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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8690118 No.8690118 [Reply] [Original]

>boomer picks up a old system or console
>3 weeks later it's full of FPGAs, modern mods and memory cards with little of the original system or console left
What's even the point? Why not just emulate at that point?

>> No.8690131

Fuck if I know. It's pretty tasteless and inane to butcher a nice older system, especially if it works or needs the barest possible minimum of work to get it working once more.

>> No.8690151

Why do you care? It’s not yours. Some people like to build things.

>> No.8690178

Because it still retains the benefits of running on original hardware.
Not having to deal with decades old discs or unreliable early flash memory as a storage medium is a godsend and the only people it triggers are resellers and collectors.

>> No.8690207 [DELETED] 

Spotted the zoomer.

>> No.8690254 [DELETED] 

>buy the Mona Lisa
>slice it up and use the canvas to upholster a barstool
Why do you care? It's not yours. Some people like to build things.

>> No.8690260

because there's only one mona lisa retard

>> No.8690269

>some people like to build things
Some people like to uselessly engage in surrogate activities to futilely extend the length of their childhood wonderment in older age.
You know how many stupid fucks do the RGB mod to X console and say shit like “wow now THAT’S an improvement! I could NEVER go back to composite!”, when that isn’t even how the games looked when they were a kid? Those gigasois at My Life In Gaming are like this. I understand exactly what OP means.
In most cases, console mods are Reddit tier buffoonery.
Yes, let me spend hundreds of dollars connecting my 16-bit console to a flat panel in the cleanest way instead of just emulating with a pure digital signal. Brilliant, absolutely not a waste of time and money.
There is a DFRetro video on Dreamcast video out mods and it’s fucking hilarious. Dreamcast already has super clean VGA out, and that isn’t good enough. They go through multiple HDMI mods and how you can get the “cleanest” image out of your console for hundreds of dollars.
If people want the “best” experience from their childhood gaming hardware, than nothing beats stock because that’s how they were intended to played and how you actually played them. You actually do the console and the experience a disservice by fucking with it.

>> No.8690270

Are you actually comparing an Atari ST to the Mona Lisa?

>> No.8690274 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 1920x1242, vehicle_ad_standard_image_14eec431b3fe86eeef88841665dc6de5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy 1934 Rolls Royce Phantom II
>Tear out the engine and drop in one from a Prius
>Slice up all the paneling to turn it into a shitty hotrod
>Sand down the original paint and paint over it in neon green with flame details
Why do you care? It's not yours. And it's not like there's only one of them or anything.

>> No.8690281

You’re wasting time posting here when you could be cooming to your latest shader settings.

>> No.8690282

Who fucking cares, we own things in this society and can do what we want with the things we own.

>> No.8690284

Yeah, this hobby has a severe gearfag problem. These guys don't really play games. They just consoom next piece of gear for their collection then tinker with it until the next thing catches their attention.

>> No.8690285

>thinks a consumer product made to meet a price point that was dropped the minute it wasn’t profitable is an actual work of art

>> No.8690286

That’s not really a comparison now is it

>> No.8690292
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Except it's not a 1934 Rolls Royce Phantom 2, it's a basic Chevy Impala from 1996 that everyone owned.
Someone puts a new stereo system in and you cry about it not being authentic car experience no more that destroys car history.
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8690306

It still is, back then people designed the hardware and to a price point.

>> No.8690312

you're right i don't care

>> No.8690317


>> No.8690318

>It's okay to destroy things, there's a lot of them
>There won't be a lot if we keep destroying them? Who cares, not my problem

>> No.8690325

There's not 100's of Mona Lisa's though, more like.
>Buy a print of art
>slice it up
>No one fucking cares

>> No.8690326 [DELETED] 

This was popular in the 00s before coomlecting became a big thing. I butchered my NES.

>> No.8690327

Ignore this post, I just realised he completely gutted it and put in a mister
Yeah that’s fucking dumb

>> No.8690328

>What's even the point?
>Some people like to uselessly engage in surrogate activities to futilely extend the length of their childhood wonderment in older age.
>You know how many stupid fucks do the RGB mod to X console and say shit like “wow now THAT’S an improvement! I could NEVER go back to composite!”, when that isn’t even how the games looked when they were a kid?
Mid life crises for sure, but being in the middle of one isn't so bad. If you had a pushbike as a child, should you not buy a motorcycle for that reason alone? When people used to show me, well not RGB mods, but certainly mod chips, or hacks for the Amiga like hard drives and the 1MB chip RAM expansions and modems with homemade phone phreaking dongles, I was always super impressed. I'm still pretty finicky about gore, but there's scope to add to original hardware without butchering anything.

Just because you lived poor as a kid, doesn't mean you didn't want more, or wouldn't have accepted more were it freely available. Might be as close as you can get to having your cake and eating it too.

>> No.8690332

As long as its the same CPU/GPU it doesn't matter

>> No.8690339

It’s a mister
he’s just using the casing

>> No.8690345

>Just because you lived poor as a kid
I really wonder how much of the aversion to console mods around here comes from people obsessed with preserving resale value because they grew up poor.
They sold 2.1 millions STs.

>> No.8690356
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>dude it's just a worthless piece of shit, it's not like it's a ferrari or anything
>they practically grow on trees

Ironically it's gotten to the point where it's better, and cheaper, to find a Mustang GT or even a Corvette. They're otherwise total pieces of shit that need money to be good cars, at least boomers have a tendency to take care of their cars, and for whatever reason American V8s can live forever.

>> No.8690357

I said most mods are stupid, but not all of them. Things like those SD card readers for loading roms/isos make a lot of sense. Any mod that allows you to play duped games is fine.
As far as your pushbike analogy, it needs work. These dudes take the pushbike they had as a kid, and then spend 300 bucks putting a solid gold bell on it and a rare baseball card in the spoke at the age of 35 and think “wow, now THAT is how it was meant to be ridden, how did I ever enjoy this as a kid!? Good thing I’m a cultured hobbyist adult now!”.

>> No.8690363 [DELETED] 

Dude, I’ve seen your posting in other threads
Stop posting cars and car analogies

>> No.8690367

>RGB mod console
>Most consoles to RGB natively

>> No.8690372

most of the consoles that require mods for RGB are Nintendo consoles
really jogs the noggin about who these complaints are coming from

>> No.8690375

Only the 64 and NES and the 64 has S-video

>> No.8690380

GameCube needed a modified component cable, at least back in the day.

>> No.8690383

Lots of common mods are easily reversible.

>> No.8690387

No it didn’t, it natively puts out component

>> No.8690395

RGB isn’t component, which is why you needed to mod the cable

>> No.8690396

Yes, that's right, that's how this works. Do you think we need to preserve all the useless smartphones, tamagochi, chainsaws, VHS and so on?

>> No.8690401

Literally don't care

>> No.8690402


>> No.8690418

RGB is natively output by the system, there were official RGB SCART cables
You didn’t need to mod shit

>> No.8690421

90% of the "modding" people do is adding a new video output format, which requires butchering the case to fit the connector for it.

>> No.8690424 [DELETED] 

Stop posting car analogies, go back to /o/

>> No.8690431

Only PAL systems had RGB on the multi-out port.

>> No.8690439

people are terrified of drilling for whatever reason

>> No.8690442

And NTSC had component
If you mod component to RGB, you’re a moron

>> No.8690447

Or you have a monitor that supports RGB and not component.
US systems needed a cable with a DAC in it to output component, and that cable was rare and expensive even back then.

>> No.8690530

A video console is a consumer electronic toy and the mona lisa is a shit overrated painting that is only famous because it got stolen a couple times. You're a fucking idiot. Don't ever post again.

>> No.8690536

Hey man. My dad's chainsaw from 1982 just needed to have the bore lapped and the 1st of 2 oversized cylinder used

>> No.8690587

The only mod I see that are good are mods like the xstation and gdemu.

>> No.8690593

who are you preserving it for? they bought it, it’s theirs

>> No.8690607

you can fess up and i’d think you were cool
no need to resort to memes right away

>> No.8690612

It's theirs until their midlife crisis ends and they get bored of it, then they sell it to some clueless zoomer on eBay who ends up with a shitty butchered console

>> No.8690646

zoomer kinda deserves it at that point for not investigating the listing, and if the butchertard sold it without listing the modification he can get sued
also it’s a clueless zoomer who cares, he’d probably want it modded anyway

>> No.8690726

Has it ever occurred to you that some people aren’t trying to recreate their childhood for nostalgia reasons and just want to actually play games? I don’t care if an NES didn’t have RGB originally, and wasn’t designed to display anything other than RF or composite. I just want to play NES and don’t want it to look like hot garbage.

>> No.8690741

>and just want to actually play games?
Then emulate instead of ruining a console for one of the people who does want original hardware, faggot.

>> No.8690747

>he don't know that many games deliberately use composite artifacting for graphics effects

>> No.8690759


>> No.8690763

In Dragon Quest for example composite artifacts are used to create the illusion of the trees and water moving as you walk around the map.

>> No.8690774

>You know how many stupid fucks do the RGB mod to X console and say shit like “wow now THAT’S an improvement! I could NEVER go back to composite!”, when that isn’t even how the games looked when they were a kid?
The analogy was addressing that concern. Just because you were stuck with a pushbike as a kid, doesn't mean you're stuck now. Fine, call it a *nicer* pushbike if you want, but you're still not riding the same bike.

>> No.8690775

i need video PROOF right. NOW

>> No.8690779

I’ve noticed this in a lot of games actually
Even on SNES, soul blazer did this

>> No.8690794

It just works the same way as pixels changing colour to simulate animation
It just uses dot crawl instead

>> No.8690807

Emulator video of DQ1 always looks so lifeless when you've seen it running on a real console.

>> No.8690982 [DELETED] 

I'd do it just to trigger a soiboi like you

>> No.8691006

>can buy a crt for $20
>pay $500 for a mod that displays “clean pixels” which look like shit because no developer made pixelated graphics on a 4k LED tv display in 1990

>> No.8691013

This is well known enough information that you should have absorbed it through your own research and lurking. We're not going to spoon feed you.

>> No.8691018

Its my property, I do with it as I want.

>> No.8691080

Improving an old system with mods is not the same as tearing it up. in fact some old consoles have defects that make mods good for preservation.
Not an argument. And this thread mentioned boomers not zoomers so which is it?

>> No.8691098

aw alright.. fair enough v_v

>> No.8691107

Yeah that shit makes me mad

>> No.8691115

>in fact some old consoles have defects that make mods good for preservation

>putting zener diodes on the joystick ports of some stuff (Atari 2600, C64, etc) to protect them from ESD
>better C64 PSUs
>maybe C64 heat sinked ICs? at least in the breadbin anyway
>mod to SNES to improve the power filtering and prevent the CPU from going up in smoke
stuff like these

>> No.8691346

I like how you debunked your own point about wanting to recreate your childhood.

>> No.8691617

The vast majority of mods are retards putting in shit like sd card slots or new video outputs.

>> No.8691741

Where did I do that? I like video games, I like old video games, and I like them enough to post about them as a 30y/o on an equestrian aqua sports forum. I don’t think there is anything wrong with enjoying and appreciating something from your childhood and compared to how interactive media is today, there is essentially no choice.
I criticized YouTube eceleb sois and their flock (many of which who are here on this board) who feel like they need to mod their consoles with the most useless shit imaginable as if it makes their baby toy superior. It’s hobbyist entropy.
There is far more utility in putting resources into accurate emulation and shader accuracy than there is in propping up a market that’s about putting an HDMI output on a fucking Nintendo 64 lol.
If the mod doesn’t allow you to play pirated games, it’s stupid IMHO.

>> No.8691931

>muh childhood
I play all my systems through RGB on a high end late gen PVM. It's utterly fantastic, and how I would've wanted the games to look as a kid but I was too dumb to know any better so instead I ran them through composite and RF on a mediocre 14" CRT.

People who do HDMI mods on retro systems are completely retarded, though. There's no point in it, it's like a fucking IPS screen in a gameboy, why wouldn't you just use an emulator? Nothing you're doing requires the original hardware on any level.

>> No.8692004

>I just want to play NES and don’t want it to look like hot garbage.
Then you would just use composite on a decent TV.

>> No.8692085 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8692141
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It's tacky to take an old console, gut it, and throw a bunch of modern components into it. I don't have a problem with modding in general. A lot of mods aren't really my thing (particularly video out mods, I find most HDMI mods to be somewhat short sighted.)
I do think mods that enable piracy are cool are arguably better for the retro gaming ecosystem than those that are purely focused on improving the system in and of itself.
I have a GDEmu and multiple flashcarts. I, also, recently bought a broken SNES and fixed it with a simple 5 dollar part. The only issue now is the 5 volt regulator is going bad but that's an easy fix. Would you consider repairing consoles to be sacrilegious? I'm putting "new" parts to an old system? What's the cutoff?

>> No.8692328

I would buy the Mona Lisa just to wipe my ass with it. My property my right to use as I wish and you get no say in it, just like you have no say in what other people's do with their property

>> No.8692335

Of course, but then don't be surprised when people dislike or hate you afterwards.

>> No.8692338

Yeah, seething retards

>> No.8692437

>5 dollar part.

>> No.8692868

Nah. People like to fetishize using physical disks as "part of the experience", but that's because they weren't around to experience it first hand. If they had been, they'd understand the convenience of something like a floppy or optical drive emulator. I'm guessing that's the camp you're in.
If I could have spent 30 seconds writing to an SD card or USB stick instead of 30 minutes burning to a disk back in the day, I absolutely would have. If you think that's an experience worth preserving, you're either delusional or never did it yourself.

>> No.8692886

Not anon but I still use floppies, they work perfectly fine. Taking good care of your shit is important and so is mantainiance.
I guess it's mostly borderline zoomers who only got to experience the very late end of the floppy history that think floppies are so bad, because that was the period the drive and floppies themselves were made to a very low price point and didn't survive for shit. My old 80's and 90's 3.5" and 5.25" disks are mostly all fine and those that aren't are my fault.
Not to mention, the ones that I had to rewrite will work fine for decades to come, even if my old ones should slowly die from wear and age, I can just re-write the images I have of them to new discs, even preserving the original disk shells for them.

It's unironically quicker to switch a floppy than using a Gotek to change between images on a tiny screen.
Not to mention, alternatively I just use cracked releases or virtually mounted floppy and CD images. But that's not much different from a floppy emu or emulation in the first place.

Same reason I rather use a nice SCSI controller and SCSI HDD than a shitty CF card or microSD adapter, things work fine, are cheap and if you're not an idiot, will last for a long time. Meanwhile giving the benefit of speed and authenticity.
But you do you, I have no idea why you're so angry about people "fetishising" using the hardware like it was made. I guess if you didn't use it back in the day it's hard to be nostalgic for it.

>> No.8692897 [DELETED] 

That sure is a lot of text.
I'm just going to assume that you're racist.

>> No.8692913

I am, but that wasn't really the point of the post.
Don't know why you're on a message board if you don't like to read tho.

>> No.8692923

RF and composite are the signals developers expected people playing NES games to use, and at the same time they are hot garbage

>> No.8692936

>the way you choose to enjoy consoles that you originally played in your childhood must be to dogmatically adhere to this particular signal chain that I have deemed appropriate
Immediately fuck off.

>> No.8692938

Even RF these days is pretty good thanks to analog TV having been turned off and not interfering with signals anymore. Nice TV set to play on is more important.

>> No.8692951

The Sonic waterfall thing? Yep, I’m gonna play with composite rainbow banding and wavy lines that aren’t intentional and look horrible 99% of the time so I can appreciate a rainbow effect or dithering 1% of the time. If I wasn’t supposed to utilize RGB, then why is it built into most consoles?

>> No.8692967

>look horrible 99% of the time
I have no idea what the fuck you're doing, composite on a nice TV looks absolutely fine, specially if you use modern encoders and decent cables and not random Chinese $1 shit.

>> No.8693021

They are allowed to ruin their shit and we are allowed to call them retards

>> No.8693135

How do you know this particular ST was even working at the time he decide to convert the shell?

>> No.8693237 [DELETED] 


>> No.8693246

I have two TVs I use my NES and SNES with, these are a Bravia 42" from 2010 and an early 2000s 13" RCA CRT. Both of these have perfectly good, crisp picture quality with the composite output, it's not like the garbage 80s TVs with RF that most people used NESes with back in the day.

>> No.8693293

5.25" disks and drives were perfectly dependable, it was later low quality 1.44MB drives and disks that created a bad reputation.

>> No.8693434

>Both of these have perfectly good, crisp picture quality with the composite output

>> No.8693534 [DELETED] 

>old crusty antique produced in the millions
>act like you're desecrating a Ferrari Enzo
have sex

>> No.8693548

Does the rainbow dot crawl shimmer effect you see when NES games scroll in composite not bother anybody?

>> No.8693549

amerifat 240sx was never a good car; it had a shitty truck engine, most were automatics and nissan used lower quality parts in their foreign market cars. back when that shit was new my friend killed 4 transmissions before getting rid of it; they're shit. also you know you suck, when you have to spend lots of money upgrading to stock 300zx brakes as 'an upgrade'. absolute piece of shit.

>> No.8693567

It's typically deliberately used to create the illusion of movement. Not all developers did so and some purposely used staggered scrolling or outlining in black to have cleaner graphics. As for example SMB3 and Kirby.

>> No.8693570

Why do you assume the goal is to "recreate my childhood"? My goal is to get the best quality I can out of my console. If you want to play nintendo via RF hooked up to a shitty black and white bunny-ears TV then be my guest.

>> No.8693574

>typically deliberately used
I very seriously doubt that

>> No.8693592

I’m glad it’s fine for you, but I’m not going to intentionally get a worse quality signal by not utilizing RGB. I don’t care that some people like composite more, hell I don’t care if they prefer RF. Saying that using the RGB that’s built into most consoles is worse though is laughable.

>> No.8693595 [DELETED] 

Amerifats can't use RGB anyway because they cannot into SCART connectors.

>> No.8693603

>scart is the only rgb standard
found the my life in gaming viewer

>> No.8693627

It's a lot more than just Sonic. RGB is scrubbing away a layer of analog detail and extra coloring that makes many games (particularly 8 bit games) look worse. Look at the water in Legend of Zelda. The acid in Metroid. The columns in Castlevania.
> If I wasn’t supposed to utilize RGB, then why is it built into most consoles?
Compatibility. Arcade ports. Personal taste.

>> No.8693630

Is it really worse if the game looks better in composite mode?

>> No.8693634
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>> No.8693638

Because it's an Amiga.
Funny that my previous post pointing out that it's not a ST got deleted a few minutes ago.

>> No.8693643


>> No.8693649

What display and signals were these captured with?
The thing that sucks about graphics designed for composite/RF is that you have to accept a certain amount of shittiness in the signal that the in-game graphics were designed around

>> No.8693650

there is literally nothing wrong with that

>> No.8693658

>There is far more utility in putting resources into accurate emulation and shader accuracy than there is in propping up a market that’s about putting an HDMI output on a fucking Nintendo 64 lol.
I truly wish I could be as autistic and detatched from reality as you. The people trying to play their old consoles on modern TV aren't leet coders. Thats like being mad at me for not designer space ships. Completely unrelated and you are a literal insane person. Btw my N64 does have an HDMI mod so seethe, copem and dilate faggot

>> No.8693674


This is the bullshit you're talking about.

>> No.8693750

Left looks terrible.

>> No.8693761

they hated Him because He spoke the truth

>> No.8693774

I like the idea of a tiny PC in a keyboard. Don't know if I'd gut a retro PC to achieve it though.

>> No.8693790

I bet you would not be able to tell the difference between composite and RGB if you'd look on my TV. Meanwhile I still have all the composite effects working.

>> No.8693797
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 4532C735-CD58-4A6D-AFB1-267EE472C6B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>have pristine pvm 20m4u to play all my games on
>guy near me has a multiformat bvm, wants to trade, asking 3k or trade for 20m4u + cash
Who in their right mind would pay 3k for a marginal upgrade over a 20m4u? For 3k, you could probably snag 2 or 3 of the best 4:3 pc monitors ever made and run your 480p/1080i shit on there, or even get an fw900.

>> No.8693802

Both are trash, Trinitrons are a meme for 8 and 16 bit consoles.

>> No.8693805

Seems like a pretty based and fun hobby.
>nooo the purity and sanctity of my holy consumer product has been defiled!
Get a life you sad sack of shit.

>> No.8693926

dreamcast vga only looks good on a crt monitor.

>> No.8693932
File: 146 KB, 500x560, 1642039182327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8693940

>when that isn’t even how the games looked when they were a kid?
>nothing beats stock because that’s how they were intended to played and how you actually played them
They literally sold custom RGB & SCART cables in the backs of magazines like EGM. One advertiser I can think of, that did so, had a mascot that looked like a mophead with eyeballs.
And monitors with built-in tuners and BNC connectors existed too. You were just too poor and stupid to enjoy them.

>> No.8693960


I like the simplicity of the old hardware. I'm a hardware guy and simple software guy.

I like that the only thing I have to do if I want to play a few minutes of an NES game is press a power button on my TV and the power button on the NES and I'm in the game in 2 seconds.

I like that it's disconnected from the internet.

I have way too many computers and I program them all day long.

I like the clean signal of my modded NES. It was modded 8 years ago. How many times have you restarted or recreated your emulation setup in that time? How many hours have you spent configuring shaders? How many hours have you tried to connect your PC to a 240p screen?

>> No.8693989

>I'm gonna make me an emubox for retro videogaming!
>should I try to design my own custom setup and see what's possible?
>nah, I'll just buy a rasp pi/mister and plug a PS/XBox controller in
>should I make some cool custom case for it?
>no, I'll just buy some old hardware, gut that case, and use that!
>Time to post about it on twitter!
>CHECK OUT MY NEW EMUBOX! BUILT IT ENTIRELY MYSELF! #retrogames #crafting #creative
Some people are completely brain-dead but still want people to give them ass-pats for following the step-by-step directions and creating the same Lego model as everyone else.

>> No.8694059

I just put a standard RetroPie install on my 3B with the pixel metadata theme on it and bought a retroflag SNES case. I don't want to spend a whole bunch of time setting up just to play my ROMs.

>> No.8694095

>and bought a retroflag SNES case.
And there is nothing wrong with that. My main complaint is against the cunts who gut actual old hardware just to get a case.

>> No.8694308

xstation and memcard pro combo is awesome

>> No.8694321

All upvoted. Your posts are stunning and brave, ladies.

>> No.8694350 [DELETED] 

yeah i agree the NES cartridge slots are a bit of a PITA. just today...

>start up toaster NES
>Everdrive boots but complain it can't detect the SD card
>turn it off, take it out, reseat it
>boots to the menu this time but wavy lines on the screen
>tap it just slightly and all is fine

you have to make sure any cartridge is seated exactly right (pushed in far enough and perfectly straight and not at an angle).

>> No.8694584

Are you trigger collectorfag? Kek

>> No.8694601

98 percent of people weren’t using professional viewing monitors to play video games. You could, but video games, home video, laserdisc etc were designed with consumer CRT sets in mind first and foremost. If you were in the maybe five percent of kids who used a PVM to play bideo then that puts you in an extreme minority. Home consoles were designed for consumer CRT sets and those cables you are referring to were for hobbyists/spoiled brats/retrocels and not all that common.
>he bought the n64 hdmi mod
Lol you fucking dumbass. N64 only looks good on CRT, using a CRT shader or allah forgive me for uttering these words….rendered in HD through an emulator. You made a major soi move with no payoff. Literally anybody who wants to hook up their old consoles to a modern tv is a bonehead.
Yes. Composite artifacting was taken into account when designing video games and it isn’t a meme, this is even true up to 6th gen. Naysayers can’t come to terms with this fact because they spent 500 bucks making sure all their consoles are RGB/SCART etc. and they need to feel wise about their “hobbyist” purchase.
You quoted something I didn’t say.

I think I rustled jimmies for speaking the truth, but I’ll say this. You can play and modify your shit however you want to, it’s your life and your time and money. I believe if you’re going to go the original hardware route, then the purist mindset makes more sense than the modding mindset.

>> No.8694683

I bet you have all sorts of opinions!

>> No.8694691

>I believe
I believe you should mind your own business

>> No.8694702 [DELETED] 

2D consoles look decently ok on a flat panel with a proper upscaler, I agree 3D does look worse as those games relied heavily on a CRT's anti-aliasing properties.

>> No.8694848

I play my N64 on a flat screen via HDMI and its fine. They don't make CRTs anymore, and most people don't want them in their homes. Not everyone is an autistic neet like you.

>> No.8694923

They might not make them anymore, but you can find them next to free, and if you’re going to use original hardware anyways then you better use the intended display for them. Get a little one.
Emulation IMO is better for a flat panel than original hardware just for the amount of configurable options you have. You have a few on some of the hardware mods, but not nearly as many as something like you’ll get in retroarch.

>> No.8694967

Just let them hoard a few of the meme monitors that way they will leave the non-Sony units to the people who really care to use them.

>For 3k, you could probably snag 2 or 3 of the best 4:3 pc monitors ever made

>> No.8695040

Get a Pi4 much better for emulation than a 3

>> No.8695447

i'm in my mid 30s and just bought a bunch of broken gameboys to repair and mod to help cope with my midlife-crisis induced depression. i've learnt to solder and learnt a few things about electronics along the way. good money was wasted and good times were had.

>> No.8695459

I just want to fuck with old electronics

it's fun to mod a SNES mouse (or a hyperkin knockoff) to connect to a NES port for example, and there's games for it too

it's FUN to flash EPROMS of your game hacks and see them running on the original system

and so on

>> No.8695483 [DELETED] 

This. A few years ago I Takky modified an original Mac Color Classic. Works fine and theoretically I guess I could sell it to clueless boomers on eBay for $1000, but it’s just a Power Macintosh 6500 now (which you can buy for $50 complete with an internal disk drive, more room for expansions and a bigger CRT).

I intensely regret the most.

>> No.8695492 [DELETED] 

>>8690151 #
This. A few years ago I Takky modified an original Mac Color Classic. Works fine and theoretically I guess I could sell it to clueless boomers on eBay for $1000, but it’s just a Power Macintosh 6500 now (which you can buy for $50 complete with an internal disk drive, more room for expansions and a bigger CRT), crammed into a smaller case. I upgraded the CRT to 640x480, which is required to run most games, but the dot pitch wasn’t intended for that resolution so the screen is blurrier than I’d like (at least this can be reversed).

Overall yeah despite it being a complete success I intensely regret the mod.

>> No.8695498

This. A few years ago I Takky modified an original Mac Color Classic. Works fine and theoretically I guess I could sell it to clueless boomers on eBay for $1000, but it’s just a Power Macintosh 6500 now (which you can buy for $50 complete with an internal disk drive, more room for expansions and a bigger CRT), crammed into a smaller case. I upgraded the CRT to 640x480, which is required to run most games, but the dot pitch wasn’t intended for that resolution so the screen is blurrier than I’d like (at least this can be reversed).

Overall yeah despite it being a complete success I intensely regret the mod.

>> No.8697365
File: 84 KB, 205x289, 1628900053307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know how many stupid fucks do the RGB mod to X console and say shit like “wow now THAT’S an improvement! I could NEVER go back to composite!”, when that isn’t even how the games looked when they were a kid?
If someone had shown me what SNES games look like in RGB as a kid, I would have NEVER gone back to RF. That being said, I'm perfectly fine with my stock AGS-101, but if someone wants to mod their Gameboy to hell and back, all the power to them.

Stop whinging so hard about about what other people do with their own shit.

>> No.8697381

Based boomer. Never to old to learn new things

>> No.8698234

you don't need 300ZX brakes, anon. your motor outputs a whole 90hp to the wheels.
anyway the s chassis is a great example of how this mentality results in way less of something being available, prices going up, and what is left is either completely done up or completely fucked up.

>> No.8698369

If someone wants perfect crisp graphics, I don't see why they don't just fire up an emulator.

>> No.8698378

How's that related to chrisp pixels? You can run a RGB modded console on a LCD just like you can run a PC with an emulator with a 15khz CRT

>> No.8698394

Yes, but why would you when you can simply use an emulator with an LCD screen and it will look the same as your $500 modchip

>> No.8698401

because emulators do not electronically interface with hardware, cartridges and peripherals.

>> No.8698510

>"GB Operator" enters the arena

>> No.8698542

If I can get a flashcart or something equivalent to it for my retro consoles I will since I'm more interested in playing the games then spending 400$ on them

>> No.8698640

>mid 30s

>> No.8698684
File: 2.55 MB, 2016x1512, New_old_stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because some of the chips are no longer produced. It is very uncommon to have something reverse engineered and produced on the cheap. Even the Voodoo 5 6000 is still at an engineering sample at this time with undeveloped drivers. It is probably more cost efficient to use FPGAs to replicate the old chips as the originals are way too expensive.

>> No.8698687

Leonardo did multiple copies of it.

>> No.8698689

>let me just replace this simple chip with a FPGA that could emulate the entire system 3x better but we'll just use it to manage this one tiny chips work instead

>> No.8698694

>cost is hundreds of dollars
Lol no

>> No.8698702

What? Pi 4 4GB is like 60 eur

>> No.8698706

Well over $100 US atm just for the pi.

>> No.8698708

I just bought one for 100 aus bucks

>> No.8698712
File: 923 KB, 1170x2085, 13B3E1D6-F5E5-4417-8F5C-823809D88B89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you both. They’re more expensive here.

>> No.8698714

Why would you need the 8GB model for emulating? 4GB is fine, even 2GB would be fine.

>> No.8698717

Check your pockets for a tip because I think you missed the point.

>> No.8698723

Go to the official site

>> No.8698734

Ok, it gives me links to the 2gb model that cost over $100. Even more expensive than my own link

>> No.8698747

You're fucking retarded and don't understand how the electronics work.

Dumping a rom with a known configuration is not the same as electronically interfacing with the cartridge. This is why the Retron5 cannot run homebrews without a software patch.

When you're totally ignorant, you should shut your mouth entirely.

>> No.8698751

Where are you?

>> No.8698752

>PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn - optical drive swapped out, mainboard still intact
>Xbox, PS2, Wii - softmods, mainboard still intact
>everything older just has a flash cart plugged in
what did OP mean by this?

>> No.8699057

S-video is good enough for me.

>> No.8699167
File: 482 KB, 2602x1286, PSPmicrousbbotchjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it's your own PSP that you still have from when you were in middle school and do stuff like replace the corroded and proprietary charging port with a Micro USB port (and do a shit job of it) and remove the UMD drive because no one uses those anymore and slap in a big fat battery since the ye olde ones are all about to explode.

I just wanted to share that I did something and there weren't any PSP threads anywhere.

>> No.8699174

STFU OP, you're a faggot and technologically inept

>> No.8699210

Is this meme not gone yet?

>> No.8699230

I only hope your skills have improved since this.

>> No.8699234

They haven't, I did this last night. I don't know what to fill the old plug gap with.

>> No.8699251

Oh, I misread your post then. I think you could have done this a bit better but this doesn't really evoke any particular feelings of cringe and whatnot in me.

>> No.8699464

>it’s even upside down
In all honesty, it’s not even close to the worst that I’ve ever seen. You taught yourself to do this on your own? Good shit man.

>> No.8699903

good luck with usb-c

>> No.8700073

SNES, N64, Cube, Wii and Wii U have official cables. The first three and last two share their analog video port designs.

>> No.8700076

>$30 on Nintendo's store
No, not expensive, just no market in the early 2000's.

>> No.8700084

You only need to RGB mod an NES/N64, the rest are native, and its not worth doing on an NES/N64. The N64 still looks like dogshit for 3D

>> No.8700096


>> No.8700319

> moron

>> No.8700501

He's a boomer to me. I'm only 18

>> No.8700509
File: 633 KB, 1024x761, 1639450710060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8701041

Does direction even matter? I was using a USB port on a small circuit board and mounted it in the mostly empty battery compartment. The old charging port was actually apart of the floor of the battery compartment so there was already a gap. A little filing at 1AM and it's easy enough to plug into.

>> No.8701298

No, not really. Plenty of devices sold at retail manage to fuck it up, too. I was serious, though, I think you did a pretty good job. As long as it works.

>> No.8701438

People have been typing like that since the USENET days you fucking dickrag

>> No.8703713


>> No.8703782
File: 49 KB, 300x392, 1467098362831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend's dad was a real tech nerd back in the day and always had the top of the line TVs and sound systems. I would always go over to his house to game on because even has a kid I knew it was better with that hardware over what I had at my own house. I didn't understand why their equipment was better but so what? As an adult I was able to become more knowledgeable about that sort of thing and replicate it for my own use. Sorry you grew up without any friends though anon, that must have been real rough on you.

>> No.8704920

>Why not just emulate at that point?
All the many reasons that have been explained here countless times. Are you asking because you're so new you missed all that or just so new you're seething because you can't afford grandads toys?

>> No.8705007

I bought an OG Xbox a couple of weeks ago, and all I've done so far is softmod it. I will, eventually, need to swap out the HDD because I know the DVD drive will fail sooner or later, but for now, it's outputting composite, left as 'vanilla' as I can. I don't know why you'd fuck with original hardware so much that it's not 'original' anymore, especially things like HDMI mods.

>> No.8705023
File: 944 KB, 2560x1930, vic 20 heat sinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't this a little excessive? the die is in the center of the chip, you don't need to cover the entire thing with sinks.

>> No.8705341

IDK anything about that Mega Drive is more my area of retro expertise and I understand nothing in there gets that warm other than the Z80. the YM2612 doesn't get hotter than room temperature.

>> No.8705351

The Model 2/3 have a CMOS Z80 which runs cooler than the NMOS Z80 in the Model 1.

>> No.8705372
File: 161 KB, 608x808, rev b famicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny to see these early production Famicoms with the sinked PPUs when it never got hot enough to need it.

>> No.8705391


Poor top loader NES died because of idiot's botched composite mod.

>> No.8705421

Remember you doesn't deserve fun if it disagrees with my nostalgia.

>> No.8706146

>The answer I wanted to hear was that it wasn't my fault

>> No.8706159

Most GPUs from that time like the TMS9918 and VIC-II did get quite hot, Atari divided theirs into two separate ICs (ANTIC and CTIA) because it would run cooler than having a single GPU. So you can forgive Nintendo for being a little paranoid

>> No.8706161

I saw too many Famicoms butchered with AV/composite mods gone wrong. AV ports protruding from the side of the body or a bunch of cables soldered to the motherboard. Poor consoles.

>> No.8706171

or RGB mods or disabling lockout chips in NESes. why do people do this stuff, I wonder?

>> No.8706229

>optical disc media is overpriced in current day
>its archaic and takes forever, to read load

>> No.8706235

You cant sell people over ebay sales retard.

>> No.8706263

>disabling lockout chips in NESes
That's forgivable since the lockout chip is a piece of shit that actually cripples the NES

>> No.8706890

tldr and also you're a

>> No.8706906

Why should I care about a C64 being gutted when a ton of systems had almost the exact same microprocessor?

>> No.8707939

You shouldn't. You're obviously far too stupid to have a clue what you're even saying, let alone care what other people are actually doing with hardware.
The question you should be asking is why would you make such a retarded post.

>> No.8708236

Modding hardware and playig around with modern hardware that complements old hardware is fun.
People who like hardware don't just like it because of nostalgia and authenticity. For some people, playing with the hardware is just as fun as playing the software.
Emulator fags just can't wrap their head around that.

>> No.8708670

The emulation crowd doesn't care - it is the autistic purists that are the ones throwing a fit.

>> No.8709345

You sure about that champ? Before the in/v/aders and redditots declared it haram to admit being jelly people here would regularly cry about what a crime against humanity it was to mutilate consoles. Many a poorfag emubaby argued that they were entitled have those consoles for a few bucks because they would appreciate and enjoy them in the way the developers originally intended. These faggots didn't change their minds and newer faggots don't think completely differently. But they're not allowed to admit their console envy so seethe and shitpost bait. nu-/vr/ is indisputable proof that I'm 100% right.

>> No.8709394

>You sure about that champ?
Yes. Your leap of logic only works if said emulator users really care for the original aesthetic of the device which they do not - the utility of of devices like the Pi and other such devices means the emulator crowd can just more or less plug and play into their TV. It is the hardware purists who flip their shit over modding precisely because they are the only ones who give a fuck that hardware be preserved as it was when it left the factory. Plus so what? Reeeing about other people enjoying themselves and doing with their property as they see fit doesn't harm you unless you are actually autistic and think a change to something you like is a personal attack.

>> No.8709471


Daily reminder that if you don't emulate, you're retarded and are wasting your time and money.

>> No.8710078

I'd say it's more of a leap of logic to assume that zooman nature magically changed. Even more of a leap of logic to imagine emufags don't care about the original aesthetic of the device when they 3D print revolting replica cases for their memeberries, obsess over CRT filters for their emulators, and pay stupid prices to emulate on devices that use original media. Sounds very much to me like "the emulation crowd" is you and you're trying desperately to convince people you don't care. Because maybe if you convince enough you'll start to believe it yourself.

>> No.8710136

I don't really have a horse in the race with console fags but I get the hardware purists ideal and use era and generation appropriate cpus/gpus in my retro computers but that's my limit. I'm using 90+ psus, floppy emulators, ssds, and modern combo dvd/cd drives. Mainly for reliability reasons.
>just emulate/dosbox
id rather use and play around with real hardware, I just dont want to mess around with exploding drives, corrupted floppies and fire hazard power supplies anymore.

>> No.8710184

What am I looking at here

>> No.8710595

Left looks way better you soi filled bitch

>> No.8710823

Lets say you are 100% correct for the sake of this discussion - why does it matter? So far that is the crux of it and you have no really answered it.

>> No.8710907

because we can

>> No.8710916

Doesn't hurt either, costs pennies to do so. Rather overkill than nothing, this shit isn't being fabbed anymore and I'd rather have original hardware than modern replacements.

>> No.8710923

lmao the seething in this reply shows that you are the faggot trying to recreate his childhood. You get mad at someone desecrating your mass produced holy artifact

>> No.8711275

>you haven't answered the question i didn't ask
Well there's yer problem. And only you can answer it. Maybe you don't recall how this started? One anon said emufags can't wrap their heads around people enjoying fucking with hardware. You replied that they don't care, which is objectively wrong. So you need to ask yourself why it matters to you that people believe it doesn't matter to you.

>> No.8711353

Imagine being a 30+ year old female (male) and being booty blasted over what people do with their anachronistic children's toys on a Laotian skin-whitening forum

>> No.8711378

>using a CRT shader
There goes what little credibility you had.

>> No.8712593

Because OP is obviously a /v/edditor, if usage of /v/eddit lingo didn't immediately give it away to you.