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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8703923 No.8703923[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Gen 1 and 2 were the only good ones! Pokemon sucks now
>time passes
>Pokemon sucks now! Gen 3 was the best one! The ones before that sucked!
>time passes
>Pokemon sucks now! Gen 4 and 5 were the best! The ones before that sucked!

was Pokemon ever good or is it all nostalgia

>> No.8703927

literaly not retro, kys zoomer

>> No.8703931

>Gen 3
Not retro

>Gen 4
Not retro

>Gen 5
Not retro

>> No.8703932
File: 101 KB, 380x349, B554D8CA-72F5-41EC-A949-BA7C0A12C92E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only gen 1 is good but that mudkip meme is pretty funny heh

>> No.8703940
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Quiet, phoneposter.

>> No.8703949

It was never good

>> No.8703951

>Gen 1
cool game
>Gen 2
cool sequel
>Gen 3
decent reboot, the formula is getting old though
>Gen 4+
stale shit make something original already

>> No.8703960

gen 2 was the peak
simple as

>> No.8703968

Newfaggot meme

>> No.8704000

2-5 is good and 1 is fun to play with glitches
the 3ds and beyond ones suck
but they all suck compared to better jrpgs
sinple as

>> No.8704090

>Gen 1 and 2 were the only good ones!

Always thought this and always will think it.

>> No.8704394

I think gen three is retro now

>> No.8704484


>> No.8704498

I grew up playing gens 1-3 but I think 1-5 were all good.
I'm not a big fan of 6, and 7 made me decide that I'm done with pokemon.

>> No.8704516 [DELETED] 

Someone get this anon a brain cell transplant.

>> No.8704536

Each Pokemon game is decent to great individually, but the series overall got so stale that fans unironically debate questions like "which tree will the professor who lives next to the player character be named after?" and "what Chinese zodiac sign will the fire starter be based on?"

>> No.8704573

Wait they made more games after Red Blue and Yellow?

>> No.8704581

I only ever finished Gen 1 when it came out. Since then I've started and immediately dropped every single pokemon from gen 2 to gen 6. I'm just not autistic enough for that shit.

>> No.8704612

That chart is shit. FireRed and LeafGreen are Gen 3.

>> No.8704960 [DELETED] 

The rules changed a few years ago. Gen III used not to be allowed here, but it's considered retro now.

>> No.8704979

The only good pokemon games were the ones gamefreak weren't in charge of

>> No.8705001

>Gen 1 and 2 were the only good ones! Pokemon sucks now

>> No.8705017
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>rock type and ground type should be the same
>flying type should be called air type
>fairy type should be called light/holy type
>ghost type should not exist

>> No.8705047

>fairy type

What type now? Not retro.

>> No.8705102

Enough people exist outside the sphere of nostalgic influence to say that Gen 6 marked a noticeable decline overall in the games.

>> No.8705108

>Gen 4+
>stale shit make something original already

They did. It was called Unova and the lot of you began shrieking like banshees over how Pokemon was "ruined", so after enough bitching you got your wish and pivotes the entire series towards nonstop Kanto pandering. I hope it was worth it.

>> No.8705114

Gens 1-5 all have redeeming factors. 5 might be pretty polarizing but it did at least come the closest to having a serious challenge.
Gen 6 and onwards have no redeeming quality. The 'pokemon cycle' literally stopped happening, there are no Gen 6 or 7 apologists coming out of the woodwork and SwSh at least are openly reviled.
t. Started with Gen 1 and fell off after Gen 4.

>> No.8705192

Fairy exists in romhacks of retro gens.

>> No.8705205

Pokemon was never good, it's a product of really strong branding. Not just the games but also cards and a popular anime (that is so ingrained in western culture that many people don't realize it's an anime).
Pick a random JRPG out of a hat and it will almost certainly be mechanically deeper, more challenging, more aesthetically pleasing, and better written than any Pokemon game.

>> No.8705241

Being an utter contrarian isn't really unique or novel anymore even on /vr/, anon

>> No.8705251

I always hated how subsequent generations made Legendary Pokémon front and center in their plots, but in the first one they were just kinda there, for you to stumble upon them by accident.

>> No.8705253

I enjoyed pokemon sun

>> No.8705257

I've played only up until gen 3. What's this Unova about? I've searched about it and seems like a new region. What's so different compared to Kanto that warrants praise or scorn?

>> No.8705358

Pretty much, although I somewhat disagree. The porn of the various Pokegirls is still on spot to this day.

>> No.8705626
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fairy types are the people who play past gen 3

>> No.8705656
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The cutscene in emerald was really cool to me as a kid. Also the Regi quest is one of the highlights of the series.

>> No.8706152

dark type should not exist

>> No.8706174

"Good" is debatable, but it stopped being "mediocre but tolerable" after Gen4. There was really nothing left to improve on the formula after the Physical/Special Split.

>> No.8706228

>make something original already
Gens 7 and 8 are actually more original, but they still suck anyway

>> No.8706379 [DELETED] 

2002 was 20 years ago anon.

>> No.8706529

Are they? The games are getting increasingly even easier and they're throwing away any sort of gameplay, rules, whatever. You can just do whatever and steamroll the game harder now
Just imagine, you have this JRPG franchise with infinite party members and there's nothing to do with 'em and it's getting increasingly embarrassed of being a JRPG. How absolutely fucking lame

>> No.8706580 [DELETED] 

20 years ago still doesn't mean retro. If it does, so does 10 years ago, or even yesterday. The stikky doesn't even say "20 years ago is retro" so you can't even appeal to that.

>> No.8706586 [DELETED] 

Almost no one agreed with that rule change, and a lot of people that did stated they regretted that they did. It was pushed through by the same "person" that participates in this websites' rulers IRC chats where they discuss prolapsing each other. Why would you support him?

>> No.8707113
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Every game is designed to be entry level, as if it were someone's foray into the brand. There are changes to the battle system, presentation, and some different approaches to world design depending on the Region. But the core of it all is the same. Fans going to war with each other over their personal tier list or whatever is a joke.