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/vr/ - Retro Games

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873151 No.873151 [Reply] [Original]

What's the hardest retro console to emulate?

>> No.873152

Sega Saturn

Mostly because nobody cares enough to make a good emulator.

>> No.873157

Old computers

>> No.873159

SSF runs 80% decently and MAME can emulate the STV board pretty well.

>> No.873158
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Not retro but the original xbox

>> No.873161

>80% of everything
I need sleep.

>> No.873162

Does MAME have good CPS-3 support yet or do I keep having to have a completely separate emulator to play JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?

>> No.873169

Are there even emulators for the Halcyon?
While there are Vectrex emulators it's physically impossible to get the vector graphics display properly on a raster display.

>> No.873170

Also no red lines so it must be a real thing

>> No.873171

Yeah, not really /vr/ related but the original xbox isn't going to have a working emulator, probably ever.

>> No.873173


>> No.873175

Which is a damn shame since it has some nice gems on it.

>> No.873176

MAME has some pretty bad input lag, so I would keep using an alternative CPS3 emulator

>> No.873179

It shouldn't be as difficult to do because the original XBOX has an x86 Intel Pentium III processor. You'll probably end up with a more DOSBox like solution rather than an emulator for it.

>> No.873183

The Xbox 360 had Xbox emulation.

>> No.873187
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>Paying money to emulate

>> No.873185

Isn't that the same thing?

>> No.873191

Side question: why is that? DirectX?

>> No.873193

Really weird architecture
Same reason why modern consoles are hard to emulate

>> No.873196

Specific titles only, if you remembered right.
It's multiple things, some of it is hardware. I wouldn't say it's impossible, it's probably just a tad harder than perfecting PS2 emulation, but the key point is that nobody wants to fucking do it.

There aren't that many exclusive Xbox titles worth emulating.

>> No.873197

>The initial retail price for the system was USD$2500

>> No.873203


>> No.873204

DOSBox doesn't emulate like SNES9x/ZSNES do. DOSBox doesn't have to emulate an x86 processor and other hardware like SNES emulators have to emulate 5A22 CPU, S-SMP and S-DSP sound chips, PPU graphics chip, etc. DOSBox is more of a virtual machine in that what it really does is make it so that it can bypass Windows' shitty ability to run 16bit executable and the DOSBox handles it itself instead.

>> No.873206
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It's the n64
Anybody who says other wise is lying

>> No.873212

>Really weird architecture
Isn't it just a Pentium III?

>> No.873216


Why does it not have a working emulator?

I would think it would be easy to make one since it's a Microsoft console after all. Seems odd.

>> No.873226

Why do other small systems like Jaguar, 3DO, PC-FX or Virtualboy have an emulation community?

>> No.873234

Cpu is not equal to architecture

>> No.873235

>Emulation community

>> No.873238

Right what I mean is- isn't it the same as an off the shelf Pentium III?

>> No.873253

I would assume that it would have to be considering you can replace it with an off the shelf Celeron without much trouble(other than physically replacing it that is)

Isn't it the HUEG's GPU the part that makes emulation nearly impossible?

>> No.873263

because true xbox fans have the console in their houses so they don't bother to emulate it.

There was two emulators... or rather projects. One died, and the other one played only the first Halo. Bad. Anyway, I still got the old xbox, two S controllers, and I'm still playing it in a free time.

>> No.873270

>emulating a game that's already on PC

>> No.873274

How does that work on non-x86 systems?

Well you've got your complex beasts like the Saturn or N64, but I'd nominate the Vectrex and other vector display systems, because capturing the feel of those would be really hard.

>> No.873280

Yeah i don't get it either

>> No.873278

Sega Saturn, possibly Dreamcast, but that may be personal opinion. From an unbiased standpoint, i'd have to say Sega Saturn. Tried a lot of different things, and not once have i found a solid, consistent emulator for the Saturn.

Also, hardest game to emulate for me? Goemon's Great Adventure for the N64. Beat my head against a wall for days trying to balance settings, plugins, BIOS files...and all of it for nothing. It'll play, sure...but the options are glitches galore, or constant slowdown in to the 10-15 fps range.

>> No.873284

No people are just fucking lazy and won't build a good emulator.

>> No.873291

N64 is relatively complex. Intentionally so.

>> No.873301

Nope. The xbox is basically a normal PC with a nvidia GPU and pentium 3 processor. Only the firmware is different from a PC. If I remember correctly, you can install a PC BIOS in it and run Windows XP.

Why are there no emulators? Mostly because nobody cares about it.

>> No.873305

So does that mean we're going to need a DOSbox type of "emulator" for it or not?

>> No.873307

>nvidia GPU
Which is a custom job with a severe lack of documentation.

>> No.873308
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But why

>> No.873310

Because Yamauchi wanted it to be tough to develop for so that developers would actually have to put effort into making games for it.

>> No.873312

I'm not sure what you're talking about. There is a Windows "Dosbox" by Microsoft that runs some DOS programs on hardware. And there is the DOSBOX project, which is like any console emulator: it emulates the CPU and everything. That's why it runs even on non-x86 hardware.

It's like the Geforce 3, only the same.

>> No.873314

I'm just going to copy and paste here, so excuse me if there are some inaccuracies:

3. Emulating any hardware by NVIDIA is not a walk in the park! The Xbox's GPU, the NV2A is often assumed just a GeForce 3. It's not! It's similar but not identical. It has some GeForce 4 capabilities too, so it's more of a cross between an NV20 and NV25. This is by no means easy to emulate either. NVIDIA's GPUs have very large register sets and afaik not even half of them have been discovered, and a large portion of known registers have unknown purposes. There is little to no documentation on how NVIDIA GPUs work. The best thing to do is to look at similar GPUs such as RIVA, TNT, and older GeForce cards. Some registers are similar, but not identical. The best place to look for information is in open source drivers available on the net. Adding to the dificulty is that no one has ever discovered how pixel shaders work on NV2x cards, vertex shaders yes though. The Xbox GPU also has exclusive registers that are not found in other GeForce cards. Information on the NV2A's GPU registers are just now beginning to be discovered a few months ago. And yet, there's still a long way to go. The GeForce 3 series is the most mysterious of all NVIDIA GPUs (G7x and G8x aside) and the NV2A is alot worse. "But can't you just directly execute the NV2A instructions on another NVIDIA card?". No, I get alot of questions concerning this, and it is impossible. It's MMIO addresses are different and the exclusive registers must be emulated. Plus, in windows, we don't have ring 0 access anyway, so you all can scratch that idea now. Then comes the NForce 2 chipset. This is where it get easier. The NVIDIA MCPX is the control center for things such as audio, USB for input, Network adapters, PCI, AGP, etc. These things are not really that difficult to emulate IMO except for the audio."


>> No.873321

It included a LD player.
Higher class computers of the time had similar prices.

>> No.873320

DOSBox doesn't natively execute any x86 code. It's all emulated because 16-bit stuff will not work when the CPU is in 64-bit mode.

>> No.873328
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>RDI Video Systems claimed that the system would be entirely voice-activated, and would have an artificial intelligence on par with HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Why would you advertise this as a feature? Did they not understand this would be a BAD thing?

>> No.873334

Because voice control sounded awesome and futuristic. Some people would still fall for it today.

>> No.873339

Talking about the AI on par with HAL 9000.

>> No.873345

What harm can a laserdisc based console with speech processing do?

>> No.873346

>Well-known names among these investors included Merv Griffin, Quinn Martin and Cassandra Peterson
>Cassandra Peterson
Holy shit that's awesome.

>> No.873354

The fact that they're saying that their AI is just as smart as an AI that wants to kill people isn't a good thing.

>> No.873375


>> No.873389

Well that's some awful reasoning he made

>> No.873394

Sony later did the same thing with the PS3, but with slightly different reasoning.

It's called arrogance.

>> No.873413
File: 21 KB, 450x350, 1371049411662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking nice

>> No.873465

You're thinking of dosemu, which is what people used before machines were powerful enough to run dosbox. Dosbox is a complete emulator, while dosemu (like wine) simulated the environment but the code ran on the processor without translation.

>> No.873471

While not the hardest I'm sure, how is the Turbografx 16 cd?

>> No.873520

Is there a problem with Virtualboy emulation?

>> No.873551


>> No.873557


>> No.873562

I'd imagine he means simulating the display, and resulting eyestrain/headaches. Anaglyph 3D isn't right, though it works well enough for just playing the games with depth perception.

>> No.873570

That's pretty much Yamauchi in a nutshell. What he said during 5th gen about 3rd party games still affects Nintendo today. Iwata is still trying to repair the damage he did while he was in control. The only good thing he ever did for Nintendo is have an iron fist business stance.

>> No.873574

What's the point?

>> No.873584

I remember playing Wonderboy 3 using retroarch. I haven't played other games to test its stability.

>> No.873617

That's not good

>> No.873686
File: 9 KB, 591x505, Zero out of ten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.873738

I'm not sure if it's REALLY the hardest retro console to emulate, but for sure the N64 is really notorious among the emulation community for being a pain to accurately emulate. It is a veritable clusterfuck of plugins and per-game hacks, settings, and workarounds.

Now, part of it does boil down to the fact that N64 emulation originated when we were all still using Pentium IIs and IIIs, so they HAD to go through a hack-based approach to achieve playable speeds on at least the popular games. But even once we got past that early era, it turns out the N64 is such an architectural nightmare that we've had no choice but to stick to the HLE workaround approach, because believe it or not, accurately emulating the N64's video output alone brings even modern i5 rigs to their knees. It is THAT complex.

>> No.873781

>16-bit stuff will not work when the CPU is in 64-bit mode
This is incorrect. x86-64 processors can in fact run 16-bit x86 code, just that it doesn't execute it efficiently, and the newer versions of Windows won't allow you to execute it without turning an option on that will compromise the security of your computer.

>> No.873784


Really? That's so weird. I JUST got into 64 emulation as I was wanting to avoid any of the headaches that might have came with it and, thus far, I've only had trouble with one game (KI: Gold)

Everything else I've thrown at it has run completely solid.

>> No.873785

It did, actually.

That's why some games have glitches when played on a 360, and some games aren't compatible at all.

>> No.873791

as far as mainstream consoles goes, n64. sure majority of the games are playable, but the amount of settings you need to configure for each game to run "sorta perfect" is silly.

those that are saying saturn, look up SSF. it runs 95% of the saturn library. check the compatibility list if your game doesn't work correctly on current version.

>> No.873802

Don't get me wrong. The HLE approach does work... for most of the popular games. But even then, there's a lot of small inaccuracies and quirks, such as filtering applied to text and certain UI elements looking like shit. But get away from the "essentials" like the Marios, Zelda, Rare titles, etc., and you start running into lots of problems requiring specific plugins, special settings, and sometimes different emulators altogether.

Take a look at this site, and you'll see what I mean:


>> No.873810

I love how the hosts of that show call out the claim that the Halcyon actually had a genuine AI (something we're still light years away from).

Oh, and the co host of that show was Gary Kildall, the inventor of the CP/M dos that Bill Gates plagiarized with his copy, MS-DOS.

>> No.873818

No i'm saying that's not exactly an emulator when it's only specific titles

>> No.873829

360 has an xbox emulator. ps3 has a ps1/ps2 emulator.

>> No.873834

Except it still is an emulator. The reason only specific titles work on it is because the emulator is specced to run those specific titles.

That's like saying early N64 emulators weren't really emulators when they could only run Mario 64.

>> No.873839

How about RDI Halcyon? I can't even believe that a system like that even has emus, nor would a lot of consoles no one likes or cares about. Then again the Virtual Boy has tons of emus, though that might also be due to interest in the system vs. difficulty of obtaining one or because of Wario Land or something, I dunno.

The Virtual Boy is actually one of those systems you just can't emulate, even the 3DS has a very different feel to its 3D due to it being 100% digital vs. the very analog 3D of the VB.

>> No.873856
File: 116 KB, 600x449, laseractive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the Pioneer Laseractive? Has anyone even attempted to extract the game code from the laserdiscs for this system?

An arcade quality emulation of Time Gal would be amazing (the Laseractive port is arcade perfect thanks to using the same LD video as the cabinet).

>> No.873859

He's right, the newer systems (PS3, 360, and WiiU) all use emus to run their BC games. I wouldn't be surprised if the Wii emu on WiiU is broken somewhere, but then again Nintendo is always really damn good about their own emulation (see their N64 VC versus Wii homebrew N64 emulators) so it may be really good. Helps of course that Wii/GC emu is already really good. What's up with that anyway? People just wanted to play Wii games without buying the system?

>> No.873863

Wii was a beefed up gamecube basically

>> No.873867

lump it in with this
I don't expect many LD systems to be emulated, but then again I don't know anything about laserdiscs.

>> No.873873

Why not just play the sega cd version.

>> No.873879

Capturing the analog video off the LD is pretty easy, but the Laseractive has digital information encoded on the laserdisc too (and, as far as I know, nobody has set up the hardware necessary to extract the gameplay code).

>> No.873880

Nah, the Wii U can run Wii shit because it basically has a Wii stuffed inside of it.

Same with the original model PS3s, they essentially had PS2s stuffed in them, hence why newer PS3s aren't backwards compatible with actual PS2 discs, they have to download the specific emulator for whatever game they're playing.

>> No.873883

WiiU is a beefed up Wii basically that is "incompatible" with gamecube games

>> No.873884

The N64 VC titles all mostly run on emulators catered entirely to each individual title. It really couldn't be otherwise, since the Wii is so weak. It couldn't possibly handle a fully-featured, general purpose N64 emulator.

>> No.873890

A better option would be a Blu-ray re-release based on the original film material like with Dragon's Lair.

>> No.873891

The sega CD version is highly digitized and low rez compared to the original. Just check out how amazing the laserdisc version on the laseractive looks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGxdxaBlk8Q

>> No.873893

You and him need to learn the difference between emulation and virtualization.

>> No.873887

So the wiiu is an ultra gamecube?

>> No.873896


>> No.873905

newer ps3s that DON'T have backwards compatibility can run ps2 disks when jail broken. the whole thing about removing ps2 support was so people would buy the digital versions.

Later wiis removed gamecube support...which you can still run though piracy

>> No.873907

Except they didn't even have digital PS2 games on the PSN until a few years after they removed PS2 disc support.

>> No.873912

That would be truly awesome, but I wonder about the likelihood of Taito (or the animation studio) preserving the original film elements in the case of Time Gal.

>> No.873915

all according to plan.
look up ps2 on ps3 slim

>> No.873920

Watch it guys
If we keep talking modern they'll delete the thread.

>> No.873925

Only the first ps3 models had a ps1/ps2 emulator.

>> No.873928

You mean that super accurate one that's supposed to take nasa computers to work?

>> No.873927

my bad.
I've heard byuu is working on n64 emulation?

>> No.873932

Wait what? Didn't they remove an entire processor? How is that even possible, unless it's pulling some crazy emulation shit. If there's one thing I know about console games, it's that they demand very exact hardware with an autistic obsession.

>> No.873938

He gets knocked for that shit on snes, but if we get a program that runs n64 perfectly, I'm all for it.

>> No.873948
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It won't support anything but the N64's native resolution.

>> No.873950

Byuu isn't working on it, MarathonMan is.

Good. With a few exceptions, N64 games look like shit at high resolutions. I blame the blurry, low-res textures.

>> No.873963
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>> No.873972

64 games didn't looked like the left.

>> No.873982
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Believe it or not, they did. I didn't think so either, but after a lot of checking back and forth, the left is actually remarkably accurate. CRTs just masked the imperfections really well.

If you disable the N64's fullscreen filtering, it looks a bit better, though it's not accurate.

>> No.873986
File: 242 KB, 1280x600, CAN'T LET YOU FILTER THAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another comparison. The filtered shot is without a doubt the more accurate one when compared side by side with real hardware.

>> No.874020

Xbox One: 1985 edition

>> No.874024

I suppose that did help, the same way people were emulating GBA while it was new, from what I've heard. I guess I'm surprised that people bothered when it seems like no one liked the Gamecube around 2005-06. Guess opinions change.

>> No.874031
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Not funny

>> No.874040

>It learns what your weaknesses are, it learns what your strengths are
Halcyon is still alive. Still plotting.

>> No.874047

I hope not

>> No.874049

That's good at least, hopefully someone with the means will figure out a way to get the digital info too.

Fuck, really? How do I jailbreak my PS3 then? Are you certain that even slims and stuff can do it?

Not sure I follow. I know simulation is what they call it when people remake those tiger electronic handhelds, do you mean virtualization like how people do on VMs?

I wonder if you can play gamecube games on a WiiU then, if it's maybe possible through Wii homebrew. Perhaps >>873905 would know?

I forgot how good N64 games looked on a CRT until I hooked mine up to one last month. Amazing how much nicer things look when you can BS like a fiend through the inherent flaws of your visual hardware.

>> No.874050

nvm on the PS3 stuff, I'll look it up myself.

sage for not retro and for asking for people to google shit for me.

>> No.874078

Looks like ass

>> No.874117

Left is pretty much exactly what it looks like on my HD TV. The colors seem to have way more bleed to them than they ever did on my old CRT.

By the way, I was surprised to discover that Perfect Dark has 16:9 support. It's the only N64 game I can play without needing to change my TV display settings.

>> No.874129

Even some Gamecube games don't have that.

I was amazed too when I found out, Perfect Dark seemed to be pretty advanced for it's time.
The multiplayer was so much fun.

>> No.874130

>I wonder if you can play gamecube games on a WiiU then, if it's maybe possible through Wii homebrew.

I can confirm that the Wii's with removed GCN ports could still play GCN games. They only removed the ports, not the part of the Wii hardware that mimicked the GCN. It's impossible to give any input once a game is running though.

I don't know about the WiiU though. It might still be on the board, but it might not. I haven't payed any attention to hacking for it.

>> No.874203

It's not the WiiU OS, but it's the best we've got right now, same as the author that made DIOS MIOS.


He plans to add USB controller support with HID compliant controllers/USB adaptors. And with the 3-core unlocking being worked on for use with the vWii's homebrew, we might just see HD Gamecube titles on a console.

>> No.874251

Goddamn n64 emulation
Just fucking make one nintendo
Make it like 30 bucks

>> No.874259


>> No.874264

They already are selling you emulated games for $10 a piece. I imagine the reason they haven't added many more to VC is because even they are having trouble emulating the N64.

>> No.874298

Goldeneye does, too.

>> No.874307
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Sometimes I wonder if anyone has even considered a USB LD drive that lets you extract lossless quality video from the disc. This would be great for LD-based emulators.

>> No.874312

Yeah seriously, they couldn't even get the noise effect on Mario's invisible cap ability down.

>> No.874326

No i mean just make a full emulator online for 30 bucks
You probably have the specs lying around somewhere

>> No.874330

Oh wow, it does. I wonder how many other N64 games have this?

>> No.874437

Nintendo that is

>> No.874451

LD is analog.

>> No.874454

For two reasons:
1. So they can sell games individually for the Virtual Console
2. They can't actually make a single emulator that works with all or even most games. All the VC N64 games are running in a game specific emulator build.

>> No.874458

Only a few of the first PS3 models had a PS2 emulator. Most of them had the original hardware built in. All PS3s have PS1 emulators.

>> No.874462

I'm sure they got the specs for the original 64 lying around
They could do something

>> No.874621

>LD is analog
Indeed, so capturing LD video is just a matter of using your choice of NTSC capture device. A USB LD player would be thus somewhat superfluous (although I'm reminded of those crummy USB turntables...).

Not to mention the fact that LD players are no longer in production (although, amazingly enough, Pioneer was still making new ones until a few years ago), so there is no source for an OEM LD transport for a theoretical USB player.

The Laseractive (and I assume the Halcyon) stored digital gameplay code along with the analog video on LD, and it seems that extracting this element of an LD game is nontrivial.

>> No.874630

What struck me the most was how washed out Star Fox's colors look like in >>873986. Again, I could not believe that could be in any way accurate compared to the left shot, but lo and behold, I booted it up, and it looks exactly like that, only better because it's hooked up to a nice Sony WEGA CRT.

>> No.874641

The irony is that with the NES, he believed that "artists make the best games, not engineers", so they tried to make it easy to program for. Fast-forward to N64 and he completely goes back on it.

Apparently Yamauchi didn't even play video games.

>> No.874638


Saturn needs a good emulator, because owning a Saturn fucking sucks.

I have a Saturn that still works 100% perfectly, but game saves are stored on a fucking battery and whenever that battery dies you lose all of your fucking saves. That is the worst fucking thing anybody ever thought of for saving games.

>> No.874639

Which is proof that the VC titles aren't really running on a proper N64 emulator, but are going for an HLE approach much like the PC emulators do, only a bit more refined and tweaked per game.

>> No.874645

But you can get a memory card for it.

>> No.874650

Do you have any idea how difficult to ACCURATELY emulate the N64 is? Even having access to documentation for its innards, it still requires ridiculous power to properly simulate all of its functions. It's why we haven't gotten an accurate software RDP plugin until very, very recently. It's a total pain, and it requires tremendous CPU power. It's way too much, so developers have historically said "fuck that" and gone for the HLE-based approach where they approximate the graphics using DirectX or OpenGL.

>> No.874687

It's a classic case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't". Low-level N64 emulation is still beyond most peoples' means and runs like ass unless you have a crazy powerful PC, and HLE, while much faster, is rife with problems and issues, even on the games that supposedly work "perfectly".

Our only hope is simply to wait for better hardware, so developers will have more incentive to attempt to properly emulate the N64.

>> No.874747

If you can set up Pj64 1.6 with Glide 64 Napalm you're able to run 80% of everything with a few exceptions like Factor 5 games and Custom Robo.

>> No.874758
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Rogue Squadron does work, but with the z64gl plugin. It runs faster in Mupen64plus, though.

>> No.874768

There will never be an Xbox emulator because the documentation that explains how an Xbox even works is nonexistent. It doesn't exist. You can't make an emulator for something if you don't know how it works.

>> No.874797
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>You can't make an emulator for something if you don't know how it works
oh boy

>> No.874810

Which computers? There are around a dozen popular series and a shitload of lesser known ones.

>> No.874834

The three or 4 good games on it, and the thriving homebrew scene.

>> No.875170


>> No.875307

Hybrid Heaven is another one with 16:9 support. I dunno what makes it there in some games but not in others.

>> No.875345

The N64 couldn't actually display in 16:9 resolutions, so games that had this feature would just squish the image and increase the field of view.

>> No.875392

>You can't make an emulator for something if you don't know how it works.
Last time I checked, there was this wonderful thing known as "reverse engineering" which, amazingly enough, allows one to understand a system in the absence of official documentation.

Imagine that!

>> No.875404


Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that mean you learn how the thing works in the process? Meaning he was right?

>> No.875407

Clever way to get around hardware limitations

>> No.875474

He made a pretty final assertion in stating that there will "never" be an Xbox emulator, as the only prerequisite for such an emu (using his definition) is adequate documentation.

What happens when someone gets around to reverse engineering the thing (this will happen)?

Never say never.

>> No.875895

A less hostile industry would help also. There is a very real chance of being sued for copyright infringement when you deal with this stuff, even for a console that hasn't been produced in more than ten years.

It's the reason that emulation has stagnated.

>> No.875903

Do you have weeks, months, and even years to waste analyzing low level code? Digging for technical documentation through public information sources for scraps of information on proprietary hardware?

There is very real documentation for the xbox, but it is locked deep in a vault somewhere at Microsoft and you will never see it. The engineers that worked on it are under NDA for the next fifty years. The kind of people that are smart enough to actually reverse engineer this stuff have actual jobs and families and very little spare time. They also have no desire to be sued by global corporations just so some geeks can play vidya on their Peecee for free. Especially when the original hardware is so readily available.

>> No.875919

>The kind of people that are smart enough to actually reverse engineer this stuff have actual jobs and families and very little spare time.

You would be surprised at what can be accomplished, though. All sorts of encryption "black boxes" have been cracked to get games running in MAME, and there are members of the emu community equipped to do stuff as exotic as de-capping chips with nitric acid and microprobing to circumvent protected ICs.

Compared to these feats, the Xbox might be pretty easy.

>> No.876972

Ooga booga where the decent n64 emulator at

>> No.876974
File: 78 KB, 419x424, 1372059867948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is very real documentation for the xbox, but it is locked deep in a vault somewhere at Microsoft and you will never see it
Fucking mission impossible time son.

>> No.876995

Virtual Boy

>> No.877006

What makes it so hard?

>> No.877008
File: 85 KB, 500x397, tiger_hang_on_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These babies.

>> No.877018


The 3D display?

>> No.877026

But we have 3D displays.
Vector graphics would be a problem.

>> No.877037

Apparently Yamauchi didn't even play video games.

Obviously, like every businessman of his generation.

>> No.877048
File: 31 KB, 640x480, Ojamajo Doremi Motto - 03 (DVD 640x480 WMV3 MP3).avi_snapshot_19.52_[2013.06.02_12.19.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N64 emultation and hardware shenanigans

Sweet Jesus Christ the more I read about this the more my goddamn brain melts. The N64 was basically my entire childhood in elementary school and most of my best early gaming memories are on it. Dat pre-launch hype, dat Mario 64 hype, dat OoT hype, dat Pokemon Stadium hype.

Who knew how fucking cryptic that thing was.

>> No.877087

Actually guys, this guy's got a point. Microsoft will not let people write an Xbox emulator that can do anything competently. The few people that were working on it got hired to write the xbox emulator for the 360.

>> No.878212

He is? Can't wait for the revolution. When will he give the dreamcast/saturn/mega drive some love?

>he gets knocked for that shit on snes

Only by buttmad zsnesfags.

>> No.879313

Dosbox devs emulate x86-16 because dosbox is cross platform and needs to work on more than just x86

>> No.879315 [DELETED] 

They removed the controller and memory card ports and patched the software so it doesn't recognize gamecube games on newer wiis

>> No.879345

Fucking micro code. Why would you do this Nintendo?

>> No.879354

He most likely isn't. Hell, the other cores on Higan that aren't SNES are still incomplete as fuck. The only reason he slaved away at bsnes to the degree that he did was because it shaped and defined his childhood. Everything else is basically an afterthought, a result of his work on bsnes.

>> No.879356

To make it as difficult as possible to produce games and hopefully scare all the shitty developers away, and it did. Of course it also scared away nearly all other 3rd party developer as well.

Nintendo changed their direction completely with the gamecube which was made to be extremely easy to develop for and they carried this over to the wii and wii u maintaining a familiar architecture so developers can easily port games over

>> No.879358

Flash Cart or Die.

>> No.879364

Smash Bros. VC with blackboxes that show up when you get knocked off the screen around your little bubble/window.

I haven't had issues with Saturn emulation. Though I play like 3 or 4 games with it that work fine enough.

I'm gonna go with a combo of Sega Model 3, N64 and PS.

They're all fairly faulty. Though the majority of games can be played. I don't even bother with N64 though, I own most of the games I want to play and am waiting to get the ones I still want.

>> No.879365


Yeah, if you're still using ePSXe or pSX. Mednafen and Xebra have brough PS1 emulation into the "just werks" realm.

>> No.879374

News to me. I didn't even know Mednafen had decent PS1 support I'll have to try it now. I'm assuming it's in the WIP builds, I haven't seen a new main build for a while. I've heard that Xebra was very accurate but haven't fucked with it yet.

>> No.879382

Try it through RetroArch. It has very good compatibility now.

>> No.879594

And yet still no one develops for it because you can't port something over designed for a console twice as powerful. At least it means the homebrew scene for it is one of the best ever.

>> No.879791

Oh well. Hope someone else can pick up where he left off.

>> No.881206


What the fuck is that

>> No.882185

There's also devolution, which recently added Classic Controller and Wii U Pro Controller support.

>> No.885928

And it was a horrible mess with glitches on pretty much ever game

>> No.885943

A memory cartridge, which suffers from the same problem.

>> No.885980

>Save game on both.
>1 dies
>replace battery
>copy data
>wait for other 1 to die.
>replace battery
>copy data

and no data was ever lost ever.
TL;DR Fucking replace your batteries. It's not like we're talking about a NES game where you can't back up your saves.

>> No.886327

Holy fuck that advertisement.

>> No.886339

Wow, I wonder how many of these are out in the wild? I wonder how that AI acts after 30 years of on and off use by different people. I am way too fascinated by this thing.

>> No.886985
File: 12 KB, 286x219, RevolutionLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nintendo Revolution.

>> No.887010

It's basically a PC

You need to building an emulator for a PC of 13 years ago

>> No.887018

I don't know if it is just my laptop, but I can't run Pokemon Stadium at all without my entire system crashing.

No problems on other titles I've tried

>> No.887023

A PC with a GPU that has zero public documentation.

>> No.887041

There should be a movie made of this

>Rich individual tired of casualisation of modern games
>Fully mastered the classics, can perform world-record breaking speedruns on almost any game with zero prep time due to extreme experience
>The current gen needs a huge shake-up
>Decides that the best way to destabilise modern gaming is to develop perfect emulation of consoles
>Reverse engineering does not provide perfect emulation
>Decides that the only way to achieve this will be to obtain documentation/early prototypes/whatever from the companies themselves
>Decides to hire a team to help him accomplish this
>Can't hire professionals who are willing to risk so much just for vidya stuff
>Has to get a bunch of amateurs from the internet
>You can imagine the collection of autists, neckbeards, shut-ins, okatu, "programmers", simulator junkies etc. that he assembles but let's toss in one normalfag too.
>Conduct extravagant raids on Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and SEGA to gain access to their "vaults"
>Based on each of their areas of gaming specialisation, they provide different skills
>Hijinks ensue

There would be obligatory cameos from certain developers, execs, etc.

>> No.887069

I guess I got lucky with mine. I got it very early on and it's still keeping saves just fine.

My pokemon gold, however, stopped keeping saves three months after I got it, and that was back when it was still fairly new.

>> No.887110 [DELETED] 

Looks like a PS3 game.

>> No.887113

Looks like a PS1 game

>> No.887337

MSX seems pretty hard.

I just want to play Metal Gear 2 on my Laptop.

>> No.887492

>all of this N64
I don't understand.
>install project64
>run project64
>download rom
>file>open rom>your.rom
Seriously, it is arguably easier to use than the actual console.

>> No.887493


What game do you play? It's probably Mario, Zelda or something major like that? Yeah, they can play those. Move outside of the top 5 or top 10 though. You have to pick specific plugins for specific games, and have just the right settings. And many games simply do not work.

>> No.887496

>MSX seems pretty hard.
> I just want to play Metal Gear 2 on my Laptop.


>blueMSX - Preconfigured latest version of blueMSX w/ updated database and cheat files. Also has translated Metal Gear 1 & 2 w/ translated user manuals.

>> No.887503

>And many games simply do not work.
And how many of those are N64 exclusives?

>> No.887513

Dreamcast. If only.

>> No.887515

Well, not quite. I had just come to terms with it being an emulation, and not a replacement. I don't see any reason to tinker with a games settings and plugins if I can avoid all of the stress and play it 98% accurately! Usually, the issue is just minor visual, and is in no way gamebreaking which to me just equates to - good enough.

The only issue I have ever had, is with every nintendo 64 first person shooter seriously, is there a fix/plugin for its maxed out joystickspin?

>> No.887523
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>Seriously, it is arguably easier to use than the actual console.

This is what Indiana Jones 64 looks like when you try to play it.

>> No.887519


Some. But that's also another reason why N64 emulation is a mess. On top of the system being a complex labyrinth, people mostly just want to play the few good exclusives. Outside of that they don't care.

>> No.887525

>You need to building an emulator for a PC of 13 years ago
It's like you never heard of C68k, Nec PCs, Atari ST series, Amigas or C64.

>> No.887550
File: 1.03 MB, 178x177, 1371505773415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sony hires Kojima to defend their vault
>Team attempts a break-in
>Kojima takes down and kills an autist right outside the vault
>Begins a monologue about the casualties of war in extremely broken english
>Neckbeard interrupts to tell him no one cared about the autist

>> No.887573

Whether a game is terrible, or has a better port is irrelevant. There's a problem if an emulator has trouble running a game that existed for the console. And pre-configured settings and plugins doesn't stop the underlying emulation from being poor.

>> No.887643

The latest devolution allows the use of classic controller and ps3 controller for gc games, maybe that would work.

>> No.887692

Not quite, as even on that shot there is texture filtering. Also, the models and textures don't jitter around like they have ants in their pants.

>> No.887751

The PSP.
That shit is so old it must be already retro, right guys?

>> No.887770

And why would they? The vast majority of multiplatform releases on N64 are inferior to the other available versions.
And why aren't you playing the PC version?
Having poorly conceiveed emulation doesn't make the N64 any "harder to emulate" than the systems out there that don't even have a proper emulator at all.

>> No.887804

>games suck, who cares
The worst attitude to have when coding emulators.

>N64 isn't hard to emulate
What exactly were you responding to?

>> No.887836


It's like Ocean's Eleven meets The IT Crowd.

>> No.888404
File: 75 KB, 671x600, Entex-AdventureVision2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entex Adventure Vision.

>> No.888427

>no one mentioning the PC engine

Are we really on /vr/? Stop shitposting with your shit system older than 2000.

>> No.888438

What was the name of that one system that used VHS tapes to store FMV games or some shit?

>> No.888482
File: 139 KB, 319x480, 1369213564807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neat, he sucks at playing that though

>> No.888495

What? Mednafen emulates it quite well.

>> No.888501

it's like ocean's eleven meets Fanboys, but instead of star wars, it's /vr/

>> No.888526

you people are complete morons... also isn't there a project in the works that doesn't actually emulate the system but just provides a layer over normal windows that allows them the games to be exicuted? or has that project died in the water? but yeah, the original xbox is just a PC and runs on a modified version of windows, I think it has less to do with people not knowing how to do it and more that the xbox community is lazy

>> No.888528


>> No.888554

>Microsoft will not let people write an Xbox emulator that can do anything competently
who said people would have to get the blessing of microsoft to make an emulator for it? the PS2 has a pretty well working emulator (if you have a powerful enough computer), do you think anyone called up Sony and was like "may we please see the documentation for the PS2?"

>> No.888586


I'm going to assume you know better than this guy?

>> No.891440

he just sounds lazy

>> No.891465

Its actually had they did the DRM. You have to crack each and every game separately so it would be a huge huge undertaking to emulate.

The system itself was just a PIII computer really.

Lack of interest is one of the major parts though. Xbox had a lot of pretty cool games, that nobody heard of because Halo was the only thing it was used for.

I think some of Segas later consoles are probably the hardest.

>> No.891997

I imagine it's a similar issue to Rogue Squadron and Battle for Naboo. Factor 5 was well known for utilizing hardware to the maximum degree possible. In this case, they re-programmed the graphics controller in the N64 with custom microcode. Most N64 emulators seem to be designed with the standard microcode in-mind, so these games don't work.

Another example is how Rogue Squadron 2 was easily one of the best looking games of last-gen, yet it was a launch title.

>> No.892037

Rogue Squadron actually does work now, as shown in >>874758.