is just a really mediocre RPG all round.

>> No.873373

Two it is then.

>> No.873383

Burning Heroes is really good, and I think most people don't even know about it's existence.

Also, seconding Live-A-Live.

>> No.873397

Breath of Fire 2 with Ryusui's retranslation is just amazing.

>> No.873449


I have yet to play 2 but I second that opinion, Lufia 1 is as generic as you can get on a jrpg but unlike DQ there is no charm to keep you going on. Tried to finish it and got pretty far but finally got bored.

>> No.873452

7th Saga if you consider yourself a masochist.

>> No.873475

I got it going on my Super UFO so I would think so? Give it a few tries. I highly suggest playing with a walkthrough, too.

>> No.873476
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>> No.873484

I see what you fucking did there

>> No.873485

If you play Lufia 1 first you'll understand all of Lufia 2's references and easter eggs relating to the first game as well as appreciate the various changes, etc.

If you play Lufia 2 first you'll be surprised at what happens at the end, whereas Lufia 1 players already know since it happens in the intro.

>> No.873487

Better honestly. I didn't enjoy FF6 at all and Chrono Trigger, while amazing, didn't have the awesome puzzles of Lufia.

>> No.873491

Meh. Lufia 2 was too easy. And the whole game was basically "OKAY YOU SOLVED THAT TOWN'S PROBLEM. NOW HEAD TO THE NEXT TELEPORT SHRINE."

>> No.873492


Make sure you get the latest Frue Lufia patch from here. It fixes a lot of bugs.


It's in the Projects/Frue_Lufia folder.

>> No.873502

Don't listen to that faggot. Lufia 1 is a great game and has a great sense of challenge. You won't understand half of the stuff in Lufia 2 if you haven't played the original.

>> No.873527

Yeah, okay, this is part of the conflicting advice I've gotten. Some folks are like "Lufia 2 is a prequel, just play that first." Where as others give me your advice. Do you understand my situation?

>> No.873552

Story and battle-wise, not really. But the IP system, puzzles, loot drops and Ancient Cave make it a really good game.

That's where it felt like most of Neverland's budget went while we got stuck with battle graphics so bad that it's a detriment to the game.

>> No.873556

>inb4 Earthbound (as if it's even 'underground' anymore)

hell, it's not even good either

>> No.873572

Romancing SaGa series

>> No.873576

I'm not who you're replying to, but IGNORE THOSE FUCKING FAGGOTS. Jesus christ anon.

>Lufia 2, you play as Maxim
>Lufia 1, you play as a descendent of Maxim, 100 years after the events of Lufia 2
Play the first game. My only complaint (as is with 90% of jrpgs) is the emphasis on grinding. Outside of that
>dat battle music
>dem fast paced battles
>*huge overwhelming problem that causes needless drama in 50 JRPGS*..but I'm the descendent of Maxim, I don't give a fuck.
>You'll appreciate the sequel more
And do please tell me how many JRPGs truly break the formula cycle of "town-dungeon-town-dungeon", and come back here. Spoilers, its certainly not CT or FF6.

>> No.873613

i love the game but it fails as an rpg and you'd get just as much fun by watching a playthrough

mother 3 at least makes combat interesting by having the musical combo system. the only thing earthbound has going for it in the gameplay section is the rolling hp meter and a bunch of unfleshed gimmicks like condiments.

>> No.873625

Lufia 2 is about 1,000 times more popular of a fanbase than Lufia 1 so there's always going to be fans who say "FUCK EVERYTHING LUFIA 2 is WHERE IT'S AT!" Lufia 1 is a much more simple, "oldschool" style RPG which never really caught the mainstream public's eye. Most Lufia 2 fans never even played Lufia 1.

It really just comes down to whether you want to understand references and gameplay evolution or if you want to be surprised by a sad spoiler at the end.

>> No.873627

Der Langrisser

Its like Fire Emblem and Advance Wars had a kid

>> No.873629

>And do please tell me how many JRPGs truly break the formula cycle of "town-dungeon-town-dungeon"

At least most JRPGs TRY to be creative about how the story and game flows. Lufia 2 literally just has a guy in a shrine that says "ALRIGHT, STEP ONTO THE TELEPAD TO THE NEXT ISLAND!"

>> No.873640 [DELETED] 

>And do please tell me how many JRPGs truly break the formula cycle of "town-dungeon-town-dungeon", and come back here. Spoilers, its certainly not CT or FF6.

I hope you don't mind, but I'm cross-posting this question to RPG Maker General:


It will be fun ot chew on. All I can really say is maybe Live-A-Live, and outside of the SNES you'll find roguelikes (basically an infinite dungeon) and the Fallout or Elder Scrolls series (where you can visit all the towns you want between dungeons)

>> No.873642

>And do please tell me how many JRPGs truly break the formula cycle of "town-dungeon-town-dungeon", and come back here. Spoilers, its certainly not CT or FF6.

I hope you don't mind, but I'm cross-posting this question to RPG Maker General:


It will be fun to chew on. All I can really say is maybe Live-A-Live, and outside of the SNES you'll find roguelikes (basically an infinite dungeon) and the Fallout or Elder Scrolls series (where you can visit all the towns you want between dungeons)

>> No.873643


>> No.873662

it's worth learning Japanese if you really want to play the most underground titles, OP

>> No.873663

If you liked Breath of Fire 1 you might like Lufia 1, its a simular play style JRPG.

>> No.874502
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This. Though I wouldn't say it is underground, just HEAVILY overlooked in the west.

>> No.874514

Are any of those translated?

>> No.874523

Romancing SaGa 1 has a PS2 remake which made its way to the west. Romancing SaGa 3 has a translation hack. Better start learning moon if you ever want to play Romancing SaGa 2 which is often times considered the best of the triology, though I can say it has the best sounding story of the three. Seven heroes going up against a great evil vanquish the evil, but when they do so they vanish afterwards. People then sing and pass on the tales of the deeds of the heroes, but as what happens to a lot of tales, their deeds go forgotten. Once that happens the seven heroes rise again, but instead of saviors they come back as demons to wreck havoc upon mankind. You play as a line of emperors/empresses that struggle against these seven heroes.

>> No.874573

> but unlike DQ there is no charm
everything is cute as a button, especially Lufia herself

>> No.874593

E.V.O.: The Search For Eden and Robotrek come to mind

>> No.874603

On par? It steps all over both.

Lufia II's story actually made me cry. That's a lot more than I can say about FF6 or Chrono Trigger's stories.

>> No.874612

It made me cry too. Over how amazingly easy and anticlimactic it is.

The final boss music is just the same boss music as heard several times before. Lame.

>> No.874617

Playing Lufia 1 first robs you of all of the impact the ending of Lufia 2 has.

Lufia 2 should be played first, and then Lufia 1 with the mindset that it won't be anywhere near as good as 2, and you'll learn to understand the references 2 had, which will in turn make you appreciate 2 even more.

>> No.874623
File: 20 KB, 256x224, Futari_no_Yuusha_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the real underground SFC JRPG.

Game Freak's Bushi Seiryuuden's so awesome it doesn't even have an English translation. Game has a really funky battle system that's addictive and unique, and it's got good presentation too (music sucks, graphics win). Interesting premise too.

>> No.874629

I really wouldn't describe it as 'Too Easy'.

The battles? Sure.

The puzzles? Nooooooooot really.

Lufia does indeed need for fucking ever to get the main plot started, though. While dungeon -> town -> dungeon is found in just about every rpg, the beginning of Lufia is particularly tedious. Certainly a great deal more so than Terranigma, or Secret of Mana/ Evermore. Lufia's even slower than Illusion of Time in this regard.

>> No.874648

That's like saying "Reading history books robs you of the impact the ending of Titanic has."

You were SUPPOSED to know that Selan and Maxim die. That's the whole point of their legend.

And conversely, if you play Lufia 2 first, you have absolutely no idea that every area you go to and everything you do is a reference to Lufia 1. Including the dialogue that happens after the credits. You don't even realize what you're missing.

>> No.874646

This being said, once the main plot DOES start, it starts with a WHAM. It was quite the moment to walk into that town and basically going "What... The... Fuck...Happened... Here?"

>> No.874724

Lufia 2 was made as a Lufia 1 prequel. So if you first play Lufia 1, it will spoil a lot of things from Lufia 2.

I strongly suggest you to use a cheat code for the Ancient Cave to make blue chests appear more often. You will get lots of random items (not just gamebreaking weapons and gear) that way and your explorations will become way less frustrating.

The GBC version was quite good, btw.

>> No.874735

Do you need to know Japanese to beat it?

>> No.874743

No, it's more straightforward than that. There's a guide out there that should help with selecting the right text options.

>> No.875350


You're supposed to know what happens at the end, you chucklefuck. It makes the happy moments during the game bittersweet. Just play the intro of Lufia 1, then stop playing and play Lufia 2 after you start playing as the actual MC of Lufia 1 for the same effect.

>> No.875405

I'd say play Lufia 1 before Lufia 2 simply because of the battle system.

I fucking hate making all the party target a single enemy just to have it killed by the first attacker. Your remaining attackers will just attack the air where the enemy used to be. That was fixed in Lufia 2.

>> No.875672


Lufia 1 fan reporting.
This guy has it rite

also if u play lufia 2 first your robbing yourself of enjoying lufia 1 at all. because lufia 2 makes lufia 1 seem out dated in every way. the only thing u lose is u learn that maxim and selan die (u know that now) Just play them in order plz for your sake and mine

>> No.875680


I hope you know that you're a huge faggot

fuck off back to /v/

>> No.875789

i dont go to /v/