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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8725419 No.8725419 [Reply] [Original]

>It's the 90's
>Brother lets me play his Super Nintendo
>Play Chrono Trigger
>Don't know what all the fucking menu shit is
>Start pressing random buttons
>Save file 1 is deleted
>My heart drops
>Brother screams at me

You didn't have a retro childhood without deleting your siblings saved file.

>> No.8725612
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Nope, you were just retarded. You should have been executed on the spot for the betterment of mankind.

>> No.8725614

Alright. Sorry.

>> No.8725616

I never completed any game in my childhood because I had two brothers and they would both delete my fucking saves every fucking time

>> No.8725618

Playing my friends character on pso. While saving and it tells me not to turn off the co sole, I turn off the console. Save file gone.

>> No.8725657
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>Gran Turismo 3
>trade cars at a friend's house from your own memory card
>accidentally save your game on your friends memory card which removes his save file
>my friend's face when his ~150 cars and all other progress vanished

>> No.8725659

I remember my brother letting me play Pokemon Blue but I wasn't allowed to save. (I probably did anyway.)

>> No.8726727

I remember doing that to my uncle and lttp. I just got confused in the menus and put my name in and saved it before moving on to play bubsy. I tried to lie about it but my name was saved and i got busted. The embarrassment of that lie is with me to this day.

>> No.8726878
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If you were my brother and you did that to me, I'll smack the shit outta you.

>> No.8726905 [DELETED] 
File: 466 KB, 1920x2158, NOT VIDEO GAMES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-celeb shit should be a insta-ban.

>> No.8726910

>at school
>game boy nearly out of battery
>put it away
>hey anon can I play with your game boy
>seeing as you're not playing it atm
>I'm not playing it because it's nearly out of battery
>clueless expression for 5-10 seconds followed by a second attempt
>hey anon can I play with your game boy
>sure whatever have fun
>three minutes later
>the battery ran out anon
>here is your game boy back
There was barely enough battery for you to start a new game and wipe my 300+ hour Pokemon save Alex you braindead piece of shit.

>> No.8726965

> have 2 brothers
> be youngest
> game has 3 save slots
> each gets one slot
> one brother beats game
> deletes my save to start a second file without losing his 100%

Jokes on them. I'm the youngest by 7 years and got my mortgage akd wife while they're still single and living in shitty apartments.

>> No.8726968


>> No.8726969
File: 71 KB, 1106x1012, 05F5E869-FDA0-4A3C-B51D-CA66C2F336C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first got a Playstation I had no idea what memory cards were or how to use them because I was used to the memory paks in the N64 controller. So I pretty much had to beat every PS1 game in one sitting. One day my sister reset the console when I was just about to beat a Bugs Bunny game and I hit her and I got in trouble. I don’t think I finally realized how to memory card until the Gamecube.

>> No.8727068

>is retarded
like pottery

>> No.8727218

I was on the final Riku fight in Kingdom Hearts when my sister overwrote my file with her brand new game. Botch, there's 99 fucking slots, what are you doing. Never ended up beating that game, didn't feel like doing everything again.
fuck Alex

>> No.8727247

don't listen to him man, shit happens, everyone is a kid sometime and people that don't get over stuff like that past the age of 19 should really take a look at their own priorities and maturity