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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8695889 No.8695889 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8695894

Leaf Green is the best pokemon game in the series.

>> No.8695918
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1474939388986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just pick that up?

>> No.8695924

Why do they do that sticker shit on games?

>> No.8695926

What does the wireless adapter do?

>> No.8695927

So they can sell you Goo Gone at the counter.

>> No.8695929

I've never played these. In fact, I've only played Red/Blue/Yellow and a bit of Gold/Silver. Would I enjoy these GBA remakes? Is there any extra content (Without spoiling too much)?

>> No.8695930


>> No.8695934

It's just a link cable replacement

>> No.8695938

Trade gb?

>> No.8695939

I collect old dance music vinyl and it's fucking annoying having some nice artwork ruined by a shop sticker

>> No.8695940

You probably would if you enjoyed those games.

There is some extra content.

>> No.8695941

>gamestation sticker

>> No.8695953

I think you'd like it.
You can breed Pokemon in this version and the battles use gen 3 mechanics like held items, natures and abilities. There's a little postgame area that they added after the Elite Four, but it's basically the same game as Red and Blue otherwise.
Whenever you load a save you get a little recap of what you did before you last saved your game which I thought was neat; I don't think they brought that back for any of the subsequent games. They also added an item that serves as a tutorial and hint mechanic, but it is completely optional.

>> No.8695957

It is. I go back and forth between FRLG and HGSS. They're both very good.

>> No.8695971
File: 248 KB, 500x375, pokemon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The remakes of gen I and II are superior in every way. They have vastly improved gameplay, much more content and many QoL improvements.
People who have nostalgia for the originals will miss some of that 8-bit charm, but there's no reason to play the originals otherwise, the only exception being maybe Crystal, which is an amazing game in itself.

I think Emerald has the best post-game content ever with the battle facilities. Pokémon being easy as it is, really needs something to challenge players that want more.

>> No.8695974
File: 8 KB, 251x201, 1646239640056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks friends. Appreciate the info. I'm going to give it a go and enjoy the ride.

>> No.8695978

>People who have nostalgia for the originals will miss some of that 8-bit charm, but there's no reason to play the originals otherwise, the only exception being maybe Crystal, which is an amazing game in itself.
I dunno if I really agree with this. I think the Game Boy games still hold up

>> No.8695981

It doesn't matter if they hold up because the remakes are the same games, but better in every aspect, thus the only reason to play the originals is nostalgia or a taste for 8-bit games.

>> No.8695982

Absolutely love this art style. Wonder how hard it would be to recreate myself. There is some kind of perspective/pseudo-3d going on here.

>> No.8695984

Which game is this?

>> No.8695991

Probably not very hard at all to recreate. The buildings are actual polygonal models; most of the rest of the graphics are sprites.
HeartGold or SoulSilver. The remakes of Gold and Silver for the DS. You can have a Pokemon follow you around for the entire game like Pikachu does in Yellow. It's great.

>> No.8695997

Sounds really comfy. I think the background could be drawn by laying down the tiles into an image, then performing a transform, then placing the sprites on top. Yeah, the buildings do seem 3d, so a bit more work there. Guess it wouldn't feel the same if buildings were sprites too. Might be a fun little project to experiment with anyway.

>> No.8696129

They're not better in every way if you prefer the mechanics of the originals. There's more to it than nostalgia. I like both as separate entities, but blanket statements about the "objective" superiority of any particular remake is bound to be unpopular.

>> No.8696305

You can get that sticker off with a razor blade and some GooGone and then maybe a Mr Clean magic eraser but you gotta be careful

>> No.8696341

Putting a sticker on a retro game-box.
Someone should punch that asshole's nose in :(

>> No.8696347

It probably wasn't retro when they put it on there. Would you get as mad at someone putting one on a used copy of Elden Ring?

>> No.8696358

Yes, stickers don't belong on boxes.
In 20 years, maybe the box of Elden Ring sells for $200.
Wouldn't you be pissed if someone put a sticker on your box 20 years ago?

>> No.8696362

>Wouldn't you be pissed if someone put a sticker on your box 20 years ago?
No, because I know how stores work and I'm not 12

>> No.8696371

>I know how stores work
What has that to do with stickers?

>> No.8696372

>Mommy buys all my food and toys for me

>> No.8696379

Good for you.

>> No.8696398

>Doesn't know how quoting works
Find more ways to tell us you're 13 years old, please

>> No.8696446

not him but yeah, i would. stickers are a fucking eyesore and are a pain in the ass to take off, they shouldn't be on anything if it can be helped
why not just seal the game again and then put the sticker on? or put it in a little plastic box like they do at Walmart. it gets my autism going when i see a sticker on a game box, and especially considering in op's case, the box is cardboard and will definitely be fucked when trying to remove it

>> No.8696498

Never played the 8 bit Pokemon games before. Shall I start with Red/Blue just to get the authentic feeling?

>> No.8696518

>Pick that up
Can we ban this cringe terminology? He bought it, BOUGHT it. He didn't just go over, pick it up, and then bring it back.

>> No.8696568

Excuse me sir but your tism is showing.

>> No.8696574

LG's best exclusive feature is Staryu imo. That's why I pick it over FR.

>> No.8696593

Wait, you mean price-tags?
My country doesn't use them since the nineties.

>> No.8696629

You might as well. Yellow is good too. You can't really go wrong with any of them.

>> No.8696642

>it gets my autism going
You guys always answer your own questions. No one in real life cares, only you do

>> No.8696645

Calm down, freak

>> No.8696657

Hey man you should cool it. Maybe take a chill pill. You're throwing a fit and frankly you have egg on your face.

>> No.8696659

I think you'll like them if you liked the originals. They manage to feel like a thing of their own, so its a different experience.

>> No.8696765

The term is cringe. It reminds me of fithly redditors

>> No.8696775

Maybe you should go outside once in a while

>> No.8696778

idk why you guys get antsy about a harmless term yet seem to be perfectly fine with all the rampant buzzword spammers

>> No.8696784
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 1507620709026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh actually he picked it up and then bought it and presumably put it down

>> No.8696851

It's simply a matter of using the wrong terminology. You don't say a doctor "picked up" a baby, you say he/she delivered it.

>> No.8696852

You suck so much man

>> No.8696854

Does the doctor keep the baby?

>> No.8696859

You need to "pick up" some bitches

>> No.8696874

well what if he does pick up the baby after delivery and clean em off

>> No.8696891

A colloquial term thats older than you, Reddit and the internet? Hey man, I don't like the word 'the'. Cringe only Redditors use definite articles.

>> No.8696897

>old dance music

>> No.8696901

80's EDM

>> No.8696958

Why do I need quoting, you are the /vr/ resident troll.

>> No.8696980

I'm glad most of the shops in my area at least have the decency to put stickers on the back of boxes instead of over the front and over fucking cartridge labels

>> No.8696997

I work in a computer and games museum.
We have a (souvenir) shop and we place the prices in front of the items or on tags with elastic cords.

We never use stickers.
Lots of stickers have solvents that eat into the carton boxes and you can never put them to display again

>> No.8697003

grug game
grug grug game game

>> No.8697078
File: 246 KB, 800x1041, R.fb075d2589d432e4272901aed4d2ff89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got y'all covered, senpai

>> No.8697083

You know, I gotta hand it to you, I got rekt pretty hard by that.

>> No.8697148

Yes, and if you can afford it I highly recommend playing it with Pokemon Stadium using a transfer pak, very comfy. By the time you beat the elite four in Red/Blue you'll have a good team that you can use in Stadium. Beating the elite four in Stadium rewards you with a special pokemon that transfers to your gameboy game, like an Eevee, a starter, or one of the Hitmons.

>> No.8697950

Fire red and leaf green are so vastly improved over the originals theres not really any point in playing the originals anymore unless you're nostalgic for the original graphics, soundfont, and jank.
This is one of those situations where the remake makes the original obsolete.

>> No.8698217

They remakes of gen 1 are souless compare to the ogs

>> No.8698528

The duality of mons.

>> No.8698607

It lets you link GBAs wirelessly instead of with a cable. Also lets you into the Wireless Corner in the Pokemon Centers which is the only way to get the Mystery Gift and turn Berries into powder for medicine.

>> No.8699952

Please kill yourself

>> No.8700002

it's just a shitty link cable replacement that only works with games that are programmed for it and those games also usually have content that arbitarily forces you to use the wireless adapter instead of a link cable.

>> No.8700045

FRLG have a bunch of extra content at endgame but have almost nothing new in the actual progression through Kanto. They're kind of 50/50 to me, a lot of the value of Kanto is pure nostalgiabait and you lose a lot of that in FRLG's presentation.
If you want to actually play the game with anybody and use the 151 in an engine that isn't completely broken FRLG is fine.

>> No.8700113

Gens 4/5 are great looking games, I think the combination of a main 2D style with 3D decorations throughout the world made it really nice to wander around in. Wish the series kept that combination instead of going full 3D.

>> No.8700157
File: 20 KB, 335x335, 0C69041C-AE45-403A-A8C6-1620F2D6DC40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that’s a name I haven’t seen in a long time….

>> No.8701915 [DELETED] 


>> No.8702057

i miss game station it was way better than game

>> No.8702067

>The remakes of gen I and II are superior in every way
red++ is really good over the originals also although its a romhack. I've played that quite a few time but cannot play the original kek

>> No.8702204

>The remakes of gen I and II are superior in every way.

Except in style and soul.

>> No.8702471

>Can we ban

>> No.8703051

Nope. It's the truth.
There is no reason to play RBY other than nostalgia.
t. 28 year old who started with Blue.

>> No.8703060

>muh irrelevant soul buzzword

>> No.8703216

There is an entire level of Hell devoted to these people.

>> No.8703227

>SOVL silver

>> No.8703387

they somehow manage to fuck it up every time

>> No.8705173

You won't regret it, FRLG are fantastic. All of the good of the originals with modern QoL upgrades.

>> No.8705184

So is LG better than FR? I have never played LG, but I have played FR a lot.

>> No.8705235
File: 115 KB, 246x238, 1602081986219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a friend looking to get into the Pokemon series. He played Go and mentioned to me that he wanted to try out a mainline game. Anybody got an opinion on a good series entry point? I'm leaning towards FRLG.

>> No.8705261

I haven't played LeafGreen either, but I would imagine it really just comes down to which version-exclusive Pokemon you prefer over the others.
I think that would be a solid choice; they're certainly my favorites along with HGSS.

>> No.8705289

nobody calls music from the 80s "EDM"
you are just another tryhard poser. cringe.

>> No.8705824

Term literally originates from the 80s. Ironically only a poser would think it's a modern thing because that's when the term went mainstream so I'm assuming that's when you heard it.

>> No.8705837

literally nobody called it edm, kys shameful amerilard

>> No.8705853

I love it when online sellers mark shit up to high heavens but leave the original price tag on it.

I would not be surprised if that's a listing photo for a 500$ copy of LG

>> No.8706213

Pokemon stadium 2, retards.

>> No.8706234

>Can we ban this cringe terminology?
I think you mean MAY WE not CAN WE. Of course, the chan software contains code to ban users, you want to ask if it's possible to do so for this particular poster.

>> No.8706476

christ that's a throwback

>> No.8706534

>t. low-info /int/ faggot
You have to go back.

>> No.8706547

FRLG are great (and so are the HGSS sequel), but sadly, they lead to tranny nu-Pokemon Gens 4-9 games (and we all know about that shitshow).

If you can get him to try Gen 1 (via Stadium 1 or 2 GB Tower, preferably), that would establish a good path and innoculate him with cool nostalgia against the crap of current Pokemon in-name-only. The Stadium connection would allow him to fully experience Gen 1 and then 2, plus show him that you can have fun with Pokemon (anywhere) without giving money to Game Freak, which is now terrible.