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File: 472 KB, 800x622, 800px-GameCube_controller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8731602 No.8731602 [Reply] [Original]

oh my fucking lord this d-pad SUCKSSSS, seriously what the fuck happened here?

>> No.8731616

I'd take it over xbox or Sony's. Xbox Duke dpad was an abomination.

>> No.8731625
File: 1.19 MB, 1432x462, n64 grip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming off of the N64 where they made accessing the D-Pad mutually exclusive from accessing the analog stick, Nintendo still didn't think there would ever be a reason you'd want to use a d-pad at all in a 3D game.
At this point they thought of the d-pad as purely vestigial and analog sticks were the only thing you'd ever need.

>> No.8731637 [DELETED] 

duke dpad blows this piece of shit out of the water
sony's dpad is excellent
nincultists are aids, this dpad is useless.

>> No.8731656

How am I a Nintendo fanboy? It's just a gba dpad which is a fine dpad other than its a little small. The fact you think the Duke dpad is better makes it apparent you've never held any of these controllers.

>> No.8731659

Shouldn't there be a 4th position where you hold it with the outside grips but still use the analog sticks?

>> No.8731662

>mfw I beat sonic 3 on that dpad
You sir are correct

>> No.8731664

Why would you use a d-pad when that god-tier analog exists, you can play mario strikers.

>> No.8731681 [DELETED] 

it is not a gba dpad you fucking niggerbrain
i had a gamecube since launch, i was at toys r us when the guy was tossing them to people who were in line and asking what color they wanted (i got black). the dpad fucking blows and thank god it was almost never a requirement to use over the stick.
if you think it's better than the duke (it isn't) that's one thing...but better than a dualshock? get the fuck out of here.

>> No.8731684

playing resident evil on the analog stick just doesn't feel right

>> No.8731697

The shape of Nintendo's dpad is superior to ds. It's tiny size is my only criticism of it.

>> No.8731710 [DELETED] 

it's tiny size is majorly huge issue, it's exactly what makes it impractical, annoying and useless
i would choose dualshock/duke over gamecube dpad every single time.
the duke dpad is similar in feel to the saturn model 1 controller.

>> No.8731735

>Duke is like Saturn pad
Duke is slightly off centre and the pad itself is less comfortable than gamecubes controller.

>> No.8731742

I always figured it was there for quick select purposes instead, but they still limited Wind Waker's controls when they could have had so many important items mapped to it

>> No.8731752 [DELETED] 

the duke dpad is like the model 1 saturn controller, not exact but has that bulbous slidey feel.
both the gamecube and duke have the dpad in the bottom left position (not ideal)
the difference is the duke dpad can be used by an adult human sized thumb and is still slightly better positioned than the little bubble the gamecube's micro dpad is on
the gamecube dpad is unequivocally the most uncomfortable dpad of that gen. it's one of the worst first party dpads of any gen. stop defending this garbage. gamecube pad is amazing except for it's horribly stupid dpad. even back in the day it was shit on.

>> No.8731757

You realize he specified the model 1 Saturn pad, right? The one with the weird concave d-pad, not the model 2 with the d-pad everyone loves.

>> No.8731779

It's the exact same dpad as the one on the GBA and it sucks on that controller. Doesn't feel good for Resident Evil or Game Boy Player stuff. I understand why they did it but it sucks.

>> No.8731814

I wonder if theres anyone out there that ever used the gamepad on a gamecube controller to the point of wearing out. Every time I pick up a new gamecube controller something is worn out on it, like the analogs are loose, the buttons went mushy, the z button snapped. But I've NEVER seen a gamecube controller with a fucked up dpad.

>> No.8731827

It's so vestigial Nintendo didn't even really bother to make games use it.

>> No.8732079

Sonic 3 is pushing the upper limit of what should be done with the Gamecube D-Pad
Try playing 2D fighting games

>> No.8732181

EU Saturn pad still wasn't as bad as the Duke. The only worse dpad would be dreamcasts because it would cut into your thumb after a lot of playtime.

>> No.8732641

It sucked so bad that you can't even control the menu with it in half of the games released on it.
The game devs knew...

>> No.8732647
File: 49 KB, 1324x824, gc_hori_violet_ctl_p_w2bu8t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go.
Too bad it's expensive as fuck.

>> No.8732656

>play console renowned for having "bad d-pad"
>it's fine
I swear people just make this stuff up. What exactly makes a "good d-pad" to people? I can't even tell.

>> No.8732674

old skool digital controller is okay.

>> No.8732692

no. that would be weird. you use the middle prong for analog grip

>> No.8732695

>what happened
Focus shifted to the analog sticks.
The d-pad was included because it had to be, almost as an afterthought, hence the terrible size and location.

>> No.8732696

i played mm 1-6 with this dpad
it's so fucking bad
good memories though

>> No.8732885

The logic was that it wouldn’t be used in place of the analog stick, but gave you some extra buttons to switch items and other minimal use stuff. If I’m playing Sonic or Zelda etc I just use the joystick

>> No.8733158

hol up
what is exactly select here? shouldn't it have been just Z?

>> No.8733180

It's designed for the Game Boy Player, which uses one of XYLR for select since the GC doesn't have it. The hori pad probably maps to one of those.

>> No.8733193

In the Game Boy Player, Z is mapped to the menu.

>> No.8733214

have you ever held a n64 controller? You'd have to be André the Giant to do that

>> No.8733225

>It's the exact same dpad as the one on the GBA
Isn't it much stiffer on the GC

>> No.8733515

nintendo are snowflakes

>> No.8734125

The d-pad is rarely used for GC games in my experience.

>> No.8734148

While I bought the GameCube out of obligation, decisions like the d-pad made it abundantly apparent that Sony cared about gaming as an art, while Nintendo was cared about gaming only as a business. They want to sell you a Nintendo lifestyle, giving you an extremely ergonomic gamepad tailored solely for GameCube exclusives (even then, Twin Snakes had a hard time adapting MGS2 controls).

>> No.8734153

Because it's so poorly designed that it wasn't worth making games use it

>> No.8734321

I never understood how bad the GameCube d pad was until I held a dreamcast controller. Sega knew how to make fucking d pad

>> No.8734331

When a product is made to catch the attention of the children browsing the toy store, the ergonomic factor must be sacrificed.

>> No.8734356

But the Dreamcast's d-pad also sucks. Not as bad as the Gamecube, of course. Sega's praiseworthy d-pad was the model 2 Saturn.

>> No.8734357

I have and I've used that hand position for certain games as there's no other way to play them.

>> No.8734425

the c-stick is far worse, and is actually used too.

>> No.8734468

Honestly I don't have an issue with the c stick. I did however use it when I was younger so maybe I got used to it. D pad though is still a bitch to use.

>> No.8734509

lol blatant Nintenfag cope
It's shit, bro. Sony's D-pads are still the best in the market

>> No.8734514

And nintards really consider this to be the greatest controller ever made

>> No.8734605
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 906255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat Mega Man 1-8 and X-4 on that good bitch.

>> No.8734609

It's a solid 8 behind the PS2's 9 and the Xbox One's 10.

>> No.8734773

You really need to get your hands on a model 2 Saturn D-pad. That shit blows the Dreamcast controller out of the water, even the 3D Pad was a better controller

>> No.8734896
File: 21 KB, 480x360, images - 2022-03-21T125406.591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some games use both dpad and analog stick at the same time though.

>> No.8734905

Nintendo make good dpads. Not sure why this triggers you. But anyone defending the Duke dpad really should be ignored.

>> No.8734907

That entire controller is shit and I am baffled at the people who claim it's one of the greatest. The c-stick is abysmal for camera controls, the face button layout doesn't really conform well to most games at the time and the d-pad is somehow smaller and stiffer than my penis. Only satisfying thing were the L and R buttons cause of that click when you press them all the way.

>> No.8734925

The triggers stop being satisfying when developers mapped in game actions to them that would normally be mapped to a regular button press. All controller with triggers instead of shoulder buttons have this problem but the GameCube controller has it the worst.

>> No.8734926

Unless you're an utter mongoloid taunting and pulling off signature moves with the analog for a brief microsecond ain't that hard or cumbersome.

>> No.8734938

I mean, it's excellent for the Gamecube/Wii exclusives that were designed for it. But for multiplats or emulation, it's dogshit.

>> No.8734948

That's really not doing the controller any favors when people claim this. This isn't some niche controller where being designed specifically around it is justified like Steel Battalion. This is a normal ass controller that's supposed to be functional with 99% of the games released on it if the only outliers are exclusives designed specifically around it which in turn only have it be useful at doing the bare minimum then it's a poop design.

>> No.8734950

What games take advantage of the "unique" design of the gamecube controller?

>> No.8734953

Metroid Prime

>> No.8734965

At the end of the day the Game Cube controller just isn't good enough to stand on its own as a unique controller designed for unique experiences because it's too homogenized, but at the same time it is lacking in so many ways to actually be able to go up against the other 4 button 2 stick controllers it was going up against (seriously why is there only one shoulder button and why are the face buttons so incredibly retarded)

>> No.8734987

For me it's diagonal sensitivity. I have Guilty Gear XX #Reload for Xbox and a PS1/PS2-to-Xbox controller converter. The official, non-large Xbox controller's d-pad is fine, but the game feels nearly unplayable with the PS1/PS2 d-pad.

>> No.8735963

I mean, the face buttons do kind of make internal sense.
They're hierarchically designed; A is probably going to be the more important and used button, with B being secondary and close by, and X and Y being tertiary buttons you probably won't need as much off to the side.

>> No.8735967

I disagree, the GC controller feels great for games that are designed for it. But anything slightly out of the box is a pain in the ass. In particular I like the face buttons and analog triggers in games like Metroid Prime and Super Mario Sunshine.

>> No.8735974

The X/Y positioning made punching and kicking feel so cool and natural in Viewtiful Joe. But I still prefer playing that game with a Dpad instead of an analogue stick.

>> No.8736024

L and R are L and R

>> No.8736030

oh yeah i'm retarded

>> No.8737513
File: 115 KB, 450x436, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8737556

I like the Playstation's D-Pad the most.

>> No.8738028

eh, depends on the dualshock revision imo.
the first one was too stiff and unresponsive. the DS2 and DS3 dpads were amazing though.

>> No.8738165

>unusable D-pad
>right analog from hell
>trigger actuation way too deep to use as digital input
>fisher price face buttons
>only one bumper
>hard plastic thumbstick cap
>offset analogs
How the fuck do tendies delude themselves into thinking this is a good controller?

>> No.8738173

It was alright, 4/5 in my books. The Nintendo 64 controller was godawful, I can't hold the thing right to this day, using my index middle finger and thumb to pinch & hold the analog stick.

>> No.8738309

Taunting is useful you noob.

>> No.8738312
File: 111 KB, 1440x1438, 1595740035753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8738341


>> No.8738449

The dualshock is better in every single way except maybe build-quality, but it's overall just the superior controller.

>> No.8738456

Did I say it wasn't? NO!

>> No.8738549

It is, you're right. I just meant that it's the same plastic piece on both the GBA and the GC controller

>> No.8738563

So constantly do it. La Parka, Disco Inferno and Alex Wright rule this game.

>> No.8738589

The ergonomics and face buttons beat out basically any other controller, and the analog stick is top notch with great gates. The L and R feel great to use too, if a game is designed properly around them.

The issue of course is that every other aspect of it sucks and it's ill-suited for games that aren't designed around it. The dualshock on the other hand is the absolute peak of controller design that fits every size imaginable while not losing out too much in other regards. The analog sticks are not the best on any DS revision but their placement is the best possible for making the D-Pad usable simultaneously.

>> No.8738602

lol no it doesn't haha real funny though lmao good joke buddy IF IT WERE OPPOSITE DAY

>> No.8739745

>press up it goes up
>press down it goes down
>press left it goes left
>press right it goes right
What’s the big problem?

>> No.8739753

>baby hands

>> No.8740272

After thinking about it, the issue with the Gamecube's d-pad is more the positioning than anything else. Yeah, the tiny size doesn't do it any favors either, but if you kept it the same size and swapped the position with the left analog stick, there would be far less complaints about it (not that I'm saying they should've kept it that size. It definitely should have been bigger). The complaints would now be the same of PS controllers: the primary way to move in 3D games doesn't occupy the "sweet spot". But I feel like those complaints wouldn't be as severe as the complaints the d-pad gets, because the analog stick is by it's nature elevated, whereas the d-pad is more flat, so your thumb has to travel slightly less to reach the analog stick if it were in the d-pad's position.

>> No.8740643


what games? (I disagree)

>> No.8740941

It's like Nintendo intentionally make it as small, stiff and generally uncomfortable to punish you for using it at all.
I'm a bit of a masochist so I played kaizo mario maker levels for an hour with it.

it left indents in my fingers. that's how fucking bad that piece of shit dpad is.

>> No.8741413

pretty much all first party games feel great with it, but for me especially wind waker and sunshine

>> No.8741420

Well they basically ditched 2D platform games for two whole eras, so it's only natural the D-Pad was kinda bad since nobody wanted to develop games with it in mind

They also probably reused the dpad from the GBA or something to cut costs

>> No.8741834

I dunno, I've played Metroid Prime with a Dualshock 2 controller and it plays just fine. I would even go as far as to say that the game would be much better if it wasn't designed with the Gamecube controller in mind.

>> No.8741919

shameful and wrong

>> No.8741935

you're replying to bait

>> No.8741950 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 1484x458, 1648027547078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that's small? wait til you see the Switch's dpad.

>> No.8742289

I kneel

>> No.8742560

is it ever used during gameplay? i hope not

>> No.8742827

dummy, pressing up goes left or right half the time, same with the others directions, making the dpad annoyingly imprecise

>> No.8742856

>but still use the analog stick?
with what? your benis?

>> No.8743208

Wrong. See position 2