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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8698259 No.8698259 [Reply] [Original]

>try to play mame with it
>the assigned control conflict with the ones built in with the mame core, even if a xbox controller

>> No.8698260

>not using FinalBurn

>> No.8698262

>using mame instead
making it

>> No.8698263

Ask a man to help you set it up.

>> No.8698270
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>tfw never touched any of the controls using Dualsense controller over bluetooth and wired 360 controller
>everything works just fine

>> No.8698346

there's literally hundreds of thousands of games on mame. testing every single one of them is a nightmare, not just on retroarch, but standalone too
you are always bound to find something that just does not work and need to fix it personally

>> No.8698354

>oh noo this excostic arcade emulation needs me to spend 15 seconds to map it myself
Get a real arcade cabinet instead, I'm sure it's much simpler. :)


>> No.8698525

What's the best place to find mame roms that actually work?

>> No.8698619

probably the internet archive

>> No.8698637

retroarch is an absolute clusterfuck of feature creep and menu hell

>> No.8698649

You sound like a person who never reads documentations. How old are you? Just curious.

>> No.8698653

you call it feature creep and menu hell
I call it being able to have 1:1 perfect emulation on a real crt with perfect latency for every system I ever want to emulate

>> No.8698667

Only a complete retard would earnestly try to use the MAME core in RetroArch. Same goes for DOSBox. I use RA for the vast majority of my emulation needs but there not a single justifiable reason to use either one of those ever. By their very nature neither fit in at all with RA and you should 100% use the standalone versions.

>> No.8698675

>using retroarch cores instead of standalone emulators

>> No.8698685

I don't see any differences in performance compared to GroovyMAME, except GroovyMAME being broken on many 15kHz outputs on PC while RA just works for 15kHz 240p CRT outputs.

>> No.8698715

>every menu option has text underneath it explaining its function
Are people getting dumber?

>> No.8698720

No, it's just that RA is exposed to a demographic (/vr/) that was never really that tech savvy, it's mostly people who use Apple products and don't do any self configuration or anything.
Those people always existed, you just notice it more here thanks to that.

>> No.8698726

How come?

Also: >>8698685

DOSBox and related x86 cores also work fine, plenty of DOS games support controller and also are 320x240 and can be displayed natively at 240p instead of line doubled VGA. The cores also retain all their configuration options.

>> No.8698782

Is there a particular reason why Retroarch couldn't include defaults for games, which could be user-submitted? I don't get why you couldn't do the following:

1. Open file, open .SMC file
2. Check if there's an emulator present, if not present a default download with preset settings
3. Identify controller, setup controls to default (Xbox controller, 8BitDo, other popular ones)
4. Launch game

If you need external documentation to understand your UI, your UI sucks and subpar.

>> No.8698794

>Is there a particular reason why Retroarch couldn't include defaults for games, which could be user-submitted?
It does, anon. You don't have to touch anything when you fire up RA to play a game after you download the core for the system you want to play the game from.

>> No.8698796
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>my frontend is better than yours
Wrong argument. Now turn around, let's see your backend.

>> No.8698804

Core performance can be affected by the system RA is running on.
Most of the time you should use manual scan and set a core as the default for that playlist.
RA already picks up and sets my ds4 when launching. I only change some emulator hotkeys.

>> No.8698806

>If you need external documentation to understand your UI, your UI sucks and subpar.
That's a pretty dumb opinion, not even going to be sorry.
Advanced options exist for a reason, advanced users, if you're not one of them, don't touch it. But complaining that they exist, are well documented and make the software usable for a whole world of different hardware configurations and uses cases is quite... moronic.

It's like saying your car shouldn't have adjustments under the hood for advanced users or mechanics, because you're never going to touch them, meanwhile others who want to optimize do.
Unironically stick to Apple products, anon. There's a good RA alternative for macOS, you can't customize much, perfect for you.

Also: >>8698715 and >>8698653

>> No.8698810
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Good things you don't, RetroArch is pretty easy to use even for a complete newbie or casual as long as they don't touch the things Retroarch tells them not to touch if they don't know what they are doing

>> No.8698814

>Good things
Good thing*

>> No.8698815


>> No.8698823
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>people actually bash on retroarch because it can be set up for different things
I'm actually amazed, I thought that would be a good thing in anyone's book

>> No.8698830

Same reason people buy a NAS instead of DIYing one. Lack of understanding. Nothing bad though, unless they are idiots who don't want others to have fun either.

>> No.8698852

You don't dump advance features in with the rest, you hide them to avoid the interface looking like a clusterfuck and overwhelming your users. Especially new users. How difficult it is to change visual filters for example: Bunch of menus, going down in folders, making modifications, resuming the game to see the changes, go back into the menu, change to another one. It's awful. No need to make excuses for it.

ZSNES video filters: Game is in the background and you can see the changes real-time, also applied to the pixelated UI. Sliders automatically update and you get instantaneous feedback on incremental changes. You can see what 2X Eagle or whatever does to squares, diagonal lines, and curves.

>> No.8698863
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you can turn advanced options on and off

>> No.8698870

WTF. Is this new? My version does not do this at all.

>> No.8698871

>How come?
Because the MAME core isn't actually a fully realized RetroArch core. It just installs regular old MAME inside your RA directory. It keeps most of its original directory structure when it comes to configs and such and there are many issues because of it. You might fall victim to the misconception that "its fine" if you're only just starting out but if you want to use even just a one slightly advanced feature that MAME has to offer the two project's inherent incompatibility will rear its ugly head. MAME is complex enough on its own and it makes zero fucking sense to cram it into RetroArch in the way they'd have to do it before you could consider it a full-on core. It's just in the as a checkbox to tick off because you cannot not have MAME. But in truth they don't actually have it because it is a piece of shit and I haven't even touched on ROM set versions yet. Just steer clear of this mess.

Much of the same goes for DOSBox - only x10 in magnitude. If things start off with me having to assign a hotkey in RetroArch to turn off all hotkeys just so I can type in CLI you know it was not meant to be. DOSBox justifiable has its own GUI frontends that are supposed to make it easier for beginners for crying out loud (some of which actually are quite good).

>> No.8698872

>You don't dump advance features in with the rest, you hide them to avoid the interface
Exactly, so what's your problem?
I'm starting to think you never used RA.

>> No.8698881

Maybe they made changes to it since the last time I used it.

>> No.8698885

See: >>8698685

Also I've yet to see features that didn't work on the MAME core.

>Because the MAME core isn't actually a fully realized RetroArch core. It just installs regular old MAME inside your RA directory.
It is. It's literally compiled as a single binary as a core. Yes it can still have support directories related to it under the ./system directory, literally every core does for BIOS files, etc that need those.

>> No.8698890

Been like this for literally years, anon.

Last time must have been very long ago then, why are you talking about open source software that gets updates daily like you know about it, if you haven't used it for years?

>> No.8698894

Menu color to plain on user interface. I started using it on 1.8.9 and it was already like that.
idk when it was added

>> No.8698898

>If things start off with me having to assign a hotkey in RetroArch to turn off all hotkeys just so I can type in CLI you know it was not meant to be.
Why would you type in a CLI? You use a controller after you run a .exe straight from the filepicker inside RA, rest of DOSBox configuration is done from menus.
Otherwise, why would you even be using RA in the first place? It's a frontend for easy access to games, specially with a controller and on a TV or CRT, etc.

>> No.8698901

Suit yourself then. I'm not going to argue with someone over going the easier route who obviously has masochistic tendencies. It's a shitty core. Many know this and will tell it to you straight. I just did.

>> No.8698905

Works perfectly fine, stated several times already and the alternative, standalone, both MAME and GroovyMAME don't work for the use case. Don't know what to argue.

>> No.8698906

>Last time must have been very long ago then, why are you talking about open source software that gets updates daily like you know about it, if you haven't used it for years?
That's why I asked questions about RA. I didn't ask questions on what makes good UI/UX. Telling someone they need to read documentation to not feel like this >>8698637 is silly.

>> No.8698910

>try to emulate
>it sucks
every time

>> No.8698912

HAHAHA have you even used it?
I'm starting to think everyone complaining never enen used Retroarch

>> No.8698917

You need to read documentation if you want to understand something to configure it to how you need/want it. Is it really that big of a brainer? Nothing to do with good UI/UX, you can configure everything in a text config file without any UI too. Even the best UI will need documentation if you need to use advanced features and don't already know what they do, not to mention RA even explains each menu item at the bottom of the screen when you select it.

Did you never read school books in school? Really?

>> No.8698918

>every time
Amen, must suck being a dumbass

>> No.8698919

That's what I'll never understand, people expect a UI to be good if they understand what a setting does without them having to understand said setting, it's absolutely retarded

>> No.8698923

Good thing those people don't matter, I'll use RA and it will always give me the options I need.

>> No.8698928

If you're a musician and make a shitty song, then release a new song two years later, I'm not going to check it out in case you may have improved. You failed the initial impression.

Have you used the early releases of Retroarch? Have you seen the Github conversations where everyone is complaining to the creator and telling them they don't know what they're talking about and closing threads and banning people? A better response to that anon would have been "They have improved it a lot since then" not "Just read hundreds of pages bro, it's worth your time bro, trust me"

I'm not reading the manual, unless there aren't any proper alternatives, like in case of the Citra emulator.

>> No.8698931

do the food analogy

>> No.8698932

This thread makes me really glad I use original hardware only. You are all either completely incompetent or smug asshole douchbags in this thread.

>> No.8698935
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>> No.8698942

>If you're a musician and make a shitty song, then release a new song two years later, I'm not going to check it out in case you may have improved. You failed the initial impression.
It's FOSS software, it's made by random people all over the world over time and will never be finished, it just gets better and better. The "creator" is just a maintainer for the repo, they don't even contribute the most.
It's not a commercial product you pay money for that you can complain, it's a hobby project by people for people.

>A better response to that anon would have been "They have improved it a lot since then" not "Just read hundreds of pages bro, it's worth your time bro, trust me"
You still need to read documentation if you want to know what advanced features do.
It's the same with standalone emulators, I have no idea why you're thinking it wouldn't be.

>I'm not reading the manual, unless there aren't any proper alternatives, like in case of the Citra emulator.
That's pretty dumb but okay.

Not to mention you don't need any documentation or manual to use RA as a basic frontend for emulators, like stated a thousand times in this thread before you even changed your opinion about modern RA.

>> No.8698949

>You still need to read documentation if you want to know what advanced features do.
>It's the same with standalone emulators
This, why are manuals bad all of a sudden?

>> No.8698951

Kek at the manual thing, do people like this really exist?

>> No.8698985

>The "creator" is just a maintainer for the repo, they don't even contribute the most.
Holy cope. If he was interested in making the project "better and better" he'd listen to feedback and not ban people. Obviously he doesn't have as much control over the project NOW or he acquiesced to the people.

>It's not a commercial product you pay money for that you can complain, it's a hobby project by people for people.
So? Can still complain on an anonymous board and not use the software. RA is a front-end, the actual software that lets you play are made by other people. And more often than not they are way easier to use.

Yes, let me read a manual before using a recreational software made for entertainment. If I'm not making money with the software or helps my life in any way, I'm not going to bother "learning" it nor read it. It's not a car, it's not a programming language. I'll just use something else. Go and learn how to speedrun Goldeneye and glitch up in the stairs in Mario 64.

>> No.8698987

Yes zoomers do exist

>> No.8698995

all this time arguing and he could've already learned how to use it by now

>> No.8699105

Why are you only replying to a few points out of every post instead of the ones proving your dumb shit wrong?

>> No.8699112

>If I'm not making money with the software or helps my life in any way, I'm not going to bother "learning" it nor read it.
What a time to be alive

>> No.8699136

Imagine trying to convince anyone that your time is somehow valuable while you shitpost on 4chan.

>> No.8699138
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>> No.8699142
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I have a problem running ddpdoj on mame.

>> No.8699143

Shitposting is entertainment, reading manuals is not.

So you, too, have something to complain about.

>> No.8699149
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same error with ddp3

>> No.8699152

>i'm just shitposting guys

>> No.8699159
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>> No.8699172

probably not using the version of the rom corresponding to your mame version

>> No.8699176

>spend a few minutes correcting this
>continue to enjoy games

>> No.8699185

>Yes, let me read a manual before using a recreational software made for entertainment. If I'm not making money with the software or helps my life in any way, I'm not going to bother "learning" it nor read it.
Holy cope

Remember when the internet was still free of retards like this because you had to read a manual to even get online?

>> No.8699190

You seem like a pretty cool guy, I mean you must be, how else did you set up MEME on PC with 15kHz CRT without reading any documentation at all, ever, amazing.

>> No.8699193
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>He needed to read the manual to get online
Baby boomer moment.

>> No.8699194
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I guess I should change this line
I will try to run it on an older version.

>> No.8699213

Yep, both my ISPs and my modems manuals, settings correct numbers, handshakes, baud rate. That was on a Macintosh mind you, a pretty easy machine to work with even back then otherwise.

>> No.8699227

google "mame roms archive.org"

>> No.8699231

That's the way the main users want it.

>> No.8699232

Sounds like a great user experience and not something that needed any improvement whatsoever. They should have kept it as-is and forced everyone to read a book, because as we know following instructions is a high IQ task. Instead of simplifying the task to save everyone's time.

>> No.8699236

>Only a complete retard would earnestly try to use the MAME core in RetroArch.
I use it all the time and have no problems. Once I notice that F8 was mapped to something in MAME as well as screenshot in RetroArch so I just used retroarch's GUI to take my screenshots from then on.
So my "issues" so far: briefly being slightly puzzled for about 1 second.

RetroArch still has the best shader support of any emulation option.

>> No.8699241

>If you need external documentation to understand your UI, your UI sucks and subpar.
RetroArch is a specialist program. It's not designed for casuals to pick up and use without reading the instructions. You need to respect the program more and learn how to use it instead of expecting everything to be where *you* would think it should be.
This is how most any program beyond the most casual ones work.
People make the same criticisms about photoshop and premiere that /vr/ makes about retroarch.

>> No.8699246

Yep, it's mostly an advanced tool for a lot of different configurations.
These days it's easy for anyone to use since you don't even have to enable the advanced menus and just pick a ROM file, but it's main purpose is a frontend for any use case and it does that great.

>> No.8699249
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And this is what this line looks like in 0.198 the checksums also match

>> No.8699254

But there was money to be made. The easier you make it, the more money you can make from the dumber people.

>> No.8699258

Just RetroAss doing its thing

>> No.8699262

so this rom is a bit outdated

>> No.8699268

>People make the same criticisms about photoshop and premiere that /vr/ makes about retroarch.
I use both and I didn't need to read the manual, other than for time-saving shortcuts and actions, because you can figure out what does what on your own by experimenting.

>RetroArch is a specialist program. It's not designed for casuals to pick up an...
RetroArch’s design goals: https://www.libretro.com/index.php/mission/
>Previously it was meant as a small and simple libretro frontend implementation so that it was left up to other frontend implementors to create a feature-rich alternative to it. With changing expectations by endusers and lots of requests, it has since outgrown those boots and turned into a feature-rich frontend for emulators, games and other content.
>Strive for advanced power-user features while still being accessible for inexperienced beginner endusers.

>> No.8699276

>I use both and I didn't need to read the manual, other than for time-saving shortcuts and actions, because you can figure out what does what on your own by experimenting.
You don't "use" either, anon.

>> No.8699284

>I use both and I didn't need to read the manual, other than for time-saving shortcuts and actions, because you can figure out what does what on your own by experimenting.
Same with RetroArch for me, even for the advanced configuration.
I guess manuals just exist for people who can't figure everything out. ;^)

>> No.8699286
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Imagine getting told so bad you shut up but then attack new posts with different opinions because you're still butthurt.

>> No.8699293

I have been using PS for nearly 20 years.


>> No.8699301

he could've just asked for help

>> No.8699304

Sad. Already gave up.

>I have been using PS for nearly 20 years.
>But I post "Dial-8" on 4chan

>> No.8699310

>Sad. Already gave up.
Have hope, anon. Science will get there one day.

>> No.8699316

I don't think so, if more and more people don't even bother to read manuals or documentation to set things up properly.

>> No.8699321
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>No, it's just that RA is exposed to a demographic (/vr/) that was never really that tech savvy, it's mostly people who use Apple products and don't do any self configuration or anything.
>Those people always existed, you just notice it more here thanks to that.
This. The only reason why we even have unironic RetroArch shitposters and threads.

>> No.8699326


>> No.8699327

you guys should have just stopped replying after this post desu
he even went for the muh shitpost cope

>> No.8699331


>> No.8699334

Retroarch is pretty awesome, that's a neat station.

>> No.8699335

I'll let the Install Wizard take care of it.

>> No.8699338

It's fun and free entertainment, retards don't deserve mercy

>> No.8699339

Where's the fun in that? It's not like I'll stop using RA because of them, but I can still enjoy the fun here.

>> No.8699350

beginners who are willing to RTFM

>> No.8699358 [DELETED] 

Pussy replant

>> No.8699373

Reminder there is literally NO alternative for the dozens of features RetroArch offers, and you WILL be missing out on them all if you get filtered by being too stupid to figure it out (reminder: you only need to learn RetroArch once and it's the same for dozens of platforms and consoles)

People use it for the
>consolidated UI and settings for hundreds of different emulators
>full rebinding
>VRR, BFI, and sync to exact framerate
>shaders, filters, and overlays
>audio customization and level
>unlimited save states, pause, rewind, fast-forward, frame advance
>cheat support
>network play
>50+ different hotkeys with full rebinding
>Retro achievements that are uncheatable with a hardcore mode to disable save states, cheats, pause, rewind, and fast forward
>updated forks
>being able to set any aspect ratio or refresh rate
>Rotation/TATE support
>recording, screenshots, and streaming
and being able to save ALL OF THESE, as well as specific core options and global settings, on a per-game, per-core, per-directory, and global basis. That means each and every game can have its own rebindings, shaders, volume and audio settings, run-ahead level, core and core options, rotation, aspect ratio, etc.

There is literally no reason to use anything else to play gen 5 and earlier games

>> No.8699425

It does already do that to the basic extent. You set up your controls on the virtual retropad controller and then the cores map their default controls to how you set up the retropad.

If you want per-game settings set them up yourself. If you can't be bothered to do that then I have no sympathy for you.

>> No.8699431

Settings > User Interface > Background opacity - 0 + menu alpha factor - 0

>> No.8699435

works on my machine

>> No.8699439

I'm good.

>> No.8699447

Put a trip on Daniel.

>> No.8699450
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>> No.8699484

tbf, different rom set for different mame version is a fucking pain in the ass

>> No.8699494

this cracka know what's up

>> No.8699545

Only when you're changing games every five minutes or trying to set up a 10,000 game hyperspin monstrosity.

>> No.8699554

I'm going to give RA another chance. Maybe it's good enough.

>> No.8699591

Wouldn't it just be easier to use non-merged roms..

>> No.8699602

>Why would you type in a CLI?
Are you taking the piss, mate?

>> No.8699652

emulator frontend for people who enjoy tweaking configs more than they enjoy playing games (especially old gsmes)

>> No.8699742

I would agree if it was only available for desktop

>> No.8699787

MAME isn't like console emulators because it's emulating one million different machines instead of one. Once a better dump of the machine's ROMs is available it updates the code to use that dump and doesn't keep legacy support for the old dump.
MAME devs official response to zoomers who don't understand the concept is "not my problem", which is very based.
Don't update mame unless you're prepared to update your entire rom set.

>> No.8700151

No, that's Hyperspin.
RetroArch is for people who have exact needs for a few specific games that take a few minutes to set up and then you get down to business playing through full games.
RetroArch+LibRetro is an end-game program (for fifth gen and earlier) for people who have been emulating for a long time.

LibRetro isn't a front-end.

>> No.8700159

>Don't update mame unless you're prepared to update your entire rom set.
One of the best things I did to increase my enjoyment of gaming was delete my ROM sets and download my games one at a time after browsing through wikis, flyers, and the arcade database on arcadeitalia. Especially now that everything is there on archive.org

>> No.8700489

Or just use non-merged games with FinalBurn Neo in RetroArch. There are a small handful of titles that required MAME (or maybe just were missing something), but 99% work with FB Neo and you don't need to worry about updates.

>> No.8700595

>delete my ROM sets and download my games one at a time
That sounds like a pain in the ass for MAME due to all the problems with rom versions and parent rom dependencies. Getting a full set for mame eliminates all that, it's not only so you're prepared if Russia blows up the internet. Just use a favorites list.

>> No.8701535

>parent rom dependencies.
Not much of a problem anymore. They started putting all the versions in the same zip file. You just copy and rename if you want to play a different version.

Literally all I do right now is type in

>mame roms archive.org
on google and download the newest version from there from there and use it with current MAME. Have had few problems.

>> No.8701547

Ocarina of Time randomizers crash in Retroarch, they don't crash in P64. That's enough to stick to P64 for that game

>> No.8701615

Source? I never had problems with that. What core and what version?

>> No.8702130


>> No.8702141

>me want file open select rom play! me don’t configure! me want stand-alone! not me problem…is retroarch problem!!

>> No.8702258
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oh this looks good

>> No.8702275

Yes. Don't be a lazy bones dev, configure it by default.

>> No.8702281

>configure it for thousands of games on my system

>> No.8702409

But it's configured by default to just be click and play
Did you actually fall for the /vr/ memes without even trying lol?

>> No.8702445
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>taking time to read on how to best play my free video games isn't fun
>acting deliberately retarded after repeatedly being told I am in fact, retarded, is

>> No.8702502

this, retroarch attracts the worst people, such a shit program

>> No.8702515

Literally ALL you have to do is scan for roms and download cores.
That is the BASIC setup for retroarch.
If you can’t fucking do that then you are pants on head retarded and shouldn’t be allowed near a computer.

>> No.8702541

Only the consoles, not each individual game.

>Offer eight billion cores for SNES, zero explanation of the differences
>Some GameBoy cores work, some don't and simply crash

>> No.8702546

>Dude I know how to use Snes9X
>Lol I'm too dumb to select Snes9X from a menu

>> No.8702549
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>Google SNES emulator, eight billion results for SNES, zero explanation of the differences
>Download standalone GameBoy emulator, some GameBoy emulators work, some don't and simply crash
This has to be bait, right?

>> No.8702552

Check Core Library: Emulation
or just ask

>> No.8702558

>why won't it just work omg ;_;
Sorry you actually have to try anon.

>> No.8702643

I don't know any emulator that crashes when loading a rom. When Retro Arch crashes, it closes to desktop without any error messages.

>> No.8702651

>Offer eight billion cores for SNES
>pick between higan or bsnes for accuracy autism, or just most recent SNES9X core for slightly less accuracy but light on resources
Wow that was hard
>Some GameBoy cores work, some don't and simply crash
>Sameboy or Gambatte for GB/C
>VBA-M or mgba for GBA
Wow that was hard

>> No.8702654

>You are all either completely incompetent or smug asshole douchbags
I'm sure there's an OG hardware thread for you to jerk off in.

>> No.8702667

Why would each game need a different default config? They games themselves map to a default console controller. Unless it's an arcade game. In that case you can configure a few pre-maps to select from.

>> No.8702680

Not sure why you're oversimplifying it when we both know there are multiple options for BNES alone and some games won't work on emu A vs emu B. And some games that are left compressed (zip/rar) won't open if the rom filename contains a space character. It will crash the program directly to desktop.

>> No.8702702

>And some games that are left compressed (zip/rar) won't open if the rom filename contains a space character.
which games?

>> No.8702723

>And some games that are left compressed (zip/rar) won't open if the rom filename contains a space character
Then decompress them nigger.
>Not sure why you're oversimplifying it when we both know there are multiple options for BNES alone and some games won't work on emu A vs emu B
Then get SNES9X if you don't want to put up with the fake an heroed furfag's autism.

>> No.8702743

>some dude took a vague photo of RA displaying 240p on a PC CRT via PC signal.
>his so called "guides" dont work for most people and are convoluted
>shitposters just co-opt this picture.

You know what either just embrave 480i or pray one day you can steal a good gpu and embrace shaders.

>> No.8702763

All games with multiple spaces in the file name such as "tiny toons babs' big break.gb" inside a compressed package.

Let me decompress 85000 roms, rename them individually, and buy a new hard drive. Or I can use LaunchBox, setup the emulators, and play.

>> No.8702830
File: 2.13 MB, 1280x720, 1635124627804.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8702849

>When Retro Arch crashes, it closes to desktop without any error messages.
>what's a log file
Kek, that's the kind of people we're dealing with. Why are you even using RA if you're too dumb to do so?

>> No.8702859

Worked fine for my PVM, there's several Reddit posts on this method working fine for other people too
I guess since this is a "retroarch is too hard to use for me" thread, there's a lot of people who can't even follow simple instructions to hook up a CRT

>> No.8702889

Some cores allow zip file reading, others don't. That was my point. Try with a Master System or Genesis game and load straight from the folder, do not scan for it first. Or enjoy that game. That game is fun.

>> No.8702890

>Let me decompress 85000 roms, rename them individually
Or just leave them named as is, nigger brain
>pays for emulators
Oh, that's why you're retarded.

>> No.8702892
File: 2.26 MB, 1280x720, 1641891053832.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8702907

>displaying 240p on a PC CRT via PC signal.
That's an old 15kHz monitor, even has composite input, I had the same one for my Amiga back in the day.

>> No.8702908

Launchbox is free. You only pay for themes.


>> No.8702916

>Launchbox is free
So is RA and it works.

>> No.8702965
File: 2.28 MB, 1280x720, 1633809387251.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8702967
File: 701 KB, 600x914, 1641551411672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP is always a fag
>Retroarch thread
>User error every time

>> No.8702972

>be dumb
>get mad
Yeah, this is literally as old as humanity.

>> No.8702979
File: 2.22 MB, 1280x720, 1640491003242.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sameboy core

>> No.8702983
File: 2.55 MB, 1280x720, 1619583387724.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8702985
File: 2.22 MB, 1280x720, 1630817457092.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

master system

>> No.8703002

>Make dumb claims
>Someone actually comes and BTFO's them with proper proof
Love it. I can't imagine the seething.

>> No.8703182

Thanks for quickly fixing the bug, dev.

>> No.8703189

not sure if true but people are saying Rus is getting blocked from the internet, i'd start dl vidya you were putting off from dl

>> No.8703197

should've just asked for help

>> No.8703228

>me? asking for help? no your program is just shit! that's it!

>> No.8703247

>Asks for help

>> No.8703253

Unironically the right answer in this case, since the documentation is really good. No point in explaining something when it's already done better than you can do, just refer them to where they find help.

Anyways, it's kind of scary in the first place that people these days are literally too dumb to Google things themselves.

>> No.8703378

If you're hungry, you eat food. If you're thirsty, you drink water. If you're emulating, you play RetroArch (TM pending). Now also on the Nintendo Switch. If you're under 18, ask your parents for permission. Play safe, play powerfully, play RetroArch!

>> No.8703950

Holy fucking shit you are stupid.
Bsnes is the most accurate.
Gambatte is best for gb/c and all of them fucking work lol

Zero explanation of the differences?…. Have you fucking tried GOOGLE? The libretro site goes into excruciating detail about each and every core besides. Do you want retroarch to wipe your ass and bake your tendies too you stupid fuck?
I can’t imagine have a brain this lazy, you are a fucking normalfaggot NPC.

>> No.8703957

bruh ur so mad i can smell onions

>> No.8703965

You can smell onions because you just sucked your mom’s pussy dry for bringing her special needs boy a hot plate of tendies.
You are too stupid for computers, consider strictly using a tablet and the AppStore, lots of standalone emulators on there lol.

>> No.8704038

When your post starts out with "holy fucking shit you are stupid" over which core to use in my free entertainment software, you have problems. If you expect me to read "excruciating" details about shit that don't matter, when I just want to replay some old classics, you have autism. I bet you also lose your shit over blurry 16:9 SNES screenshot bait.

>> No.8704058
File: 176 KB, 512x512, 21DC7F37-FBCA-4BEF-B279-1E9660705F55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for you anon.

>> No.8704069

Go back to Linux.