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File: 8 KB, 259x194, evidence room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8694101 No.8694101 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's Marvin's Report where he details how he has recovered one of the gems that where stolen from the city hall and stored it in the evidence room.
It's so funny to me that, despite the city being infested with monsters and consumed by a raging fire, he still managed to find time to catch a common thief that stole something of absolutely no importance.

>> No.8694106

Itchy tasty

>> No.8694113

The Scrapbook from RE1 is the patrician's choice.

>> No.8694118

re3 the tutorial thing that tells you how to mix gunpowders

>> No.8694268

Agree with this. Itchy tasty was a good read through

>> No.8694294

my favorite is brian irons diary in RE2,very creepy.

>> No.8694307

The one in RE2 that explains that the police station is actually a library which is actually a police station which is actually a library.

It's the best testament to RE2's identity crisis.

>> No.8694312

came here t- itchy

>> No.8694340

Itchy tasty

>> No.8694357
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>> No.8694370
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How did you know

>> No.8694394

the scrapbook with news in the first RE


Some people claim they've seen monsters in the Arklay mountains.
The monsters are supposedly about the same size as large dogs and usually run in a pack as wolves do.
This may sound like a group of ordinary wild dogs, but these monsters are surprisingly fierce and hard to hurt.
They say these dogs won't bother you unless you wake them, so you smart readers should stay out of the Arklay Mountains for the time being.
But if you're looking for adventure, check it out! You wanna try?

>> No.8694424
File: 149 KB, 450x360, scrapbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



May 20. Around 10 PM a 20-year-old young woman's body was found by a passer-by on the left bank of Marble River in the Cider District of Raccoon City.
Raccoon police assume it to be a grizzly or other animal's doing because there are teeth marks along her mutilated arms and left foot that show considerable power. Since she was wearing a hiking boot on her remaining foot, it has been determined that she was attacked in the Arklay Mountains and fell into the river. They are hurrying to identify this woman.



Some people claim they've seen monsters in the Arklay mountains.
The monsters are supposedly about the same size as large dogs and usually run in a pack as wolves do.
This may sound like a group of ordinary wild dogs, but these monsters are surprisingly fierce and hard to hurt.
They say these dogs won't bother you unless you wake them, so you smart readers should stay out of the Arklay Mountains for the time being.
But if you're looking for adventure, check it out! You wanna try?



Due to successive disasters in the Arklay Mountains, the city authorities have decided to block the road leading to the foothills.
At the same time, Raccoon police intend to begin the search for lost people with the help of S.T.A.R.S. team members. They expect great difficulty because of the vast size of the Arklay Mountains and the primeval forest that covers most of the area.
Also people are still reporting sightings of grotesque monsters in the mountains.

>> No.8694535

>le ebin videogame resident evil lore xD
how does your girlfriend feel about it?

>> No.8694539

My favourite is Mercenary's Diary from RE3. Dario's Diary is good too.

>> No.8694546

He probably recovered the gem and wrote the report about it in the days before the outbreak.

>> No.8694583

I don’t remember the exact date, but it’s placed after the town is in already in disarray. You could argue that things only really got hopeless with the fire that spread through city, and until that point everything was working as normal as possible but it still sounds really funny.

>> No.8694650

What's up with that weird report that talks about someone fucking around the sewers who drops a night vision scope and some other goodies when a cop approached them?
Was it an Umbrella goon?
Some random US govt. glownigger?

>> No.8695000

these ones are really, really fucking good.

>> No.8695072

Its been a long time since I played the original RE2 but I am assuming that file is referring to either Hunk or one of his other teammates who were sent to retrieve the G Virus from William Birkin. Probably Hunk though, because I think all of his other teammates died during the mission.

Or it could have been some other random Umbrella spook who was investigating the reports of the virus being transmitted to animals in the sewers who got caught while oper8ting I guess.

Some people deal with stress by giving themselves structure. I worked with a guy once whose wife died and he just threw himself into menial work for 12 hours a day every day for a few months just so he wouldn't have to think about it.

>> No.8695080

not in the original only the remake,go away zoomer.

>> No.8695084

Why would anyone care what a woman thinks?

>> No.8695521
File: 13 KB, 108x143, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A photo I got from Barry.

There's something written on the back.

"Dear sweet Moira & Polly.

I hope you girls will be bright and healthy and cheer up your mother.

Dad will always be watching over you from Heaven.

Barry Burton"

>> No.8695531

I've never played any RE game past 5 and Revelations which I barely played

>> No.8695537

I don’t remember that one. But it couldn’t be Hunk, right? He wakes up after the city station has been sieged so there couldn’t be any cop left to search the sewers. And even if they could, wouldn’t they also find the bodies of the other mercenaries in Hunks team?

>> No.8695708
File: 92 KB, 250x188, RE3_CT_Storeroom_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8695736

Objectively it's this.
This is my favorite though.

>> No.8696626

Recruited out of highschool, if you know what I mean.

>> No.8696729

David's Memo from Resident Evil 3. Perfectly paints the desperation the Raccoon City P.D faced off trying to survive the nightmare at it's height.

>> No.8696734
File: 79 KB, 640x960, 1642458503343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jill's Diary, simply due to the journey it takes to get there, it's a shame only RE3 had that little sidequest.

>> No.8696759

Not /vr/ but I remember the chief's taxidermy journal in RE2make being creepy too

>> No.8696832

how else would they have done it? government shutting down umbrella is the way to do it.
Where you expecting a big shoot out at umbrella hq against a giant zombified human trex that later turns into a gigantic skyscraper sized zombie fly that can only be killed by sticking lightning rods at it to electrocute it at the top of the tallest building in the city while a freak lightning storm is happening and the building is filled to the brim with zombies?

>> No.8696867

I would have followed the original plan and had them shut down between RE1 and 2.

>> No.8696870

Actually, RE3 already explained why Umbrella couldn't be shut down through normal means, and CVX, 0, and the betas of 4 were meant to show why shutting them down wouldn't solve the issue.
In 3, it's just asserted that Umbrella has the government on the defensive, as shown in the final area, and the fact that the US was also exploring viral research, which Umbrella knows about since they tried to take Birkin.
CV and 0 show that the founders of Umbrella were also eccentric people and that the company was always a front for this research, and since it's so close to completion, what with the failure of G-Birkin, the prototypes of Nemesis and the t-002, and the close perfections of Wesker and Alexia (as well as Marcus' pseudo resurrection). 4's initial idea wasn't even an Umbrella takedown, but more like setup for it, with Leon tracking down Spencer, and Wesker's HCF unit doing the same.
Hell, post-4 media basically ignored the stock market explanation and went back to the core idea. Spencer alone in his castle, Umbrella getting a big take down in Umbrella Chronicles, and now they're trying to recreate the initial Umbrella storyline with "The Connections".

>> No.8696898

>Where you expecting a big shoot out at umbrella hq against a giant zombified human trex that later turns into a gigantic skyscraper sized zombie fly that can only be killed by sticking lightning rods at it to electrocute it at the top of the tallest building in the city while a freak lightning storm is happening and the building is filled to the brim with zombies?
That's basically what happens tho

>> No.8696915

I like the file you find near the start of RE2 that explains how the PD responded to the initial zombie outbreak, and that ammunition was taken out of the ammo storage and spread across the PD for easier access as the situation got more desperate. It's a nice little justification for why you find ammo lying around everywhere

>> No.8697720

I'm kind of stumped here OP until I saw >>8694106

>> No.8698570

i dont believe you since theres no file like you said in the original RE2.
if so please find it for me because i literally looked at all of the files in OG re2.

>> No.8698572 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Janny

>> No.8698978

I don't want to make a new thread: if I played Leon A, Claire B, is there a way to do Claire A, Leon B on the same file so I can do that route while grinding for the Tofu scenario (that I guess needs 3 completions on the same file)? It just dumped me right back to Leon A.

>> No.8699376

no you cant but if you have access to a pc you should just play that as all the extra are already unlocked at least with the classic rebirth patch.

>> No.8699482
File: 30 KB, 640x480, wesker reveal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The file in RE1 that finally reveals that all the freaks you've been fighting against are products complete with code names, and of course culminating in the legendary reveal of Wesker as an Umbrella researcher. While still wearing the sunglasses of course.

>> No.8699565

god i wish gamepro didn't ruin this for me with their fucking spoilers.

>> No.8699576

I remember it was years before anyone knew what Chimeras were actually called because the game never names them. I remember seeing them called gremlins, ceiling monsters, mesh monkeys, and maggotmen depending on the source.

>> No.8699609

Imagine actually reading these. This is where gaming took a wrong turn.

>> No.8699736

>optional pieces of text are where gaming took a wrong turn
Boy, I hope nobody tells you about text adventure games, you might have a stroke

>> No.8699752

> My dear Alma, the fact that you have received this letter is both a joy and sadness for me. I could not even talk to you because of that guy in the sunglasses. Alma, be calm and read this.

I like the suggestion that Wesker himself is stopping letters from getting out and working with security. Like he wouldn’t just leave the job up to them and get on with his work.

>> No.8702034

brainlet take.

>> No.8702184


I like the projection room where you can see all the different monsters and of course the reveal of Wesker