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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8691861 No.8691861 [Reply] [Original]

I found a Japanese PS1 (100 volts), but I live in 'murica (120 volts). What happens if I power it on directly from mains? Is it going to blow up or something?

>> No.8691871

Use ur phone bro

>> No.8691873

I don't think my phone is capable of powering a PS1

>> No.8691876

It should be fine, I run a Famicom and Super Famicom on US power and haven't had any issues.

>> No.8691894

>I found a Japanese PS1 (100 volts), but I live in 'murica (120 volts). What happens if I power it on directly from mains?
US and Japan power is close enough that it doesn't matter. The sticker says 100, but there's some wiggle room.

>> No.8691918

you'd be surprised

>> No.8692436

Get a converter unless you want your house to burn down. You don't fuck around with these things.

>> No.8692526 [DELETED] 
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Makes mustard gas and deletes system32

>> No.8692532

just get a converter, better safe than sorry

>> No.8692558

This. You can get one for under ten dollars depending on where you are. Biggest thing is a bad power supply will increase your chances of the hardware failing down the line.

>> No.8692576


>> No.8692702

This. I've used Japanese systems and it works fine.

>> No.8692795

Nothing will blow up, you might be shortening your psu life span.

>> No.8693254

You won't. There is a sticker under the PS1 stating what voltage input it will accept. Sometimes it lists the input range but in Japan where the standard mains voltage is 100v they only state 100v on the console to avoid confusion. The manual will say it is tolerant from 90v to 120v at 50hz or 60hz (japans power grid has a 50hz region and a 60hz region).

>> No.8693629

Ok. Never had a ps1

>> No.8693669

nothing bad will happen but you may reduce the power supply's lifespan.

>> No.8695367

keep repeating the same bullshit won't make it true

read >>8693254

>> No.8695381

I think japs are 110 usually

>> No.8696924
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>> No.8697194

They usually have a bit of wiggle room. What you don't do is use 220/200 on 110/100. Now that will burn your electrical components and there will be smoke, and it'll smell faintly of coconuts.

>> No.8697280

I have all sorts of Jap systems running on US grid and never had an issue.

>> No.8697293

It will 100% shorten the lifespan of its components, if not instantly fry the chips. And good luck finding parts and someone to repair it if you do. Do not listen to the assholes telling you otherwise.

>> No.8697606

stop. you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.8697615

it'll have 20% higher performance so you'll get less slowdown during heavy action scenes