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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 48 KB, 300x381, Alien-Soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8719260 No.8719260 [Reply] [Original]

>is the best game on the genesis
>no one cares or knows about it

>> No.8719262
File: 514 KB, 1920x1080, castlevania bloodlines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.8719263

is that a cock

>> No.8719264

Probably cause it came out in 95 and is hard

>> No.8719269

everyone talks about it constantly, its the /v/ form of saying pink floyd is obscure

>> No.8719289

Pink who?

>> No.8719292

Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the peak of video games.

>> No.8719296

And not actually released in the U.S., so most didn't even know it existed when it was new.

>> No.8720074

George Floyd had a band?

>> No.8721445

A-Earth was in terrible crisis
in the year 2015.

The shadow of the evil terrolist
group called Scarlet blocked the
way to the outside universe for
human beings.

Members of Scarlet consist of
artificial creatures created by
A-Human using super genetic
engineering. They are the secret
society intended to destroy the
entire human race.

In addition to the high
intelligence and strong fighting
power, they have special
abilities capable of parasitic
existence with human beings,
animals and machinery. By using
these abilities, they conquered
A-Human and were about to obatin
supremacy over A-Earth.

A-Human planned to assassinate
Epsilon-Eagle, the boss of the
Scarlet group with a special
combat group capable of using
super power despatched secretly.

The sudden attack by the group
using its super power seriously
damaged Epsilon and successfully
threw him into the time space
continum whitch had been
liberated by using super power.

Later, as Xi-Tiger gained power
from Scarlet by taking advantage
of the confusion, terrorism
toward A-Human became much more

On the other hand, the hatred
toward Xi-Tiger within the
Scarlet group because of their
cruel acts became bitter and
voiced for restoration of Epsilon
became stronger.

Xi-Tiger who was isolated form
other group members decided to
assassinate Epsilon. In order to
Liberate the time space continum,
They attacked the A-Human's
research laboratory where boys
and girls with super power were

At that time, Xi-Tiger sensed the
existence of Epsilon in one of
the boys. However, he could not
read the evil will from Epsilon
who was a parasite of the boy's
body. Xi-Tiger was much confused
and took a girl as hostage and
demanded Epsilon to release the

The boy who was beside himself
with rage, converted his body
into Epsilon.

>> No.8721448


A bird-man with steel wings took
over the boy's will.

In his mind his real nature,
human justice, battled with the
foreign force.

Xi-Tiger sensed unknown power in
Epsilon and escaped after killing
the girl.

---Epsilon speaks---
I'll never let you go, Xi-Tiger!!

There is another bird-man who
has Epsilon's body. However, his
will is full of evil ambition and
nobody knows his real intension.

He also flew away, chasing after

>> No.8721483

I give less than a wet fart about what NPCs think about my fav games.

>> No.8721508

I still remember walking into my local vintage game shop and he just bought a box of games from some crack addict for nothing.

He opens the box in front of me and pulls out Alien Soldier. I couldn't fucking believe it. I had to stop myself from freaking out. I just calmly said "Oh, hey I'll take that off you for £20".

Then, he said "Let me check ebay first" and it was all over.

>> No.8721517
File: 15 KB, 190x266, Z(29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the best game on the genesis
what did you just say mf?

>> No.8721527

I love looking at it, but I was never good enough to play it lol

>> No.8721528

normie choice

>> No.8721539

thank you, but i prefer The Revenge of Shinobi

>> No.8721595

Unfinished rubbish game

>> No.8721603
File: 16 KB, 217x216, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8721995
File: 234 KB, 800x1111, 98411-ranger-x-genesis-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

>> No.8722962

style over substance

>> No.8723192


>> No.8723193

>no one cares or knows about it

That's because it never got a physical release on the Genesis. It was only available through the Sega Channel, if you had that service back in the 90's.

>> No.8723196

I can't beat the first boss so it's bad

>> No.8723215


>> No.8723221

alien soldier is super normie too in europe

>> No.8723230


>> No.8723250

I'll do this in every thread, Dynamite Headdy is much, much better.