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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 429 KB, 948x1109, 4D36195F-ADDA-4109-93A2-44E299C25EAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8721198 No.8721198 [Reply] [Original]

Came across this lovely display and thought it would be a great piece for any gaming or other recreation room. Any have other artful gaming displays for a room?

>> No.8721209

Gay. Fpbp

>> No.8721218

I thought you said awful and I was going to agree.

>> No.8721323

Who cares about controllers that much?

>> No.8721330

Whoooooa they can buy Ikea furniture and 3D printed shit from Etsy? WHOOOAAAAAOOOAOA WHOA HOGHAOGWOAWHHHOOOAAAAA

>> No.8721338

redit tier cringe

>> No.8721357

I've seen way cooler displays on Reddit. Most of them actually have games in them. This fetishizing of any peripheral part of every hobby for internet points is what's destroyed everything and made every second hand market complete shit. The prices are insane because of nerds on the internet. Some of us just want to play games.

>> No.8721375

IMAGINE THE DUST and waste of space.

>> No.8721383

I'm glad it says Nintendo 64 8 times, I kept forgetting what console it was for

>> No.8721407

true, I just want to play games, not invest in them, and I hate when people look at ur collection and they immediately start talking about prices instead of the actual games, normies view vr has costy vintage bullshit

>> No.8721889

GET N or GET OUT!!! amiright???? lololol

>> No.8721979

this. it's onions-tier.
imagine putting controllers (pieces of plastic) up for display instead of using them.

>> No.8721992

Fucking cringe and kys

>> No.8722060

This is just embarrassing

>> No.8722114
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>> No.8722119

fr fr where can i cop dem controller stands? they look dope af

>> No.8722127

but why

>> No.8722176

This is actually one of the better controller "displays" I've seen. Very symmetrical, The n64 logo in the middle is cool as hell. And you can easily grab any controller to play without hassle.

>> No.8722184

Deeply gay

>> No.8722223

I thought "put your toys away when you're done playing with them" was something you said to 3 year olds not 30 year olds.

>> No.8722290
File: 861 KB, 4656x2218, 7CDD7709-DC5B-4B98-BD74-9AA5A18D4B07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a nice wall display.

>> No.8722305

You know what's easier to grab and go? A controller plugged into the console and not displayed like some museum piece. This is really fucking gay

>> No.8722313

Lmao do you forget which console these identical controllers are for so you have to label each one? This must be owned by a virgin

>> No.8722319
File: 111 KB, 540x438, 1626883519056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fuck you all my memory cards are piled on top of my PS2 for easy access where they belong

>> No.8722321

I thought it said awful, too.

>> No.8722349

Thats got to be one of the gayest things I've ever seen in a long time. And there is a battlestation thread currently up somewhere here too

>> No.8722370

>every stand needs NINTENDO 64 printed on it as if the controller doesn’t speak for itself

>> No.8722392 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8722545
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what about this one?

>> No.8722565

I'm a bit new to retro games, to be honest, but what console are these controllers are for? They look weird lol

>> No.8722575

I think its one of those madkatz controllers like form that old meme.

>> No.8722582

How do you play them

>> No.8722624

they're epoxied in

>> No.8722660

>a pokefag did this

>> No.8722727

These make me very mad

>> No.8722798

How. Do. You. Play. Them.

>> No.8722808

anon… i..

>> No.8722818

ayo nigger dey sure do dawg like dayum nigger

>> No.8723108

how is this gif still up

>> No.8723113

nice and gay

>> No.8724051

no one cried about frogposting yet

>> No.8724921
File: 1.44 MB, 2448x3264, C6BEF1D8-18EC-4A40-909D-7FA15289051A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8724949

gayest pic i've ever seen

>> No.8724952

There should be a dildo below the wiimote.

>> No.8724971

>when you don't play video games but you want people to think you do
There should be a term for this mental illness

>> No.8724984

I think that looks cool, OP. The 3D printed N is cool too.

>> No.8725254
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>> No.8725271
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>> No.8725294

why do people idolize companies and their toys

>> No.8725301

Right? It really doesn't get any more pathetic than that. Why would you revere an entity that hates you? It's the ultimate form of submission.

>> No.8725334

>Why would you revere an entity that hates you?
You may need to take your meds if you think an international conglomerate hates you.

>> No.8725335

Companies don't give a shit about consumers; this is common knowledge.

>> No.8726048

you are quite retarded

>> No.8726060

Ok anon apathy and hate are two different things, you know?

>> No.8726482

Isn't it obvious that that's what I meant in the first place? I just have a tendency to be hyperbolic.

>> No.8727035

Do I spy a fedora in the glass or does this person's reflection just reveal their true form?

>> No.8727038

>only a PAL Nintendrone would make a decorative monument to their own autism

>> No.8727450

This is a horrible thread and I desperately want to see it be deleted. Fuck every one of you.

>> No.8727465

imagine being this jealous

>> No.8727483
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that's a weird way of spelling autistic

>> No.8728764
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>> No.8728938

for fuck sakes at least line them up chronologically like a real autist

>> No.8728939

Insurance scam 100%

>> No.8728951

>what is Mother 3 and the company's decision to not give it to the consoomer of the west who will appreciate it
you do know that companies care more about their shareholders than you, the person who """loves""" the company? you're just the afterthought and that's okay cause that's how it's suppose to be anon

>> No.8728958

>lovely display

thinly veiled shill thread?

>> No.8729024

It's almost always Nintentoddlers.
Then they argue over bombable walls.

>> No.8729042

I still have my N64 controllers from the 90's, I love the console, and this is awful holy shit why would any sane person want that in their house.
Lack of purpose in life, shaky values, poor mental hygiene, no religion so they build a shrine to a god of plastic and silicon?

>> No.8729151

I dont care about mother 3, I prefer sega

>> No.8729650

hoarding is fucking cringe

>> No.8730068

>being a poorfag is fucking cringe

>> No.8730115
File: 80 KB, 736x552, 194028F9-7432-4BEB-959B-838C445DA99D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elegant showcase of some gaming history

>> No.8730125

That shelf could hold some books, maybe some houseplants and they decided to go full söy

>> No.8730140
File: 41 KB, 250x400, __hard_gay_real_life__40300adbb7f7847fffab0f417a26ade4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could've posted 2 men sucking each other off and it would be less gay than this.

>> No.8730152

so gaming history is gay?

>> No.8730476

I don't display my collections because I'm a grown man with normie friends. They are in two separate rooms in steel lockers and shelves.

>> No.8730486

>turning pieces of plastic into display pieces
jesus.. i bet they’d brag it was an authentic game behind that glass, too

>> No.8730504

Don't worry, guy, they're just jealous. I think it's neat. You need a better place to put it, though.

>> No.8731142

the console with more controllers than games

>> No.8731151

fucking this

>> No.8731153

There is nothing wrong with this and that's honestly a really dope collector piece that would probably sell for 5x more than those pieces of e-waste are worth.

>> No.8731156

i'd give three fiddy for this shit then bury it all in my backyard or set it on fire

>> No.8731160

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.8731413 [DELETED] 
File: 921 KB, 3024x4032, CC7E127C-3DEA-4E0A-B0E1-1E63CC8CCCBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one’s a real showstopper. Not into figures myself but this amiibo display definitely lights up a room

>> No.8731416


>> No.8731418

Should be behind glass. Imagine dusting all of that shit.

>> No.8732131

I believe in the right frame he is demonstrating the playing