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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8710718 No.8710718 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: terrifying things in "children's games"

>> No.8710725

Not gonna lie, my Mum sold my psx because re2 was too scary and she bought me a n64 only for it to have equally horrifying games.

>> No.8710735


>> No.8710738
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that guy's more annoying than scary, the piano fuck is scary
but picrel scared the shit out of me
there was a cartoon episode with somethin like this too i saw as a kid and i feared it for years and now you're gonna tell me there's duplighosts again but it's gotta be this creep? fuckin monkey's paw man

>> No.8710740

Did you buy RE2 for N64, just to spite her?

>> No.8710746

his battle theme was dank though

>> No.8710771
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>give level creepy OoT dungeon music
>GHOSTS... DON'T... DIE...
>put stuff like floating chairs and books into level
>oh look a piano OH FUCK
>merry go round music starts playing ominously in the distance
They never had another 'haunted house' level in a Mario game that came anywhere close to the legit spookiness of SM64's take

>> No.8710790
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The Wind Waker Redeads are genuinely the most terrifying things I've ever seen in a video game. Their ultra high pitched screams still give me nightmares

>> No.8710793
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>> No.8710863

Mario, zelda, the list goes on...

>> No.8710879

>8 replies
>you didn't contribute
Okay, faggot.

>> No.8710881

true but grubba's theme is better
i was gonna post marx but then i remembered when i was spooped

>> No.8710894
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Pic related is your dad when he comes home with an N64 copy of RE2

>> No.8710902

>never had another 'haunted house' level in a Mario game that came anywhere close to the legit spookiness of SM64's take

Yeah, I remember playing mario 64 with a few friends back when it was new and some of them started crying when the piano jump scare thing happened. I wouldn't be surprised if they got a ton of angry calls from boomer moms and decided to step things back after.

>> No.8710976

Little Timmy got filtered hard. Now hand over the controller to your big brother and go do your homework.

>> No.8710980

Ikr. Nintendo-onlies...

>> No.8710994

>Durr I thought it was really scary when Dizzy Egg went into the Spooky Dooky Cave to retrieve the Rolf Harris gems
You happy now?

>> No.8710996 [DELETED] 

jesus you zoomers are scared of your own shadow

>> No.8711041
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40 Fathoms.
Just dumps you straight underwater full of sharks

>> No.8711059

Mario 64 is probably the creepiest Mario game ever made. Not like it's a super spooky shit my pants horror, but there is just something unsettling about game's atmosphere, and stuff like crazy piano or giant eels doesn't make you feel any better. The whole game feels like Boo house.

>> No.8711061

>Super Mario 64
Anon, this game came out when zoomers as a generation didn't exist. Zoomers literally were not born when this game came out. Zero of them.

>> No.8711064 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8711073
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I'm not going to post the actual image
Instead, I'll post it in a form of riddle and leave it for you to solve. Going to bed now, good night.

>> No.8711079
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For me it's weird bugs and glitches. Heads that are just floating eyeballs due to a bug, weird texture bugs that fill walls with faces, glitch environments in Pokémon, I'm 33 and this sort of shit still makes me shudder more than any horror game.

>> No.8711080
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>> No.8711106

What is it about water levels that make them so spooky?

>> No.8711108

Sonic drowning music in both classic and adventure
The robot that chases you as Amy in sonic adventure
Jak and Daxter Shark
The near entirety of Rugrats: Search for Reptar
These were the only things from childhood games that ended up spooking me that weren’t intentionally spooky games.

>> No.8711141 [DELETED] 

piano is overrated crap, even worse the ones tards that go "OMG I GET SHIT SCARED EVERYTIME I SEE IT" like wtf fuck you exaggerated piece of shit it's just a noisy small enemy you're likely to not cross path with if you ignore the red coin

the eel, the fucking eel, THAT was legit stuff. that goddam eel is the embodiment of creepy uncanny early graphics shit
filter pianotards. there are actually other stuff in the game worth mentioning, like those yellow enemies in the sand level, the fucking glitchy spiders in wet dry world that go through the walls and you literally seeing limbs coming out the walls, or op >>8710718

>> No.8711147

This gave me a funny feeling as a kid haha like imagine getting eaten by a much bigger fish haha

>> No.8711163

>getting purple phantom handies every time you enter the shadows with vivian
pick one

>> No.8711230 [DELETED] 

He is a trans monstrosity

>> No.8711231
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For me it was the boo in the hallway that showed up after you got enough stars. The way he would just sit there staring at you always creeped me out.

>> No.8711375 [DELETED] 

you weren't there

>> No.8711385 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8711387

I don't even know how I didn't end up with a vore fetish

>> No.8711397

why is this thread so gay

>> No.8711641
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PSX Voldemort.

>> No.8711760


>> No.8711772
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Clue for snes, specifically the way the soundtrack can make the tone shift from comfy to tense to shocking.
First the title music sets the mystery movie vibe:
Then, some of the character themes are downright peppy:
But then, some mildly unsettling investigation music:
And finally, when a character picks up the rope/noose you hear this shit:

Scared the fuck out of me as a little kid the first time I played it.

>> No.8711789

Dead Hand and the Wallmasters in OoT

>> No.8711796
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>getting chased by a wall of drills while anxiety: the soundtrack plays in the background

>> No.8711819

Poor guy looks like he hasn't slept in weeks

>> No.8711846


>> No.8711853

His hands still work don't they

>> No.8711859

Pretty much the entirety of Ecco the Dolphin

>> No.8711869

What scares me (and still does) is when you go out of bounds and there's a big endless expanse. This is made worse if there's no music or ambience at all.

One thing I remember scared me is Pilotwings 64 and how you could zoom out on the map and there was nothing beyond the island but you could get lost on the map because the sea went on for ages and you couldn't find the island again. I was always too scared to just fly out to sea for that reason.

I remember that PS1 styled horror 'demo disk' thing that came out a while ago had a Garry's Mod style horror game 'demo' that was more or less based on that concept.

>> No.8711950

Resident evil 2
I played that when I was like 8

>> No.8711965

Agreed, Big Boo's Haunt is easily the spookiest that the Mario ghost houses ever get, with a close second being the abandoned airship before the Valley of Bowser level in Super Mario World. I think the sunken ghost ship is really spooky because you have that point of reference of what those ships looked like while they were operating. That and the ghost behavior there with the intermittently fading in/out boo corridor being pretty good. I think the cherry on top is the orb at the end though. Those only popped out of Boom Booms when you defeated them in Mario 3 so the implication is that a Boom Boom likely died there. It had such a distinct feeling of death that I think is unmatched.

>> No.8711972

what an ugly game

>> No.8712076

This kinda happened to me, but instead my dad kept the ps1 to play RE and some fighting games and I got a n64

>> No.8712135

Not retro but I get the same feeling from the FO:NV out of bounds area. It’s just miles and miles of desert and mountains.

>> No.8712458

well that wouldn't be so bad ig if there didn't have to be a bugeyed freak runnin around with my party too

>> No.8712468
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>> No.8712469

>Joseph gets mauled by a dog in live action intro
>children's game

>> No.8712545

DK64 had some creepy atmospheric things about it, same with Banjo. Those, OOT, Majora and Mario 64 all had disturbing creepy things about them.

The angry sun level in SMB3 as well as the phantos in SMB2 also freaked me out

>> No.8712637

I read somewhere that one of the 3D artists used textures from real dead bodies for the cutscene models. Probably one of that urban legends.

>> No.8712658

Nah there's pictures of the original textures

>> No.8712676

probably marketing BS

>> No.8712694
File: 174 KB, 1600x700, turning zombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think maybe that forensic footage or war footage was directly referenced when making the textures.
Granted, this could have been processed from a photo to start with and then altered and worked over a bunch, but looking at it, it somehow just doesn't feel like this is real at all.

>> No.8712910

It's fucked that people decided to just call that guy "Turning Around Zombie" when obviously his name should have been Turner

>> No.8712950

they're cartoony compared to n64 era retards. little 6 year old me knew that there were going to be zombies, but FUCK, I didn't expect to bump into them as child link in cuckarino village before getting to the 2nd dungeon!!

>> No.8712957
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>> No.8712959

i miss this little nigger like you wouldn't believe

>> No.8712969

Vivian was such a cute partner.

>> No.8712987

I think part of what sells them is that Link himself is visibly terrified of them in Wind Waker. In Ocarina he doesn't really give a shit when he's paralyzed.

>> No.8712997

I hate how Voldemort got less scary when he got his body back. He was legit terrifying in the first few books.

>> No.8713031
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>> No.8713173

I was never too afraid of the Ocarina or Majora ones. The Wind Waker ones may have been more cartoony like the rest of the game, but they are still pure nightmare fuel

>> No.8713178

For me, it's primarily the scream

>> No.8713217
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Wind Waker does a wonderful job making enemies look threatening even with the cartoon aesthetic.

>> No.8713273
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Can't have this thread without mentioning this

>> No.8713312

That ending cutscene with Rhino was so hilarious when I first played this.

>> No.8713326
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What if the whole game was a water level.

>> No.8713373

Going NoClip in Doom 3 is the peak of this type of gaming-creepiness


>> No.8713543

>glitch in Sonic Adventure which makes getting an emblem really easy
>on Ice Cap, before the snowboarding section there's a small tunnel, during this point the stage timer inexplicably stops
>can spin dash to clip out of the tunnel if you do it just right (possibly only on GameCube, not certain)
>fall through and after a while you land in the regular level
>until then you're just falling in the skybox and seeing a white landmass creep closer
>no music, just ambient sounds of heavy wind
Doing this always really unnerves me and I'm not sure why

>> No.8713557

Tomb Raider made me afraid to go underwater in video games

>> No.8713572
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Unironically what were they thinking with this
>have to get near this horrifying thing to get a Star
>have to basically TOUCH it to get another Star and if it touches you instead you take a bunch of damage and will probably drown afterwards
>tfw desperately swimming to the surface before drowning two feet away
Until I was a teenager I only did the third Star on this level and otherwise ignored it because I didn't want to explore. Doesn't help the game doesn't really explain how you're supposed to do the first Star, you just kind of figure out that going near the eel then going away will make it leave

>> No.8713923
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these scared me in SSFE
most underwater stuff scared me in general as a kid

>> No.8714030
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>> No.8714107


>> No.8714734
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I like Vivian a lot, my problem is with how the internet has memed bullshit into being canon with totally misreading the Japanese script to the point where they make stuff up about her being trans that isn't there in the text. I mean to begin with, Old Bitch Sister Ghost and Goombella are far from reliable narrators so the extent to how much this is pushed by the fanbase annoys me.
Believe me if I thought they actually meant for Vivian to be trans I would probably like her more

>> No.8714743

That's not scary at all. I've seen worse. Jeez

>> No.8714748


>> No.8714760

And I don't give a fuck if it does a "wonderful job". Playing through the game is what matters

>> No.8714864
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>get to water temple
>empty room with fog and single dead tree
>walk across the water to the other side
>turn around
>shadowy figure under the tree appears from nowhere.

THAT shit fucked with me

>> No.8716219

I think the most fucked up thing about mario 64 isn't the visuals or the music. It's that they gave mario a semi-realistic drowning sound. It's so bad that the ds remake replaced it with his generic "I got hit" sound.

>> No.8716264
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Shitty controls and no way of defending yourself
Yes I know you can temporarily kill him, but fuck him for showing up in my nightmares as a kid

>> No.8716276


>> No.8716332

Mario Kart, Goldeneye, the list goes on...

>> No.8716335

Are you me

>> No.8716386

I'll be having a nightmare involving that rope theme, again, thank you very much.

>> No.8716496

I think the reason people like Jolly Roger's Lagoon so much is that you can actually defend yourself in the water for a change.

>> No.8716498
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>get to new level
>swimming down tunnel
>pause and quit
>don't go to that level again for another rental or two

>> No.8716506

Fucking same. I buried my face into the couch for a while and had to turn off the N64 with my eyes closed

>> No.8716512
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>> No.8716524

It's the emptiness of the castle. Loneliness is endemic to the human species. Isolation is a key aspect of horror and terror.

>> No.8716539
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This part was simultaneously cool and scary

>> No.8716541


this scared the shit out of me. nothing else in the game did. whenever i saw it i panicked. the first time i was so surprised because i didn't know any enemy could one hit kill you like that. in the DS port they toned it down and he doesn't even kill you in one hit. oh well

>> No.8716549

No clipping off the map invokes a sense of nihilism in me.

>> No.8716563

The spiky tentacle that you have to hover float down through did it for me, especially the music there IIRC.

>> No.8716608

He was still pretty menacing after getting his body back.
It's movies portrayal that ruined him, he was just too wacky and stupid

>> No.8716612

The loud music + reverb inside the castle also helps to create an unsettling experience.

>> No.8716618

It's the Vortex Queen, from Ecco. You spoke like it was a better riddle.

>> No.8717091
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>> No.8717110


>> No.8717178

Yeah I'm not sure what you mean besides him inherently being scarier by not appearing and remaining something of a mystery
When he gets the body it's like a fucked up nightmare fuel sequence and all he does from that point forward is plot death and genocide. He has a casual tone much of the time talking to Harry or his subordinates because he considers himself so high above them

>> No.8717202

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: terrifying things in "children's games" - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D


>> No.8717225

>basically looked like the movie version except with red eyes instead
so scary

>> No.8717268

>Search for Reptar
The goose, the toy level and the sewer level were pure nightmare fuel.

>> No.8717292

I didn't know the movie was that low poly and used a single weird texture for the face

>> No.8717303
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Terrifying? Nah, I wanted a chomp figurine when I first saw this thing lmao

>> No.8717972

And then you notice your reflection is gone after you walked off the little island.

>> No.8717982

Nobody likes Jolly Roger Lagoon though.

>> No.8718057
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Tick Tock

>> No.8718083
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>That one death scene in Heart of Darkness where a blob drags the kid into a hole in the wall
>The lower half of the kid's body hangs outside the hole, his legs kicking in panic
>And then they go limp

>> No.8718294
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A lot faster than I thought they were going to be

>> No.8718914

HOLY FUCK I forgot about this game. I terrified me as a kid...

>> No.8719232

The main theme has such an oppressive atmosphere too.

Yup, despite the cartoonish artstyle The ReDeads in Wind Waker are way more effective then Ocarina of Time's by a country mile:

>better scream
>Link actually visibly reacts
>WW ReDeads have hollow eyes that only glow when you get close
>The slight head turn when you approach, but not close enough for it's eyes to glow or start moving toward you, so it's just slowly staring at you with hollowed eyes which is extra creepy
>Their animations are top notch
>Their biting on Link's head is very striking because of how large their mouths are, compared to OoT which just hugs you

This plus the cherry on top in going into the Private Oasis only to have them littered in the basement really knocked it out of the park. You'll never get as good ReDeads ever again.

>> No.8719668

I'll never forget the way I ran against the wall head-first from this one. Fucking savage developers

>> No.8719745

there's those evil bushes that swallow you whole too
for such a cute game some of the enemies are fucking wild

>> No.8719760
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>> No.8719780

Does not look like he stares at you, mario/the player. Looks like he stares at something behind you.

>> No.8720297

The animation advancements made them top notch, but I'll always love the anorexic, zombie design with the mask of Ocarina better. I also prefer the old scream.

I think we can at least agree that the redeads in Twilight Princess sucked ass in comparison to both.

>> No.8720678
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You just reminded me of the boar behind the hut in beast makers. I screamed the first time that thing attacked me out of nowhere.

>> No.8720937

It was comfy overall tho

>> No.8721359

Worse part: you don't notice the Time block after getting the Longshot, forcing you to snoop around for a LONG while.

>> No.8721657

Anything that involves the player being chased. I can't fucking stand being chased in games.

>> No.8721669

Do they really not mean for Vivian to be trans? I don't understand the original context and just assumed that's what it was, which is what everyone says. I know those people have a pro-trans agenda, but everyone who insists she's not trans seems to have an anti-trans agenda, so I've never really been able to trust what anyone says about Vivian's gender. I adore the character no matter what, I just want to fully know the truth of it so I can embrace the true character.

>> No.8721671 [SPOILER] 
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You just have to bear it, anon.

>> No.8721672

you're literally out of your element

>> No.8721725

Most have already been mentioned but I'll post one that only I seemingly had issue with. In Majora's Mask, I would get severe anxiety while fighting Goht, to the point that I could only battle him right by the front door in that little area. Most people chase after him I guess but there was something about this big sonbitch chasing me and running around making all that noise that drove me crazy. I preferred to just shoot him with arrows in the only area that seemed somewhat safe. Then every now and then he'd make a pass where he turned into that area a lil bit and it'd spike my anxiety even more.

As an adult I realize how autistic that was, especially since going Goron and running him down is not only objectively superior but also makes him the one being chased. Still, it used to unnerve me quite a bit back in the day.

>> No.8721754

Yes anon, Nintendo, a company obsessed with maintaining a non-threatening family friendly image, of Japan, a country known for its blatant disregard of and enjoyment in mocking gays and trannies, put a purple transexual clown ghost in its flagship series' RPG for children. In 2004. Straight faced.
Coincidentally I happen to have a bridge to sell you

>> No.8721781

That whole sequence always felt like something out of Samurai Jack to me.

>> No.8721792

That was a really well executed jumpscare. As clever as the classic "What's wrong with this picture?" game. The tiny font makes you lean in for it.

>> No.8721797

Why are nintendo babies like this?

>> No.8721804

I mean, Beldam and several other NPCs call her a man in the Japanese script, so it's not really a straight faced thing; it's blatant disregard of and open mocking, so I could see it happening.

>> No.8721838
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Go back to /v/, shit-stirrer who doesn't play retro games.

>> No.8722371
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The movies honestly failed to properly capture quite a bit of the characters and the general wonder of the setting. Post-Columbus, that is. That man understood it. I don't remember why they lost him, but they never should have.

>> No.8722376

i unironically believe with my whole heart that playing this game at a young age has a larger impact on my personality than anything else. it's a game where you die over and over every 3 days. the end of the world every 3 days. i have always had a comfort with death my peers have not.

>> No.8722384

creativity and programming beats big budgets and tent poles every time. my appreciation for this game has only grown in 23 years.

>> No.8722402
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>> No.8722404
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>> No.8722416

>comfy overall
Maybe if you never take a glance upward

>> No.8722446

Shut up anon, you realise you're comparing 2004 to 1988. By that time birdo wasn't a tranny, nintendo washed that bit out of the lore. Go back to >>>/int/

>> No.8722460

Twilight Princess Redeads are so unmemorable I just had to look them up because I don't even remember them being in the game.

>> No.8722476

Those enemies with the swords who floated towards you with that weird ambient sound on the floating islands level terrified me as a kid. Never thought I could escape.

TR3's shiva status also game me literal nightmares - I had a repetitive one about them growing up.

I'm just glad I never owned TR1. The end of that game with the flesh shit & Lara clone? I can only imagine what that'd have done to me.

Terrifying for their time. I think the 'early 3d' style really adds to it as well. Poliginal environments yet realistic designed textures & good enough lighting and level size to create proper ambience with the sound tech being so modern in comparison. Real weird.

>> No.8722478

>Every time Vivian gender pop ups it's to set up a punchline
>Every NPC that addresses Vivian's gender calls him a boy, if he's called a girl that game goes out of it's way to correct itself
>The game's most reliable narrators, Goombella Tattle and the Party UI description in the menus, says explicitly he's actually a boy
>Vivian uses feminine pronouns, but this is also a trope of many flamboyant, gay or feminine characters in Japanese media
>Super Paper Mario description also calls Vivian a boy

It's beyond obvious that the whole joke about Vivian is that "he's so cute he looks like a girl!" That's his entire deal.

>> No.8722486 [SPOILER] 
File: 896 KB, 939x577, 1647480607559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny skeleton knight goes on magical adventures
With a pinch of ant and fairy genocide

>> No.8722489

But doesn't he try to call the group he's in the Three Shadow Sisters and get shot down because Beldam says he's a boy? Does he himself call himself a boy? If not, that's what a trans woman is, regardless of what other people, even objective narrators and reality, say.

>> No.8722515

This was fucking terrifying.
Creepy music switch, Buy/Build mode disabled and the only thing you can do is watch as this guy takes your shit.

>> No.8722580

I know it's not really related to the thread, but how come no one ever acknowledges how absolutely fucked banjo and kazooie's faces look in the top left corner on the xbox re-releaesed?
Its like they used some kind of ai to convert the 2d image into a 3d one and called it a day.
Otherwise the rest of the game looks okay, barring a few odd looking character portraits in the dialogue boxes.

>> No.8722602

I never played this one but goddamn.
I'd expect to see this type of shit in shitty newgrounds flash games, not an official video game for kids.

>> No.8722605

I don’t even remember TP’s redeads

>> No.8722614

On a totally unrelated note anon, I think you should play Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Siren, and Haunting Ground.

>> No.8722618

>impending doom always literally hanging over your head
>almost everyone in the game is going through one or more of the five stages of grief at any time

>> No.8722645

“Vivian is actually a boy/girl” comments are so tiresome whenever I see or draw new art. I just love the character, personality, design. The shit has been stirred so high with Vivian that I don’t really care what is the true character any more. Any discussion just turns into one agenda over another, I just want Vivian art gdi

>> No.8722657

You're right. You're absolutely right.

>> No.8722669

Vivian being a man or woman won't stop people from slapping a giant pair of titties or a penis on them, and I think that's the bright side of the whole thing

>> No.8722670
File: 193 KB, 900x693, 1615981477022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good point

>> No.8722679

I don't think anyone really cares about Vivian but rather if Vivian should something they want to pump.

>> No.8723258

Holy shit, anon, I'd never looked at it before. I'd argue it absolutely is relevant to the thread.

>> No.8723501

It looks like they gave the portraits LESS polygons to look like the models, when in the 64 games everyone had a more detailed portrait than their model. What a weird decision for an HD remaster.

>> No.8724920

me first jumpscare

>> No.8725549
File: 873 KB, 864x1080, WaterWraith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8710718 Surprised no one mentioned this guy.

>> No.8725990
