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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8717581 No.8717581 [Reply] [Original]

I finally beat this dog 20 years after first attempting to slog through it.

While it has IMO some of the best 3D platforming segments ever (the “secret of” courses), it’s simply not as good as 64 or even Galaxy. Still, it was a fun ride and I’m having fun exploring the levels still.

Is it worth attempting to get the 120 shines, or is it a tedious nightmare that will feel like a huge waste of time?

>> No.8717596
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>120 shines
Why not move on to a better game

>> No.8717715

why does /vr/ have such a hate boner for this game all of a sudden

>> No.8717717

>20 years after first attempting to slog through it.
anon your sperms and/or eggs

>> No.8717856

It sucked when I was 8 and it sucked the last time I tried playing it too. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is better.

>> No.8717892

I said I enjoyed it and was still having fun with it?

SA2 was a huge drag to play through. Some good levels but lots of cringe. Sunshine is way more enjoyable

>> No.8717917

I'm playing it for the first time now. Its a fun game and a competent enough Mario experience but the camera is absolute dog shit. Honestly one of the worst I've ever experienced

>> No.8718084
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>Is it worth attempting to get the 120 shines, or is it a tedious nightmare that will feel like a huge waste of time?
Not worth it if you're expecting some cool reward for doing so. Most of the shines come from blue coins anyway. Pic related is all you get as a reward for 100% completion.

>> No.8718293


follow up with Super Mario N64
>voice acting nobody wanted
>having to clean stuff is the game
>yoshi sucks
>non-fludd parts are the only good stuff
>lousy level designs
>not a fun vacation
>story for retards, not even babies would like it

>> No.8718320

Finish any of the stages you didn't get, but don't bother with the blue coin slog.

>> No.8718646


>> No.8718871
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It's the buggiest, most incomplete mainline Mario game ever released. There's a reason why Nintendo never references or celebrates it nowadays. They're ashamed of it. They scrubbed Isle Delfino off the map in Super Mario Odyssey before release. They know they fucked up.

They know giving it to Koizumi to infantilize it with a toy water gun concept was a mistake.
They know it was the least favorably reviewed Mario game of all time up until that point by fans and outlets.
They know they rushed it out the door in under 1.5 years to desperately try and save the GameCube. It didn't work.

The game was also cringe incarnate, right down to the enviromental awareness ads with the singing chorus of kids.

Honestly, in many ways, it's actually the Sonic Adventure of Mario games. Both of them have:

>An overreliance on the narrative.
>Unhealthy focus on NPCs.
>Crutches for 3D platforming.
>Lots of padding and filler, to artificially extend the playtime.
>Many infamous "that part" moments.
>Tons of glitches and exploits.

I never really understood where Mario fans get off on being so cocky and smug towards Sonic fans when they've had it just as bad in the past.

Is it the fact that it's made by Nintendo that gives it a free pass from objectively criticizing it? Sunshine isn't the 9/10 masterpiece zoomers make it out to be. It's actually more of a... 6/10. Solidly mediocre, only carried by brand name alone... Just like Sonic. Anyone who didn't grow up with Nintendo (And isn't an eternal cubie manchild), can see the game for what it really is.

>> No.8718953

I grew up with Nintendo and think the game's just a tedious mess. I also prefer Sonic Adventure to Mario Sunshine, while holding Sonic in contempt in general. Nintendo made one cruddy mainline Mario. Every Sonic game for the past 20 years has been a fucking circus of incompetence. A Sonic game is a public spectacle to gawk and jeer at; every launch is basically the Festival of Fools for the industry. Now consider that Sonic Adventure, Sunshine's equivalent, is better than every mainline Sonic title that came after it, whereas Sunshine remains Mario's lowest point in that regard. There's simply no comparing Mr. Video Game with the biggest punchline in gaming, even though he's far from perfect and has his share of mistakes.

>> No.8719001

This. The blue coins generally arent fun to collect. There are some cool secret stages (and some bad ones I’ll admit) but most of the final shines in the main levels are pretty fun. The only bad one might be the gelato beach one with the watermelons, and if you know you need to get the one from the arena at the top of the hill then that level isnt too bad.

Also the eight red coins versions of the secret levels are great.

>> No.8719205

Because you want to feel special for liking it so you ignore any post about it that isn't negative.

>> No.8719216

It's not a bad game, it's just a mediocre game -- and I got this game the day it came out and was looking forward to it. We didn't get a good 3d mario platformer on the gamecube, We didn't get a good 3d platformer mario until Odyssey ffs.

>> No.8719225

>All of a sudden
Sunshine was hated as soon as it came out in 2002.

>> No.8719592

I read my own post, QED.

>> No.8719984

is this the game nintendo doubled down on allowing more time for devs with future games? There really isnt a game as unpolished as this in the subsequent years

>> No.8721791

The secret course are not good just because they are comparatively hard. Sunshine's physics suck and were clearly designed around you always having FLUDD as a safety net, that there are levels that give you an arbitrary jungle gym of blocks and remove your safety net without presenting anything new for you to do in return isn't good design. You just feel cooler when you beat them.
Add to that the fact that a bunch of the secret levels hinge on dealing with outright annoying or inconsistent physics gimmicks like the rotating objects and the whole thing's a wash.
Sunshine's strongest elements are in its presentation and the way it makes every new locale LOOK super fun and interesting to explore, but actual engagement is pretty shallow in most areas. Noki Noki Bay is easily the best level and even that's mostly for all the cool little optional stuff scattered around.

>> No.8721796

I'm tired of having this thread all the time. What's the next game you loved as a kid you're going to switch to pretending to hate for popularity points, and can we skip to it soon?

>> No.8722035

I've always wondered what dark hole the morloks who don't like the Galaxy games crawled out of. Could you illuminate me on that matter, creature?

>> No.8722041

I’ve always liked it, not as good as 64, but it has its charm

>> No.8722048

The game totally sucks. I bought it for my ailing game cube around release, took it back to the shop ASAP and got it refunded. The best gc game is Eternal Darkness

>> No.8722480

>hes a janitor
>in a video game
>he cleans up other people's messes
>for free

>> No.8722482

tbf the police jannified him

>> No.8722621

Generations and Mania werr fun.

>> No.8722639

Biggest complaint I've heard is Mario's movement being hindered. Those games are lot more focused on the spectacle and introducing new concepts with each Galaxy

>> No.8722648

How can this game be worse than M64? M64 feels almost unplayable nowadays while Sunshine is... oookayish I guess.

>> No.8722651

Oh, that's definitely it, the troglodytes on /v/ are absolutely fucking obsessed with movement and speed.

>> No.8722728
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> There's a reason why Nintendo never references or celebrates it nowadays.

>> No.8722803

i cant even recommend you try to get all the obstacle course stars. that island pipe course is dogshit unfun, and its my only complaint in the entire game. that course feels like it was designed with the intention that you had a mouse and keyboard it feels so precise
spoiler you get a gamecube controller, which is the worst controller for precision of that generation compared to xbox or ps2

>> No.8723036

>>voice acting nobody wanted
While yes, some of the cutscenes were cringy, I will argue that Martinet was his best in this era. He was "finding" his perfect Mario voice while still having the range to yell and scream.

That "MAAAAAAAMAAAA HOO HOW HEE" is burned into my mind to this day. I remember playing Galaxy wondering what he would say when he got burned and it was so fucking tame even then. Nowadays he can barely do anything beyond a standard "Wahoo", but I guess that's just the nature of getting old since he wasn't exactly young when he started as Mario.

>> No.8723043

Sunshine was rushed as fuck but they still managed to make an entire game out of just platforming as Mario. Adventure cuts so many corners and reuses so many stages while forcing you to play as all these worse play styles to actually complete the game. At least blue coins you can just ignore if you want.

You're also comparing one game to like over twenty years at this point of mediocre to outright shitty Sonic games. Sonic Team has been putting out pieces of shit since fucking Knuckles Chaotix. Post-Adventure Sonic games aren't much better or worse than Adventure really. They're all similarly shitty in different ways with the exception of gigantic turds like '06. People only give a fuck about the Adventure games because they're "kino"

>> No.8723052

Any 3d platformer is a waste of time because it's a fucking flawed game to begin with. Controls, camera, and trying to judge any distance in a 2d projection of a 3d world is going to be fatally flawed.
The paid off reviews and massive hype for Mario 64 helped kill gaming by normalizing new gamers thinking bad games are actually good. This is why /vr/ should be 8/16bit only. Back then we cared about gameplay and bad games very rarely were overhyped to the point that the next generation series of trash were.

>> No.8723276


>> No.8724345

sunshine has the best movement of any mario game, both with and without fludd. The analog triggers allowed for lots of different fludd methods. The dive is more efficient than the long jump because it needs two inputs instead of three, and you wont accidentally backflip instead of diving. 64 has plenty of bugs aswell, granted less than sunshine, but being able to push the game beyond the developer's limits adds to both game's charm.